blob: 53a073b31d800e19bb3938c3301a5cc9b9a49758 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <array>
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <utility>
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
struct ThreadSafeArenaStats;
void RecordAllocateSlow(ThreadSafeArenaStats* info, size_t used,
size_t allocated, size_t wasted);
// Stores information about a sampled thread safe arena. All mutations to this
// *must* be made through `Record*` functions below. All reads from this *must*
// only occur in the callback to `ThreadSafeArenazSampler::Iterate`.
struct ThreadSafeArenaStats
: public absl::profiling_internal::Sample<ThreadSafeArenaStats> {
// Constructs the object but does not fill in any fields.
// Puts the object into a clean state, fills in the logically `const` members,
// blocking for any readers that are currently sampling the object. The
// 'stride' parameter is the number of ThreadSafeArenas that were instantiated
// between this sample and the previous one.
void PrepareForSampling(int64_t stride)
// These fields are mutated by the various Record* APIs and need to be
// thread-safe.
struct BlockStats {
std::atomic<int> num_allocations;
std::atomic<size_t> bytes_allocated;
std::atomic<size_t> bytes_used;
std::atomic<size_t> bytes_wasted;
void PrepareForSampling();
// block_histogram is a kBlockHistogramBins sized histogram. The zeroth bin
// stores info about blocks of size \in [1, 1 << kLogMaxSizeForBinZero]. Bin
// i, where i > 0, stores info for blocks of size \in (max_size_bin (i-1),
// 1 << (kLogMaxSizeForBinZero + i)]. The final bin stores info about blocks
// of size \in [kMaxSizeForPenultimateBin + 1,
// std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max()].
static constexpr size_t kBlockHistogramBins = 15;
static constexpr size_t kLogMaxSizeForBinZero = 7;
static constexpr size_t kMaxSizeForBinZero = (1 << kLogMaxSizeForBinZero);
static constexpr size_t kMaxSizeForPenultimateBin =
1 << (kLogMaxSizeForBinZero + kBlockHistogramBins - 2);
std::array<BlockStats, kBlockHistogramBins> block_histogram;
// Records the largest block allocated for the arena.
std::atomic<size_t> max_block_size;
// Bit `i` is set to 1 indicates that a thread with `tid % 63 = i` accessed
// the underlying arena. We use `% 63` as a rudimentary hash to ensure some
// bit mixing for thread-ids; `% 64` would only grab the low bits and might
// create sampling artifacts.
std::atomic<uint64_t> thread_ids;
// All of the fields below are set by `PrepareForSampling`, they must not
// be mutated in `Record*` functions. They are logically `const` in that
// sense. These are guarded by init_mu, but that is not externalized to
// clients, who can only read them during
// `ThreadSafeArenazSampler::Iterate` which will hold the lock.
static constexpr int kMaxStackDepth = 64;
int32_t depth;
void* stack[kMaxStackDepth];
static void RecordAllocateStats(ThreadSafeArenaStats* info, size_t used,
size_t allocated, size_t wasted) {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(info == nullptr)) return;
RecordAllocateSlow(info, used, allocated, wasted);
// Returns the bin for the provided size.
static size_t FindBin(size_t bytes);
// Returns the min and max bytes that can be stored in the histogram for
// blocks in the provided bin.
static std::pair<size_t, size_t> MinMaxBlockSizeForBin(size_t bin);
struct SamplingState {
// Number of ThreadSafeArenas that should be instantiated before the next
// ThreadSafeArena is sampled. This variable is decremented with each
// instantiation.
int64_t next_sample;
// When we make a sampling decision, we record that distance between from the
// previous sample so we can weight each sample. 'distance' here is the
// number of instantiations of ThreadSafeArena.
int64_t sample_stride;
ThreadSafeArenaStats* SampleSlow(SamplingState& sampling_state);
void UnsampleSlow(ThreadSafeArenaStats* info);
class ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle {
explicit ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle() = default;
explicit ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle(ThreadSafeArenaStats* info)
: info_(info) {}
~ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle() {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(info_ == nullptr)) return;
ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle(ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle&& other) noexcept
: info_(std::exchange(other.info_, nullptr)) {}
ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle& operator=(
ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle&& other) noexcept {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(info_ != nullptr)) {
info_ = std::exchange(other.info_, nullptr);
return *this;
ThreadSafeArenaStats* MutableStats() { return info_; }
friend void swap(ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle& lhs,
ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle& rhs) {
std::swap(lhs.info_, rhs.info_);
friend class ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandlePeer;
ThreadSafeArenaStats* info_ = nullptr;
using ThreadSafeArenazSampler =
extern PROTOBUF_THREAD_LOCAL SamplingState global_sampling_state;
// Returns an RAII sampling handle that manages registration and unregistation
// with the global sampler.
inline ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle Sample() {
if (ABSL_PREDICT_TRUE(--global_sampling_state.next_sample > 0)) {
return ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle(nullptr);
return ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle(SampleSlow(global_sampling_state));
using SamplingState = int64_t;
struct ThreadSafeArenaStats {
static void RecordAllocateStats(ThreadSafeArenaStats*, size_t /*requested*/,
size_t /*allocated*/, size_t /*wasted*/) {}
ThreadSafeArenaStats* SampleSlow(SamplingState& next_sample);
void UnsampleSlow(ThreadSafeArenaStats* info);
class ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle {
explicit ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle() = default;
explicit ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle(ThreadSafeArenaStats*) {}
void RecordReset() {}
ThreadSafeArenaStats* MutableStats() { return nullptr; }
friend void swap(ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle&, ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle&) {}
friend class ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandlePeer;
class ThreadSafeArenazSampler {
void Unregister(ThreadSafeArenaStats*) {}
void SetMaxSamples(int32_t) {}
// Returns an RAII sampling handle that manages registration and unregistation
// with the global sampler.
inline ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle Sample() {
return ThreadSafeArenaStatsHandle(nullptr);
#endif // defined(PROTOBUF_ARENAZ_SAMPLE)
// Returns a global Sampler.
ThreadSafeArenazSampler& GlobalThreadSafeArenazSampler();
using ThreadSafeArenazConfigListener = void (*)();
void SetThreadSafeArenazConfigListener(ThreadSafeArenazConfigListener l);
// Enables or disables sampling for thread safe arenas.
void SetThreadSafeArenazEnabled(bool enabled);
void SetThreadSafeArenazEnabledInternal(bool enabled);
// Returns true if sampling is on, false otherwise.
bool IsThreadSafeArenazEnabled();
// Sets the rate at which thread safe arena will be sampled.
void SetThreadSafeArenazSampleParameter(int32_t rate);
void SetThreadSafeArenazSampleParameterInternal(int32_t rate);
// Returns the rate at which thread safe arena will be sampled.
int32_t ThreadSafeArenazSampleParameter();
// Sets a soft max for the number of samples that will be kept.
void SetThreadSafeArenazMaxSamples(int32_t max);
void SetThreadSafeArenazMaxSamplesInternal(int32_t max);
// Returns the max number of samples that will be kept.
size_t ThreadSafeArenazMaxSamples();
// Sets the current value for when arenas should be next sampled.
void SetThreadSafeArenazGlobalNextSample(int64_t next_sample);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"