blob: 63eeb30d03f467f1e13925dbf0561c864079412c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import m from 'mithril';
import {Hotkey} from '../base/hotkeys';
import {TimeSpan, duration, time} from '../base/time';
import {Migrate, Store} from '../base/store';
import {ColorScheme} from '../core/colorizer';
import {Engine} from '../trace_processor/engine';
import {PromptOption} from '../frontend/omnibox_manager';
import {LegacyDetailsPanel, TrackDescriptor} from './tracks';
import {TraceContext} from '../frontend/trace_context';
import {Workspace} from './workspace';
export {Engine} from '../trace_processor/engine';
export {
} from '../trace_processor/query_result';
export {BottomTabToSCSAdapter} from './utils';
export {createStore, Migrate, Store} from '../base/store';
export {PromptOption} from '../frontend/omnibox_manager';
export {addDebugSliceTrack} from '../frontend/debug_tracks/debug_tracks';
export * from '../core/track_kinds';
export {
} from './tracks';
export interface Slice {
// These properties are updated only once per query result when the Slice
// object is created and don't change afterwards.
readonly id: number;
readonly startNs: time;
readonly endNs: time;
readonly durNs: duration;
readonly ts: time;
readonly dur: duration;
readonly depth: number;
readonly flags: number;
// Each slice can represent some extra numerical information by rendering a
// portion of the slice with a lighter tint.
// |fillRatio\ describes the ratio of the normal area to the tinted area
// width of the slice, normalized between 0.0 -> 1.0.
// 0.0 means the whole slice is tinted.
// 1.0 means none of the slice is tinted.
// E.g. If |fillRatio| = 0.65 the slice will be rendered like this:
// [############|*******]
// ^------------^-------^
// Normal Light
readonly fillRatio: number;
// These can be changed by the Impl.
title: string;
subTitle: string;
colorScheme: ColorScheme;
isHighlighted: boolean;
export interface Command {
// A unique id for this command.
id: string;
// A human-friendly name for this command.
name: string;
// Callback is called when the command is invoked.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
callback: (...args: any[]) => any;
// Default hotkey for this command.
// Note: this is just the default and may be changed by the user.
// Examples:
// - 'P'
// - 'Shift+P'
// - '!Mod+Shift+P'
// See hotkeys.ts for guidance on hotkey syntax.
defaultHotkey?: Hotkey;
export interface MetricVisualisation {
// The name of the metric e.g. 'android_camera'
metric: string;
// A vega or vega-lite visualisation spec.
// The data from the metric under path will be exposed as a
// datasource named "metric" in Vega(-Lite)
spec: string;
// A path index into the metric.
// For example if the metric returns the folowing protobuf:
// {
// foo {
// bar {
// baz: { name: "a" }
// baz: { name: "b" }
// baz: { name: "c" }
// }
// }
// }
// That becomes the following json:
// { "foo": { "bar": { "baz": [
// {"name": "a"},
// {"name": "b"},
// {"name": "c"},
// ]}}}
// And given path = ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
// We extract:
// [ {"name": "a"}, {"name": "b"}, {"name": "c"} ]
// And pass that to the vega(-lite) visualisation.
path: string[];
export interface SidebarMenuItem {
readonly commandId: string;
readonly group:
| 'navigation'
| 'current_trace'
| 'convert_trace'
| 'example_traces'
| 'support';
when?(): boolean;
readonly icon: string;
readonly priority?: number;
// This interface defines a context for a plugin, which is an object passed to
// most hooks within the plugin. It should be used to interact with Perfetto.
export interface PluginContext {
// The unique ID for this plugin.
readonly pluginId: string;
// Register command against this plugin context.
registerCommand(command: Command): void;
// Run a command, optionally passing some args.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
runCommand(id: string, ...args: any[]): any;
// Adds a new menu item to the sidebar.
// All entries must map to a command. This will allow the shortcut and
// optional shortcut to be displayed on the UI.
addSidebarMenuItem(menuItem: SidebarMenuItem): void;
export interface Tab {
render(): m.Children;
getTitle(): string;
export interface TabDescriptor {
uri: string; // TODO(stevegolton): Maybe optional for ephemeral tabs.
content: Tab;
isEphemeral?: boolean; // Defaults false
onHide?(): void;
onShow?(): void;
// Similar to PluginContext but with additional methods to operate on the
// currently loaded trace. Passed to trace-relevant hooks on a plugin instead of
// PluginContext.
export interface PluginContextTrace extends PluginContext {
readonly engine: Engine;
// Control over the main timeline.
timeline: {
// Bring a timestamp into view.
panToTimestamp(ts: time): void;
// Move the viewport
setViewportTime(start: time, end: time): void;
// A span representing the current viewport location
readonly viewport: TimeSpan;
// Access the default workspace - used for adding, removing and reorganizing
// tracks
readonly workspace: Workspace;
// Control over the bottom details pane.
tabs: {
// Creates a new tab running the provided query.
openQuery(query: string, title: string): void;
// Add a tab to the tab bar (if not already) and focus it.
showTab(uri: string): void;
// Remove a tab from the tab bar.
hideTab(uri: string): void;
// Register a new track against a unique key known as a URI. The track is not
// shown by default and callers need to either manually add it to a
// Workspace or use registerTrackAndShowOnTraceLoad() below.
registerTrack(trackDesc: TrackDescriptor): void;
// Register a track and mark it as "automatically show on trace load".
// These tracks are shown only when the trace is loaded from scratch, not
// when loading from a permalink, where the existing list of tracks from the
// shared state is used instead.
registerTrackAndShowOnTraceLoad(track: TrackDescriptor): void;
// Register a new tab for this plugin. Will be unregistered when the plugin
// is deactivated or when the trace is unloaded.
registerTab(tab: TabDescriptor): void;
// Suggest that a tab should be shown immediately.
addDefaultTab(uri: string): void;
// Register a hook into the current selection tab rendering logic that allows
// customization of the current selection tab content.
registerDetailsPanel(sel: LegacyDetailsPanel): void;
// Create a store mounted over the top of this plugin's persistent state.
mountStore<T>(migrate: Migrate<T>): Store<T>;
readonly trace: TraceContext;
// When the trace is opened via postMessage deep-linking, returns the sub-set
// of postMessageData.pluginArgs[pluginId] for the current plugin. If not
// present returns undefined.
readonly openerPluginArgs?: {[key: string]: unknown};
prompt(text: string, options?: PromptOption[]): Promise<string>;
export interface PerfettoPlugin {
// Lifecycle methods.
onActivate?(ctx: PluginContext): void;
onTraceLoad?(ctx: PluginContextTrace): Promise<void>;
onTraceReady?(ctx: PluginContextTrace): Promise<void>;
onTraceUnload?(ctx: PluginContextTrace): Promise<void>;
onDeactivate?(ctx: PluginContext): void;
// Extension points.
metricVisualisations?(ctx: PluginContext): MetricVisualisation[];
// This interface defines what a plugin factory should look like.
// This can be defined in the plugin class definition by defining a constructor
// and the relevant static methods:
// E.g.
// class MyPlugin implements TracePlugin<MyState> {
// migrate(initialState: unknown): MyState {...}
// constructor(store: Store<MyState>, engine: EngineProxy) {...}
// ... methods from the TracePlugin interface go here ...
// }
// ... which can then be passed around by class i.e. MyPlugin
export interface PluginClass {
// Instantiate the plugin.
new (): PerfettoPlugin;
// Plugins can be class refs or concrete plugin implementations.
export type PluginFactory = PluginClass | PerfettoPlugin;
export interface PluginDescriptor {
// A unique string for your plugin. To ensure the name is unique you
// may wish to use a URL with reversed components in the manner of
// Java package names.
pluginId: string;
// The plugin factory used to instantiate the plugin object, or if this is
// an actual plugin implementation, it's just used as-is.
plugin: PluginFactory;