blob: 825f9e77a62b99f0755422de640d512a600d71ee [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script builds the docs website (via ./build) and pushes the
# contents to the gs:// GCS bucket. It doesn't re-deploy the
# AppEngine instance, as that doesn't depend on the contents (use
# ./appengine/deploy for that).
# This is ran by the Cloud Build infrastructure (./cloudbuild.yaml) whenever a
# docs/ change is detected. See go/perfetto-ui-autopush for more details.
set -eux
# The directory that contains this script (//infra/
readonly CUR_DIR="$(cd -P ${BASH_SOURCE[0]%/*}; pwd)"
# The repo root.
readonly ROOT_DIR=$(dirname $(dirname "$CUR_DIR"))
# The directory that will contain the static website artifacts.
readonly OUT_DIR="$ROOT_DIR/out/"
# Build first.
# The markdown docs are rendered into extension-less HTML files to make the URLs
# look nice (e.g., /docs/tracing rather than /docs/tracing.html). By default
# gsutil infers the mime-type from the extension, falling back to octet/stream
# for extension-less fiels. octect/stream causes the browser to download the
# file rather than parsing it as a web page.
# We set use_magicfile = True here, which causes gsutil to infer the MIME type
# by invoking `file -b --mime /path/to/file`.
# Unfortunately, that solves the HTML MIME problem but adds another one: the
# standard `file` util doesn't deal with .css files and marks them as text/plain
# causing the browser to ignore the CSS.
# Here what we do is replacing the standard `file` util with a custom made one
# (mime_util/file) which sets the right MIME types we want. We do this by
# prepending our script to the PATH.
export PATH="$CUR_DIR/mime_util:$PATH"
export BOTO_CONFIG=/tmp/boto
use_magicfile = True
# Basic checks before uploading. Test both the existence and the mime type.
[ "$(file $OUT_DIR/index.html)" == "text/html" ]
[ "$(file $OUT_DIR/assets/style.css)" == "text/css" ]
[ "$(file $OUT_DIR/assets/home.png)" == "image/png" ]
[ "$(file $OUT_DIR/docs/images/perfetto-stack.svg)" == "image/svg+xml" ]
[ "$(file $OUT_DIR/docs/images/perfetto-stack.svg)" == "image/svg+xml" ]
[ "$(file $OUT_DIR/docs/analysis/sql-tables)" == "text/html" ]
# -j: apply 'Content-Encoding: gzip' compression to passed extensions.
# -d: mirror also deletetions.
# -c: compare checksums, not mtimes.
# -r: recursive.
# The trailing slash appended to $OUT_DIR is to prevent that gsutil creates a
# nested sub-directory inside gs://
gsutil -m rsync -j html,js,css,svg -d -c -r \
"$OUT_DIR/" gs://