blob: e3005c32a41d0dd761ede374d66da55b322e8ce4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2023 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "upb/json/decode.h"
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "google/protobuf/struct.upb.h"
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "upb/base/status.hpp"
#include "upb/json/test.upb.h"
#include "upb/json/test.upbdefs.h"
#include "upb/mem/arena.h"
#include "upb/mem/arena.hpp"
#include "upb/reflection/def.hpp"
static upb_test_Box* JsonDecode(const char* json, upb_Arena* a) {
upb::Status status;
upb::DefPool defpool;
upb::MessageDefPtr m(upb_test_Box_getmsgdef(defpool.ptr()));
EXPECT_TRUE(m.ptr() != nullptr);
upb_test_Box* box = upb_test_Box_new(a);
int options = 0;
bool ok = upb_JsonDecode(json, strlen(json), box, m.ptr(), defpool.ptr(),
options, a, status.ptr());
return ok ? box : nullptr;
struct FloatTest {
const std::string json;
float f;
static const std::vector<FloatTest> FloatTestsPass = {
{R"({"f": 0})", 0},
{R"({"f": 1})", 1},
{R"({"f": 1.000000})", 1},
{R"({"f": 1.5e1})", 15},
{R"({"f": 15e-1})", 1.5},
{R"({"f": -3.5})", -3.5},
{R"({"f": 3.402823e38})", 3.402823e38},
{R"({"f": -3.402823e38})", -3.402823e38},
{R"({"f": 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0})",
{R"({"f": -340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0})",
static const std::vector<FloatTest> FloatTestsFail = {
{R"({"f": 1z})", 0},
{R"({"f": 3.4028236e+38})", 0},
{R"({"f": -3.4028236e+38})", 0},
// Decode some floats.
TEST(JsonTest, DecodeFloats) {
upb::Arena a;
for (const auto& test : FloatTestsPass) {
upb_test_Box* box = JsonDecode(test.json.c_str(), a.ptr());
EXPECT_NE(box, nullptr);
float f = upb_test_Box_f(box);
EXPECT_EQ(f, test.f);
for (const auto& test : FloatTestsFail) {
upb_test_Box* box = JsonDecode(test.json.c_str(), a.ptr());
EXPECT_EQ(box, nullptr);
TEST(JsonTest, DecodeConflictJsonName) {
upb::Arena a;
std::string json_string = R"({"value": 2})";
upb_test_Box* box = JsonDecode(json_string.c_str(), a.ptr());
EXPECT_EQ(2, upb_test_Box_new_value(box));
EXPECT_EQ(0, upb_test_Box_value(box));
TEST(JsonTest, RejectsBadTrailingCharacters) {
upb::Arena a;
std::string json_string = R"({}abc)";
upb_test_Box* box = JsonDecode(json_string.c_str(), a.ptr());
EXPECT_EQ(box, nullptr);
TEST(JsonTest, AcceptsTrailingWhitespace) {
upb::Arena a;
std::string json_string = "{} \n \r\n \t\t";
upb_test_Box* box = JsonDecode(json_string.c_str(), a.ptr());
EXPECT_NE(box, nullptr);