blob: 90c4260e8a45d42b42eff874e89f64e885ad9a1b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
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* limitations under the License.
#include "src/trace_processor/storage_table.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
StorageTable::StorageTable() = default;
StorageTable::~StorageTable() = default;
base::Optional<Table::Schema> StorageTable::Init(int, const char* const*) {
schema_ = CreateStorageSchema();
return schema_.ToTableSchema();
StorageTable::CreateBestRowIteratorForGenericSchema(uint32_t size,
const QueryConstraints& qc,
sqlite3_value** argv) {
const auto& cs = qc.constraints();
auto obs = RemoveRedundantOrderBy(cs, qc.order_by());
// Figure out whether the data is already ordered and which order we should
// traverse the data.
bool is_ordered, is_desc = false;
std::tie(is_ordered, is_desc) = IsOrdered(obs);
// Create the range iterator and if we are sorted, just return it.
auto index = CreateRangeIterator(size, cs, argv);
if (is_ordered)
return index.ToRowIterator(is_desc);
// Otherwise, create the sorted vector of indices and create the vector
// iterator.
return std::unique_ptr<VectorRowIterator>(
new VectorRowIterator(CreateSortedIndexVector(std::move(index), obs)));
FilteredRowIndex StorageTable::CreateRangeIterator(
uint32_t size,
const std::vector<QueryConstraints::Constraint>& cs,
sqlite3_value** argv) {
// Try and bound the search space to the smallest possible index region and
// store any leftover constraints to filter using bitvector.
uint32_t min_idx = 0;
uint32_t max_idx = size;
std::vector<size_t> bitvector_cs;
for (size_t i = 0; i < cs.size(); i++) {
const auto& c = cs[i];
size_t column = static_cast<size_t>(c.iColumn);
auto bounds = schema_.GetColumn(column).BoundFilter(c.op, argv[i]);
min_idx = std::max(min_idx, bounds.min_idx);
max_idx = std::min(max_idx, bounds.max_idx);
// If the lower bound is higher than the upper bound, return a zero-sized
// range iterator.
if (min_idx >= max_idx)
return FilteredRowIndex(min_idx, min_idx);
if (!bounds.consumed)
// Create an filter index and allow each of the columns filter on it.
FilteredRowIndex index(min_idx, max_idx);
for (const auto& c_idx : bitvector_cs) {
const auto& c = cs[c_idx];
auto* value = argv[c_idx];
const auto& schema_col = schema_.GetColumn(static_cast<size_t>(c.iColumn));
schema_col.Filter(c.op, value, &index);
return index;
std::pair<bool, bool> StorageTable::IsOrdered(
const std::vector<QueryConstraints::OrderBy>& obs) {
if (obs.size() == 0)
return std::make_pair(true, false);
if (obs.size() != 1)
return std::make_pair(false, false);
const auto& ob = obs[0];
auto col = static_cast<size_t>(ob.iColumn);
return std::make_pair(schema_.GetColumn(col).IsNaturallyOrdered(), ob.desc);
std::vector<QueryConstraints::OrderBy> StorageTable::RemoveRedundantOrderBy(
const std::vector<QueryConstraints::Constraint>& cs,
const std::vector<QueryConstraints::OrderBy>& obs) {
std::vector<QueryConstraints::OrderBy> filtered;
std::set<int> equality_cols;
for (const auto& c : cs) {
if (sqlite_utils::IsOpEq(c.op))
for (const auto& o : obs) {
if (equality_cols.count(o.iColumn) > 0)
return filtered;
std::vector<uint32_t> StorageTable::CreateSortedIndexVector(
FilteredRowIndex index,
const std::vector<QueryConstraints::OrderBy>& obs) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(obs.size() > 0);
// Retrieve the index created above from the index.
std::vector<uint32_t> sorted_rows = index.ToRowVector();
std::vector<StorageColumn::Comparator> comparators;
for (const auto& ob : obs) {
auto col = static_cast<size_t>(ob.iColumn);
auto comparator = [&comparators](uint32_t f, uint32_t s) {
for (const auto& comp : comparators) {
int c = comp(f, s);
if (c != 0)
return c < 0;
return false;
std::sort(sorted_rows.begin(), sorted_rows.end(), comparator);
return sorted_rows;
StorageTable::Cursor::Cursor(std::unique_ptr<RowIterator> iterator,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<StorageColumn>>* cols)
: iterator_(std::move(iterator)), columns_(std::move(cols)) {}
int StorageTable::Cursor::Next() {
return SQLITE_OK;
int StorageTable::Cursor::Eof() {
return iterator_->IsEnd();
int StorageTable::Cursor::Column(sqlite3_context* context, int raw_col) {
size_t column = static_cast<size_t>(raw_col);
(*columns_)[column]->ReportResult(context, iterator_->Row());
return SQLITE_OK;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto