blob: 418322674f3268872f2b9521c3135ff121f9ab40 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <php.h>
#include "php-upb.h"
// Initializes the Def module, which defines all of the descriptor classes.
void Def_ModuleInit();
// Creates a new DescriptorPool to wrap the given symtab, which must not be
// NULL.
void DescriptorPool_CreateWithSymbolTable(zval* zv, upb_DefPool* symtab);
upb_DefPool* DescriptorPool_GetSymbolTable();
// Returns true if the global descriptor pool already has the given filename.
bool DescriptorPool_HasFile(const char* filename);
// Adds the given descriptor with the given filename to the global pool.
void DescriptorPool_AddDescriptor(const char* filename, const char* data,
int size);
typedef struct Descriptor {
zend_object std;
const upb_MessageDef* msgdef;
zend_class_entry* class_entry;
} Descriptor;
// Gets or creates a Descriptor* for the given class entry, upb_MessageDef, or
// upb_FieldDef. The returned Descriptor* will live for the entire request,
// so no ref is necessary to keep it alive. The caller does *not* own a ref
// on the returned object.
Descriptor* Descriptor_GetFromClassEntry(zend_class_entry* ce);
Descriptor* Descriptor_GetFromMessageDef(const upb_MessageDef* m);
Descriptor* Descriptor_GetFromFieldDef(const upb_FieldDef* f);
// Packages up a upb_CType with a Descriptor, since many functions need
// both.
typedef struct {
upb_CType type;
const Descriptor* desc; // When type == kUpb_CType_Message.
} TypeInfo;
static inline TypeInfo TypeInfo_Get(const upb_FieldDef* f) {
TypeInfo ret = {upb_FieldDef_CType(f), Descriptor_GetFromFieldDef(f)};
return ret;
static inline TypeInfo TypeInfo_FromType(upb_CType type) {
TypeInfo ret = {type};
return ret;
static inline bool TypeInfo_Eq(TypeInfo a, TypeInfo b) {
if (a.type != b.type) return false;
if (a.type == kUpb_CType_Message && a.desc != b.desc) return false;
return true;