blob: 07b684327f125761cfa470c042a055c07353d921 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Enforce import rules for
import sys
import os
import re
import collections
import argparse
import fnmatch
ROOT_DIR = os.path.dirname(
UI_SRC_DIR = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'ui', 'src')
NODE_MODULES = '%node_modules%' # placeholder to depend on any node module.
# The format of this array is: (src) -> (dst).
# If src or dst are arrays, the semantic is the cartesian product, e.g.:
# [a,b] -> [c,d] is equivalent to allowing a>c, a>d, b>c, b>d.
# Everything can depend on base/, protos and NPM packages.
('*', ['/base/*', '/protos/index', '/gen/perfetto_version', NODE_MODULES]),
# Integration tests can depend on everything.
('/test/*', '*'),
# Dependencies allowed for internal UI code.
# /public (interfaces + lib) can depend only on a restricted surface.
('/public/*', ['/base/*', '/trace_processor/*']),
# /public/lib can also depend on the plublic interface and widgets.
('/public/lib/*', ['/public/*', '/frontend/widgets/*', '/widgets/*']),
# /plugins (and core_plugins) can depend only on a restricted surface.
# Extra dependencies allowed for core_plugins only.
# TODO(priniano): remove this entry to figure out what it takes to move the
# remaining /core_plugins to /plugins and get rid of core_plugins.
['/core/*', '/frontend/*', '/common/actions'],
# Miscl legitimate deps.
('/frontend/index', ['/gen/*']),
('/traceconv/index', '/gen/traceconv'),
('/engine/wasm_bridge', '/gen/trace_processor'),
('/trace_processor/sql_utils/*', '/trace_processor/*'),
('/protos/index', '/gen/protos'),
# ------ Technical debt that needs cleaning up below this point ------
# TODO(primiano): this dependency for BaseSliceTrack & co needs to be moved
# to /public/lib or something similar.
('/*plugins/*', '/frontend/*track'),
# TODO(primiano): clean up generic_slice_details_tab.
('/*plugins/*', '/frontend/generic_slice_details_tab'),
# TODO(primiano): these dependencies require a discussion with stevegolton@.
# unclear if they should be moved to public/lib/* or be part of the
# {Base/Named/Slice}Track overhaul.
('/*plugins/*', [
# TODO(primiano): clean up dependencies on feature flags.
(['/public/lib/colorizer'], '/core/feature_flags'),
# TODO(primiano): Record page-related technical debt.
('/plugins/dev.perfetto.RecordTrace/*', '/frontend/globals'),
# TODO(primiano): query-table tech debt.
['/frontend/*', '/core/app_impl', '/core/router'],
# TODO(primiano): tracks tech debt.
('/public/lib/tracks/*', [
# TODO(stevegolton): It's too much effort to change all the callsites of
# Timestamp and Duration widgets in order to inject trace into them.
('/public/lib/widgets/*', [
# TODO(primiano): controller-related tech debt.
('/frontend/index', '/controller/*'),
('/controller/*', ['/base/*', '/core/*', '/common/*']),
# TODO(primiano): check this with stevegolton@. Unclear if widgets should
# be allowed to depend on trace_processor.
('/widgets/vega_view', '/trace_processor/*'),
# Bigtrace deps.
('/bigtrace/*', ['/base/*', '/widgets/*', '/trace_processor/*']),
# TODO(primiano): misc tech debt.
('/public/lib/extensions', '/frontend/*'),
('/bigtrace/index', ['/core/live_reload', '/core/raf_scheduler']),
('/plugins/dev.perfetto.HeapProfile/*', '/frontend/trace_converter'),
def all_source_files():
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(UI_SRC_DIR, followlinks=False):
for name in files:
if name.endswith('.ts') and not name.endswith('.d.ts'):
yield os.path.join(root, name)
def is_dir(path, cache={}):
return cache[path]
except KeyError:
result = cache[path] = os.path.isdir(path)
return result
def remove_prefix(s, prefix):
return s[len(prefix):] if s.startswith(prefix) else s
def remove_suffix(s, suffix):
return s[:-len(suffix)] if s.endswith(suffix) else s
def normalize_path(path):
return remove_suffix(remove_prefix(path, UI_SRC_DIR), '.ts')
def find_plugin_declared_deps(path):
"""Returns the set of deps declared by the plugin (if any)
It scans the plugin/index.ts file, and resolves the declared dependencies,
working out the path of the plugin we depend on (by looking at the imports).
Returns a tuple of the form (src_plugin_path, set{dst_plugin_path})
src_plugin_path: is the normalized path of the input (e.g. /plugins/foo)
dst_path: is the normalized path of the declared dependency.
src = normalize_path(path)
src_plugin = get_plugin_path(src)
if src_plugin is None or src != src_plugin + '/index':
# If the file is not a plugin, or is not the plugin index.ts, bail out.
# First extract all the default-imports in the file. Usually there is one for
# each imported plugin, of the form:
# import ThreadPlugin from '../plugins/dev.perfetto.Thread'
import_map = {} # 'ThreadPlugin' -> '/plugins/dev.perfetto.Thread'
for (src, target, default_import) in find_imports(path):
target_plugin = get_plugin_path(target)
if default_import is not None or target_plugin is not None:
import_map[default_import] = target_plugin
# Now extract the declared dependencies for the plugin. This looks for the
# statement 'static readonly dependencies = [ThreadPlugin]'. It can be broken
# down over multiple lines, so we approach this in two steps. First we find
# everything within the square brackets; then we remove spaces and \n and
# tokenize on commas
with open(path) as f:
s =
DEP_REGEX = r'^\s*static readonly dependencies\s*=\s*\[([^\]]*)\]'
all_deps = re.findall(DEP_REGEX, s, flags=re.MULTILINE)
if len(all_deps) == 0:
if len(all_deps) > 1:
raise Exception('Ambiguous plugin deps in %s: %s' % (path, all_deps))
declared_deps = re.sub('\s*', '', all_deps[0]).split(',')
for imported_as in declared_deps:
resolved_dep = import_map.get(imported_as)
if resolved_dep is None:
raise Exception('Could not resolve import %s in %s' % (imported_as, src))
yield (src_plugin, resolved_dep)
def find_imports(path):
src = normalize_path(path)
directory, _ = os.path.split(src)
with open(path) as f:
s =
for m in re.finditer(
"^import\s+([^;]+)\s+from\s+'([^']+)';$", s, flags=re.MULTILINE):
# Flatten multi-line imports into one line, removing spaces. The resulting
# import line can look like:
# '{foo,bar,baz}' in most cases
# 'DefaultImportName' when doing import DefaultImportName from '...'
# 'DefaultImportName,{foo,bar,bar}' when doing a mixture of the above.
imports = re.sub('\s', '', m[1])
default_import = (re.findall('^\w+', imports) + [None])[0]
# Normalize the imported file
target = m[2]
if target.startswith('.'):
target = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(directory, target))
if is_dir(UI_SRC_DIR + target):
target = os.path.join(target, 'index')
yield (src, target, default_import)
def path_to_id(path):
path = path.replace('/', '_')
path = path.replace('-', '_')
path = path.replace('@', '_at_')
path = path.replace('.', '_')
return path
def is_external_dep(path):
return not path.startswith('/')
def write_dot(graph, f):
print('digraph g {', file=f)
for node, edges in graph.items():
node_id = path_to_id(node)
shape = 'rectangle' if is_external_dep(node) else 'ellipse'
print(f'{node_id} [shape={shape}, label="{node}"];', file=f)
for edge in edges:
edge_id = path_to_id(edge)
print(f'{node_id} -> {edge_id};', file=f)
print('}', file=f)
def get_plugin_path(path):
m = re.match('^(/(?:core_)?plugins/([^/]+))/.*', path)
return if m is not None else None
def flatten_rules(rules):
flat_deps = []
for rule_src, rule_dst in rules:
src_list = rule_src if isinstance(rule_src, list) else [rule_src]
dst_list = rule_dst if isinstance(rule_dst, list) else [rule_dst]
for src in src_list:
for dst in dst_list:
flat_deps.append((src, dst))
return flat_deps
def get_node_modules(graph):
"""Infers the dependencies onto NPM packages (node_modules)
An import is guessed to be a node module if doesn't contain any . or .. in the
path, and optionally starts with @.
node_modules = set()
for _, imports in graph.items():
for dst in imports:
if re.match(r'^[@a-z][a-z0-9-_/]+$', dst):
return node_modules
def check_one_import(src, dst, allowlist, plugin_declared_deps, node_modules):
# Translate node_module deps into the wildcard '%node_modules%' so it can be
# treated as a single entity.
if dst in node_modules:
# Always allow imports from the same directory or its own subdirectories.
src_dir = '/'.join(src.split('/')[:-1])
dst_dir = '/'.join(dst.split('/')[:-1])
if dst_dir.startswith(src_dir):
return True
# Match against the (flattened) allowlist.
for rule_src, rule_dst in allowlist:
if fnmatch.fnmatch(src, rule_src) and fnmatch.fnmatch(dst, rule_dst):
return True
# Check inter-plugin deps.
src_plugin = get_plugin_path(src)
dst_plugin = get_plugin_path(dst)
extra_err = ''
if src_plugin is not None and dst_plugin is not None:
if src_plugin == dst_plugin:
# Allow a plugin to depends on arbitrary subdirectories of itself.
return True
# Check if there is a dependency declared by plugins, via
# static readonly dependencies = [DstPlugin]
declared_deps = plugin_declared_deps.get(src_plugin, set())
extra_err = '(plugin deps: %s)' % ','.join(declared_deps)
if dst_plugin in declared_deps:
return True
print('Import not allowed %s -> %s %s' % (src, dst, extra_err))
return False
def do_check(_options, graph):
result = 0
rules = flatten_rules(DEPS_ALLOWLIST)
node_modules = get_node_modules(graph)
# Build a map of depencies declared between plugin. The maps looks like:
# 'Foo' -> {'Bar', 'Baz'} # Foo declares a dependency on Bar and Baz
plugin_declared_deps = collections.defaultdict(set)
for path in all_source_files():
for src_plugin, dst_plugin in find_plugin_declared_deps(path):
for src, imports in graph.items():
for dst in imports:
if not check_one_import(src, dst, rules, plugin_declared_deps,
result = 1
return result
def do_desc(options, graph):
for rule in flatten_rules(DEPS_ALLOWLIST):
print(' - %s' % rule)
def do_print(options, graph):
for node, edges in graph.items():
for edge in edges:
print("{}\t{}".format(node, edge))
def do_dot(options, graph):
def simplify(path):
if is_external_dep(path):
return path
return os.path.dirname(path)
new_graph = collections.defaultdict(set)
for node, edges in graph.items():
for edge in edges:
graph = new_graph
if options.ignore_external:
new_graph = collections.defaultdict(set)
for node, edges in graph.items():
if is_external_dep(node):
for edge in edges:
if is_external_dep(edge):
graph = new_graph
write_dot(graph, sys.stdout)
return 0
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers()
check_command = subparsers.add_parser(
'check', help='Check the rules (default)')
desc_command = subparsers.add_parser('desc', help='Print the rules')
print_command = subparsers.add_parser('print', help='Print all imports')
dot_command = subparsers.add_parser(
help='Output dependency graph in dot format suitble for use in ' +
'graphviz (e.g. ./tools/check_imports dot | dot -Tpng -ograph.png)')
help='Don\'t show external dependencies',
# This is a general import graph of the form /plugins/foo/index -> /base/hash
graph = collections.defaultdict(set)
# Build the dep graph
for path in all_source_files():
for src, target, _ in find_imports(path):
options = parser.parse_args()
return options.func(options, graph)
if __name__ == '__main__':