| if [[ -d tmp && -z $(find tests/proto ../src/protoc -newer tmp) ]]; then |
| # Generated protos are already present and up to date, so we can skip protoc. |
| # Protoc is very fast, but sometimes it is not available (like if we haven't |
| # built it in Docker). Skipping it helps us proceed in this case. |
| echo "Test protos are up-to-date, skipping protoc." |
| find tests/proto -type f -name "*.proto"| xargs ../src/protoc --php_out=tmp -I../src -Itests |
| if [ "$1" = "--aggregate_metadata" ]; then |
| # Overwrite some of the files to use aggregation. |
| AGGREGATED_FILES="tests/proto/test.proto tests/proto/test_include.proto tests/proto/test_import_descriptor_proto.proto" |
| ../src/protoc --php_out=aggregate_metadata=foo#bar:tmp -I../src -Itests $AGGREGATED_FILES |
| echo "Generated test protos from tests/proto -> tmp" |