blob: c48c5c02a1f88f55a901d0677583566579c91e35 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2024 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
//! Traits that are implemeted by codegen types.
use crate::{MutProxied, MutProxy, ViewProxy};
use create::Parse;
use read::Serialize;
use std::fmt::Debug;
use write::ClearAndParse;
/// A trait that all generated owned message types implement.
pub trait Message: MutProxied
// Create traits:
+ create::Parse + Default
// Read traits:
+ Debug + Serialize
// Write traits:
// TODO: Msg should impl Clear.
+ ClearAndParse
// Thread safety:
+ Send + Sync
// Copy/Clone:
+ Clone
/// A trait that all generated message views implement.
pub trait MessageView<'msg>: ViewProxy<'msg, Proxied = Self::Message>
// Read traits:
+ Debug + Serialize
// Thread safety:
+ Send + Sync
// Copy/Clone:
+ Copy + Clone
type Message: Message;
/// A trait that all generated message muts implement.
pub trait MessageMut<'msg>:
MutProxy<'msg, MutProxied = Self::Message>
// Read traits:
+ Debug + Serialize
// Write traits:
// TODO: MsgMut should impl Clear and ClearAndParse.
// Thread safety:
+ Sync
// Copy/Clone: (Neither)
type Message: Message;
/// Operations related to constructing a message. Only owned messages implement
/// these traits.
pub(crate) mod create {
pub trait Parse: Sized {
fn parse(serialized: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, crate::ParseError>;
/// Operations related to reading some aspect of a message (methods that would
/// have a `&self` receiver on an owned message). Owned messages, views, and
/// muts all implement these traits.
pub(crate) mod read {
pub trait Serialize {
fn serialize(&self) -> Result<Vec<u8>, crate::SerializeError>;
/// Operations related to mutating a message (methods that would have a `&mut
/// self` receiver on an owned message). Owned messages and muts implement these
/// traits.
pub(crate) mod write {
pub trait Clear {
fn clear(&mut self);
pub trait ClearAndParse {
fn clear_and_parse(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), crate::ParseError>;