blob: d526b6f71346af4deff538fc816bddd0668be0a6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <time.h>
#include <functional>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "perfetto/base/build_config.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/event_fd.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/pipe.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/scoped_file.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/thread_task_runner.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/unix_task_runner.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/base/weak_ptr.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/core/consumer.h"
#include "perfetto/ext/tracing/ipc/consumer_ipc_client.h"
#include "src/android_stats/perfetto_atoms.h"
#include "src/perfetto_cmd/packet_writer.h"
namespace perfetto {
class RateLimiter;
// Directory for local state and temporary files. This is automatically
// created by the system by setting setprop persist.traced.enable=1.
extern const char* kStateDir;
class PerfettoCmd : public Consumer {
~PerfettoCmd() override;
// The main() is split in two stages: cmdline parsing and actual interaction
// with traced. This is to allow tools like tracebox to avoid spawning the
// service for no reason if the cmdline parsing fails.
// Return value:
// std::nullopt: no error, the caller should call
// ConnectToServiceRunAndMaybeNotify.
// 0-N: the caller should exit() with the given exit code.
std::optional<int> ParseCmdlineAndMaybeDaemonize(int argc, char** argv);
int ConnectToServiceRunAndMaybeNotify();
// perfetto::Consumer implementation.
void OnConnect() override;
void OnDisconnect() override;
void OnTracingDisabled(const std::string& error) override;
void OnTraceData(std::vector<TracePacket>, bool has_more) override;
void OnDetach(bool) override;
void OnAttach(bool, const TraceConfig&) override;
void OnTraceStats(bool, const TraceStats&) override;
void OnObservableEvents(const ObservableEvents&) override;
void OnSessionCloned(const OnSessionClonedArgs&) override;
void SignalCtrlC() { ctrl_c_evt_.Notify(); }
enum CloneThreadMode { kSingleExtraThread, kNewThreadPerRequest };
bool OpenOutputFile();
void SetupCtrlCSignalHandler();
void FinalizeTraceAndExit();
void PrintUsage(const char* argv0);
void PrintServiceState(bool success, const TracingServiceState&);
void CloneAllBugreportTraces(bool success, const TracingServiceState&);
void CloneSessionOnThread(TracingSessionID,
const std::string& cmdline, // \0 separated.
std::function<void()> on_clone_callback);
void OnTimeout();
bool is_detach() const { return !detach_key_.empty(); }
bool is_attach() const { return !attach_key_.empty(); }
// Once we call ReadBuffers we expect one or more calls to OnTraceData
// with the last call having |has_more| set to false. However we should
// gracefully handle the service failing to ever call OnTraceData or
// setting |has_more| incorrectly. To do this we maintain a timeout
// which finalizes and exits the client if we don't receive OnTraceData
// within OnTraceDataTimeoutMs of when we expected to.
void CheckTraceDataTimeout();
int ConnectToServiceAndRun();
void ReadbackTraceDataAndQuit(const std::string& error);
enum BgProcessStatus : char {
kBackgroundOk = 0,
kBackgroundOtherError = 1,
kBackgroundTimeout = 2,
// Used to implement the --background-wait flag.
// Waits (up to 30s) for the child process to signal (success or an error).
// Returns the status received from the child process or kTimeout, in case of
// timeout.
BgProcessStatus WaitOnBgProcessPipe();
// Used to implement the --background-wait flag.
// Signals the parent process (if there is one) that it can exit (successfully
// or with an error).
// Only the first time this function is called is significant. Further calls
// will have no effect.
void NotifyBgProcessPipe(BgProcessStatus status);
void OnCloneSnapshotTriggerReceived(TracingSessionID);
static base::ScopedFile CreateUnlinkedTmpFile();
void SaveTraceIntoIncidentOrCrash();
void SaveOutputToIncidentTraceOrCrash();
void ReportTraceToAndroidFrameworkOrCrash();
void LogUploadEvent(PerfettoStatsdAtom atom);
void LogTriggerEvents(PerfettoTriggerAtom atom,
const std::vector<std::string>& trigger_names);
base::UnixTaskRunner task_runner_;
std::unique_ptr<RateLimiter> limiter_;
std::unique_ptr<TraceConfig> trace_config_;
std::optional<PacketWriter> packet_writer_;
base::ScopedFstream trace_out_stream_;
std::vector<std::string> triggers_to_activate_;
std::string trace_out_path_;
base::EventFd ctrl_c_evt_;
bool ctrl_c_handler_installed_ = false;
base::Pipe background_wait_pipe_;
bool save_to_incidentd_ = false;
bool report_to_android_framework_ = false;
bool statsd_logging_ = false;
bool update_guardrail_state_ = false;
uint64_t bytes_written_ = 0;
std::string detach_key_;
std::string attach_key_;
bool stop_trace_once_attached_ = false;
bool redetach_once_attached_ = false;
bool query_service_ = false;
bool query_service_output_raw_ = false;
bool query_service_long_ = false;
bool clone_all_bugreport_traces_ = false;
bool bugreport_ = false;
bool background_ = false;
bool background_wait_ = false;
bool ignore_guardrails_ = false;
bool upload_flag_ = false;
bool connected_ = false;
std::string uuid_;
std::optional<TracingSessionID> clone_tsid_{};
bool clone_for_bugreport_ = false;
std::function<void()> on_session_cloned_;
// How long we expect to trace for or 0 if the trace is indefinite.
uint32_t expected_duration_ms_ = 0;
bool trace_data_timeout_armed_ = false;
// The aux threads used to invoke secondary instances of PerfettoCmd to create
// snapshots. This is used only when the trace config involves a
// CLONE_SNAPSHOT trigger or when using --save-all-for-bugreport.
std::list<base::ThreadTaskRunner> snapshot_threads_;
int snapshot_count_ = 0;
std::string snapshot_config_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<PerfettoCmd> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace perfetto