blob: ecdd35a20ad27a6cbde07bcc311b98eccdaabb15 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
use googletest::prelude::*;
use map_unittest_proto::proto2_unittest::TestMap;
use paste::paste;
macro_rules! generate_map_primitives_tests {
$(($k_type:ty, $v_type:ty, $k_field:ident, $v_field:ident)),*
) => {
paste! { $(
fn [< test_map_ $k_field _ $v_field >]() {
let mut msg = TestMap::new();
let k: $k_type = Default::default();
let v: $v_type = Default::default();
assert_that!(msg.[< map_ $k_field _ $v_field _mut>]().insert(k, v), eq(true));
assert_that!(msg.[< map_ $k_field _ $v_field >]().len(), eq(1));
)* }
(i32, i32, int32, int32),
(i64, i64, int64, int64),
(u32, u32, uint32, uint32),
(u64, u64, uint64, uint64),
(i32, i32, sint32, sint32),
(i64, i64, sint64, sint64),
(u32, u32, fixed32, fixed32),
(u64, u64, fixed64, fixed64),
(i32, i32, sfixed32, sfixed32),
(i64, i64, sfixed64, sfixed64),
(i32, f32, int32, float),
(i32, f64, int32, double),
(bool, bool, bool, bool)
fn test_string_maps() {
let mut msg = TestMap::new();
msg.map_string_string_mut().insert("hello", "world".into());
msg.map_string_string_mut().insert("fizz", "buzz".into());
assert_that!(msg.map_string_string().len(), eq(2));
assert_that!(msg.map_string_string().get("fizz").unwrap(), eq("buzz"));
assert_that!(msg.map_string_string().get("not found"), eq(None));
assert_that!(msg.map_string_string().len(), eq(0));