blob: 66c8564e07c7feeffa80fc840106ed1409545597 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/base/status.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/optional.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/small_vector.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/iterator.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/bit_vector.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/row_map.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/string_pool.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/db/table.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
// Implementation of a "SQL view" on top of trace processor
// columnar tables.
// Supported operations are:
// 1) joining tables together by id
// 2) exporting columns with different names
// Note: unlike traditional SQL views, this class does *not*
// allow arbitrary joins. Instead, it only supports joins between
// tables on ids and only supports a single constraint per table.
// Concretely, suppose you have two tables A and B with A having
// a column named b_id containing references to rows in B. This
// class allows defining a view AB which contains the rows of A,
// transparently extended with the columns from B.
// We implement this specially in trace processor instead of doing
// this in SQL for a few reasons:
// 1) The views we write using this class are used in highly
// performance sensitive contexts so avoiding the "virtual table"
// overhead from SQLite makes a meaningful difference.
// 2) In trace processor, we have more knowledge of the semantics
// of tables (i.e. ids are unique, sorted and non-null). While
// we can expose knowledge of some of this context of SQLite,
// it will never do as good a job of ordering joins as we can
// do ourselves.
// 3) By looking at which columns are used, we can potentially skip
// filtering/sorting some tables in the join which can massively
// speed up queries. Because SQLite lacks the semantic knowledge
// (see 2), it refuses to skip any join as rows could potentially
// be filtered out (even though, we know they wouldn't be).
// Design doc: go/perfetto-cpp-views
class View {
// Bitflags which can be set to modify how joins between tables are
// performed. Multiple flags can be set by bitwise-oring them together.
enum JoinFlag : uint32_t {
// Flag to be specified if the join has no special properties. That is
// the join is standard inner join.
kNoFlag = 0,
// Indicates that the right hand side of the join is for a column containing
// strongly typed ids but the left side only contains serialized uint32_t.
// This means both sides will be type-checked based on serialized types
// rather than actual column types.
// This flag is not utilized by this class but any wrapping logic (e.g. the
// view macros) can make use of this to have very strict type checking
// except where this flag is specified.
// The motivation for this flag comes from thread/process table where we
// use uint32_t as ids for these tables: this is because this was standard
// convention before typechecked tables which we didn't change because it
// was a) too much effort to change b) made the code messier (as UniqueTid
// and UniquePid are used as indices into vectors in several places in trace
// processor).
kTypeCheckSerialized = 1 << 0,
// Indicates that the right table's id column will contain every potential
// id which can appear in the left table.
// As a rule of thumb, this flag can be specified whenever the right table
// is a "root" table; it's possible that there are other cases but this
// would need case-by-case consideration.
kIdAlwaysPresent = 1 << 0,
// References a new table which should be introduced into the view by joining
// it with an existing table.
// Note that all |const char*| varaibles below should be long lived string
// literals (generally coming from macro defintions).
struct JoinTable {
// The table which is being joined into this view. This table will be
// on the RHS of the join.
Table* table;
// The name of this table; only used to allow referencing this table in
// later |Join| structs.
const char* table_name;
// The name of the id column |table|.
// Note: in practice this will always be "id" but we allow specifiying it
// to allow generality.
const char* col;
// A table previously introduced into this view which will act as the LHS of
// the join.
const char* prev_table_name;
// The name of the column in the table given by |prev_table_name| which will
// contain ids for |table|.
const char* prev_col;
// Set of bitwise-ORed flags modifying how the join should be perfomed. See
// |JoinFlag| enum for potential flags.
uint32_t join_flags;
// Stores information about an output column for this view.
struct OutputColumn {
// The name of the column being exposed.
const char* col_name;
// The name of the source table this column comes from.
const char* source_table_name;
// The name of the column in the source table.
const char* source_col_name;
View(const View&) noexcept = delete;
View& operator=(const View&) = delete;
View(View&&) noexcept = default;
View& operator=(View&&) = default;
virtual ~View();
// Creates a new View from the given parameters.
base::Status Create(Table* root_table,
const char* root_table_name,
std::initializer_list<JoinTable> joins,
std::initializer_list<OutputColumn> columns,
View* view);
Table Query(const std::vector<Constraint>& cs,
const std::vector<Order>& ob,
const BitVector& cols_used) const;
uint32_t GetColumnCount() const;
uint32_t EstimateRowCount() const;
const Table::Schema& schema() const { return schema_; }
// Constructor variant of Create, exposed for subclasses; any errors will
// simply be PERFETTO_FATAL-ed.
View(Table* root_table,
const char* root_table_name,
std::initializer_list<JoinTable> joins,
std::initializer_list<OutputColumn> columns);
// The tables participating in a view laid out in a tree structure.
// The parent represents the LHS of the join with each child being a separate
// table being joined on the RHS of the join. This structure allows enforces,
// at the type-system level, that each joined table has preceisely one join
// condition.
// Note, however, that the same table pointer *can* appear multiple times in
// different parts of the tree but only when the "name" of the table is also
// different (by having a different name we can disambiguate which column we
// need to choose when constructing the final output table).
struct TableNode {
/// The table for the root of this tree.
// For all except the root node, this table will always be on the right side
// of the join for its parent and the left side of the join for any nodes in
// |children|.
Table* table;
// The index of the id column in |table|.
// In practice, this will always be zero (as id columns are implicitly the
// first column) but having this allows flexibility for the future.
base::Optional<uint32_t> join_col_idx;
// The index of the column in the parent table which is selecting the rows
// in |table|.
base::Optional<uint32_t> parent_join_col_idx;
// Set of bitwise-ORed flags modifying how the join should be perfomed. See
// |JoinFlag| struct for potential flags.
uint32_t join_flags;
// The child tables participating in the join.
using Children = base::SmallVector<std::unique_ptr<TableNode>, 4>;
Children children;
using SourceColumn = std::pair<const TableNode*, uint32_t /* column_idx */>;
// Helper class for performing the join algorithm.
// This is useful to split up the algorithm into functions without having to
// constantly pass the state data structures between functions.
class QueryHelper {
// Contains transient state about a single table which is used while
// querying a view.
struct NodeState {
// "Input" parameters.
// The following are set by BuildNodeStateMap and used in the other
// functions.
// The set of filter constraints on this table.
std::vector<Constraint> cs;
// Whether any column from this table is used by SQLite or if this table
// is an ancestor of such a table.
bool is_used;
// Whether joining this table with its parent can cause rows to be removed
// from the parent. This is true either if:
// 1) this table is filtered (i.e. |cs| is not empty).
// 2) this table does not have every id (i.e. it's not a root table)
// 3) this table is an ancestor of a table which |removes_parent_rows|.
bool removes_parent_rows;
// "Output" parameters.
// These are modified throughout every function and will be incrementally
// refined to the final until used to build the output table in
// |BuildTable|.
// The current output table. At the end of |FilterAndJoinRecursive|, this
// contains the table
Table output;
// The current RowMap which needs to be applied to |output| to accurately
// join with the parent. Built by |FilterAndJoinRecursive| and applied
// recursively downwards in |ApplyRowMapRecursive|
RowMap parent_join_rm;
using NodeStateMap = base::FlatHashMap<const TableNode*, NodeState>;
QueryHelper(TableNode* root_node,
const std::vector<SourceColumn>&,
const std::vector<Constraint>&,
const BitVector& cols_used);
// See definition of View::Query for information about these functions.
static NodeStateMap BuildNodeStateMap(TableNode* root_node,
const std::vector<SourceColumn>&,
const std::vector<Constraint>&,
const BitVector& cols_used);
void FilterAndJoinRecursive(TableNode* node);
void ApplyRowMapRecursive(TableNode* root) {
// To avoid the root node parent_rm emptying it, create a RowMap which
// will simply select all the rows.
auto& root_state = *state_.Find(root);
return ApplyRowMapRecursive(root,
RowMap(0, root_state.output.row_count()));
Table BuildTable(TableNode* root,
const Table::Schema& schema,
const std::vector<SourceColumn>&,
const BitVector& cols_used);
void ApplyRowMapRecursive(TableNode* node, RowMap rm);
NodeStateMap state_;
View(std::unique_ptr<TableNode> root,
Table::Schema schema);
// Implements a post-order DFS on the |TableNode| struct. Useful for
// compactly writing a tree traversal with a focus on what's happening.
template <typename Fn>
static void PostOrderDfs(TableNode* node, Fn fn) {
for (const auto& child : node->children) {
PostOrderDfs(child.get(), fn);
std::unique_ptr<TableNode> root_node_;
std::vector<SourceColumn> source_col_by_output_idx_;
Table::Schema schema_;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto