blob: 859614b6453a193e2b9aaf350d467a6873e160b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2024 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@class GPBMessage;
@class GPBUnknownField;
* A collection of unknown field numbers and their values.
* Note: `NSFastEnumeration` is supported to iterate over the `GPBUnknownFields`
* in order.
* Reminder: Any field number can occur multiple times. For example, if a .proto
* file were updated to a have a new (unpacked) repeated field, then each value
* would appear independently. Likewise, it is possible that a number appears
* multiple times with different data types, i.e. - unpacked vs. package repeated
* fields from concatenating binary blobs of data.
@interface GPBUnknownFields : NSObject<NSCopying, NSFastEnumeration>
* Initializes a new instance with the data from the unknown fields from the given
* message.
* Note: The instance is not linked to the message, any change will not be
* reflected on the message the changes have to be pushed back to the message
* with `-[GPBMessage mergeUnknownFields:extensionRegistry:error:]`.
- (instancetype)initFromMessage:(nonnull GPBMessage *)message;
* Initializes a new empty instance.
- (instancetype)init;
* The number of fields in this set. A single field number can appear in
* multiple `GPBUnknownField` values as it might be a repeated field (it is
* also possible that they have different `type` values (for example package vs
* unpacked repeated fields).
* Note: `NSFastEnumeration` is supported to iterate over the fields in order.
@property(nonatomic, readonly, assign) NSUInteger count;
/** If the set is empty or not. */
@property(nonatomic, readonly, assign) BOOL empty;
* Removes all the fields current in the set.
- (void)clear;
* Fetches the subset of all the unknown fields that are for the given field
* number.
* @returns An `NSArray` of `GPBUnknownField`s or `nil` if there were none.
- (nullable NSArray<GPBUnknownField *> *)fields:(int32_t)fieldNumber;
* Add a new varint unknown field.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to use.
* @param value The value to add.
- (void)addFieldNumber:(int32_t)fieldNumber varint:(uint64_t)value;
* Add a new fixed32 unknown field.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to use.
* @param value The value to add.
- (void)addFieldNumber:(int32_t)fieldNumber fixed32:(uint32_t)value;
* Add a new fixed64 unknown field.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to use.
* @param value The value to add.
- (void)addFieldNumber:(int32_t)fieldNumber fixed64:(uint64_t)value;
* Add a new length delimited (length prefixed) unknown field.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to use.
* @param value The value to add.
- (void)addFieldNumber:(int32_t)fieldNumber lengthDelimited:(nonnull NSData *)value;
* Add a group (tag delimited) unknown field.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to use.
* @return A new `GPBUnknownFields` to set the field of the group too.
- (nonnull GPBUnknownFields *)addGroupWithFieldNumber:(int32_t)fieldNumber;
* Add the copy of the given unknown field.
* This can be useful from processing one `GPBUnknownFields` to create another.
* NOTE: If the field being copied is an Group, this instance added is new and thus
* the `.group` of that result is also new, so if you intent is to modify the group
* it *must* be fetched out of the result.
* It is a programming error to call this when the `type` is a legacy field.
* @param field The field to add.
* @return The autoreleased field that was added.
- (GPBUnknownField *)addCopyOfField:(nonnull GPBUnknownField *)field;
* Removes the given field from the set.
* It is a programming error to attempt to remove a field that is not in this collection.
* Reminder: it is not save to mutate the collection while also using fast enumeration on it.
* @param field The field to remove.
- (void)removeField:(nonnull GPBUnknownField *)field;
* Removes all of the fields from the collection that have the given field number.
* If there are no fields with the given field number, this is a no-op.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to remove.
- (void)clearFieldNumber:(int32_t)fieldNumber;
@interface GPBUnknownFields (AccessHelpers)
* Fetches the first varint for the given field number.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to look for.
* @param outValue A pointer to receive the value if found
* @returns YES/NO on if there was a matching unknown field.
- (BOOL)getFirst:(int32_t)fieldNumber varint:(nonnull uint64_t *)outValue;
* Fetches the first fixed32 for the given field number.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to look for.
* @param outValue A pointer to receive the value if found
* @returns YES/NO on if there was a matching unknown field.
- (BOOL)getFirst:(int32_t)fieldNumber fixed32:(nonnull uint32_t *)outValue;
* Fetches the first fixed64 for the given field number.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to look for.
* @param outValue A pointer to receive the value if found
* @returns YES/NO on if there was a matching unknown field.
- (BOOL)getFirst:(int32_t)fieldNumber fixed64:(nonnull uint64_t *)outValue;
* Fetches the first length delimited (length prefixed) for the given field number.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to look for.
* @returns The first length delimited value for the given field number.
- (nullable NSData *)firstLengthDelimited:(int32_t)fieldNumber;
* Fetches the first group (tag delimited) field for the given field number.
* @param fieldNumber The field number to look for.
* @returns The first group for the given field number.
- (nullable GPBUnknownFields *)firstGroup:(int32_t)fieldNumber;