blob: fe8a1775c77b91fc08368833d70236509dde82b7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <string>
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "google/protobuf/port.h"
#include "absl/strings/cord.h"
#include "google/protobuf/message_lite.h"
// Must be included last.
#include "google/protobuf/"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
class FieldDescriptor;
class Message;
namespace internal {
// "google.protobuf.Any".
PROTOBUF_EXPORT extern const char kAnyFullTypeName[];
// "".
PROTOBUF_EXPORT extern const char kTypeGoogleApisComPrefix[];
// "".
PROTOBUF_EXPORT extern const char kTypeGoogleProdComPrefix[];
std::string GetTypeUrl(absl::string_view message_name,
absl::string_view type_url_prefix);
template <typename T>
absl::string_view GetAnyMessageName() {
return T::FullMessageName();
// Helper class used to implement google::protobuf::Any.
#define URL_TYPE std::string
#define VALUE_TYPE std::string
// Helper functions that only require 'lite' messages to work.
PROTOBUF_EXPORT bool InternalPackFromLite(const MessageLite& message,
absl::string_view type_url_prefix,
absl::string_view type_name,
URL_TYPE* dst_url,
VALUE_TYPE* dst_value);
PROTOBUF_EXPORT bool InternalUnpackToLite(absl::string_view type_name,
absl::string_view type_url,
const VALUE_TYPE& value,
MessageLite* dst_message);
PROTOBUF_EXPORT bool InternalIsLite(absl::string_view type_name,
absl::string_view type_url);
// Packs a message using the default type URL prefix: "".
// The resulted type URL will be "<message_full_name>".
// Returns false if serializing the message failed.
template <typename T>
bool InternalPackFrom(const T& message, URL_TYPE* dst_url,
VALUE_TYPE* dst_value) {
return InternalPackFromLite(message, kTypeGoogleApisComPrefix,
GetAnyMessageName<T>(), dst_url, dst_value);
PROTOBUF_EXPORT bool InternalPackFrom(const Message& message, URL_TYPE* dst_url,
VALUE_TYPE* dst_value);
// Packs a message using the given type URL prefix. The type URL will be
// constructed by concatenating the message type's full name to the prefix
// with an optional "/" separator if the prefix doesn't already end with "/".
// For example, both InternalPackFrom(message, "") and
// InternalPackFrom(message, "") yield the same result type
// URL: "<message_full_name>".
// Returns false if serializing the message failed.
template <typename T>
bool InternalPackFrom(const T& message, absl::string_view type_url_prefix,
URL_TYPE* dst_url, VALUE_TYPE* dst_value) {
return InternalPackFromLite(message, type_url_prefix, GetAnyMessageName<T>(),
dst_url, dst_value);
PROTOBUF_EXPORT bool InternalPackFrom(const Message& message,
absl::string_view type_url_prefix,
URL_TYPE* dst_url, VALUE_TYPE* dst_value);
// Unpacks the payload into the given message. Returns false if the message's
// type doesn't match the type specified in the type URL (i.e., the full
// name after the last "/" of the type URL doesn't match the message's actual
// full name) or parsing the payload has failed.
template <typename T>
bool InternalUnpackTo(absl::string_view type_url, const VALUE_TYPE& value,
T* message) {
return InternalUnpackToLite(GetAnyMessageName<T>(), type_url, value, message);
PROTOBUF_EXPORT bool InternalUnpackTo(absl::string_view type_url,
const VALUE_TYPE& value,
Message* message);
// Checks whether the type specified in the type URL matches the given type.
// A type is considered matching if its full name matches the full name after
// the last "/" in the type URL.
template <typename T>
bool InternalIs(absl::string_view type_url) {
return InternalIsLite(GetAnyMessageName<T>(), type_url);
#undef URL_TYPE
// Get the proto type name from Any::type_url value. For example, passing
// "" will return "rpc.QueryOrigin" in
// *full_type_name. Returns false if the type_url does not have a "/"
// in the type url separating the full type name.
// NOTE: this function is available publicly as a static method on the
// generated message type: google::protobuf::Any::ParseAnyTypeUrl()
bool ParseAnyTypeUrl(absl::string_view type_url, std::string* full_type_name);
// Get the proto type name and prefix from Any::type_url value. For example,
// passing "" will return
// "" in *url_prefix and "rpc.QueryOrigin" in
// *full_type_name. Returns false if the type_url does not have a "/" in the
// type url separating the full type name.
bool ParseAnyTypeUrl(absl::string_view type_url, std::string* url_prefix,
std::string* full_type_name);
// See if message is of type google.protobuf.Any, if so, return the descriptors
// for "type_url" and "value" fields.
bool GetAnyFieldDescriptors(const Message& message,
const FieldDescriptor** type_url_field,
const FieldDescriptor** value_field);
} // namespace internal
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google
#include "google/protobuf/"