blob: 03f28f0668c6d31d361aa84cdd982ec6033b9c55 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <deque>
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <unwindstack/Regs.h>
#include "perfetto/base/task_runner.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/optional.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/scoped_file.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/unix_socket.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/weak_ptr.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/basic_types.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/producer.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/trace_writer.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/tracing_service.h"
#include "src/profiling/common/callstack_trie.h"
#include "src/profiling/common/interning_output.h"
#include "src/profiling/common/unwind_support.h"
#include "src/profiling/perf/event_config.h"
#include "src/profiling/perf/event_reader.h"
#include "src/profiling/perf/proc_descriptors.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace profiling {
// TODO(b/144281346): work in progress. Do not use.
class PerfProducer : public Producer, public ProcDescriptorDelegate {
PerfProducer(ProcDescriptorGetter* proc_fd_getter,
base::TaskRunner* task_runner);
~PerfProducer() override = default;
PerfProducer(const PerfProducer&) = delete;
PerfProducer& operator=(const PerfProducer&) = delete;
PerfProducer(PerfProducer&&) = delete;
PerfProducer& operator=(PerfProducer&&) = delete;
void ConnectWithRetries(const char* socket_name);
// Producer impl:
void OnConnect() override;
void OnDisconnect() override;
void OnTracingSetup() override {}
void SetupDataSource(DataSourceInstanceID, const DataSourceConfig&) override;
void StartDataSource(DataSourceInstanceID instance_id,
const DataSourceConfig& config) override;
void StopDataSource(DataSourceInstanceID instance_id) override;
void Flush(FlushRequestID flush_id,
const DataSourceInstanceID* data_source_ids,
size_t num_data_sources) override;
// TODO(rsavitski): clear ds->interning_output, then re-emit fixed internings.
void ClearIncrementalState(const DataSourceInstanceID* /*data_source_ids*/,
size_t /*num_data_sources*/) override {}
// ProcDescriptorDelegate impl:
void OnProcDescriptors(pid_t pid,
base::ScopedFile maps_fd,
base::ScopedFile mem_fd) override;
// State of the connection to tracing service (traced).
enum State {
kNotStarted = 0,
struct DataSource {
DataSource(std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> _trace_writer,
EventReader _event_reader)
: trace_writer(std::move(_trace_writer)),
event_reader(std::move(_event_reader)) {}
std::unique_ptr<TraceWriter> trace_writer;
// TODO(rsavitski): event reader per kernel buffer.
EventReader event_reader;
// TODO(rsavitski): under a single-threaded model, directly shared between
// the reader and the "unwinder". If/when lifting unwinding into a separate
// thread(s), the FDs will become owned by the unwinder, but the tracking
// will need to be done by both sides (frontend needs to know whether to
// resolve the pid, and the unwinder needs to know whether the fd is
// ready/poisoned).
// TODO(rsavitski): find a more descriptive name.
struct ProcDescriptors {
enum class Status { kInitial, kResolving, kResolved, kSkip };
Status status = Status::kInitial;
UnwindingMetadata unwind_state{/*maps_fd=*/base::ScopedFile{},
std::map<pid_t, ProcDescriptors> proc_fds; // keyed by pid
// Tracks the incremental state for interned entries.
InterningOutputTracker interning_output;
bool reader_stopping = false;
bool unwind_stopping = false;
// Entry in an unwinding queue. Either a sample that requires unwinding, or a
// tombstoned entry (valid == false).
struct UnwindEntry {
UnwindEntry(ParsedSample _sample)
: valid(true), sample(std::move(_sample)) {}
bool valid = false;
ParsedSample sample;
// Fully processed sample that is ready for output.
struct CompletedSample {
// move-only
CompletedSample() = default;
CompletedSample(const CompletedSample&) = delete;
CompletedSample& operator=(const CompletedSample&) = delete;
CompletedSample(CompletedSample&&) = default;
CompletedSample& operator=(CompletedSample&&) = default;
uint32_t cpu = 0;
pid_t pid = 0;
pid_t tid = 0;
uint64_t timestamp = 0;
std::vector<FrameData> frames;
bool unwind_error = false;
void ConnectService();
void Restart();
void ResetConnectionBackoff();
void IncreaseConnectionBackoff();
void TickDataSourceRead(DataSourceInstanceID ds_id);
void PostDescriptorLookupTimeout(DataSourceInstanceID ds_id,
pid_t pid,
uint32_t timeout_ms);
void DescriptorLookupTimeout(DataSourceInstanceID ds_id, pid_t pid);
void TickDataSourceUnwind(DataSourceInstanceID ds_id);
// Returns true if we should keep processing the queue (i.e. we should
// continue the unwinder ticks).
bool ProcessUnwindQueue(DataSourceInstanceID ds_id,
std::deque<UnwindEntry>* input_queue,
DataSource* ds_ptr);
CompletedSample UnwindSample(ParsedSample sample,
DataSource::ProcDescriptors* process_state);
void PostEmitSample(DataSourceInstanceID ds_id, CompletedSample sample);
void EmitSample(DataSourceInstanceID ds_id, CompletedSample sample);
// Starts the shutdown of the given data source instance, starting with the
// reader frontend.
void InitiateReaderStop(DataSource* ds);
// TODO(rsavitski): under a dedicated unwind thread, this becomes a PostTask
// for the instance id.
void InitiateUnwindStop(DataSource* ds);
// Destroys the state belonging to this instance, and notifies the tracing
// service of the stop.
void FinishDataSourceStop(DataSourceInstanceID ds_id);
// Task runner owned by the main thread.
base::TaskRunner* const task_runner_;
State state_ = kNotStarted;
const char* producer_socket_name_ = nullptr;
uint32_t connection_backoff_ms_ = 0;
// Valid and stable for the lifetime of this class.
ProcDescriptorGetter* const proc_fd_getter_;
// Owns shared memory, must outlive trace writing.
std::unique_ptr<TracingService::ProducerEndpoint> endpoint_;
// Interns callstacks across all data sources.
// TODO(rsavitski): for long profiling sessions, consider purging trie when it
// grows too large (at the moment purged only when no sources are active).
// TODO(rsavitski): interning sequences are monotonic for the lifetime of the
// daemon. Consider resetting them at safe points - possible when no sources
// are active, and tricky otherwise. In the latter case, it'll require
// emitting incremental sequence invalidation packets on all relevant
// sequences.
GlobalCallstackTrie callstack_trie_;
std::map<DataSourceInstanceID, DataSource> data_sources_;
std::map<DataSourceInstanceID, std::deque<UnwindEntry>> unwind_queues_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PerfProducer> weak_factory_; // keep last
} // namespace profiling
} // namespace perfetto