blob: 42b500df210f70674c9efbe9b9e4af9af1020b15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import m from 'mithril';
import {Brand} from '../../../base/brand';
import {Time} from '../../../base/time';
import {exists} from '../../../base/utils';
import {raf} from '../../../core/raf_scheduler';
import {EngineProxy} from '../../../public';
import {Row, SqlValue} from '../../../trace_processor/query_result';
import {Anchor} from '../../../widgets/anchor';
import {renderError} from '../../../widgets/error';
import {SqlRef} from '../../../widgets/sql_ref';
import {Tree, TreeNode} from '../../../widgets/tree';
import {hasArgs, renderArguments} from '../../slice_args';
import {asArgSetId} from '../../sql_types';
import {sqlValueToString} from '../../sql_utils';
import {DurationWidget} from '../../widgets/duration';
import {Timestamp as TimestampWidget} from '../../widgets/timestamp';
import {Arg, getArgs} from '../args';
// This file contains the helper to render the details tree (based on Tree
// widget) for an object represented by a SQL row in some table. The user passes
// a typed schema of the tree and this impl handles fetching and rendering.
// The following types are supported:
// Containers:
// - dictionary (keys should be strings)
// - array
// Primitive values:
// - number, string, timestamp, duration, interval and thread interval.
// - id into another sql table.
// - arg set id.
// For each primitive value, the user should specify a SQL expression (usually
// just the column name). Each primitive value can be auto-skipped if the
// underlying SQL value is null (skipIfNull). Each container can be auto-skipped
// if empty (skipIfEmpty).
// Example of a schema:
// {
// 'Navigation ID': 'navigation_id',
// 'beforeunload': SqlIdRef({
// source: 'beforeunload_slice_id',
// table: '',
// }),
// 'initiator_origin': String({
// source: 'initiator_origin',
// skipIfNull: true,
// }),
// 'committed_render_frame_host': {
// 'Process ID' : 'committed_render_frame_host_process_id',
// 'RFH ID': 'committed_render_frame_host_rfh_id',
// },
// 'initial_render_frame_host': Dict({
// data: {
// 'Process ID': 'committed_render_frame_host_process_id',
// 'RFH ID': 'committed_render_frame_host_rfh_id',
// },
// preview: 'printf("id=%d:%d")', committed_render_frame_host_process_id,
// committed_render_frame_host_rfh_id)', skipIfEmpty: true,
// })
// }
// === Public API surface ===
export namespace DetailsSchema {
// Create a dictionary object for the schema.
export function Dict(
args: {data: {[key: string]: ValueDesc}} & ContainerParams,
): DictSchema {
return new DictSchema(, {
skipIfEmpty: args.skipIfEmpty,
// Create an array object for the schema.
export function Arr(
args: {data: ValueDesc[]} & ContainerParams,
): ArraySchema {
return new ArraySchema(, {
skipIfEmpty: args.skipIfEmpty,
// Create an object representing a timestamp for the schema.
// |ts| — SQL expression (e.g. column name) for the timestamp.
export function Timestamp(
ts: string,
args?: ScalarValueParams,
): ScalarValueSchema {
return new ScalarValueSchema('timestamp', ts, args);
// Create an object representing a duration for the schema.
// |dur| — SQL expression (e.g. column name) for the duration.
export function Duration(
dur: string,
args?: ScalarValueParams,
): ScalarValueSchema {
return new ScalarValueSchema('duration', dur, args);
// Create an object representing a time interval (timestamp + duration)
// for the schema.
// |ts|, |dur| - SQL expressions (e.g. column names) for the timestamp
// and duration.
export function Interval(
ts: string,
dur: string,
args?: ScalarValueParams,
): IntervalSchema {
return new IntervalSchema(ts, dur, args);
// Create an object representing a combination of time interval and thread for
// the schema.
// |ts|, |dur|, |utid| - SQL expressions (e.g. column names) for the
// timestamp, duration and unique thread id.
export function ThreadInterval(
ts: string,
dur: string,
utid: string,
args?: ScalarValueParams,
): ThreadIntervalSchema {
return new ThreadIntervalSchema(ts, dur, utid, args);
// Create an object representing a reference to an arg set for the schema.
// |argSetId| - SQL expression (e.g. column name) for the arg set id.
export function ArgSetId(
argSetId: string,
args?: ScalarValueParams,
): ScalarValueSchema {
return new ScalarValueSchema('arg_set_id', argSetId, args);
// Create an object representing a SQL value for the schema.
// |value| - SQL expression (e.g. column name) for the value.
export function Value(
value: string,
args?: ScalarValueParams,
): ScalarValueSchema {
return new ScalarValueSchema('value', value, args);
// Create an object representing string-rendered-as-url for the schema.
// |value| - SQL expression (e.g. column name) for the value.
export function URLValue(
value: string,
args?: ScalarValueParams,
): ScalarValueSchema {
return new ScalarValueSchema('url', value, args);
// Create an object representing a reference to a SQL table row in the schema.
// |table| - name of the table.
// |id| - SQL expression (e.g. column name) for the id.
export function SqlIdRef(
table: string,
id: string,
args?: ScalarValueParams,
): SqlIdRefSchema {
return new SqlIdRefSchema(table, id, args);
} // namespace DetailsSchema
// Params which apply to scalar values (i.e. all non-dicts and non-arrays).
type ScalarValueParams = {
skipIfNull?: boolean;
// Params which apply to containers (dicts and arrays).
type ContainerParams = {
skipIfEmpty?: boolean;
// Definition of a node in the schema.
export type ValueDesc =
| DictSchema
| ArraySchema
| ScalarValueSchema
| IntervalSchema
| ThreadIntervalSchema
| SqlIdRefSchema
| string
| ValueDesc[]
| {[key: string]: ValueDesc};
// Class responsible for fetching the data and rendering the data.
export class Details {
private engine: EngineProxy,
private sqlTable: string,
private id: number,
schema: {[key: string]: ValueDesc},
sqlIdTypesRenderers: {[key: string]: SqlIdRefRenderer} = {},
) {
this.dataController = new DataController(
this.resolvedSchema = {
kind: 'dict',
data: Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(schema).map(([key, value]) => [
resolve(value, this.dataController),
isLoading() {
return === undefined;
render(): m.Children {
if ( === undefined) {
return m('h2', 'Loading');
const nodes = [];
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries( {
m(TreeNode, {
left: 'SQL ID',
right: m(SqlRef, {
table: this.sqlTable,
return m(Tree, nodes);
private dataController: DataController;
private resolvedSchema: ResolvedDict;
// Type corresponding to a value which can be rendered as a part of the tree:
// basically, it's TreeNode component without its left part.
export type RenderedValue = {
// The value that should be rendered as the right part of the corresponding
// TreeNode.
value: m.Children;
// Values that should be rendered as the children of the corresponding
// TreeNode.
children?: m.Children;
// Type describing how render an id into a given table, split into
// async `fetch` step for fetching data and sync `render` step for generating
// the vdom.
export type SqlIdRefRenderer = {
fetch: (engine: EngineProxy, id: bigint) => Promise<{} | undefined>;
render: (data: {}) => RenderedValue;
// Type-safe helper to create a SqlIdRefRenderer, which ensures that the
// type returned from the fetch is the same type that renderer takes.
export function createSqlIdRefRenderer<Data extends {}>(
fetch: (engine: EngineProxy, id: bigint) => Promise<Data>,
render: (data: Data) => RenderedValue,
): SqlIdRefRenderer {
return {fetch, render: render as (data: {}) => RenderedValue};
// === Impl details ===
// Resolved index into the list of columns / expression to fetch.
type ExpressionIndex = Brand<number, 'expression_index'>;
// Arg sets and SQL references require a separate query to fetch the data and
// therefore are tracked separately.
type ArgSetIndex = Brand<number, 'arg_set_id_index'>;
type SqlIdRefIndex = Brand<number, 'sql_id_ref'>;
// Description is passed by the user and then the data is resolved into
// "resolved" versions of the types. Description focuses on the end-user
// ergonomics, while "Resolved" optimises for internal processing.
// Description of a dict in the schema.
class DictSchema {
public data: {[key: string]: ValueDesc},
public params?: ContainerParams,
) {}
// Resolved version of a dict.
type ResolvedDict = {
kind: 'dict';
data: {[key: string]: ResolvedValue};
} & ContainerParams;
// Description of an array in the schema.
class ArraySchema {
constructor(public data: ValueDesc[], public params?: ContainerParams) {}
// Resolved version of an array.
type ResolvedArray = {
kind: 'array';
data: ResolvedValue[];
} & ContainerParams;
// Schema for all simple scalar values (ones that need to fetch only one value
// from SQL).
class ScalarValueSchema {
public kind: 'timestamp' | 'duration' | 'arg_set_id' | 'value' | 'url',
public sourceExpression: string,
public params?: ScalarValueParams,
) {}
// Resolved version of simple scalar values.
type ResolvedScalarValue = {
kind: 'timestamp' | 'duration' | 'value' | 'url';
source: ExpressionIndex;
} & ScalarValueParams;
// Resolved version of arg set.
type ResolvedArgSet = {
kind: 'arg_set_id';
source: ArgSetIndex;
} & ScalarValueParams;
// Schema for a time interval (ts, dur pair).
class IntervalSchema {
public ts: string,
public dur: string,
public params?: ScalarValueParams,
) {}
// Resolved version of a time interval.
type ResolvedInterval = {
kind: 'interval';
ts: ExpressionIndex;
dur: ExpressionIndex;
} & ScalarValueParams;
// Schema for a time interval for a given thread (ts, dur, utid triple).
class ThreadIntervalSchema {
public ts: string,
public dur: string,
public utid: string,
public params?: ScalarValueParams,
) {}
// Resolved version of a time interval for a given thread.
type ResolvedThreadInterval = {
kind: 'thread_interval';
ts: ExpressionIndex;
dur: ExpressionIndex;
utid: ExpressionIndex;
} & ScalarValueParams;
// Schema for a reference to a SQL table row.
class SqlIdRefSchema {
public table: string,
public id: string,
public params?: ScalarValueParams,
) {}
type ResolvedSqlIdRef = {
kind: 'sql_id_ref';
ref: SqlIdRefIndex;
} & ScalarValueParams;
type ResolvedValue =
| ResolvedDict
| ResolvedArray
| ResolvedScalarValue
| ResolvedArgSet
| ResolvedInterval
| ResolvedThreadInterval
| ResolvedSqlIdRef;
// Helper class to store the error messages while fetching the data.
class Err {
constructor(public message: string) {}
// Fetched data from SQL which is needed to render object according to the given
// schema.
interface Data {
// Source of the expressions that were fetched.
valueExpressions: string[];
// Fetched values.
values: SqlValue[];
// Source statements for the arg sets.
argSetExpressions: string[];
// Fetched arg sets.
argSets: (Arg[] | Err)[];
// Source statements for the SQL references.
sqlIdRefs: {tableName: string; idExpression: string}[];
// Fetched data for the SQL references.
sqlIdRefData: ({data: {}; id: bigint} | Err)[];
// Class responsible for collecting the description of the data to fetch and
// fetching it.
class DataController {
// List of expressions to fetch. Resolved values will have indexes into this
// list.
expressions: string[] = [];
// List of arg sets to fetch. Arg set ids are fetched first (together with
// other scalar values as a part of the `expressions` list) and then the arg
// sets themselves are fetched.
argSets: ExpressionIndex[] = [];
// List of SQL references to fetch. SQL reference ids are fetched first
// (together with other scalar values as a part of the `expressions` list) and
// then the SQL references themselves are fetched.
sqlIdRefs: {id: ExpressionIndex; tableName: string}[] = [];
// Fetched data.
data?: Data;
private engine: EngineProxy,
private sqlTable: string,
private id: number,
public sqlIdRefRenderers: {[table: string]: SqlIdRefRenderer},
) {}
// Fetch the data. `expressions` and other lists must be populated first by
// resolving the schema.
async fetch() {
const data: Data = {
valueExpressions: this.expressions,
values: [],
argSetExpressions: => this.expressions[index]),
argSets: [],
sqlIdRefs: => ({
tableName: ref.tableName,
idExpression: this.expressions[],
sqlIdRefData: [],
// Helper to generate the labels for the expressions.
const label = (index: number) => `col_${index}`;
// Fetch the scalar values for the basic expressions.
const row: Row = (
await this.engine.query(`
.map((value, index) => `${value} as ${label(index)}`)
FROM ${this.sqlTable}
WHERE id = ${}
for (let i = 0; i < this.expressions.length; ++i) {
// Fetch the arg sets based on the fetched arg set ids.
for (const argSetIndex of this.argSets) {
const argSetId = data.values[argSetIndex];
if (argSetId === null) {
} else if (typeof argSetId !== 'number') {
new Err(
`Incorrect type for arg set ${
}: expected a number, got ${typeof argSetId} instead}`,
} else {
data.argSets.push(await getArgs(this.engine, asArgSetId(argSetId)));
// Fetch the data for SQL references based on fetched ids.
for (const ref of this.sqlIdRefs) {
const renderer = this.sqlIdRefRenderers[ref.tableName];
if (renderer === undefined) {
data.sqlIdRefData.push(new Err(`Unknown table ${ref.tableName}`));
const id = data.values[];
if (typeof id !== 'bigint') {
new Err(
`Incorrect type for SQL reference ${
}: expected a bigint, got ${typeof id} instead}`,
const refData = await renderer.fetch(this.engine, id);
if (refData === undefined) {
new Err(
`Failed to fetch the data with id ${id} for table ${ref.tableName}`,
data.sqlIdRefData.push({data: refData, id});
} = data;
// Add a given expression to the list of expressions to fetch and return its
// index.
addExpression(expr: string): ExpressionIndex {
const result = this.expressions.length;
return result as ExpressionIndex;
// Add a given arg set to the list of arg sets to fetch and return its index.
addArgSet(expr: string): ArgSetIndex {
const result = this.argSets.length;
return result as ArgSetIndex;
// Add a given SQL reference to the list of SQL references to fetch and return
// its index.
addSqlIdRef(tableName: string, idExpr: string): SqlIdRefIndex {
const result = this.sqlIdRefs.length;
id: this.addExpression(idExpr),
return result as SqlIdRefIndex;
// Resolve a given schema into a resolved version, normalising the schema and
// computing the list of data to fetch.
function resolve(schema: ValueDesc, data: DataController): ResolvedValue {
if (typeof schema === 'string') {
return {
kind: 'value',
source: data.addExpression(schema),
if (Array.isArray(schema)) {
return {
kind: 'array',
data: => resolve(x, data)),
if (schema instanceof ArraySchema) {
return {
kind: 'array',
data: => resolve(x, data)),
if (schema instanceof ScalarValueSchema) {
if (schema.kind === 'arg_set_id') {
return {
kind: schema.kind,
source: data.addArgSet(schema.sourceExpression),
} else {
return {
kind: schema.kind,
source: data.addExpression(schema.sourceExpression),
if (schema instanceof IntervalSchema) {
return {
kind: 'interval',
ts: data.addExpression(schema.ts),
dur: data.addExpression(schema.dur),
if (schema instanceof ThreadIntervalSchema) {
return {
kind: 'thread_interval',
ts: data.addExpression(schema.ts),
dur: data.addExpression(schema.dur),
utid: data.addExpression(schema.utid),
if (schema instanceof SqlIdRefSchema) {
return {
kind: 'sql_id_ref',
ref: data.addSqlIdRef(schema.table,,
if (schema instanceof DictSchema) {
return {
kind: 'dict',
data: Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries([key, value]) => [
resolve(value, data),
return {
kind: 'dict',
data: Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries(schema).map(([key, value]) => [key, resolve(value, data)]),
// Generate the vdom for a given value using the fetched `data`.
function renderValue(
engine: EngineProxy,
key: string,
value: ResolvedValue,
data: Data,
sqlIdRefRenderers: {[table: string]: SqlIdRefRenderer},
): m.Children {
switch (value.kind) {
case 'value':
if (data.values[value.source] === null && value.skipIfNull) return null;
return m(TreeNode, {
left: key,
right: sqlValueToString(data.values[value.source]),
case 'url': {
const url = data.values[value.source];
let rhs: m.Child;
if (url === null) {
if (value.skipIfNull) return null;
rhs = m('i', 'NULL');
} else if (typeof url !== 'string') {
rhs = renderError(
`Incorrect type for URL ${
}: expected string, got ${typeof url}`,
} else {
rhs = m(
{href: url, target: '_blank', icon: 'open_in_new'},
return m(TreeNode, {
left: key,
right: rhs,
case 'timestamp': {
const ts = data.values[value.source];
let rhs: m.Child;
if (ts === null) {
if (value.skipIfNull) return null;
rhs = m('i', 'NULL');
} else if (typeof ts !== 'bigint') {
rhs = renderError(
`Incorrect type for timestamp ${
}: expected bigint, got ${typeof ts}`,
} else {
rhs = m(TimestampWidget, {
ts: Time.fromRaw(ts),
return m(TreeNode, {
left: key,
right: rhs,
case 'duration': {
const dur = data.values[value.source];
return m(TreeNode, {
left: key,
typeof dur === 'bigint' &&
m(DurationWidget, {
case 'interval':
case 'thread_interval': {
const dur = data.values[value.dur];
return m(TreeNode, {
left: key,
typeof dur === 'bigint' &&
m(DurationWidget, {
case 'sql_id_ref':
const ref = data.sqlIdRefs[value.ref];
const refData = data.sqlIdRefData[value.ref];
let rhs: m.Children;
let children: m.Children;
if (refData instanceof Err) {
rhs = renderError(refData.message);
} else {
const renderer = sqlIdRefRenderers[ref.tableName];
if (renderer === undefined) {
rhs = renderError(
`Unknown table ${ref.tableName} (${ref.tableName}[${}])`,
} else {
const rendered = renderer.render(;
rhs = rendered.value;
children = rendered.children;
return m(
left: key,
right: rhs,
case 'arg_set_id':
const args = data.argSets[value.source];
if (args instanceof Err) {
return renderError(args.message);
return (
hasArgs(args) &&
left: key,
renderArguments(engine, args),
case 'array': {
const children: m.Children[] = [];
for (const child of {
const renderedChild = renderValue(
if (exists(renderedChild)) {
if (children.length === 0 && value.skipIfEmpty) {
return null;
return m(
left: key,
case 'dict': {
const children: m.Children[] = [];
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries( {
const child = renderValue(engine, key, val, data, sqlIdRefRenderers);
if (exists(child)) {
if (children.length === 0 && value.skipIfEmpty) {
return null;
return m(
left: key,