blob: 1562e84e031d8a0166e6fd5ccd2ba18524c238ca [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <atomic>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <limits>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/base/optimization.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/strings/cord.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/arena.h"
#include "google/protobuf/generated_message_util.h"
#include "google/protobuf/internal_visibility.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message_lite.h"
#include "google/protobuf/parse_context.h"
#include "google/protobuf/port.h"
#include "google/protobuf/raw_ptr.h"
#include "google/protobuf/repeated_ptr_field.h"
#include "google/protobuf/wire_format_verify.h"
#ifdef SWIG
#error "You cannot SWIG proto headers"
// must be last
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class Descriptor;
namespace io {
class CodedInputStream;
class CodedOutputStream;
} // namespace io
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
inline const char* ReadTagInternal(const char* ptr, uint8_t* tag) {
*tag = UnalignedLoad<uint8_t>(ptr);
return ptr + sizeof(uint8_t);
inline const char* ReadTagInternal(const char* ptr, uint16_t* tag) {
*tag = UnalignedLoad<uint16_t>(ptr);
return ptr + sizeof(uint16_t);
inline const char* ReadTagInternal(const char* ptr, uint32_t* tag) {
return ReadTag(ptr, tag);
template <typename TagType>
inline size_t TagSizeInternal(TagType tag);
template <>
inline size_t TagSizeInternal(uint8_t tag) {
return sizeof(uint8_t);
template <>
inline size_t TagSizeInternal(uint16_t tag) {
return sizeof(uint16_t);
template <>
inline size_t TagSizeInternal(uint32_t tag) {
return io::CodedOutputStream::VarintSize32(tag);
// This class is used to represent lazily-loaded repeated message fields.
// It stores the field in a raw buffer or a Cord initially, and then parses that
// on-demand if a caller asks for the RepeatedPtrField object.
// As with most protobuf classes, const methods of this class are safe to call
// from multiple threads at once, but non-const methods may only be called when
// the thread has guaranteed that it has exclusive access to the field.
class LazyRepeatedPtrField {
constexpr LazyRepeatedPtrField() : raw_(MessageState(RawState::kCleared)) {}
LazyRepeatedPtrField(const LazyRepeatedPtrField& rhs)
: LazyRepeatedPtrField(nullptr, rhs, nullptr) {}
// Arena enabled constructors.
LazyRepeatedPtrField(internal::InternalVisibility, Arena* arena)
: LazyRepeatedPtrField(arena) {}
LazyRepeatedPtrField(internal::InternalVisibility, Arena* arena,
const LazyRepeatedPtrField& rhs, Arena* rhs_arena)
: LazyRepeatedPtrField(arena, rhs, rhs_arena) {}
// TODO: make this constructor private
explicit constexpr LazyRepeatedPtrField(Arena*)
: raw_(MessageState(RawState::kCleared)) {}
LazyRepeatedPtrField& operator=(const LazyRepeatedPtrField&) = delete;
bool IsClear() const {
auto state = GetLogicalState();
return state == LogicalState::kClear ||
state == LogicalState::kClearExposed;
// Get and Mutable trigger parsing.
template <typename Element>
const RepeatedPtrField<Element>& Get(const Element* default_instance,
Arena* arena) const {
return *reinterpret_cast<const RepeatedPtrField<Element>*>(
GetGeneric(ByTemplate<Element>(default_instance), arena, nullptr));
template <typename Element>
RepeatedPtrField<Element>* Mutable(const Element* default_instance,
Arena* arena) {
return reinterpret_cast<RepeatedPtrField<Element>*>(
MutableGeneric(ByTemplate<Element>(default_instance), arena, nullptr));
bool IsInitialized(const MessageLite* prototype, Arena* arena) const {
switch (GetLogicalState()) {
case LogicalState::kClear:
case LogicalState::kClearExposed: {
return true;
case LogicalState::kParseRequired:
case LogicalState::kNoParseRequired: {
// Returns true if "unparsed" is not verified to be (maybe)
// uninitialized. Otherwise, falls through to next cases to eagerly
// parse message and call IsInitialized().
if (!MaybeUninitialized()) return true;
case LogicalState::kDirty: {
const auto& value = *GetByPrototype(prototype, arena);
for (int i = 0; i < value.size(); ++i) {
if (!value.Get<GenericTypeHandler<MessageLite>>(i).IsInitialized())
return false;
return true;
// Dynamic versions of basic accessors.
const RepeatedPtrFieldBase* GetDynamic(const Descriptor* type,
MessageFactory* factory,
Arena* arena) const;
RepeatedPtrFieldBase* MutableDynamic(const Descriptor* type,
MessageFactory* factory, Arena* arena);
// Basic accessors that use a default instance to create the message.
const RepeatedPtrFieldBase* GetByPrototype(const MessageLite* prototype,
Arena* arena,
ParseContext* ctx = nullptr) const;
RepeatedPtrFieldBase* MutableByPrototype(const MessageLite* prototype,
Arena* arena,
ParseContext* ctx = nullptr);
void Clear();
// Updates state such that state set in other overwrites this.
// Internal Lazy state transitions are updated as such:
// src\dest | UNINIT | INIT | DIRTY | CLEAR | ERROR
// :------- | :----: | :---: | :---: | :-----------: | :---:
// * Depends on if clear was initialized before.
// TODO: The state after ERROR should be DIRTY. Also need to make the
// change for LazyField.
void MergeFrom(const MessageLite* prototype,
const LazyRepeatedPtrField& other, Arena* arena,
Arena* other_arena);
static void Swap(LazyRepeatedPtrField* lhs, Arena* lhs_arena,
LazyRepeatedPtrField* rhs, Arena* rhs_arena);
static void InternalSwap(LazyRepeatedPtrField* lhs,
LazyRepeatedPtrField* rhs);
const RepeatedPtrFieldBase* TryGetRepeated() const;
// Returns true when the lazy field has data that have not yet parsed.
// (i.e. parsing has been deferred) Once parsing has been attempted, this
// returns false. Note that the LazyField object may still contain
// the raw unparsed data with parsing errors.
bool HasUnparsed() const {
return GetLogicalState() == LogicalState::kParseRequired;
// Returns true if parsing has been attempted and it failed.
bool HasParsingError() const {
auto raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
return raw.status() == RawState::kParseError;
// APIs that will be used by table-driven parsing.
// `TagType` is passed from table-driven parser. On fast path it's uint8 or
// uint16; on slow path it's uint32.
template <typename TagType>
const char* _InternalParse(const MessageLite* prototype, Arena* arena,
const char* ptr, ParseContext* ctx,
TagType expected_tag) {
// If this message is eagerly-verified lazy, kEager mode likely suggests
// that previous verification has failed and we fall back to eager-parsing
// (either to initialize the message to match eager field or to fix false
// errors.
// Lazy parsing does not support aliasing and may result in data copying.
// It seems prudent to honor aliasing to avoid any observable gaps between
// lazy and eager parsing.
if (ctx->lazy_parse_mode() == ParseContext::kEager ||
ctx->AliasingEnabled()) {
auto* value = MutableByPrototype(prototype, arena, ctx);
ptr = ParseToRepeatedMessage<TagType>(ptr, ctx, prototype, expected_tag,
return ptr;
switch (GetLogicalState()) {
case LogicalState::kParseRequired: {
return ParseToCord<TagType>(ptr, ctx, prototype, arena, expected_tag);
} break;
case LogicalState::kClear: {
// Clear/Fresh have empty unparsed data; so this is the equivalent
// of setting it to the passed in bytes.
return ParseToCord<TagType>(ptr, ctx, prototype, arena, expected_tag);
} break;
// Pointers exposed.
case LogicalState::kClearExposed:
case LogicalState::kNoParseRequired:
case LogicalState::kDirty: {
PerformTransition([&](ExclusiveTxn& txn) {
auto* value = txn.mutable_value();
ptr = ParseToRepeatedMessage<TagType>(ptr, ctx, prototype,
expected_tag, value);
return RawState::kIsParsed;
return ptr;
// Required for certain compiler configurations.
return nullptr;
template <typename TagType>
const char* _InternalParseVerify(const MessageLite* prototype, Arena* arena,
const char* ptr, ParseContext* ctx,
TagType expected_tag,
absl::string_view data) {
ABSL_DCHECK(ptr != nullptr);
if (ctx->lazy_parse_mode() == ParseContext::kLazy ||
ctx->lazy_eager_verify_func() == nullptr) {
return ptr;
VerifyResult res = WireFormatVerifyView(data, ctx);
if (res.verified) {
if (res.missing_required_fields) {
// Unparsed data may be uninitialized and need to be parsed to be sure.
return ptr;
// Try eager parsing on potentially malformed wire in case the eager parsing
// fixes the issue. For example, a negative int32 encoded as 5B varint can
// be parsed correctly.
// Should preserve the old parsing mode because we don't want to
// unnecessarily eager-parse other parts of message tree. This can be
// especially inefficient if the eager verification results in false
// positive errors.
ParseContext::LazyParseMode old =
(void)GetByPrototype(prototype, arena, ctx);
// If eager parsing still fails, don't bother restoring the parse mode.
if (HasParsingError()) return nullptr;
// Unverified lazy fields may miss parsing errors on eager parsing. If it's
// certain, just mark error and return.
if (!ctx->treat_eager_parsing_errors_as_errors()) {
auto raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
raw.set_status(RawState::kParseError);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return nullptr;
// We need to transition to dirty to prefer eager serialization as the
// unparsed_ has non-canonical wire format.
(void)MutableByPrototype(prototype, arena);
return ptr;
template <typename TagType>
static const char* ParseToRepeatedMessage(const char* ptr, ParseContext* ctx,
const MessageLite* prototype,
TagType expected_tag,
RepeatedPtrFieldBase* value) {
const char* ptr2 = ptr;
TagType next_tag;
do {
MessageLite* submsg = value->AddMessage(prototype);
// ptr2 points to the start of the element's encoded length.
ptr = ctx->ParseMessage(submsg, ptr2);
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(ptr == nullptr)) return nullptr;
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(!ctx->DataAvailable(ptr))) {
if (ctx->Done(&ptr)) {
ptr2 = ReadTagInternal(ptr, &next_tag);
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(ptr2 == nullptr)) return nullptr;
} while (next_tag == expected_tag);
return ptr;
template <typename TagType>
const char* ParseToCord(const char* ptr, ParseContext* ctx,
const MessageLite* prototype, Arena* arena,
TagType expected_tag) {
// ptr2 points to the start of the encoded length.
const char* ptr2 = ptr;
TagType next_tag;
// Move ptr back to the start of the tag.
size_t tag_size = TagSizeInternal<TagType>(expected_tag);
ptr -= tag_size;
if (ctx->parent_missing_required_fields()) {
} else {
do {
std::string tmp;
// Append the tag.
tmp.append(absl::string_view(ptr, ptr2 - ptr));
size_t taglen_size;
ptr = ctx->ParseLengthDelimitedInlined(
ptr2, [&tmp, &taglen_size, ctx, ptr2](const char* p) {
// At this moment length is read and p points to the start of
// the payload.
ABSL_DCHECK(p - ptr2 > 0 && p - ptr2 <= 5) << p - ptr2;
// Append the length.
tmp.append(absl::string_view(ptr2, p - ptr2));
taglen_size = tmp.size();
return ctx->AppendString(p, &tmp);
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(ptr == nullptr)) return nullptr;
const auto tmp_size = tmp.size();
ABSL_DCHECK_GE(tmp_size, taglen_size);
if (unparsed_.IsCord()) {
} else if (arena != nullptr &&
unparsed_.Size() + tmp_size <= kMaxArraySize) {
if (unparsed_.IsEmpty()) {
unparsed_.InitAsArray(arena, 0);
} else {
if (tmp_size > taglen_size) {
ptr = _InternalParseVerify<TagType>(
prototype, arena, ptr, ctx, expected_tag,
absl::string_view( + taglen_size,
tmp_size - taglen_size));
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(ptr == nullptr)) return nullptr;
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(!ctx->DataAvailable(ptr))) {
// `Done` advances the stream to the next buffer chunk.
if (ctx->Done(&ptr)) {
// ptr points to the start of the next tag.
ptr2 = ReadTagInternal(ptr, &next_tag);
// ptr2 points to the start of the next element's encoded length.
// TODO: Try to remove the following condition for 8 and 16 bits
// TagType.
if (ABSL_PREDICT_FALSE(ptr2 == nullptr)) return nullptr;
} while (next_tag == expected_tag);
if (unparsed_.IsArray()) {
return ptr;
uint8_t* InternalWrite(const MessageLite* prototype, int32_t number,
uint8_t* target,
io::EpsCopyOutputStream* stream) const;
// ByteSize of the repeated ptr field (including the varints of tags and
// lengths).
size_t ByteSizeLong(size_t tag_size) const;
size_t SpaceUsedExcludingSelfLong() const;
// LogicalState combines the `raw_` and `unparsed_` fields to produce the
// current state.
// This separation allows more easily adding fine-grained states w/o touching
// std::atomics; most state transitions are in a write context and do not
// require subtle atomicity.
// TODO: Deduplicate with LazyField.
enum class LogicalState {
// The serialized data is available and unparsed.
// (kParseRequired, !unparsed.empty(), message = undefined).
// The message has been parsed from the serialized data.
// (kIsParsed, !unparsed.empty(), message != nullptr).
// The field is clear (freshly constructed or cleared):
// - (kCleared, unparsed.empty(), message = nullptr)
// The field is clear but previously exposed a pointer.
// - (kCleared, unparsed.empty(), message = !nullptr)
// A write operation was done after a parse.
// (kIsParsed, unparsed.empty(), message != nullptr)
LogicalState GetLogicalState() const {
auto raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
switch (raw.status()) {
case RawState::kParseError:
ABSL_DCHECK_NE(raw.value(), nullptr);
return LogicalState::kDirty;
case RawState::kCleared:
ABSL_DCHECK(raw.value() == nullptr || raw.value()->empty())
<< (raw.value() == nullptr
? "nullptr"
: absl::StrCat("non-empty:", raw.value()->size()));
return raw.value() == nullptr ? LogicalState::kClear
: LogicalState::kClearExposed;
case RawState::kNeedsParse:
case RawState::kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized:
// There is no SetEncoded, so unparsed_ is always from _InternalParse,
// which can't be empty.
ABSL_DCHECK(raw.value() == nullptr || raw.value()->empty());
return LogicalState::kParseRequired;
ABSL_DCHECK(raw.status() == RawState::kIsParsed ||
raw.status() == RawState::kIsParsedMaybeUninitialized);
ABSL_DCHECK(raw.value() != nullptr);
// Only other Initialized state was kParseError which is handled above.
if (unparsed_.IsEmpty()) {
return LogicalState::kDirty;
// Non-null message, unparsed exists.
return LogicalState::kNoParseRequired;
// Values that can be kept in `MessageState`'s status bits.
// TODO: Deduplicate with LazyField.
enum class RawState {
// `unparsed_` is empty.
// `message_` is either nullptr or an empty container.
// `unparsed_` contains the canonical field data.
// `message_` points to the result of parsing that data.
// NOTE: serializing `message_` may produce different bytes than
// `unparsed_`, so care must be taken around issues of canonical or
// deterministic serialization. Generally, `unparsed_` should be preferred
// if it is not empty, as that is lower overhead.
// IsParsed and may be uninitialized. See
// kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized for details.
// TODO: add kIsParsedIgnoreUnparsed and
// kIsParsedIgnoreUnparsedMaybeUninitialized.
// `message_` points to the result of parsing that data, but there was an
// error when parsing. Partially parsed `message_` is considered canonical
// to match eager fields.
// `unparsed_` contains the field data.
// `message_` is either nullptr or an empty container.
// kNeedsParse and may be uninitialized.
// MaybeUninitialized is flagged in the verification and recorded to trigger
// eager parsing on IsInitialized() to be certain.
// Note that unverified data is assumed to be initialized (to support legacy
// cases) and treated as if it's verified to be initialized. Therefore, we
// need "MaybeUninitialized" rather than "Initialized".
kMaxState = kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized
class MessageState {
constexpr explicit MessageState(RawState state) : raw_(ToUint32(state)) {}
MessageState(const RepeatedPtrFieldBase* message, RawState state)
: raw_(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(message) | ToUint32(state)) {
ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(message) & ToUint32(state),
const RepeatedPtrFieldBase* value() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const RepeatedPtrFieldBase*>(raw_ & ~0b111);
RepeatedPtrFieldBase* mutable_value() const {
return reinterpret_cast<RepeatedPtrFieldBase*>(raw_ & ~0b111);
RawState status() const { return ToRawState(raw_ & 0b111); }
void set_status(RawState status) {
raw_ &= ~0b111;
raw_ |= ToUint32(status);
void set_value(const RepeatedPtrFieldBase* message) {
raw_ &= 0b111;
raw_ |= reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(message);
static inline constexpr uint32_t ToUint32(RawState status) {
return static_cast<uint32_t>(status);
static inline RawState ToRawState(uint32_t status) {
ABSL_DCHECK_LE(status, ToUint32(RawState::kMaxState));
return static_cast<RawState>(status);
bool NeedsParse() const {
// kNeedsParse and kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized must be 0 and 1 to make
// NeedsParse() check cheap.
RawState::kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized == RawState::kMaxState, "");
static_assert(ToUint32(RawState::kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized) ==
ToUint32(RawState::kNeedsParse) + 1,
return status() >= RawState::kNeedsParse;
uintptr_t raw_;
// TODO: Deduplicate.
template <typename MessageType>
class ByTemplate {
// Only `Get()` needs access to the default element, but we don't want to
// force instantiation of `MessageType::default_instance()` because it
// doesn't exist in all configurations.
explicit ByTemplate() : ByTemplate(nullptr) {}
explicit ByTemplate(const MessageType* default_instance)
: default_instance_(default_instance) {}
MessageLite* New(Arena* arena) const {
return reinterpret_cast<MessageLite*>(
const MessageLite& Default() const {
ABSL_DCHECK(default_instance_ != nullptr);
return *reinterpret_cast<const MessageLite*>(default_instance_);
const MessageType* default_instance_;
// Copy constructor on arena.
LazyRepeatedPtrField(Arena* arena, const LazyRepeatedPtrField& rhs,
Arena* rhs_arena);
// Serialization methods. Note that WriteToCord may override/clear the
// given cord.
template <typename Input>
bool MergeFrom(const MessageLite* prototype, const Input& data, Arena* arena);
template <typename Strategy>
MessageState SharedInit(Strategy strategy, Arena* arena,
ParseContext* ctx) const {
auto old_raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
if (!old_raw.NeedsParse()) return old_raw;
MessageState new_raw =
// Transfer MaybeUninitialized state after a state transition.
DoParse(nullptr, strategy.Default(), arena, ctx,
old_raw.status() == RawState::kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized);
if (raw_.compare_exchange_strong(old_raw, new_raw,
std::memory_order_acquire)) {
// We won the race. Dispose of the old message (if there was one).
if (arena == nullptr) {
delete reinterpret_cast<const RepeatedPtrField<MessageLite>*>(
return new_raw;
} else {
// We lost the race, but someone else will have installed the new
// value. Dispose of the our attempt at installing.
if (arena == nullptr) {
delete reinterpret_cast<const RepeatedPtrField<MessageLite>*>(
return old_raw;
template <typename Strategy>
MessageState ExclusiveInitWithoutStore(Strategy strategy, Arena* arena,
ParseContext* ctx) {
auto old_raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (!old_raw.NeedsParse() && old_raw.value() != nullptr) return old_raw;
if (old_raw.NeedsParse()) {
// Mutable messages need not transfer MaybeUninitialized.
return DoParse(old_raw.mutable_value(), strategy.Default(), arena, ctx,
ABSL_DCHECK(old_raw.value() == nullptr);
return MessageState(Arena::Create<RepeatedPtrFieldBase>(arena),
template <typename Strategy>
const RepeatedPtrFieldBase* GetGeneric(Strategy strategy, Arena* arena,
ParseContext* ctx) const {
const auto* value = SharedInit(strategy, arena, ctx).value();
if (value == nullptr) {
return reinterpret_cast<const RepeatedPtrFieldBase*>(DefaultRawPtr());
return value;
template <typename Strategy>
RepeatedPtrFieldBase* MutableGeneric(Strategy strategy, Arena* arena,
ParseContext* ctx) {
auto raw = ExclusiveInitWithoutStore(strategy, arena, ctx);
ABSL_DCHECK(raw.value() != nullptr);
raw.set_status(RawState::kIsParsed);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
return raw.mutable_value();
void SetNeedsParse() {
auto raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
raw.set_status(RawState::kNeedsParse);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void SetNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized() {
auto raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
ABSL_DCHECK(raw.status() == RawState::kNeedsParse ||
raw.status() == RawState::kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized);
raw.set_status(RawState::kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
void SetParseNotRequiredMaybeUninitialized() {
auto raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
ABSL_DCHECK(raw.status() == RawState::kIsParsed ||
raw.status() == RawState::kIsParsedMaybeUninitialized);
raw.set_status(RawState::kIsParsedMaybeUninitialized);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
bool MaybeUninitialized() const {
auto raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (raw.status() == RawState::kNeedsParseMaybeUninitialized) return true;
// Make sure the logical state matches as well.
return raw.status() == RawState::kIsParsedMaybeUninitialized &&
GetLogicalState() == LogicalState::kNoParseRequired;
// Adds MaybeUninitialized state if "other" may be uninitialized.
void MergeMaybeUninitializedState(const LazyRepeatedPtrField& other);
bool IsEagerSerializeSafe(const MessageLite* prototype, int32_t number,
Arena* arena) const;
static void swap_atomics(std::atomic<MessageState>& lhs,
std::atomic<MessageState>& rhs);
// Helper to enforce invariants when exclusive R/M/W access is required.
class ExclusiveTxn {
explicit ExclusiveTxn(LazyRepeatedPtrField& lazy)
: lazy_(lazy), state_(lazy_.raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed)) {}
RepeatedPtrFieldBase* mutable_value() {
// Any write to the message at this point should nuke unparsed_.
return state_.mutable_value();
void Commit(RawState new_status) {
if (state_.status() != new_status) {
state_.set_status(new_status);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
LazyRepeatedPtrField& lazy_;
MessageState state_;
template <typename Transition>
RawState PerformTransition(Transition fn) {
ExclusiveTxn txn(*this);
RawState new_state = fn(txn);
return new_state;
// Payload abstraction that can hold a raw char array or a Cord depending on
// how much data it needs to hold.
// The caller is responsible for managing the lifetime of the payload.
// TODO: Deduplicate with the LazyField::UnparsedPayload.
class UnparsedPayload {
enum Tag : uintptr_t {
kTagEmpty = 0,
kTagArray = 1,
kTagCord = 2,
kTagBits = 3,
kRemoveMask = ~kTagBits,
using ArraySizeType = uint16_t;
// Visit the payload and calls the respective callback. The signatures are:
// - () for kUnset
// - (Cord&) for kCord
// - (absl::string_view) for kArray
// Returns the value returned by the callback.
template <typename UnsetF, typename CordF, typename ViewF>
auto Visit(UnsetF unset_f, CordF cord_f, ViewF view_f) const {
Tag t = tag();
// Using ternary to allow for common-type implicit conversions.
return t == kTagEmpty ? unset_f()
: t == kTagArray ? view_f(AsStringView())
: cord_f(AsCord());
Tag tag() const { return static_cast<Tag>(value_ & kTagBits); }
bool IsCord() const {
ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<bool>(value_ & kTagCord),
static_cast<bool>(tag() == kTagCord));
return (value_ & kTagCord) != 0u;
bool IsArray() const {
ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(static_cast<bool>(value_ & kTagArray),
static_cast<bool>(tag() == kTagArray));
return (value_ & kTagArray) != 0u;
// Requires: IsCord()
absl::Cord& AsCord() const {
return *reinterpret_cast<absl::Cord*>(value_ & kRemoveMask);
// Return the payload as Cord regardless of the existing storage.
absl::Cord ForceAsCord() const {
return Visit([] { return absl::Cord(); }, //
[](const auto& c) { return c; },
[](auto view) { return absl::Cord(view); });
// Similar to AsCord(), but if the payload is not already a Cord it will
// convert it first, maintaining existing bytes.
absl::Cord& UpgradeToCord(Arena* arena) {
if (IsCord()) return AsCord();
absl::Cord new_cord(AsStringView());
return InitAsCord(arena, std::move(new_cord));
// Requires: input array is the untagged value.
ArraySizeType GetArraySize(const char* array) const {
ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(array, reinterpret_cast<char*>(value_ - kTagArray));
ArraySizeType size;
memcpy(&size, array, sizeof(size));
return size;
void SetArraySize(void* array, ArraySizeType size) const {
ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(array, reinterpret_cast<void*>(value_ - kTagArray));
memcpy(array, &size, sizeof(ArraySizeType));
void SetArraySize(ArraySizeType size) const {
void* array = reinterpret_cast<void*>(value_ - kTagArray);
memcpy(array, &size, sizeof(ArraySizeType));
// Requires: !IsCord()
absl::string_view AsStringView() const {
switch (tag()) {
case kTagEmpty:
return {};
case kTagArray: {
const char* array = reinterpret_cast<char*>(value_ - kTagArray);
auto size = GetArraySize(array);
return absl::string_view(array + sizeof(size), size);
// Clear the payload. After this call `Size()==0` and `IsEmpty()==true`, but
// it is not necessarily true that `tag()==kTagEmpty`.
// In particular, it keeps the Cord around in case it needs to be reused.
void Clear() {
switch (tag()) {
case kTagEmpty:
case kTagArray:
value_ = 0;
// Destroys allocated memory if necessary. Does not reset the object.
void Destroy() {
if (IsCord()) delete &AsCord();
bool IsEmpty() const {
return Visit([] { return true; },
[](const auto& cord) { return cord.empty(); },
[](auto view) {
return false;
size_t Size() const {
return Visit([] { return 0; },
[](const auto& cord) { return cord.size(); },
[](auto view) { return view.size(); });
// Sets the currently value as a Cord constructed from `args...`.
// It will clean up the existing value if necessary.
template <typename Arg>
void SetCord(Arena* arena, Arg&& arg) {
if (IsCord()) {
// Reuse the existing cord.
AsCord() = std::forward<Arg>(arg);
} else {
absl::Cord* cord =
Arena::Create<absl::Cord>(arena, std::forward<Arg>(arg));
value_ = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(cord) | kTagCord;
// Initialize the value as a Cord constructed from `args...`
// Ignores existing value.
template <typename... Args>
absl::Cord& InitAsCord(Arena* arena, Args&&... args) {
auto* cord =
Arena::Create<absl::Cord>(arena, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
value_ = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(cord) | kTagCord;
return *cord;
// Initialize the value as an array copied from `view`. The tailing bytes
// are set to 0 to avoid UB.
// Ignores existing value.
void InitAndSetArray(Arena* arena, absl::string_view view) {
char* array = InitAsArray(arena, view.size());
memcpy(array,, view.size());
if (view.size() < kMaxArraySize) {
// Memset uninit data to avoid UB later.
memset(array + view.size(), '\0', kMaxArraySize - view.size());
ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(view, AsStringView());
// Initialize the value as an array copied from `cord`. The tailing bytes
// are set to 0 to avoid UB.
// Ignores existing value.
void InitAndSetArray(Arena* arena, const absl::Cord& cord) {
auto size = cord.size();
char* array = InitAsArray(arena, size);
if (size < kMaxArraySize) {
// Memset uninit data to avoid UB later.
memset(array + size, '\0', kMaxArraySize - size);
// Initialize the value as an array of size `size`. The payload bytes are
// uninitialized.
// Ignores existing value.
char* InitAsArray(Arena* arena, ArraySizeType size) {
ABSL_DCHECK(arena != nullptr);
// Allocate max allowed capacity.
// TODO: improve this to reduce waste when the size is small.
void* c = arena->AllocateAligned(kMaxArraySize + sizeof(ArraySizeType));
ABSL_DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(c) & kTagBits, uintptr_t{0});
value_ = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(c) | kTagArray;
SetArraySize(c, size);
return static_cast<char*>(c) + sizeof(ArraySizeType);
void AppendToArray(absl::string_view view) {
char* array = reinterpret_cast<char*>(value_ - kTagArray);
ArraySizeType size = GetArraySize(array);
char* c = array + sizeof(size) + size;
size += view.size();
SetArraySize(array, size);
memcpy(c,, view.size());
void ZeroOutTailingBytes() {
char* array = reinterpret_cast<char*>(value_ - kTagArray);
auto size = GetArraySize(array);
if (size < kMaxArraySize) {
memset(array + sizeof(ArraySizeType) + size, '\0',
kMaxArraySize - size);
size_t SpaceUsedExcludingSelf() const {
return Visit(
[] { return 0; },
[](const auto& cord) { return cord.EstimatedMemoryUsage(); },
[](auto view) { return kMaxArraySize + sizeof(ArraySizeType); });
void TransferHeapOwnershipToArena(Arena* arena) {
ABSL_DCHECK(tag() == kTagCord || tag() == kTagEmpty);
if (IsCord()) arena->Own(&AsCord());
uintptr_t value_ = 0;
static bool ParseWithOuterContext(RepeatedPtrFieldBase* value,
const absl::Cord& input, ParseContext* ctx,
const MessageLite* prototype,
bool set_missing_required);
static bool ParseWithOuterContext(RepeatedPtrFieldBase* value,
absl::string_view input, ParseContext* ctx,
const MessageLite* prototype,
bool set_missing_required);
// This method has to be below the definition of class UnparsedPayload due to
// the call to `unparsed_.Visit`.
// TODO: Deduplicate with LazyField.
MessageState DoParse(RepeatedPtrFieldBase* old, const MessageLite& prototype,
Arena* arena, ParseContext* ctx,
bool maybe_uninitialized) const {
auto* value =
(old == nullptr) ? Arena::Create<RepeatedPtrFieldBase>(arena) : old;
if (!unparsed_.Visit(
[] { return true; },
[&](const auto& cord) {
return ParseWithOuterContext(value, cord, ctx, &prototype,
[&](auto view) {
return ParseWithOuterContext(value, view, ctx, &prototype,
})) {
// If this is called by eager verification, ctx != nullptr and logging
// parsing error in that case is likely redundant because the parsing will
// fail anyway. Users who care about parsing errors would have already
// checked the return value and others may find the error log unexpected.
// `ctx == nullptr` means it's not eagerly verified (e.g. unverified lazy)
// and logging in that case makes sense.
if (ctx == nullptr) {
return MessageState(value, RawState::kParseError);
return MessageState(value, maybe_uninitialized
? RawState::kIsParsedMaybeUninitialized
: RawState::kIsParsed);
// Mutable because it is initialized lazily.
// A MessageState is a tagged RepeatedPtrFieldBase*
mutable std::atomic<MessageState> raw_;
// NOT mutable because we keep the payload around until the message changes in
// some way.
UnparsedPayload unparsed_;
// absl::Cord will make copies on anything under this limit, so we might as
// well do the copies into our own buffer instead.
static constexpr size_t kMaxArraySize = 512;
static_assert(kMaxArraySize <=
friend class ::google::protobuf::Arena;
friend class ::google::protobuf::Reflection;
friend class ExtensionSet;
typedef void InternalArenaConstructable_;
typedef void DestructorSkippable_;
// Logs a parsing error.
static void LogParseError(const RepeatedPtrFieldBase* value);
bool IsAllocated() const {
return raw_.load(std::memory_order_acquire).value() != nullptr;
// For testing purposes.
friend class LazyRepeatedPtrFieldTest;
friend class LazyRepeatedInMessageTest;
template <typename Element>
void OverwriteForTest(RawState status, const absl::Cord& unparsed,
RepeatedPtrField<Element>* value, Arena* arena);
inline LazyRepeatedPtrField::~LazyRepeatedPtrField() {
const auto* value = raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed).value();
delete reinterpret_cast<const RepeatedPtrField<MessageLite>*>(value);
// TODO: Deduplicate with LazyField.
inline const RepeatedPtrFieldBase* LazyRepeatedPtrField::TryGetRepeated()
const {
switch (GetLogicalState()) {
case LogicalState::kDirty:
case LogicalState::kNoParseRequired:
case LogicalState::kParseRequired:
return raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed).value();
case LogicalState::kClear:
case LogicalState::kClearExposed:
return nullptr;
return nullptr;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Testing stuff.
// It's in the header due to the template.
// TODO: Deduplicate with LazyField.
template <typename Element>
void LazyRepeatedPtrField::OverwriteForTest(RawState status,
const absl::Cord& unparsed,
RepeatedPtrField<Element>* value,
Arena* arena) {
auto raw = raw_.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
if (arena == nullptr) {
delete reinterpret_cast<const RepeatedPtrField<MessageLite>*>(raw.value());
if (!unparsed.empty()) {
if (arena != nullptr && unparsed.size() <= kMaxArraySize) {
unparsed_.InitAndSetArray(arena, unparsed);
} else {
unparsed_.SetCord(arena, unparsed);
}, std::memory_order_relaxed);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"