blob: 49659109c5fdc860b7bcd44ccd27ff70d79f671c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import {time, duration, TimeSpan} from '../base/time';
import {Optional} from '../base/utils';
import {Engine} from '../trace_processor/engine';
import {ColumnDef, Sorting, ThreadStateExtra} from './aggregation';
import {GenericSliceDetailsTabConfigBase} from './details_panel';
import {TrackDescriptor} from './track';
export interface SelectionManager {
readonly selection: Selection;
readonly legacySelection: LegacySelection | null;
findTimeRangeOfSelection(): Optional<TimeSpan>;
clear(): void;
* Select a track event.
* @param trackUri - The URI of the track to select.
* @param eventId - The value of the events ID column.
* @param opts - Additional options.
trackUri: string,
eventId: number,
opts?: SelectionOpts,
): void;
* Select a track event via a sql table name + id.
* @param sqlTableName - The name of the SQL table to resolve.
* @param id - The ID of the event in that table.
* @param opts - Additional options.
selectSqlEvent(sqlTableName: string, id: number, opts?: SelectionOpts): void;
* Select a legacy selection.
* @param selection - The legacy selection to select.
* @param opts - Additional options.
selectLegacy(selection: LegacySelection, opts?: SelectionOpts): void;
* Create an area selection for the purposes of aggregation.
* @param args - The area to select.
* @param opts - Additional options.
selectArea(args: Area, opts?: SelectionOpts): void;
scrollToCurrentSelection(): void;
registerAreaSelectionAggreagtor(aggr: AreaSelectionAggregator): void;
// TODO(primiano): I don't undertsand what this generic slice is, but now
// is exposed to plugins. For now i'm just carrying it forward.
selectGenericSlice(args: {
id: number;
sqlTableName: string;
start: time;
duration: duration;
trackUri: string;
detailsPanelConfig: {
kind: string;
config: GenericSliceDetailsTabConfigBase;
}): void;
* Register a new SQL selection resolver.
* A resolver consists of a SQL table name and a callback. When someone
* expresses an interest in selecting a slice on a matching table, the
* callback is called which can return a selection object or undefined.
registerSqlSelectionResolver(resolver: SqlSelectionResolver): void;
export interface AreaSelectionAggregator {
readonly id: string;
createAggregateView(engine: Engine, area: AreaSelection): Promise<boolean>;
engine: Engine,
area: AreaSelection,
): Promise<ThreadStateExtra | void>;
getTabName(): string;
getDefaultSorting(): Sorting;
getColumnDefinitions(): ColumnDef[];
export type Selection =
| TrackEventSelection
| AreaSelection
| NoteSelection
| UnionSelection
| EmptySelection
| LegacySelectionWrapper;
/** Defines how changes to selection affect the rest of the UI state */
export interface SelectionOpts {
clearSearch?: boolean; // Default: true.
switchToCurrentSelectionTab?: boolean; // Default: true.
scrollToSelection?: boolean; // Default: false.
// LEGACY Selection types:
export interface LegacySelectionWrapper {
readonly kind: 'legacy';
readonly legacySelection: LegacySelection;
export type LegacySelection = GenericSliceSelection & {
trackUri?: string;
export interface GenericSliceSelection {
readonly kind: 'GENERIC_SLICE';
readonly id: number;
readonly sqlTableName: string;
readonly start: time;
readonly duration: duration;
// NOTE: this config can be expanded for multiple details panel types.
readonly detailsPanelConfig: {
readonly kind: string;
readonly config: GenericSliceDetailsTabConfigBase;
// New Selection types:
export interface TrackEventSelection extends TrackEventDetails {
readonly kind: 'track_event';
readonly trackUri: string;
readonly eventId: number;
export interface TrackEventDetails {
// ts and dur are required by the core, and must be provided.
readonly ts: time;
// Note: dur can be -1 for instant events.
readonly dur: duration;
// Optional additional information.
// TODO(stevegolton): Find an elegant way of moving this information out of
// the core.
readonly wakeupTs?: time;
readonly wakerCpu?: number;
readonly upid?: number;
readonly utid?: number;
readonly tableName?: string;
readonly profileType?: ProfileType;
export interface Area {
readonly start: time;
readonly end: time;
// TODO(primiano): this should be ReadonlyArray<> after the pivot table state
// doesn't use State/Immer anymore.
readonly trackUris: string[];
export interface AreaSelection extends Area {
readonly kind: 'area';
// This array contains the resolved TrackDescriptor from Area.trackUris.
// The resolution is done by SelectionManager whenever a kind='area' selection
// is performed.
readonly tracks: ReadonlyArray<TrackDescriptor>;
export interface NoteSelection {
readonly kind: 'note';
readonly id: string;
export interface UnionSelection {
readonly kind: 'union';
readonly selections: ReadonlyArray<Selection>;
export interface EmptySelection {
readonly kind: 'empty';
export enum ProfileType {
HEAP_PROFILE = 'heap_profile',
MIXED_HEAP_PROFILE = ',libc.malloc',
NATIVE_HEAP_PROFILE = 'heap_profile:libc.malloc',
JAVA_HEAP_GRAPH = 'graph',
PERF_SAMPLE = 'perf',
export function profileType(s: string): ProfileType {
if (s === 'heap_profile:libc.malloc,') {
s = ',libc.malloc';
if (Object.values(ProfileType).includes(s as ProfileType)) {
return s as ProfileType;
if (s.startsWith('heap_profile')) {
return ProfileType.HEAP_PROFILE;
throw new Error('Unknown type ${s}');
export interface SqlSelectionResolver {
readonly sqlTableName: string;
readonly callback: (
id: number,
sqlTable: string,
) => Promise<{trackUri: string; eventId: number} | undefined>;