blob: 7085895c5ca45d4be1ad4ff75cb69a544d62bfa4 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/compiler.h"
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/basic_types.h"
#include "perfetto/trace_processor/ref_counted.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/db/column/types.h"
namespace perfetto::protos::pbzero {
class SerializedColumn_Storage;
namespace perfetto::trace_processor::column {
class DataLayerChain;
// Data structure which either directly or indirectly (i.e. by transforming
// the contents of another DataLayer) provides the data of a column of a
// table.
class DataLayer : public RefCounted {
// Arguments for MakeChain on how the inner chain should be interpreted.
struct ChainCreationArgs {
constexpr explicit ChainCreationArgs(
bool _does_layer_order_chain_contents = false)
: does_layer_order_chain_contents(_does_layer_order_chain_contents) {}
// Indicates whether the current data layer orders the inner chain.
// Currently used by ArrangementOverlay to decide whether the arrangement
// orders a given chain.
bool does_layer_order_chain_contents;
virtual ~DataLayer();
// Creates a DataLayerChain for a terminal DataLayer. This means the
// DataLayer directly should return the data it contains inside.
std::unique_ptr<DataLayerChain> MakeChain();
// Creates a DataLayerChain for a non-terminal DataLayer. This means
// the DataLayer should transform the contents of the inner chain.
std::unique_ptr<DataLayerChain> MakeChain(
ChainCreationArgs = ChainCreationArgs());
// TODO(b/325583551): remove this when possible.
enum class Impl {
explicit DataLayer(Impl impl) : impl_(impl) {}
Impl impl_;
// Corresponds to a series of DataLayer chained together. Provides
// functionality for querying the transformed data of the entire chain.
class DataLayerChain {
using StorageProto = protos::pbzero::SerializedColumn_Storage;
// Index vector related data required to Filter using IndexSearch.
struct Indices {
enum class State {
// We can't guarantee that data is in monotonic order.
// Data is in monotonic order.
static Indices Create(const std::vector<uint32_t>& raw, State state) {
std::vector<Token> tokens;
for (auto r : raw) {
tokens.push_back({r, r});
return Indices{std::move(tokens), state};
static Indices CreateWithIndexPayloadForTesting(
const std::vector<uint32_t>& raw,
State state) {
std::vector<Token> tokens;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < raw.size(); ++i) {
tokens.push_back(Token{raw[i], i});
return Indices{std::move(tokens), state};
std::vector<Token> tokens;
State state = State::kNonmonotonic;
// Index vector related data required to Filter using IndexSearch.
struct OrderedIndices {
const uint32_t* data = nullptr;
uint32_t size = 0;
Indices::State state = Indices::State::kNonmonotonic;
virtual ~DataLayerChain();
// Start of public API.
// Checks whether element at the provided index match |op| and |value|.
// Returns true if the element matches, false otherwise.
virtual SingleSearchResult SingleSearch(FilterOp op,
SqlValue value,
uint32_t row) const = 0;
// Searches for elements which match |op| and |value| between |range.start|
// and |range.end|.
// Returns either a range or BitVector which indicate the positions in
// |range| which match the constraint. If a BitVector is returned, it will
// be *precisely* as large as |range.end|.
// Notes for callers:
// * Callers should note that the return value of this function corresponds
// to positions in the storage.
// Notes for implementors:
// * Implementations should ensure that the return value is empty or *only*
// includes positions in |range|. Callers are free to assume this and can
// optimize based on it.
// * Implementations should ensure that, if they return a BitVector, it is
// precisely of size |range.end|.
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE RangeOrBitVector Search(FilterOp op,
SqlValue value,
Range range) const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(range.end <= size());
switch (ValidateSearchConstraints(op, value)) {
case SearchValidationResult::kAllData:
return RangeOrBitVector(range);
case SearchValidationResult::kNoData:
return RangeOrBitVector(Range());
case SearchValidationResult::kOk:
return SearchValidated(op, value, range);
// Searches for elements which match |op| and |value| at the positions given
// by |indices| array.
// Returns either a range of BitVector which indicate the positions in
// |indices| which match the constraint. If a BitVector is returned, it will
// be *precisely* as large as |indices_count|.
// Notes for callers:
// * Callers should note that the return value of this function corresponds
// to positions in |indices| *not* positions in the storage.
// Notes for implementors:
// * Implementations should ensure that, if they return a BitVector, it is
// precisely of size |indices_count|.
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE void IndexSearch(FilterOp op,
SqlValue value,
Indices& indices) const {
switch (ValidateSearchConstraints(op, value)) {
case SearchValidationResult::kAllData:
case SearchValidationResult::kNoData:
case SearchValidationResult::kOk:
IndexSearchValidated(op, value, indices);
// Searches for elements which match |op| and |value| at the positions given
// by OrderedIndicesdata.
// Returns a Range into OrderedIndicesdata of OrderedIndicesthat pass the
// constraint.
// Notes for callers:
// * Should not be called on:
// - kGlob and kRegex as those operations can't use the sorted state
// hence they can't return a Range.
// - kNe as this is inherently unsorted. Use kEq and then reverse the
// result.
// * Callers should note that the return value of this function corresponds
// to positions in |indices| *not* positions in the storage.
OrderedIndexSearch(FilterOp op,
SqlValue value,
const OrderedIndices& indices) const {
switch (ValidateSearchConstraints(op, value)) {
case SearchValidationResult::kAllData:
return {0, indices.size};
case SearchValidationResult::kNoData:
return {};
case SearchValidationResult::kOk:
return OrderedIndexSearchValidated(op, value, indices);
// Stable sorts an array of Token elements between |start| and |end|
// using a comparator defined by looking up the elements in this chain using
// the index given by Token::index. |direction| indicates the direction of
// the sort (ascending or descending).
// In simple terms the expectation is for implementations do something like:
// ```
// std::stable_sort(start, index, [](const Token& a, const Token& b) {
// return Get(a.index) < Get(b.index);
// });
// ```
// with |Get| being a function to lookup the element in this chain.
virtual void StableSort(Token* start,
Token* end,
SortDirection direction) const = 0;
// Removes all indices pointing to values that are duplicates, as a result the
// indices will only point to distinct (not duplicated) values.
// Notes for implementors:
// * Each layer that might introduce duplicates is responsible for removing
// them.
virtual void Distinct(Indices&) const = 0;
// After calling this function Indices will have at most one element. If
// present it will point to the first index with the largest value in the
// chain.
virtual std::optional<Token> MaxElement(Indices&) const = 0;
// After calling this function Indices will have at most one element. If
// present it will point to the first index with the smallest value in the
// chain.
virtual std::optional<Token> MinElement(Indices&) const = 0;
// Serializes storage data to proto format.
virtual void Serialize(StorageProto*) const = 0;
// Returns a string which represents the column for debugging purposes.
// Warning: the format of the string returned by this class is *not* stable
// and should be relied upon for anything except printing for debugging
// purposes.
virtual std::string DebugString() const = 0;
// Number of elements in stored data.
virtual uint32_t size() const = 0;
// End of public API.
// The below methods might be public but are only intended for implementations
// of DataLayerChain.
// Verifies whether any further filtering is needed and if not, whether the
// search would return all values or none of them. This allows for skipping
// the |Search| and |IndexSearch| in special cases.
// Notes for callers:
// * The SqlValue and FilterOp have to be valid in Sqlite: it will crash if
// either: value is NULL and operation is different than "IS NULL" and "IS
// NOT NULL" or the operation is "IS NULL" or "IS NOT NULL" and value is
// different than NULL.
virtual SearchValidationResult ValidateSearchConstraints(FilterOp,
SqlValue) const = 0;
// Post-validated implementation of |Search|. See |Search|'s documentation.
virtual RangeOrBitVector SearchValidated(FilterOp, SqlValue, Range) const = 0;
// Post-validated implementation of |IndexSearch|. See |IndexSearch|'s
// documentation.
virtual void IndexSearchValidated(FilterOp, SqlValue, Indices&) const = 0;
// Post-validated implementation of |OrderedIndexSearch|. See
// |OrderedIndexSearch|'s documentation.
Range OrderedIndexSearchValidated(FilterOp op,
SqlValue value,
const OrderedIndices& indices) const;
// Returns the SqlValue representing the value at a given index.
// This function might be very tempting to use as it appears cheap on the
// surface but because of how DataLayerChains might be layered on top of each
// other, this might require *several* virtual function calls per index.
// If you're tempted to use this, please consider instead create a new
// "vectorized" function instead and only using this as a last resort.
// The correct "class" of algorithms to use this function are cases where you
// have a set of indices you want to lookup and based on the value returned
// you will only use a fraction of them. In this case, it might be worth
// paying the non-vectorized lookup to vastly reduce how many indices need
// to be translated.
// An example of such an algorithm is binary search on indices.
virtual SqlValue Get_AvoidUsingBecauseSlow(uint32_t index) const = 0;
} // namespace perfetto::trace_processor::column