blob: 29e1eaa7d2279053d59250896267fee1bbd15adf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/status.h"
#include "src/protozero/proto_ring_buffer.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace protos {
namespace pbzero {
class ComputeMetricResult;
class DisableAndReadMetatraceResult;
} // namespace pbzero
} // namespace protos
namespace trace_processor {
class Iterator;
class TraceProcessor;
// This class handles the binary {,un}marshalling for the Trace Processor RPC
// API (see protos/perfetto/trace_processor/trace_processor.proto).
// This is to deal with cases where the client of the trace processor is not
// some in-process C++ code but a remote process:
// There are two use cases of this:
// 1. The JS<>WASM interop for the web-based UI.
// 2. The HTTP RPC mode of trace_processor_shell that allows the UI to talk
// to a native trace processor instead of the bundled WASM one.
// This class has (a subset of) the same methods of the public TraceProcessor
// interface, but the methods just take and return proto-encoded binary buffers.
// This class does NOT define how the transport works (e.g. HTTP vs WASM interop
// calls), it just deals with {,un}marshalling.
// This class internally creates and owns a TraceProcessor instance, which
// lifetime is tied to the lifetime of the Rpc instance.
class Rpc {
// The unique_ptr argument is optional. If non-null it will adopt the passed
// instance and allow to directly query that. If null, a new instanace will be
// created internally by calling Parse().
explicit Rpc(std::unique_ptr<TraceProcessor>);
// 1. TraceProcessor byte-pipe RPC interface.
// This is a bidirectional channel with a remote TraceProcessor instance. All
// it needs is a byte-oriented pipe (e.g., a TCP socket, a pipe(2) between two
// processes or a postmessage channel in the JS+Wasm case). The messages
// exchanged on these pipes are TraceProcessorRpc protos (defined in
// trace_processor.proto). This has been introduced in Perfetto v15.
// Pushes data received by the RPC channel into the parser. Inbound messages
// are tokenized and turned into TraceProcessor method invocations. |data|
// does not need to be a whole TraceProcessorRpc message. It can be a portion
// of it or a union of >1 messages.
// Responses are sent throught the RpcResponseFunction (below).
void OnRpcRequest(const void* data, size_t len);
// The size argument is a uint32_t and not size_t to avoid ABI mismatches
// with Wasm, where size_t = uint32_t.
// (nullptr, 0) has the semantic of "close the channel" and is issued when an
// unrecoverable wire-protocol framing error is detected.
using RpcResponseFunction = void (*)(const void* /*data*/, uint32_t /*len*/);
void SetRpcResponseFunction(RpcResponseFunction f) { rpc_response_fn_ = f; }
// 2. TraceProcessor legacy RPC endpoints.
// The methods below are exposed for the old RPC interfaces, where each RPC
// implementation deals with the method demuxing: (i) has one
// exported C function per method (going away soon); (ii) has one
// REST endpoint per method. Over time this turned out to have too much
// duplicated boilerplate and we moved to the byte-pipe model above.
// We still keep these endpoints around, because still exposes the
// individual REST endpoints to legacy clients (TP's Python API). The
// mainteinance cost of those is very low. Both the new byte-pipe and the
// old endpoints run exactly the same code. The {de,}serialization format is
// the same, the only difference is only who does the method demuxing.
// The methods of this class are mirrors (modulo {un,}marshalling of args) of
// the corresponding names in trace_processor.h . See that header for docs.
util::Status Parse(const uint8_t* data, size_t len);
void NotifyEndOfFile();
std::string GetCurrentTraceName();
std::vector<uint8_t> ComputeMetric(const uint8_t* data, size_t len);
void EnableMetatrace(const uint8_t* data, size_t len); // EnableMetatraceArgs
std::vector<uint8_t> DisableAndReadMetatrace();
std::vector<uint8_t> GetStatus();
// Creates a new RPC session by deleting all tables and views that have been
// created (by the UI or user) after the trace was loaded; built-in
// tables/view created by the ingestion process are preserved.
void RestoreInitialTables();
// Runs a query and returns results in batch. Each batch is a proto-encoded
// TraceProcessor.QueryResult message and contains a variable number of rows.
// The callbacks are called inline, so the whole callstack looks as follows:
// Query(..., callback)
// callback(..., has_more=true)
// ...
// callback(..., has_more=false)
// (Query() returns at this point).
// TODO(primiano): long-term this API should change and be turned into a
// bidirectional streaming api (see go/imperative-metrics). The problem with
// the current design is that it holds the callstack until the query is done
// and makes nested query hard as they cause re-entrancy. It's okay for now
// but will change soon.
using QueryResultBatchCallback = std::function<
void(const uint8_t* /*buf*/, size_t /*len*/, bool /*has_more*/)>;
void Query(const uint8_t* args, size_t len, QueryResultBatchCallback);
void ParseRpcRequest(const uint8_t* data, size_t len);
void ResetTraceProcessor();
void MaybePrintProgress();
Iterator QueryInternal(const uint8_t* args, size_t len);
void ComputeMetricInternal(const uint8_t* args,
size_t len,
void DisableAndReadMetatraceInternal(
std::unique_ptr<TraceProcessor> trace_processor_;
RpcResponseFunction rpc_response_fn_;
protozero::ProtoRingBuffer rxbuf_;
int64_t tx_seq_id_ = 0;
int64_t rx_seq_id_ = 0;
bool eof_ = false;
int64_t t_parse_started_ = 0;
size_t bytes_last_progress_ = 0;
size_t bytes_parsed_ = 0;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto