blob: d55f61956e46451c3188b38de9e40a06775d7f78 [file] [log] [blame]
# Simple build tests for compatibility of gencode from previous major versions
# with the current runtime.
# To add more test cases in Java, use java_runtime_conformance as below, and add
# the corresponding http_archive in the WORKSPACE file for the version.
load("//compatibility:runtime_conformance.bzl", "java_runtime_conformance")
# main gencode builds with main runtime as a proof of concept.
name = "java_conformance_main",
gencode_version = "main",
# Generates a build_test named "conformance_v3.25.0"
name = "java_conformance_v3.25.0",
gencode_version = "3.25.0",