blob: 4f524e31f678257bc9806fd95c96188d3116cd39 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {isString} from './object_utils';
// Execution context of object validator
interface ValidatorContext {
// Path to the current value starting from the root. Object field names are
// stored as is, array indices are wrapped to square brackets. Represented
// as an array to avoid unnecessary string concatenation: parts are going to
// be concatenated into a single string when reporting errors, which should
// not happen on a happy path.
// Example: ["config", "androidLogBuffers", "1"] when parsing object
// accessible through expression `root.config.androidLogBuffers[1]`
path: string[];
// Paths from the root to extraneous keys in a validated object.
extraKeys: string[];
// Paths from the root to keys containing values of wrong type in validated
// object.
invalidKeys: string[];
// Validator accepting arbitrary data structure and returning a typed value.
// Can throw an error if a part of the value does not have a reasonable
// default.
export interface Validator<T> {
validate(input: unknown, context: ValidatorContext): T;
// Helper function to flatten array of path chunks into a single string
// Example: ["config", "androidLogBuffers", "1"] is mapped to
// "config.androidLogBuffers[1]".
function renderPath(path: string[]): string {
let result = '';
for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
if (i > 0 && !path[i].startsWith('[')) {
result += '.';
result += path[i];
return result;
export class ValidationError extends Error {}
// Abstract class for validating simple values, such as strings and booleans.
// Allows to avoid repetition of most of the code related to validation of
// these.
abstract class PrimitiveValidator<T> implements Validator<T> {
defaultValue: T;
required: boolean;
constructor(defaultValue: T, required: boolean) {
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
this.required = required;
// Abstract method that checks whether passed input has correct type.
abstract predicate(input: unknown): input is T;
validate(input: unknown, context: ValidatorContext): T {
if (this.predicate(input)) {
return input;
if (this.required) {
throw new ValidationError(renderPath(context.path));
if (input !== undefined) {
// The value is defined, but does not conform to the expected type;
// proceed with returning the default value but report the key.
return this.defaultValue;
class OptionalValidator<T> implements Validator<T | undefined> {
private inner: Validator<T>;
constructor(inner: Validator<T>) {
this.inner = inner;
validate(input: unknown, context: ValidatorContext): T | undefined {
if (input === undefined) {
return undefined;
try {
return this.inner.validate(input, context);
} catch (e) {
if (e instanceof ValidationError) {
return undefined;
throw e;
class StringValidator extends PrimitiveValidator<string> {
predicate(input: unknown): input is string {
return isString(input);
class NumberValidator extends PrimitiveValidator<number> {
predicate(input: unknown): input is number {
return typeof input === 'number';
class BooleanValidator extends PrimitiveValidator<boolean> {
predicate(input: unknown): input is boolean {
return typeof input === 'boolean';
// Type-level function returning resulting type of a validator.
export type ValidatedType<T> = T extends Validator<infer S> ? S : never;
// Type-level function traversing a record of validator and returning record
// with the same keys and valid types.
export type RecordValidatedType<T> = {
[k in keyof T]: ValidatedType<T[k]>;
// Combinator for validators: takes a record of validators, and returns a
// validator for a record where record's fields passed to validator with the
// same name.
// Generic parameter T is instantiated to type of record of validators, and
// should be provided implicitly by type inference due to verbosity of its
// instantiations.
class RecordValidator<T extends Record<string, Validator<unknown>>>
implements Validator<RecordValidatedType<T>>
validators: T;
constructor(validators: T) {
this.validators = validators;
validate(input: unknown, context: ValidatorContext): RecordValidatedType<T> {
// If value is missing or of incorrect type, empty record is still processed
// in the loop below to initialize default fields of the nested object.
let o: object = {};
if (typeof input === 'object' && input !== null) {
o = input;
} else if (input !== undefined) {
const result: Partial<RecordValidatedType<T>> = {};
// Separate declaration is required to avoid assigning `string` type to `k`.
for (const k in this.validators) {
if (this.validators.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
const validator = this.validators[k];
// Accessing value of `k` of `o` is safe because `undefined` values are
// considered to indicate a missing value and handled appropriately by
// every provided validator.
const valid = validator.validate(
(o as Record<string, unknown>)[k],
result[k] = valid as ValidatedType<T[string]>;
// Check if passed object has any extra keys to be reported as such.
for (const key of Object.keys(o)) {
if (!this.validators.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return result as RecordValidatedType<T>;
// Validator checking whether a value is one of preset values. Used in order to
// provide easy validation for union of literal types.
class OneOfValidator<T> implements Validator<T> {
validValues: readonly T[];
defaultValue: T;
constructor(validValues: readonly T[], defaultValue: T) {
this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
this.validValues = validValues;
validate(input: unknown, context: ValidatorContext): T {
if (this.validValues.includes(input as T)) {
return input as T;
} else if (input !== undefined) {
return this.defaultValue;
// Validator for an array of elements, applying the same element validator for
// each element of an array. Uses empty array as a default value.
class ArrayValidator<T> implements Validator<T[]> {
elementValidator: Validator<T>;
constructor(elementValidator: Validator<T>) {
this.elementValidator = elementValidator;
validate(input: unknown, context: ValidatorContext): T[] {
const result: T[] = [];
if (Array.isArray(input)) {
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
result.push(this.elementValidator.validate(input[i], context));
} else if (input !== undefined) {
return result;
// Wrapper container for validation result contaiting diagnostic information in
// addition to the resulting typed value.
export interface ValidationResult<T> {
result: T;
invalidKeys: string[];
extraKeys: string[];
// Wrapper for running a validator initializing the context.
export function runValidator<T>(
validator: Validator<T>,
input: unknown,
): ValidationResult<T> {
const context: ValidatorContext = {
path: [],
invalidKeys: [],
extraKeys: [],
const result = validator.validate(input, context);
return {
invalidKeys: context.invalidKeys,
extraKeys: context.extraKeys,
// Shorthands for the validator classes above enabling concise notation.
export function str(defaultValue = ''): StringValidator {
return new StringValidator(defaultValue, false);
export const requiredStr = new StringValidator('', true);
export const optStr = new OptionalValidator<string>(requiredStr);
export function num(defaultValue = 0): NumberValidator {
return new NumberValidator(defaultValue, false);
export const requiredNum = new NumberValidator(0, true);
export const optNum = new OptionalValidator<number>(requiredNum);
export function bool(defaultValue = false): BooleanValidator {
return new BooleanValidator(defaultValue, false);
export const requiredBool = new BooleanValidator(false, true);
export const optBool = new OptionalValidator<boolean>(requiredBool);
export function record<T extends Record<string, Validator<unknown>>>(
validators: T,
): RecordValidator<T> {
return new RecordValidator<T>(validators);
export function oneOf<T>(
values: readonly T[],
defaultValue: T,
): OneOfValidator<T> {
return new OneOfValidator<T>(values, defaultValue);
export function arrayOf<T>(elementValidator: Validator<T>): ArrayValidator<T> {
return new ArrayValidator<T>(elementValidator);