blob: 93f805fa0c7c48dacb65229764604078d7e53915 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import m from 'mithril';
import {findRef, toHTMLElement} from '../base/dom_utils';
import {clamp} from '../base/math_utils';
import {Time} from '../base/time';
import {featureFlags} from '../core/feature_flags';
import {raf} from '../core/raf_scheduler';
import {TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH} from './css_constants';
import {globals} from './globals';
import {NotesPanel} from './notes_panel';
import {OverviewTimelinePanel} from './overview_timeline_panel';
import {createPage} from './pages';
import {PanAndZoomHandler} from './pan_and_zoom_handler';
import {
} from './panel_container';
import {publishShowPanningHint} from './publish';
import {TabPanel} from './tab_panel';
import {TickmarkPanel} from './tickmark_panel';
import {TimeAxisPanel} from './time_axis_panel';
import {TimeSelectionPanel} from './time_selection_panel';
import {DISMISSED_PANNING_HINT_KEY} from './topbar';
import {TrackGroupPanel} from './track_group_panel';
import {TrackPanel} from './track_panel';
import {assertExists} from '../base/logging';
import {TimeScale} from '../base/time_scale';
import {GroupNode, Node, TrackNode} from '../public/workspace';
import {fuzzyMatch} from '../base/fuzzy';
import {Optional} from '../base/utils';
import {EmptyState} from '../widgets/empty_state';
import {removeFalsyValues} from '../base/array_utils';
import {renderFlows} from './flow_events_renderer';
import {Size2D} from '../base/geom';
import {canvasClip, canvasSave} from '../base/canvas_utils';
const OVERVIEW_PANEL_FLAG = featureFlags.register({
id: 'overviewVisible',
name: 'Overview Panel',
description: 'Show the panel providing an overview of the trace',
defaultValue: true,
// Checks if the mousePos is within 3px of the start or end of the
// current selected time range.
function onTimeRangeBoundary(
timescale: TimeScale,
mousePos: number,
): 'START' | 'END' | null {
const selection = globals.selectionManager.selection;
if (selection.kind === 'area') {
// If frontend selectedArea exists then we are in the process of editing the
// time range and need to use that value instead.
const area = globals.timeline.selectedArea
? globals.timeline.selectedArea
: selection;
const start = timescale.timeToPx(area.start);
const end = timescale.timeToPx(area.end);
const startDrag = mousePos - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH;
const startDistance = Math.abs(start - startDrag);
const endDistance = Math.abs(end - startDrag);
const range = 3 * window.devicePixelRatio;
// We might be within 3px of both boundaries but we should choose
// the closest one.
if (startDistance < range && startDistance <= endDistance) return 'START';
if (endDistance < range && endDistance <= startDistance) return 'END';
return null;
* Top-most level component for the viewer page. Holds tracks, brush timeline,
* panels, and everything else that's part of the main trace viewer page.
class TraceViewer implements m.ClassComponent {
private zoomContent?: PanAndZoomHandler;
// Used to prevent global deselection if a pan/drag select occurred.
private keepCurrentSelection = false;
private overviewTimelinePanel = new OverviewTimelinePanel();
private timeAxisPanel = new TimeAxisPanel();
private timeSelectionPanel = new TimeSelectionPanel();
private notesPanel = new NotesPanel();
private tickmarkPanel = new TickmarkPanel();
private timelineWidthPx?: number;
private readonly PAN_ZOOM_CONTENT_REF = 'pan-and-zoom-content';
oncreate(vnode: m.CVnodeDOM) {
const panZoomElRaw = findRef(vnode.dom, this.PAN_ZOOM_CONTENT_REF);
const panZoomEl = toHTMLElement(assertExists(panZoomElRaw));
this.zoomContent = new PanAndZoomHandler({
element: panZoomEl,
onPanned: (pannedPx: number) => {
const timeline = globals.timeline;
if (this.timelineWidthPx === undefined) return;
this.keepCurrentSelection = true;
const timescale = new TimeScale(timeline.visibleWindow, {
left: 0,
right: this.timelineWidthPx,
const tDelta = timescale.pxToDuration(pannedPx);
// If the user has panned they no longer need the hint.
localStorage.setItem(DISMISSED_PANNING_HINT_KEY, 'true');
onZoomed: (zoomedPositionPx: number, zoomRatio: number) => {
const timeline = globals.timeline;
// TODO(hjd): Avoid hardcoding TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH.
// TODO(hjd): Improve support for zooming in overview timeline.
const zoomPx = zoomedPositionPx - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH;
const rect = vnode.dom.getBoundingClientRect();
const centerPoint = zoomPx / (rect.width - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH);
timeline.zoomVisibleWindow(1 - zoomRatio, centerPoint);
editSelection: (currentPx: number) => {
if (this.timelineWidthPx === undefined) return false;
const timescale = new TimeScale(globals.timeline.visibleWindow, {
left: 0,
right: this.timelineWidthPx,
return onTimeRangeBoundary(timescale, currentPx) !== null;
onSelection: (
dragStartX: number,
dragStartY: number,
prevX: number,
currentX: number,
currentY: number,
editing: boolean,
) => {
const traceTime = globals.traceContext;
const timeline = globals.timeline;
if (this.timelineWidthPx === undefined) return;
// TODO(stevegolton): Don't get the windowSpan from globals, get it from
// here!
const {visibleWindow} = timeline;
const timespan = visibleWindow.toTimeSpan();
this.keepCurrentSelection = true;
const timescale = new TimeScale(timeline.visibleWindow, {
left: 0,
right: this.timelineWidthPx,
if (editing) {
const selection = globals.selectionManager.selection;
if (selection.kind === 'area') {
const area = globals.timeline.selectedArea
? globals.timeline.selectedArea
: selection;
let newTime = timescale
.pxToHpTime(currentX - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH)
// Have to check again for when one boundary crosses over the other.
const curBoundary = onTimeRangeBoundary(timescale, prevX);
if (curBoundary == null) return;
const keepTime = curBoundary === 'START' ? area.end : area.start;
// Don't drag selection outside of current screen.
if (newTime < keepTime) {
newTime = Time.max(newTime, timespan.start);
} else {
newTime = Time.min(newTime, timespan.end);
// When editing the time range we always use the saved tracks,
// since these will not change.
Time.max(Time.min(keepTime, newTime), traceTime.start),
Time.min(Time.max(keepTime, newTime), traceTime.end),
} else {
let startPx = Math.min(dragStartX, currentX) - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH;
let endPx = Math.max(dragStartX, currentX) - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH;
if (startPx < 0 && endPx < 0) return;
startPx = clamp(startPx, 0, this.timelineWidthPx);
endPx = clamp(endPx, 0, this.timelineWidthPx);
timeline.areaY.start = dragStartY;
timeline.areaY.end = currentY;
endSelection: (edit: boolean) => {
globals.timeline.areaY.start = undefined;
globals.timeline.areaY.end = undefined;
const area = globals.timeline.selectedArea;
// If we are editing we need to pass the current id through to ensure
// the marked area with that id is also updated.
if (edit) {
const selection = globals.selectionManager.selection;
if (selection.kind === 'area' && area) {
} else if (area) {
// Now the selection has ended we stored the final selected area in the
// global state and can remove the in progress selection from the
// timeline.
// Full redraw to color track shell.
onremove() {
if (this.zoomContent) this.zoomContent[Symbol.dispose]();
view() {
const scrollingPanels = renderToplevelPanels(globals.state.trackFilterTerm);
const result = m(
onclick: () => {
// We don't want to deselect when panning/drag selecting.
if (this.keepCurrentSelection) {
this.keepCurrentSelection = false;
m(PanelContainer, {
className: 'header-panel-container',
panels: removeFalsyValues([
OVERVIEW_PANEL_FLAG.get() && this.overviewTimelinePanel,
m(PanelContainer, {
className: 'pinned-panel-container',
panels: => {
const tr = globals.trackManager.getTrackRenderer(track.uri);
return new TrackPanel({
track: track,
title: track.displayName,
tags: tr?.desc.tags,
trackRenderer: tr,
revealOnCreate: true,
chips: tr?.desc.chips,
pluginId: tr?.desc.pluginId,
scrollingPanels.length === 0 &&
? m(
{title: 'No matching tracks'},
`No tracks match filter term "${globals.state.trackFilterTerm}"`,
: m(PanelContainer, {
className: 'scrolling-panel-container',
panels: scrollingPanels,
onPanelStackResize: (width) => {
const timelineWidth = width - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH;
this.timelineWidthPx = timelineWidth;
return result;
function renderOverlay(
ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D,
canvasSize: Size2D,
panels: ReadonlyArray<RenderedPanelInfo>,
): void {
const size = {
width: canvasSize.width - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH,
height: canvasSize.height,
using _ = canvasSave(ctx);
ctx.translate(TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH, 0);
canvasClip(ctx, 0, 0, size.width, size.height);
renderFlows(ctx, size, panels);
function filterTermIsValid(
filterTerm: undefined | string,
): filterTerm is string {
// Note: Boolean(filterTerm) returns the same result, but this is clearer
return filterTerm !== undefined && filterTerm !== '';
// Split filter term on commas into a list of tokens, cleaning up any whitespace
// before and after the token and removing any blank tokens
function tokenizeFilterTerm(term: string): ReadonlyArray<string> {
return term
.map((token) => token.trim())
.filter((token) => token.length > 0);
// Render the toplevel "scrolling" tracks and track groups
function renderToplevelPanels(filterTerm: Optional<string>): PanelOrGroup[] {
return renderNodes(globals.workspace.children, filterTerm);
// Given a list of tracks and a filter term, return a list pf panels filtered by
// the filter term
function renderNodes(
nodes: ReadonlyArray<Node>,
filterTerm?: string,
): PanelOrGroup[] {
return nodes.flatMap((node) => {
if (node instanceof GroupNode) {
if (node.headless) {
return renderNodes(node.children, filterTerm);
} else {
if (filterTermIsValid(filterTerm)) {
const tokens = tokenizeFilterTerm(filterTerm);
const match = fuzzyMatch(node.displayName, ...tokens);
if (match.matches) {
return {
kind: 'group',
collapsed: node.collapsed,
header: renderGroupHeaderPanel(node, true, node.collapsed),
childPanels: node.collapsed ? [] : renderNodes(node.children),
} else {
const childPanels = renderNodes(node.children, filterTerm);
if (childPanels.length > 0) {
return {
kind: 'group',
collapsed: false,
header: renderGroupHeaderPanel(node, false, node.collapsed),
return [];
} else {
return {
kind: 'group',
collapsed: node.collapsed,
header: renderGroupHeaderPanel(node, true, node.collapsed),
childPanels: node.collapsed
? []
: renderNodes(node.children, filterTerm),
} else {
if (filterTermIsValid(filterTerm)) {
const tokens = tokenizeFilterTerm(filterTerm);
const match = fuzzyMatch(node.displayName, ...tokens);
if (match.matches) {
return renderTrackPanel(node);
} else {
return [];
} else {
return renderTrackPanel(node);
function renderTrackPanel(track: TrackNode) {
const tr = globals.trackManager.getTrackRenderer(track.uri);
return new TrackPanel({
track: track,
title: track.displayName,
tags: tr?.desc.tags,
trackRenderer: tr,
chips: tr?.desc.chips,
pluginId: tr?.desc.pluginId,
function renderGroupHeaderPanel(
group: GroupNode,
collapsable: boolean,
collapsed: boolean,
): TrackGroupPanel {
if (group.headerTrackUri !== undefined) {
const tr = globals.trackManager.getTrackRenderer(group.headerTrackUri);
return new TrackGroupPanel({
groupNode: group,
trackRenderer: tr,
subtitle: tr?.desc.subtitle,
tags: tr?.desc.tags,
chips: tr?.desc.chips,
title: group.displayName,
} else {
return new TrackGroupPanel({
groupNode: group,
title: group.displayName,
export const ViewerPage = createPage({
view() {
return m(TraceViewer);