blob: 45eedf545968e0c212844504a2e9ca1f075b900a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory>
#include <numeric>
#include <optional>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/logging.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/bit_vector.h"
#include "src/trace_processor/containers/bit_vector_iterators.h"
namespace perfetto {
namespace trace_processor {
// Stores a list of row indicies in a space efficient manner. One or more
// columns can refer to the same RowMap. The RowMap defines the access pattern
// to iterate on rows.
// Naming convention:
// As both the input and output of RowMap is a uint32_t, it can be quite
// confusing to reason about what parameters/return values of the functions
// of RowMap actually means. To help with this, we define a strict convention
// of naming.
// row: input - that is, rows are what are passed into operator[]; named as
// such because a "row" number in a table is converted to an index to
// lookup in the backing vectors.
// index: output - that is, indices are what are returned from operator[];
// named as such because an "index" is what's used to lookup data
// from the backing vectors.
// Implementation details:
// Behind the scenes, this class is impelemented using one of three backing
// data-structures:
// 1. A start and end index (internally named 'range')
// 1. BitVector
// 2. std::vector<uint32_t> (internally named IndexVector).
// Generally the preference for data structures is range > BitVector >
// std::vector<uint32>; this ordering is based mainly on memory efficiency as we
// expect RowMaps to be large.
// However, BitVector and std::vector<uint32_t> allow things which are not
// possible with the data-structures preferred to them:
// * a range (as the name suggests) can only store a compact set of indices
// with no holes. A BitVector works around this limitation by storing a 1 at an
// index where that row is part of the RowMap and 0 otherwise.
// * as soon as ordering or duplicate rows come into play, we cannot use a
// BitVector anymore as ordering/duplicate row information cannot be captured
// by a BitVector.
// For small, sparse RowMaps, it is possible that a std::vector<uint32_t> is
// more efficient than a BitVector; in this case, we will make a best effort
// switch to it but the cases where this happens is not precisely defined.
class RowMap {
using InputRow = uint32_t;
using OutputIndex = uint32_t;
using IndexVector = std::vector<OutputIndex>;
struct Range {
Range(OutputIndex start_index, OutputIndex end_index)
: start(start_index), end(end_index) {}
Range() : start(0), end(0) {}
OutputIndex start = 0; // This is an inclusive index.
OutputIndex end = 0; // This is an exclusive index.
uint32_t size() const {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(end >= start);
return end - start;
// Allows efficient iteration over the rows of a RowMap.
// Note: you should usually prefer to use the methods on RowMap directly (if
// they exist for the task being attempted) to avoid the lookup for the mode
// of the RowMap on every method call.
class Iterator {
explicit Iterator(const RowMap* rm);
Iterator(Iterator&&) noexcept = default;
Iterator& operator=(Iterator&&) = default;
// Forwards the iterator to the next row of the RowMap.
void Next() {
if (std::get_if<Range>(&rm_->data_)) {
} else if (std::get_if<BitVector>(&rm_->data_)) {
} else if (std::get_if<IndexVector>(&rm_->data_)) {
// Returns if the iterator is still valid.
operator bool() const {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&rm_->data_)) {
return ordinal_ < range->end;
if (std::get_if<BitVector>(&rm_->data_)) {
return bool(*set_bits_it_);
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&rm_->data_)) {
return ordinal_ < vec->size();
PERFETTO_FATAL("Didn't match any variant type.");
// Returns the index pointed to by this iterator.
OutputIndex index() const {
if (std::get_if<Range>(&rm_->data_)) {
return ordinal_;
if (std::get_if<BitVector>(&rm_->data_)) {
return set_bits_it_->index();
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&rm_->data_)) {
return (*vec)[ordinal_];
PERFETTO_FATAL("Didn't match any variant type.");
// Returns the row of the index the iterator points to.
InputRow row() const {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&rm_->data_)) {
return ordinal_ - range->start;
if (std::get_if<BitVector>(&rm_->data_)) {
return set_bits_it_->ordinal();
if (std::get_if<IndexVector>(&rm_->data_)) {
return ordinal_;
PERFETTO_FATAL("Didn't match any variant type.");
Iterator(const Iterator&) = delete;
Iterator& operator=(const Iterator&) = delete;
// Ordinal will not be used for BitVector based RowMap.
uint32_t ordinal_ = 0;
// Not nullptr for BitVector based RowMap.
std::unique_ptr<BitVector::SetBitsIterator> set_bits_it_;
const RowMap* rm_ = nullptr;
// Enum to allow users of RowMap to decide whether they want to optimize for
// memory usage or for speed of lookups.
enum class OptimizeFor {
// Creates an empty RowMap.
// By default this will be implemented using a range.
// Creates a RowMap containing the range of indices between |start| and |end|
// i.e. all indices between |start| (inclusive) and |end| (exclusive).
RowMap(OutputIndex start,
OutputIndex end,
OptimizeFor optimize_for = OptimizeFor::kMemory);
// Creates a RowMap backed by a BitVector.
explicit RowMap(BitVector);
// Creates a RowMap backed by an std::vector<uint32_t>.
explicit RowMap(IndexVector);
RowMap(const RowMap&) noexcept = delete;
RowMap& operator=(const RowMap&) = delete;
RowMap(RowMap&&) noexcept = default;
RowMap& operator=(RowMap&&) = default;
// Creates a RowMap containing just |index|.
// By default this will be implemented using a range.
static RowMap SingleRow(OutputIndex index) {
return RowMap(index, index + 1);
// Creates a copy of the RowMap.
// We have an explicit copy function because RowMap can hold onto large chunks
// of memory and we want to be very explicit when making a copy to avoid
// accidental leaks and copies.
RowMap Copy() const;
// Returns the size of the RowMap; that is the number of indices in the
// RowMap.
uint32_t size() const {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&data_)) {
return range->size();
if (auto* bv = std::get_if<BitVector>(&data_)) {
return bv->CountSetBits();
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&data_)) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(vec->size());
// Returns whether this rowmap is empty.
bool empty() const { return size() == 0; }
// Returns the index at the given |row|.
OutputIndex Get(InputRow row) const {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&data_)) {
return GetRange(*range, row);
if (auto* bv = std::get_if<BitVector>(&data_)) {
return GetBitVector(*bv, row);
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&data_)) {
return GetIndexVector(*vec, row);
// Returns whether the RowMap contains the given index.
bool Contains(OutputIndex index) const {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&data_)) {
return index >= range->start && index < range->end;
if (auto* bv = std::get_if<BitVector>(&data_)) {
return index < bv->size() && bv->IsSet(index);
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&data_)) {
return std::find(vec->begin(), vec->end(), index) != vec->end();
// Returns the first row of the given |index| in the RowMap.
std::optional<InputRow> RowOf(OutputIndex index) const {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&data_)) {
if (index < range->start || index >= range->end)
return std::nullopt;
return index - range->start;
if (auto* bv = std::get_if<BitVector>(&data_)) {
return index < bv->size() && bv->IsSet(index)
? std::make_optional(bv->CountSetBits(index))
: std::nullopt;
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&data_)) {
auto it = std::find(vec->begin(), vec->end(), index);
return it != vec->end() ? std::make_optional(static_cast<InputRow>(
std::distance(vec->begin(), it)))
: std::nullopt;
// Performs an ordered insert of the index into the current RowMap
// (precondition: this RowMap is ordered based on the indices it contains).
// Example:
// this = [1, 5, 10, 11, 20]
// Insert(10) // this = [1, 5, 10, 11, 20]
// Insert(12) // this = [1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20]
// Insert(21) // this = [1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21]
// Insert(2) // this = [1, 2, 5, 10, 11, 12, 20, 21]
// Speecifically, this means that it is only valid to call Insert on a RowMap
// which is sorted by the indices it contains; this is automatically true when
// the RowMap is in range or BitVector mode but is a required condition for
// IndexVector mode.
void Insert(OutputIndex index) {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&data_)) {
if (index == range->end) {
// Fast path: if we're just appending to the end
// of the range, we can stay in range mode and
// just bump the end index.
// Slow path: the insert is somewhere else other
// than the end. This means we need to switch to
// using a BitVector instead.
BitVector bv;
bv.Resize(range->start, false);
bv.Resize(range->end, true);
InsertIntoBitVector(bv, index);
data_ = std::move(bv);
if (auto* bv = std::get_if<BitVector>(&data_)) {
InsertIntoBitVector(*bv, index);
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&data_)) {
PERFETTO_DCHECK(std::is_sorted(vec->begin(), vec->end()));
auto it = std::upper_bound(vec->begin(), vec->end(), index);
vec->insert(it, index);
// Updates this RowMap by 'picking' the indices given by |picker|.
// This is easiest to explain with an example; suppose we have the following
// RowMaps:
// this : [0, 1, 4, 10, 11]
// picker: [0, 3, 4, 4, 2]
// After calling Apply(picker), we now have the following:
// this : [0, 10, 11, 11, 4]
// Conceptually, we are performing the following algorithm:
// RowMap rm = Copy()
// for (p : picker)
// rm[i++] = this[p]
// return rm;
RowMap SelectRows(const RowMap& selector) const {
uint32_t size = selector.size();
// If the selector is empty, just return an empty RowMap.
if (size == 0u)
return RowMap();
// If the selector is just picking a single row, just return that row
// without any additional overhead.
if (size == 1u)
return RowMap::SingleRow(Get(selector.Get(0)));
// For all other cases, go into the slow-path.
return SelectRowsSlow(selector);
// Intersects the range [start_index, end_index) with |this| writing the
// result into |this|. By "intersect", we mean to keep only the indices
// present in both this RowMap and in the Range [start_index, end_index). The
// order of the preserved indices will be the same as |this|.
// Conceptually, we are performing the following algorithm:
// for (idx : this)
// if (start_index <= idx && idx < end_index)
// continue;
// Remove(idx)
void Intersect(const RowMap& second);
// Intersects this RowMap with |index|. If this RowMap contained |index|, then
// it will *only* contain |index|. Otherwise, it will be empty.
void IntersectExact(OutputIndex index) {
if (Contains(index)) {
*this = RowMap(index, index + 1);
} else {
// Clears this RowMap by resetting it to a newly constructed state.
void Clear() { *this = RowMap(); }
template <typename Comparator = bool(uint32_t, uint32_t)>
void StableSort(IndexVector* out, Comparator c) const {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&data_)) {
std::stable_sort(out->begin(), out->end(),
[range, c](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
return c(GetRange(*range, a), GetRange(*range, b));
if (auto* bv = std::get_if<BitVector>(&data_)) {
std::stable_sort(out->begin(), out->end(),
[&bv, c](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
return c(GetBitVector(*bv, a), GetBitVector(*bv, b));
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&data_)) {
out->begin(), out->end(), [vec, c](uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
return c(GetIndexVector(*vec, a), GetIndexVector(*vec, b));
// Filters the indices in |out| by keeping those which meet |p|.
template <typename Predicate = bool(OutputIndex)>
void Filter(Predicate p) {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&data_)) {
data_ = FilterRange(p, *range);
if (auto* bv = std::get_if<BitVector>(&data_)) {
for (auto it = bv->IterateSetBits(); it; it.Next()) {
if (!p(it.index()))
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&data_)) {
auto ret = std::remove_if(vec->begin(), vec->end(),
[p](uint32_t i) { return !p(i); });
vec->erase(ret, vec->end());
// Converts this RowMap to an index vector in the most efficient way
// possible.
std::vector<uint32_t> TakeAsIndexVector() const&& {
if (auto* range = std::get_if<Range>(&data_)) {
std::vector<uint32_t> rm(range->size());
std::iota(rm.begin(), rm.end(), range->start);
return rm;
if (auto* bv = std::get_if<BitVector>(&data_)) {
std::vector<uint32_t> rm(bv->CountSetBits());
for (auto it = bv->IterateSetBits(); it; it.Next()) {
rm[it.ordinal()] = it.index();
return rm;
if (auto* vec = std::get_if<IndexVector>(&data_)) {
return std::move(*vec);
// Returns the iterator over the rows in this RowMap.
Iterator IterateRows() const { return Iterator(this); }
// Returns if the RowMap is internally represented using a range.
bool IsRange() const { return std::holds_alternative<Range>(data_); }
// Returns if the RowMap is internally represented using a BitVector.
bool IsBitVector() const { return std::holds_alternative<BitVector>(data_); }
// Returns if the RowMap is internally represented using an index vector.
bool IsIndexVector() const {
return std::holds_alternative<IndexVector>(data_);
using Variant = std::variant<Range, BitVector, IndexVector>;
explicit RowMap(Range);
explicit RowMap(Variant);
// TODO(lalitm): remove this when the coupling between RowMap and
// ColumnStorage Selector is broken (after filtering is moved out of here).
friend class ColumnStorageOverlay;
template <typename Predicate>
Variant FilterRange(Predicate p, Range r) {
uint32_t count = r.size();
// Optimization: if we are only going to scan a few indices, it's not
// worth the haslle of working with a BitVector.
constexpr uint32_t kSmallRangeLimit = 2048;
bool is_small_range = count < kSmallRangeLimit;
// Optimization: weif the cost of a BitVector is more than the highest
// possible cost an index vector could have, use the index vector.
uint32_t bit_vector_cost = BitVector::ApproxBytesCost(r.end);
uint32_t index_vector_cost_ub = sizeof(uint32_t) * count;
// If either of the conditions hold which make it better to use an
// index vector, use it instead. Alternatively, if we are optimizing for
// lookup speed, we also want to use an index vector.
if (is_small_range || index_vector_cost_ub <= bit_vector_cost ||
optimize_for_ == OptimizeFor::kLookupSpeed) {
// Try and strike a good balance between not making the vector too
// big and good performance.
IndexVector iv(std::min(kSmallRangeLimit, count));
uint32_t out_i = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
// If we reach the capacity add another small set of indices.
if (PERFETTO_UNLIKELY(out_i == iv.size()))
iv.resize(iv.size() + kSmallRangeLimit);
// We keep this branch free by always writing the index but only
// incrementing the out index if the return value is true.
bool value = p(i + r.start);
iv[out_i] = i + r.start;
out_i += value;
// Make the vector the correct size and as small as possible.
return std::move(iv);
// Otherwise, create a bitvector which spans the full range using
// |p| as the filler for the bits between start and end.
return BitVector::Range(r.start, r.end, p);
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE static OutputIndex GetRange(Range r, InputRow row) {
return r.start + row;
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE static OutputIndex GetBitVector(const BitVector& bv,
uint32_t row) {
return bv.IndexOfNthSet(row);
PERFETTO_ALWAYS_INLINE static OutputIndex GetIndexVector(
const IndexVector& vec,
uint32_t row) {
return vec[row];
RowMap SelectRowsSlow(const RowMap& selector) const;
static void InsertIntoBitVector(BitVector& bv, OutputIndex row) {
if (row == bv.size()) {
if (row > bv.size())
bv.Resize(row + 1, false);
PERFETTO_NORETURN void NoVariantMatched() const {
PERFETTO_FATAL("Didn't match any variant type.");
Variant data_;
OptimizeFor optimize_for_ = OptimizeFor::kMemory;
} // namespace trace_processor
} // namespace perfetto