blob: eea7c2c9ab1239f5e858422a5ae73b8d9a8bff2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "google/protobuf/generated_message_tctable_decl.h"
#include "google/protobuf/generated_message_tctable_impl.h"
#include "google/protobuf/io/coded_stream.h"
#include "google/protobuf/parse_context.h"
#include "google/protobuf/unittest.pb.h"
#include "google/protobuf/wire_format_lite.h"
// clang-format off
#include "google/protobuf/"
// clang-format on
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace internal {
namespace {
using ::testing::ElementsAreArray;
using ::testing::Eq;
using ::testing::Not;
using ::testing::Optional;
// The fast parser's dispatch table Xors two bytes of incoming data with
// the data in TcFieldData, so we reproduce that here:
TcFieldData Xor2SerializedBytes(TcFieldData tfd, const char* ptr) {
uint64_t twobytes = 0xFF & ptr[0];
twobytes |= (0xFF & ptr[1]) << 8; ^= twobytes;
return tfd;
absl::optional<const char*> fallback_ptr_received;
absl::optional<uint64_t> fallback_hasbits_received;
absl::optional<uint64_t> fallback_tag_received;
const char* FastParserGaveUp(::google::protobuf::MessageLite*, const char* ptr,
::google::protobuf::internal::TcFieldData data,
const ::google::protobuf::internal::TcParseTableBase*,
uint64_t hasbits) {
fallback_ptr_received = ptr;
fallback_hasbits_received = hasbits;
fallback_tag_received = data.tag();
return nullptr;
// To test that we aren't storing too much data, we set up a fake message area
// and fill all its bytes with kDND.
constexpr char kDND = 0x5A; // "Do Not Disturb"
// To retrieve data and see if it matches what we expect, we have this routine
// which simultaneously reads the data we want, and sets it back to what it was
// before the test, that is, to kDND. This makes it easier to test at the end
// that all the original data is undisturbed.
template <typename T>
T ReadAndReset(char* p) {
T result;
memcpy(&result, p, sizeof(result));
memset(p, kDND, sizeof(result));
return result;
TEST(FastVarints, NameHere) {
constexpr uint8_t kHasBitsOffset = 4;
constexpr uint8_t kHasBitIndex = 0;
constexpr uint8_t kFieldOffset = 24;
// clang-format on
const TcParseTable<0, 1, 0, 0, 2> parse_table = {
kHasBitsOffset, //
0, // no _extensions_
1, 0, // max_field_number, fast_idx_mask
offsetof(decltype(parse_table), field_lookup_table),
0xFFFFFFFF - 1, // skipmap
offsetof(decltype(parse_table), field_entries),
1, // num_field_entries
0, // num_aux_entries
offsetof(decltype(parse_table), field_names), // no aux_entries
nullptr, // default instance
nullptr, // post_loop_handler
FastParserGaveUp, // fallback
nullptr, // to_prefetch
// Fast Table:
// optional int32 field = 1;
{TcParser::SingularVarintNoZag1<::uint32_t, kFieldOffset,
{/* coded_tag= */ 8, kHasBitIndex, /* aux_idx= */ 0, kFieldOffset}},
// Field Lookup Table:
{{65535, 65535}},
// Field Entries:
// This is set to kFkNone to force MiniParse to call the fallback
{kFieldOffset, kHasBitsOffset + 0, 0, (field_layout::kFkNone)},
// no aux_entries
// clang-format on
uint8_t serialize_buffer[64];
for (int size : {8, 32, 64}) {
auto next_i = [](uint64_t i) {
// if i + 1 is a power of two, return that.
// (This will also match when i == -1, but for this loop we know that will
// not happen.)
if ((i & (i + 1)) == 0) return i + 1;
// otherwise, i is already a power of two, so advance to one less than the
// next power of two.
return i + (i - 1);
for (uint64_t i = 0; i + 1 != 0; i = next_i(i)) {
enum OverlongKind { kNotOverlong, kOverlong, kOverlongWithDroppedBits };
for (OverlongKind overlong :
{kNotOverlong, kOverlong, kOverlongWithDroppedBits}) {
alignas(16) char fake_msg[64] = {
kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, //
kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, //
kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, //
kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, //
kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, //
kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, //
kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, //
kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, kDND, //
memset(&fake_msg[kHasBitsOffset], 0, sizeof(uint32_t));
auto serialize_ptr = WireFormatLite::WriteUInt64ToArray(
/* field_number= */ 1, i, serialize_buffer);
if (overlong == kOverlong || overlong == kOverlongWithDroppedBits) {
// 1 for the tag plus 10 for the value
while (serialize_ptr - serialize_buffer < 11) {
serialize_ptr[-1] |= 0x80;
*serialize_ptr++ = 0;
if (overlong == kOverlongWithDroppedBits) {
// For this one we add some unused bits to the last byte.
// They should be dropped. Bits 1-6 are dropped. Bit 0 is used and
// bit 7 is checked for continuation.
serialize_ptr[-1] |= 0b0111'1110;
absl::string_view serialized{
static_cast<size_t>(serialize_ptr - serialize_buffer)};
const char* ptr = nullptr;
const char* end_ptr = nullptr;
ParseContext ctx(io::CodedInputStream::GetDefaultRecursionLimit(),
/* aliasing= */ false, &ptr, serialized);
ABSL_LOG(ERROR) << "size=" << size << " i=" << i << " ptr points to " //
<< +ptr[0] << "," << +ptr[1] << "," //
<< +ptr[2] << "," << +ptr[3] << "," //
<< +ptr[4] << "," << +ptr[5] << "," //
<< +ptr[6] << "," << +ptr[7] << "," //
<< +ptr[8] << "," << +ptr[9] << "," << +ptr[10] << "\n";
TailCallParseFunc fn = nullptr;
switch (size) {
case 8:
fn = &TcParser::FastV8S1;
case 32:
fn = &TcParser::FastV32S1;
case 64:
fn = &TcParser::FastV64S1;
fallback_ptr_received = absl::nullopt;
fallback_hasbits_received = absl::nullopt;
fallback_tag_received = absl::nullopt;
end_ptr = fn(reinterpret_cast<MessageLite*>(fake_msg), ptr, &ctx,
Xor2SerializedBytes(parse_table.fast_entries[0].bits, ptr),
&parse_table.header, /*hasbits=*/0);
switch (size) {
case 8: {
if (end_ptr == nullptr) {
// If end_ptr is nullptr, that means the FastParser gave up and
// tried to pass control to MiniParse.... which is expected
// anytime we encounter something other than 0 or 1 encodings.
// (Since FastV8S1 is only used for `bool` fields.)
if (overlong == kNotOverlong) {
EXPECT_NE(i, true);
EXPECT_NE(i, false);
EXPECT_THAT(fallback_hasbits_received, Optional(0));
// Like the mini-parser functions, and unlike the fast-parser
// functions, the fallback receives a ptr already incremented past
// the tag, and receives the actual tag in the `data` parameter.
EXPECT_THAT(fallback_ptr_received, Optional(ptr + 1));
EXPECT_THAT(fallback_tag_received, Optional(0x7F & *ptr));
ASSERT_EQ(end_ptr - ptr, serialized.size());
auto actual_field = ReadAndReset<uint8_t>(&fake_msg[kFieldOffset]);
EXPECT_EQ(actual_field, static_cast<decltype(actual_field)>(i)) //
<< " hex: " << absl::StrCat(absl::Hex(actual_field));
}; break;
case 32: {
ASSERT_EQ(end_ptr - ptr, serialized.size());
auto actual_field = ReadAndReset<uint32_t>(&fake_msg[kFieldOffset]);
EXPECT_EQ(actual_field, static_cast<decltype(actual_field)>(i)) //
<< " hex: " << absl::StrCat(absl::Hex(actual_field));
}; break;
case 64: {
ASSERT_EQ(end_ptr - ptr, serialized.size());
auto actual_field = ReadAndReset<uint64_t>(&fake_msg[kFieldOffset]);
EXPECT_EQ(actual_field, static_cast<decltype(actual_field)>(i)) //
<< " hex: " << absl::StrCat(absl::Hex(actual_field));
}; break;
auto hasbits = ReadAndReset<uint32_t>(&fake_msg[kHasBitsOffset]);
EXPECT_EQ(hasbits, 1 << kHasBitIndex);
int offset = 0;
for (char ch : fake_msg) {
EXPECT_EQ(ch, kDND) << " corruption of message at offset " << offset;
MATCHER_P3(IsEntryForFieldNum, table, field_num, field_numbers_table,
absl::StrCat(negation ? "isn't " : "",
"the field entry for field number ", field_num)) {
if (arg == nullptr) {
*result_listener << "which is nullptr";
return false;
// Use the entry's index to compare field numbers.
size_t index = static_cast<const TcParseTableBase::FieldEntry*>(arg) -
uint32_t actual_field_num = field_numbers_table[index];
if (actual_field_num != field_num) {
*result_listener << "which is the entry for " << actual_field_num;
return false;
return true;
TEST(IsEntryForFieldNumTest, Matcher) {
// clang-format off
TcParseTable<0, 3, 0, 0, 2> table = {
// header:
0, 0, // has_bits_offset, extensions
0, // max_field_number
0, // fast_idx_mask,
offsetof(decltype(table), field_lookup_table),
0xFFFFFFFF - 7, // 7 = fields 1, 2, and 3.
offsetof(decltype(table), field_names),
0, // num_field_entries
0, 0, // num_aux_entries, aux_offset,
nullptr, // default instance
nullptr, // post_loop_handler
nullptr, // fallback function
nullptr, // to_prefetch
// clang-format on
int table_field_numbers[] = {1, 2, 3};
table.field_lookup_table = {{65535, 65535}};
auto& entries = table.field_entries;
EXPECT_THAT(&entries[0], IsEntryForFieldNum(&table, 1, table_field_numbers));
EXPECT_THAT(&entries[2], IsEntryForFieldNum(&table, 3, table_field_numbers));
Not(IsEntryForFieldNum(&table, 3, table_field_numbers)));
EXPECT_THAT(nullptr, Not(IsEntryForFieldNum(&table, 1, table_field_numbers)));
} // namespace
class FindFieldEntryTest : public ::testing::Test {
// Calls the private `FindFieldEntry` function.
template <size_t kFastTableSizeLog2, size_t kNumEntries, size_t kNumFieldAux,
size_t kNameTableSize, size_t kFieldLookupTableSize>
static const TcParseTableBase::FieldEntry* FindFieldEntry(
const TcParseTable<kFastTableSizeLog2, kNumEntries, kNumFieldAux,
kNameTableSize, kFieldLookupTableSize>& table,
uint32_t tag) {
return TcParser::FindFieldEntry(&table.header, tag);
// Calls the private `FieldName` function.
template <size_t kFastTableSizeLog2, size_t kNumEntries, size_t kNumFieldAux,
size_t kNameTableSize, size_t kFieldLookupTableSize>
static absl::string_view FieldName(
const TcParseTable<kFastTableSizeLog2, kNumEntries, kNumFieldAux,
kNameTableSize, kFieldLookupTableSize>& table,
const TcParseTableBase::FieldEntry* entry) {
return TcParser::FieldName(&table.header, entry);
// Calls the private `MessageName` function.
template <size_t kFastTableSizeLog2, size_t kNumEntries, size_t kNumFieldAux,
size_t kNameTableSize, size_t kFieldLookupTableSize>
static absl::string_view MessageName(
const TcParseTable<kFastTableSizeLog2, kNumEntries, kNumFieldAux,
kNameTableSize, kFieldLookupTableSize>& table) {
return TcParser::MessageName(&table.header);
// Returns the number of fields scanned during a small scan.
static constexpr int small_scan_size() { return TcParser::kMtSmallScanSize; }
TEST_F(FindFieldEntryTest, SequentialFieldRange) {
// Look up fields that are within the range of `lookup_table_offset`.
// clang-format off
TcParseTable<0, 5, 0, 0, 8> table = {
// header:
0, 0, // has_bits_offset, extensions
111, // max_field_number
0, // fast_idx_mask,
offsetof(decltype(table), field_lookup_table),
0xFFFFFFFF - (1 << 1) - (1 << 2) // fields 2, 3
- (1 << 3) - (1 << 4), // fields 4, 5
offsetof(decltype(table), field_entries),
5, // num_field_entries
0, 0, // num_aux_entries, aux_offset,
nullptr, // default instance
nullptr, // post_loop_handler
{}, // fallback function
nullptr, // to_prefetch
{}, // fast_entries
// field_lookup_table for 2, 3, 4, 5, 111:
111, 0, // field 111
1, // 1 skip entry
0xFFFE, 4, // 1 field, entry 4.
65535, 65535, // end of table
// clang-format on
int table_field_numbers[] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 111};
for (int i : table_field_numbers) {
EXPECT_THAT(FindFieldEntry(table, i),
IsEntryForFieldNum(&table, i, table_field_numbers));
for (int i : {0, 1, 6, 7, 110, 112, 500000000}) {
ABSL_LOG(WARNING) << "Field " << i;
EXPECT_THAT(FindFieldEntry(table, i), Eq(nullptr));
TEST_F(FindFieldEntryTest, SmallScanRange) {
// Look up fields past `lookup_table_offset`, but before binary search.
ASSERT_THAT(small_scan_size(), Eq(4)) << "test needs to be updated";
// clang-format off
TcParseTable<0, 6, 0, 0, 8> table = {
// header:
0, 0, // has_bits_offset, extensions
111, // max_field_number
0, // fast_idx_mask,
offsetof(decltype(table), field_lookup_table),
0xFFFFFFFF - (1<<0) - (1<<2) - (1<<3) - (1<<4) - (1<<6), // 1,3-5,7
offsetof(decltype(table), field_entries),
6, // num_field_entries
0, 0, // num_aux_entries, aux_offset,
nullptr, // default instance
nullptr, // post_loop_handler
{}, // fallback function
nullptr, // to_prefetch
{}, // fast_entries
// field_lookup_table for 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 111:
111, 0, // field 111
1, // 1 skip entry
0xFFFE, 5, // 1 field, entry 5
65535, 65535 // end of table
// clang-format on
int table_field_numbers[] = {// Sequential entries:
// Small scan range:
3, 4, 5, 7,
// Binary search range:
for (int i : table_field_numbers) {
EXPECT_THAT(FindFieldEntry(table, i),
IsEntryForFieldNum(&table, i, table_field_numbers));
for (int i : {0, 2, 6, 8, 9, 110, 112, 500000000}) {
EXPECT_THAT(FindFieldEntry(table, i), Eq(nullptr));
TEST_F(FindFieldEntryTest, BinarySearchRange) {
// Fields after the sequential and small-scan ranges are looked up using
// binary search.
ASSERT_THAT(small_scan_size(), Eq(4)) << "test needs to be updated";
// clang-format off
TcParseTable<0, 10, 0, 0, 8> table = {
// header:
0, 0, // has_bits_offset, extensions
70, // max_field_number
0, // fast_idx_mask,
offsetof(decltype(table), field_lookup_table),
0xFFFFFFFF - (1<<0) - (1<<2) - (1<<3) - (1<<4) // 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
- (1<<5) - (1<<7) - (1<<8) - (1<<10) // 8, 9, 11, 12
- (1<<11),
offsetof(decltype(table), field_entries),
10, // num_field_entries
0, 0, // num_aux_entries, aux_offset,
nullptr, // default instance
nullptr, // post_loop_handler
{}, // fallback function
nullptr, // to_prefetch
{}, // fast_entries
// field_lookup_table for 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 70
70, 0, // field 70
1, // 1 skip entry
0xFFFE, 9, // 1 field, entry 9
65535, 65535 // end of table
int table_field_numbers[] = {
// Sequential entries:
// Small scan range:
3, 4, 5, 6,
// Binary search range:
8, 9, 11, 12, 70
// clang-format on
for (int i : table_field_numbers) {
EXPECT_THAT(FindFieldEntry(table, i),
IsEntryForFieldNum(&table, i, table_field_numbers));
for (int i : {0, 2, 7, 10, 13, 69, 71, 112, 500000000}) {
EXPECT_THAT(FindFieldEntry(table, i), Eq(nullptr));
TEST_F(FindFieldEntryTest, OutOfRange) {
// Look up tags that are larger than the maximum in the message.
// clang-format off
TcParseTable<0, 3, 0, 15, 2> table = {
// header:
0, 0, // has_bits_offset, extensions
3, // max_field_number
0, // fast_idx_mask,
offsetof(decltype(table), field_lookup_table),
0xFFFFFFFF - (1<<0) - (1<<1) - (1<<2), // fields 1, 2, 3
offsetof(decltype(table), field_entries),
3, // num_field_entries
0, // num_aux_entries
offsetof(decltype(table), field_names), // no aux_entries
nullptr, // default instance
nullptr, // post_loop_handler
{}, // fallback function
nullptr, // to_prefetch
{}, // fast_entries
{{// field lookup table
65535, 65535 // end of table
{}, // "mini" table
// auxiliary entries (none in this test)
{{ // name lengths
// names
// clang-format on
int table_field_numbers[] = {1, 2, 3};
for (int field_num : table_field_numbers) {
auto* entry = FindFieldEntry(table, field_num);
IsEntryForFieldNum(&table, field_num, table_field_numbers));
absl::string_view name = FieldName(table, entry);
EXPECT_EQ(name.length(), field_num);
while (name[0] == '0') name.remove_prefix(1); // strip leading zeores
EXPECT_EQ(name, absl::StrCat(field_num));
for (int field_num : {0, 4, 112, 500000000}) {
EXPECT_THAT(FindFieldEntry(table, field_num), Eq(nullptr));
TEST_F(FindFieldEntryTest, EmptyMessage) {
// Ensure that tables with no fields are handled correctly.
using TableType = TcParseTable<0, 0, 0, 20, 2>;
// clang-format off
TableType table = {
// header:
0, 0, // has_bits_offset, extensions
0, // max_field_number
0, // fast_idx_mask,
offsetof(decltype(table), field_lookup_table),
0xFFFFFFFF, // no fields
offsetof(decltype(table), field_names), // no field_entries
0, // num_field_entries
0, // num_aux_entries
offsetof(TableType, field_names),
nullptr, // default instance
nullptr, // post_loop_handler
nullptr, // fallback function
nullptr, // to_prefetch
{}, // fast_entries
{{// empty field lookup table
65535, 65535
// clang-format on
for (int i : {0, 4, 112, 500000000}) {
EXPECT_THAT(FindFieldEntry(table, i), Eq(nullptr));
EXPECT_THAT(MessageName(table), Eq("MessageName"));
// Make a monster with lots of field numbers
int32_t test_all_types_table_field_numbers[] = {
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, //
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 22, 24, //
25, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, //
39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 48, 49, 51, //
52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, //
63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, //
73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, //
83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, //
93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, //
111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 201, //
241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, //
251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 321, 322, 401, 402, 403, //
404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, //
414, 415, 416, 417};
// clang-format off
const TcParseTable<5, 134, 5, 2176, 55> test_all_types_table = {
// header:
0, 0, // has_bits_offset, extensions
418, 248, // max_field_number, fast_idx_mask
offsetof(decltype(test_all_types_table), field_lookup_table),
977895424, // skipmap for fields 1-15,18-19,21-22,24-25,27,31-32
offsetof(decltype(test_all_types_table), field_entries),
135, // num_field_entries
5, // num_aux_entries
offsetof(decltype(test_all_types_table), aux_entries),
nullptr, // default instance
nullptr, // post_loop_handler
nullptr, // fallback function
nullptr, // to_prefetch
// tail-call table
{{ // field lookup table
// fields 33-417, over 25 skipmap / offset pairs
33, 0, 25,
24576, 24, 18, 38, 0, 52, 0, 68, 16320, 84,
65408, 92, 65535, 99, 65535, 99, 65535, 99, 65535, 99,
65279, 99, 65535, 100, 65535, 100, 32768, 100, 65535, 115,
65535, 115, 65535, 115, 65535, 115, 65532, 115, 65535, 117,
65535, 117, 65535, 117, 65535, 117, 0, 117, 65532, 133,
// end of table
65535, 65535
// "mini" table
{{ // auxiliary entries (not used in this test)
{-1, 4},
{-1, 4},
{-1, 4},
{-1, 4},
{-1, 4},
}}, {{ // name lengths
"\1" // message name
// names
// clang-format on
TEST_F(FindFieldEntryTest, BigMessage) {
EXPECT_THAT(MessageName(test_all_types_table), Eq("M"));
for (int field_num :
{1, 12, 31, 42, 57, 68, 79, 90, 101, 119, 249, 402, 412}) {
auto* entry = FindFieldEntry(test_all_types_table, field_num);
absl::string_view name = FieldName(test_all_types_table, entry);
switch (field_num) {
case 1:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("optional_int32"));
case 12:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("optional_double"));
case 31:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("repeated_int32"));
case 42:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("repeated_double"));
case 57:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("map_int64_int64"));
case 68:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("map_bool_bool"));
case 79:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("packed_sint32"));
case 90:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("unpacked_int64"));
case 101:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("unpacked_bool"));
case 119:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("oneof_enum"));
case 249:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("default_sfixed32"));
case 402:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("field_name2"));
case 412:
EXPECT_THAT(name, Eq("FIELD_name12"));
TEST(GeneratedMessageTctableLiteTest, PackedEnumSmallRange) {
// RepeatedField::Reserve(n) may set the capacity to something greater than n,
// and this "upgrade" algorithm can even be different depending on compiler
// optimizations! This value is chosen such that -- with the current
// implementation of Reserve() -- Reserve(kNumVals) always results in a
// different final capacity than you'd get by adding elements one at a time.
constexpr int kNumVals = 1023;
protobuf_unittest::TestPackedEnumSmallRange proto;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumVals; i++) {
protobuf_unittest::TestPackedEnumSmallRange new_proto;
// We should have reserved exactly the right size for new_proto's `vals`,
// rather than growing it on demand like we did in `proto`.
EXPECT_LT(new_proto.vals().Capacity(), proto.vals().Capacity());
// Check that new_proto's capacity is equal to exactly what we'd get from
// calling Reserve(n).
protobuf_unittest::TestPackedEnumSmallRange empty_proto;
EXPECT_EQ(new_proto.vals().Capacity(), empty_proto.vals().Capacity());
// Create a serialized proto which falsely claims to have a packed array of
// enums of length a little less than 2^31. We merge this with a proto that
// already has a few elements in this array.
// This test checks that the parser doesn't overflow an int32 when computing the
// array's new length.
TEST(GeneratedMessageTctableLiteTest, PackedEnumSmallRangeLargeSize) {
// This test attempts to allocate 8GB of memory, which OOMs MSAN.
#ifdef _WIN32
// This test OOMs on Windows. I think this is because Windows is committing
// the entirety of the 8GB malloc'ed range, whereas Linux maps it but doesn't
// commit it.
// This test is only meaningful on 64-bit platforms. On 32-bit platforms, we
// can't allocate 2^31 4-byte elements anyway; that is a straightforward OOM.
if (sizeof(size_t) < 8) {
// Create a serialized proto that contains just `field 1: length ~2^31`. We
// don't put the actual data in there, just the field header.
uint8_t serialize_buffer[64];
uint8_t* serialize_ptr = serialize_buffer;
serialize_ptr = WireFormatLite::WriteTagToArray(
1, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, serialize_ptr);
// INT32_MAX is not a valid array length because RepeatedField uses a bit of
// space for its metadata. We can be a little short of it, that's fine.
serialize_ptr = WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32NoTagToArray(
std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() - 64, serialize_ptr);
absl::string_view serialized{
static_cast<size_t>(serialize_ptr - serialize_buffer)};
// This isn't a legal proto because the given array length (a little less than
// 2^31) doesn't match the actual array length (0). But all we're checking
// for here is that we don't have UB when deserializing.
protobuf_unittest::TestPackedEnumSmallRange proto;
// Add a few elements to the proto so that when we MergeFromString, the final
// array length is greater than INT32_MAX.
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
PackedEnumSmallRangeSizeLargerThanInputSize) {
// Create a serialized proto that contains just `field 1: length 2^20`. We
// don't put the actual data in there, just the field header.
uint8_t serialize_buffer[64];
uint8_t* serialize_ptr = serialize_buffer;
serialize_ptr = WireFormatLite::WriteTagToArray(
1, WireFormatLite::WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED, serialize_ptr);
serialize_ptr =
WireFormatLite::WriteUInt32NoTagToArray(uint32_t{1} << 20, serialize_ptr);
absl::string_view serialized{
static_cast<size_t>(serialize_ptr - serialize_buffer)};
// The deserialized proto should reserve much less than 2^20 elements for
// field 1, because it notices that the input serialized proto is much smaller
// than 2^20 bytes.
protobuf_unittest::TestPackedEnumSmallRange proto;
EXPECT_LE(proto.vals().Capacity(), 2048);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"