blob: 9d8c3c2004ea5ca93146de295084cd0f2879ebe7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include "google/protobuf/generated_message_reflection.h"
#include "google/protobuf/has_bits.h"
#include "google/protobuf/map_type_handler.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message_lite.h"
#include "google/protobuf/parse_context.h"
#include "google/protobuf/unknown_field_set.h"
#include "google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
#ifdef SWIG
#error "You cannot SWIG proto headers"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class Arena;
namespace internal {
// MapEntry is the returned google::protobuf::Message when calling AddMessage of
// google::protobuf::Reflection. In order to let it work with generated message
// reflection, its in-memory type is the same as generated message with the same
// fields. However, in order to decide the in-memory type of key/value, we need
// to know both their cpp type in generated api and proto type. In
// implementation, all in-memory types have related wire format functions to
// support except ArenaStringPtr. Therefore, we need to define another type with
// supporting wire format functions. Since this type is only used as return type
// of MapEntry accessors, it's named MapEntry accessor type.
// cpp type: the type visible to users in public API.
// proto type: WireFormatLite::FieldType of the field.
// in-memory type: type of the data member used to stored this field.
// MapEntry accessor type: type used in MapEntry getters/mutators to access the
// field.
// cpp type | proto type | in-memory type | MapEntry accessor type
// int32_t TYPE_INT32 int32_t int32_t
// int32_t TYPE_FIXED32 int32_t int32_t
// string TYPE_STRING ArenaStringPtr string
// FooEnum TYPE_ENUM int int
// FooMessage TYPE_MESSAGE FooMessage* FooMessage
// The in-memory types of primitive types can be inferred from its proto type,
// while we need to explicitly specify the cpp type if proto type is
// TYPE_MESSAGE to infer the in-memory type.
template <typename Key, typename Value, WireFormatLite::FieldType kKeyFieldType,
WireFormatLite::FieldType kValueFieldType>
class MapEntry : public Message {
// Provide utilities to parse/serialize key/value. Provide utilities to
// manipulate internal stored type.
using KeyTypeHandler = MapTypeHandler<kKeyFieldType, Key>;
using ValueTypeHandler = MapTypeHandler<kValueFieldType, Value>;
// Define internal memory layout. Strings and messages are stored as
// pointers, while other types are stored as values.
using KeyOnMemory = typename KeyTypeHandler::TypeOnMemory;
using ValueOnMemory = typename ValueTypeHandler::TypeOnMemory;
constexpr MapEntry() {}
using Message::Message;
MapEntry(const MapEntry&) = delete;
MapEntry& operator=(const MapEntry&) = delete;
// Make sure that `Value` is never a derived message type.
// We don't want to instantiate the template with every unique derived type.
// The assertion is in the destructor because we need `Value` to be
// complete to test it.
static_assert(!std::is_base_of<Message, Value>::value ||
std::is_same<Message, Value>::value,
if (GetArena() != nullptr) return;
using InternalArenaConstructable_ = void;
using DestructorSkippable_ = void;
struct _Internal;
friend class google::protobuf::Arena;
static void SharedDtor(MessageLite& msg) {
auto& this_ = static_cast<MapEntry&>(msg);
this_._internal_metadata_.template Delete<UnknownFieldSet>();
// Field naming follows the convention of generated messages to make code
// sharing easier.
struct {
HasBits<1> _has_bits_{};
CachedSize _cached_size_{};
KeyOnMemory key_{KeyTypeHandler::Constinit()};
ValueOnMemory value_{ValueTypeHandler::Constinit()};
} _impl_;
template <typename Key, typename Value, WireFormatLite::FieldType kKeyFieldType,
WireFormatLite::FieldType kValueFieldType>
struct MapEntry<Key, Value, kKeyFieldType, kValueFieldType>::_Internal {
static constexpr ::int32_t kHasBitsOffset =
8 * PROTOBUF_FIELD_OFFSET(MapEntry, _impl_._has_bits_);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"