blob: 63b7edbc63af6135ddea564a0b7fafc3fa292a77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include "perfetto/ext/base/string_view.h"
#include "perfetto/protozero/packed_repeated_fields.h"
#include "protos/perfetto/trace/ftrace/ftrace_event_bundle.pbzero.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/event_info_constants.h"
#include "src/traced/probes/ftrace/ftrace_config_utils.h"
namespace perfetto {
// The subset of the sched_switch event's format that is used when parsing and
// encoding into the compact format.
struct CompactSchedSwitchFormat {
uint32_t event_id;
uint16_t size;
uint16_t next_pid_offset;
FtraceFieldType next_pid_type;
uint16_t next_prio_offset;
FtraceFieldType next_prio_type;
uint16_t prev_state_offset;
FtraceFieldType prev_state_type;
uint16_t next_comm_offset;
// The subset of the sched_waking event's format that is used when parsing and
// encoding into the compact format.
struct CompactSchedWakingFormat {
uint32_t event_id;
uint16_t size;
uint16_t pid_offset;
FtraceFieldType pid_type;
uint16_t target_cpu_offset;
FtraceFieldType target_cpu_type;
uint16_t prio_offset;
FtraceFieldType prio_type;
uint16_t comm_offset;
// Pre-parsed format of a subset of scheduling events, for use during ftrace
// parsing if compact encoding is enabled. Holds a flag, |format_valid| to
// state whether the compile-time assumptions about the format held at runtime.
// If they didn't, we cannot use the compact encoding.
struct CompactSchedEventFormat {
// If false, the rest of the struct is considered invalid.
const bool format_valid;
const CompactSchedSwitchFormat sched_switch;
const CompactSchedWakingFormat sched_waking;
CompactSchedEventFormat ValidateFormatForCompactSched(
const std::vector<Event>& events);
CompactSchedEventFormat InvalidCompactSchedEventFormatForTesting();
// Compact encoding configuration used at ftrace reading & parsing time.
struct CompactSchedConfig {
CompactSchedConfig(bool _enabled) : enabled(_enabled) {}
// If true, and sched_switch and/or sched_waking events are enabled, encode
// them in a compact format instead of the normal form.
const bool enabled = false;
CompactSchedConfig CreateCompactSchedConfig(
const FtraceConfig& request,
const CompactSchedEventFormat& compact_format);
CompactSchedConfig EnabledCompactSchedConfigForTesting();
CompactSchedConfig DisabledCompactSchedConfigForTesting();
// Collects fields of sched_switch events, allowing them to be written out
// in a compact encoding.
class CompactSchedSwitchBuffer {
protozero::PackedVarInt& timestamp() { return timestamp_; }
protozero::PackedVarInt& prev_state() { return prev_state_; }
protozero::PackedVarInt& next_pid() { return next_pid_; }
protozero::PackedVarInt& next_prio() { return next_prio_; }
protozero::PackedVarInt& next_comm_index() { return next_comm_index_; }
size_t size() const {
// Caller should fill all per-field buffers at the same rate.
return timestamp_.size();
inline void AppendTimestamp(uint64_t timestamp) {
timestamp_.Append(timestamp - last_timestamp_);
last_timestamp_ = timestamp;
void Write(
protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched* compact_out) const;
void Reset();
// First timestamp in a bundle is absolute. The rest are all delta-encoded,
// each relative to the preceding sched_switch timestamp.
uint64_t last_timestamp_ = 0;
protozero::PackedVarInt timestamp_;
protozero::PackedVarInt prev_state_;
protozero::PackedVarInt next_pid_;
protozero::PackedVarInt next_prio_;
// Interning indices of the next_comm values. See |CommInterner|.
protozero::PackedVarInt next_comm_index_;
// As |CompactSchedSwitchBuffer|, but for sched_waking events.
class CompactSchedWakingBuffer {
protozero::PackedVarInt& pid() { return pid_; }
protozero::PackedVarInt& target_cpu() { return target_cpu_; }
protozero::PackedVarInt& prio() { return prio_; }
protozero::PackedVarInt& comm_index() { return comm_index_; }
size_t size() const {
// Caller should fill all per-field buffers at the same rate.
return timestamp_.size();
inline void AppendTimestamp(uint64_t timestamp) {
timestamp_.Append(timestamp - last_timestamp_);
last_timestamp_ = timestamp;
void Write(
protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched* compact_out) const;
void Reset();
uint64_t last_timestamp_ = 0;
protozero::PackedVarInt timestamp_;
protozero::PackedVarInt pid_;
protozero::PackedVarInt target_cpu_;
protozero::PackedVarInt prio_;
// Interning indices of the comm values. See |CommInterner|.
protozero::PackedVarInt comm_index_;
class CommInterner {
static constexpr size_t kExpectedCommLength = 16;
size_t InternComm(const char* ptr) {
// Linearly scan existing string views, ftrace reader will
// make sure this set doesn't grow too large.
base::StringView transient_view(ptr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < interned_comms_size_; i++) {
if (transient_view == interned_comms_[i]) {
return i;
// Unique comm, intern it. Null byte is not copied over.
char* start = intern_buf_ + intern_buf_write_pos_;
size_t size = transient_view.size();
memcpy(start, ptr, size);
intern_buf_write_pos_ += size;
size_t idx = interned_comms_size_;
base::StringView safe_view(start, size);
interned_comms_[interned_comms_size_++] = safe_view;
PERFETTO_DCHECK(intern_buf_write_pos_ <= sizeof(intern_buf_));
PERFETTO_DCHECK(interned_comms_size_ < kMaxElements);
return idx;
size_t interned_comms_size() const { return interned_comms_size_; }
void Write(
protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle::CompactSched* compact_out) const;
void Reset();
// TODO(rsavitski): Consider making the storage dynamically-expandable instead
// to not rely on sizing the buffer for the worst case.
static constexpr size_t kMaxElements = 4096;
char intern_buf_[kMaxElements * (kExpectedCommLength - 1)];
size_t intern_buf_write_pos_ = 0;
// Views into unique interned comm strings. Even if every event carries a
// unique comm, the ftrace reader is expected to flush the compact buffer way
// before this reaches capacity. This is since the cost of processing each
// event grows with every unique interned comm (as the interning needs to
// search all existing internings).
std::array<base::StringView, kMaxElements> interned_comms_;
uint32_t interned_comms_size_ = 0;
// Mutable state for buffering parts of scheduling events, that can later be
// written out in a compact format with |WriteAndReset|. Used by the ftrace
// reader.
class CompactSchedBuffer {
CompactSchedSwitchBuffer& sched_switch() { return switch_; }
CompactSchedWakingBuffer& sched_waking() { return waking_; }
CommInterner& interner() { return interner_; }
// Writes out the currently buffered events, and starts the next batch
// internally.
void WriteAndReset(protos::pbzero::FtraceEventBundle* bundle);
CommInterner interner_;
CompactSchedSwitchBuffer switch_;
CompactSchedWakingBuffer waking_;
} // namespace perfetto