| load("@bazel_skylib//:bzl_library.bzl", "bzl_library") |
| load("//:protobuf.bzl", "internal_objc_proto_library", "internal_php_proto_library", "internal_py_proto_library") |
| load("//bazel:cc_proto_library.bzl", "cc_proto_library") |
| load("//bazel:java_lite_proto_library.bzl", "java_lite_proto_library") |
| load("//bazel:java_proto_library.bzl", "java_proto_library") |
| load("//bazel:proto_library.bzl", "proto_library") |
| load("//bazel:upb_proto_library.bzl", "upb_c_proto_library", "upb_proto_reflection_library") |
| load(":defaults.bzl", "compile_edition_defaults", "embed_edition_defaults") |
| |
| bzl_library( |
| name = "defaults", |
| srcs = ["defaults.bzl"], |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| deps = ["//bazel/common:proto_info_bzl"], |
| ) |
| |
| # Aggregate all the features owned by the Protobuf repo. |
| compile_edition_defaults( |
| name = "protobuf_defaults", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = [ |
| "//java/core:java_features_proto", |
| "//src/google/protobuf:cpp_features_proto", |
| ], |
| maximum_edition = "2023", |
| minimum_edition = "2023", |
| ) |
| |
| compile_edition_defaults( |
| name = "test_defaults_2023", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["//src/google/protobuf:unittest_features_proto"], |
| maximum_edition = "2023", |
| minimum_edition = "2023", |
| ) |
| |
| compile_edition_defaults( |
| name = "test_defaults_future", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["//src/google/protobuf:unittest_features_proto"], |
| maximum_edition = "99997_TEST_ONLY", |
| minimum_edition = "2023", |
| ) |
| |
| compile_edition_defaults( |
| name = "test_defaults_far_future", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["//src/google/protobuf:unittest_features_proto"], |
| maximum_edition = "99999_TEST_ONLY", |
| minimum_edition = "99997_TEST_ONLY", |
| ) |
| |
| embed_edition_defaults( |
| name = "embed_test_defaults", |
| testonly = True, |
| defaults = ":test_defaults_2023", |
| output = "defaults_test_embedded.h", |
| placeholder = "DEFAULTS_VALUE", |
| template = "defaults_test_embedded.h.template", |
| ) |
| |
| embed_edition_defaults( |
| name = "embed_test_defaults_base64", |
| testonly = True, |
| defaults = ":test_defaults_2023", |
| encoding = "base64", |
| output = "defaults_test_embedded_base64.h", |
| placeholder = "DEFAULTS_VALUE", |
| template = "defaults_test_embedded_base64.h.template", |
| ) |
| |
| cc_binary( |
| name = "internal_defaults_escape", |
| srcs = ["internal_defaults_escape.cc"], |
| malloc = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:malloc", |
| # This needs to be public for users of embed_edition_defaults. |
| visibility = ["//visibility:public"], |
| deps = [ |
| "//src/google/protobuf", |
| "@abseil-cpp//absl/flags:flag", |
| "@abseil-cpp//absl/flags:parse", |
| "@abseil-cpp//absl/log:absl_log", |
| "@abseil-cpp//absl/strings", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_library( |
| name = "defaults_test_embedded", |
| hdrs = [ |
| "defaults_test_embedded.h", |
| "defaults_test_embedded_base64.h", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_test( |
| name = "defaults_test", |
| srcs = ["defaults_test.cc"], |
| data = [ |
| ":protobuf_defaults", |
| ":test_defaults_2023", |
| ":test_defaults_far_future", |
| ":test_defaults_future", |
| ], |
| deps = [ |
| ":defaults_test_embedded", |
| "//java/core:java_features_cc_proto", |
| "//src/google/protobuf", |
| "//src/google/protobuf:cpp_features_cc_proto", |
| "//src/google/protobuf:port", |
| "//src/google/protobuf:protobuf_lite", |
| "//src/google/protobuf:test_textproto", |
| "//src/google/protobuf:unittest_features_cc_proto", |
| "//src/google/protobuf/stubs", |
| "//src/google/protobuf/testing", |
| "//src/google/protobuf/testing:file", |
| "@abseil-cpp//absl/memory", |
| "@abseil-cpp//absl/status", |
| "@abseil-cpp//absl/status:statusor", |
| "@abseil-cpp//absl/strings", |
| "@abseil-cpp//absl/strings:string_view", |
| "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp/runfiles", |
| "@googletest//:gtest", |
| "@googletest//:gtest_main", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto2_editions_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["golden/test_messages_proto2_editions.proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto2_editions_cc_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| visibility = ["//conformance:__pkg__"], |
| deps = [":test_messages_proto2_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| internal_objc_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto2_editions_objc_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["golden/test_messages_proto2_editions.proto"], |
| visibility = ["//conformance:__pkg__"], |
| ) |
| |
| java_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto2_editions_java_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| visibility = ["//conformance:__pkg__"], |
| deps = [":test_messages_proto2_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| java_lite_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto2_editions_java_proto_lite", |
| testonly = True, |
| visibility = ["//conformance:__pkg__"], |
| deps = [":test_messages_proto2_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| internal_py_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto2_editions_py_pb2", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["golden/test_messages_proto2_editions.proto"], |
| srcs_version = "PY2AND3", |
| visibility = [ |
| "//conformance:__pkg__", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| upb_c_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto2_editions_upb_proto", |
| testonly = 1, |
| deps = [":test_messages_proto2_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| upb_proto_reflection_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto2_editions_upbdefs", |
| testonly = 1, |
| visibility = ["//upb/conformance:__pkg__"], |
| deps = [":test_messages_proto2_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto3_editions_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["golden/test_messages_proto3_editions.proto"], |
| deps = [ |
| "//:any_proto", |
| "//:duration_proto", |
| "//:field_mask_proto", |
| "//:struct_proto", |
| "//:timestamp_proto", |
| "//:wrappers_proto", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto3_editions_cc_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| visibility = ["//conformance:__pkg__"], |
| deps = [":test_messages_proto3_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| internal_objc_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto3_editions_objc_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["golden/test_messages_proto3_editions.proto"], |
| includes = [ |
| ".", |
| "src", |
| ], |
| proto_deps = ["//:well_known_type_protos"], |
| visibility = ["//conformance:__pkg__"], |
| ) |
| |
| java_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto3_editions_java_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| visibility = ["//conformance:__pkg__"], |
| deps = [":test_messages_proto3_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| java_lite_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto3_editions_java_proto_lite", |
| testonly = True, |
| visibility = ["//conformance:__pkg__"], |
| deps = [":test_messages_proto3_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| internal_php_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto3_editions_php_proto", |
| testonly = 1, |
| srcs = ["golden/test_messages_proto3_editions.proto"], |
| outs = [ |
| "GPBMetadata/TestMessagesProto3Editions.php", |
| "Protobuf_test_messages/Editions/Proto3/EnumOnlyProto3.php", |
| "Protobuf_test_messages/Editions/Proto3/EnumOnlyProto3/PBBool.php", |
| "Protobuf_test_messages/Editions/Proto3/ForeignEnum.php", |
| "Protobuf_test_messages/Editions/Proto3/ForeignMessage.php", |
| "Protobuf_test_messages/Editions/Proto3/NullHypothesisProto3.php", |
| "Protobuf_test_messages/Editions/Proto3/TestAllTypesProto3.php", |
| "Protobuf_test_messages/Editions/Proto3/TestAllTypesProto3/AliasedEnum.php", |
| "Protobuf_test_messages/Editions/Proto3/TestAllTypesProto3/NestedEnum.php", |
| "Protobuf_test_messages/Editions/Proto3/TestAllTypesProto3/NestedMessage.php", |
| ], |
| enable_editions = True, |
| includes = [ |
| "golden", |
| "src", |
| ], |
| proto_deps = ["//:well_known_type_protos"], |
| visibility = ["//conformance:__pkg__"], |
| ) |
| |
| internal_py_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto3_editions_py_pb2", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["golden/test_messages_proto3_editions.proto"], |
| srcs_version = "PY2AND3", |
| visibility = [ |
| "//conformance:__pkg__", |
| ], |
| deps = ["//python:well_known_types_py_pb2"], |
| ) |
| |
| upb_c_proto_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto3_editions_upb_proto", |
| testonly = 1, |
| deps = [":test_messages_proto3_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| upb_proto_reflection_library( |
| name = "test_messages_proto3_editions_upbdefs", |
| testonly = 1, |
| visibility = ["//upb/conformance:__pkg__"], |
| deps = ["test_messages_proto3_editions_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| # Export these for conformance tests for ruby and C# codegen. |
| exports_files( |
| [ |
| "golden/test_messages_proto2_editions.proto", |
| "golden/test_messages_proto3_editions.proto", |
| ], |
| visibility = [ |
| "//ruby:__pkg__", |
| "//src/google/protobuf/csharp:__pkg__", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| proto_library( |
| name = "test_editions_default_features_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| srcs = ["proto/test_editions_default_features.proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_proto_library( |
| name = "test_editions_default_features_cc_proto", |
| testonly = True, |
| deps = [":test_editions_default_features_proto"], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_test( |
| name = "generated_files_test", |
| srcs = ["generated_files_test.cc"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":test_editions_default_features_cc_proto", |
| ":test_messages_proto2_editions_cc_proto", |
| ":test_messages_proto3_editions_cc_proto", |
| "//src/google/protobuf", |
| "//src/google/protobuf:test_textproto", |
| "@googletest//:gtest", |
| "@googletest//:gtest_main", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| cc_test( |
| name = "generated_reflection_test", |
| srcs = ["generated_reflection_test.cc"], |
| deps = [ |
| ":test_messages_proto2_editions_cc_proto", |
| "@googletest//:gtest", |
| "@googletest//:gtest_main", |
| ], |
| ) |
| |
| # Define a test suite to allow us to trigger these tests from //src expansions. |
| test_suite(name = "all_tests") |