blob: 5e58b15fb0ab7fc68c6e351b448e7c38a347da73 [file] [log] [blame]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// Author: (Kenton Varda)
// Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
// Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
#include "google/protobuf/io/printer.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include <functional>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_check.h"
#include "absl/log/absl_log.h"
#include "absl/strings/ascii.h"
#include "absl/strings/escaping.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_split.h"
#include "absl/strings/string_view.h"
#include "absl/strings/strip.h"
#include "absl/types/optional.h"
#include "absl/types/span.h"
#include "absl/types/variant.h"
namespace google {
namespace protobuf {
namespace io {
namespace {
template <typename T>
absl::optional<T> LookupInFrameStack(
absl::string_view var,
absl::Span<std::function<absl::optional<T>(absl::string_view)>> frames) {
for (size_t i = frames.size(); i >= 1; --i) {
auto val = frames[i - 1](var);
if (val.has_value()) {
return val;
return absl::nullopt;
} // namespace
struct Printer::Format {
struct Chunk {
// The chunk's text; if this is a variable, it does not include the $...$.
absl::string_view text;
// Whether or not this is a variable name, i.e., a $...$.
bool is_var;
struct Line {
// Chunks to emit, split along $ and annotates as to whether it is a
// variable name.
std::vector<Chunk> chunks;
// The indentation for this chunk.
size_t indent;
std::vector<Line> lines;
// Whether this is a multiline raw string, according to internal heuristics.
bool is_raw_string = false;
Printer::Format Printer::TokenizeFormat(absl::string_view format_string,
const PrintOptions& options) {
Format format;
size_t raw_string_indent = 0;
if (options.strip_raw_string_indentation) {
// We are processing a call that looks like
// p->Emit(R"cc(
// class Foo {
// int x, y, z;
// };
// )cc");
// or
// p->Emit(R"cc(
// class Foo {
// int x, y, z;
// };
// )cc");
// To compute the indent, we need:
// 1. Iterate over each line.
// 2. Find the first line that contains non-whitespace characters.
// 3. Count the number of leading spaces on that line.
// The following pairs of loops assume the current line is the first line
// with non-whitespace characters; if we consume all the spaces and
// then immediately hit a newline, this means this wasn't the right line and
// we should start over.
// Note that the very first character *must* be a newline; that is how we
// detect that this is a multi-line raw string template, and as such this is
// a while loop, not a do/while loop.
absl::string_view orig = format_string;
while (absl::ConsumePrefix(&format_string, "\n")) {
raw_string_indent = 0;
format.is_raw_string = true;
while (absl::ConsumePrefix(&format_string, " ")) {
// If we consume the entire string, this probably wasn't a raw string and
// was probably something like a couple of explicit newlines.
if (format_string.empty()) {
format_string = orig;
format.is_raw_string = false;
raw_string_indent = 0;
// We now split the remaining format string into lines and discard:
// 1. A trailing Printer-discarded comment, if this is a raw string.
// 2. All leading spaces to compute that line's indent.
// We do not do this for the first line, so that Emit(" ") works
// correctly. We do this *regardless* of whether we are processing
// a raw string, because existing non-raw-string calls to cpp::Formatter
// rely on this. There is a test that validates this behavior.
// 3. Set the indent for that line to max(0, line_indent -
// raw_string_indent), if this is not a raw string.
// 4. Trailing empty lines, if we know this is a raw string, except for
// a single extra newline at the end.
// Each line is itself split into chunks along the variable delimiters, e.g.
// $...$.
bool is_first = true;
for (absl::string_view line_text : absl::StrSplit(format_string, '\n')) {
if (format.is_raw_string) {
size_t comment_index = line_text.find(options_.ignored_comment_start);
if (comment_index != absl::string_view::npos) {
line_text = line_text.substr(0, comment_index);
if (absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace(line_text).empty()) {
size_t line_indent = 0;
while (!is_first && absl::ConsumePrefix(&line_text, " ")) {
is_first = false;
auto& line = format.lines.back();
line.indent =
line_indent > raw_string_indent ? line_indent - raw_string_indent : 0;
bool is_var = false;
size_t total_len = 0;
for (absl::string_view chunk :
absl::StrSplit(line_text, options_.variable_delimiter)) {
// The special _start and _end variables should actually glom the next
// chunk into themselves, so as to be of the form _start$foo and _end$foo.
if (!line.chunks.empty() && !is_var) {
auto& prev = line.chunks.back();
if (prev.text == "_start" || prev.text == "_end") {
// The +1 below is to account for the $ in between them.
// This string is safe, because prev.text and chunk are contiguous
// by construction.
prev.text = absl::string_view(,
prev.text.size() + 1 + chunk.size());
// Account for the foo$ part of $_start$foo$.
total_len += chunk.size() + 1;
if (is_var || !chunk.empty()) {
line.chunks.push_back(Format::Chunk{chunk, is_var});
total_len += chunk.size();
if (is_var) {
// This accounts for the $s around a variable.
total_len += 2;
is_var = !is_var;
// To ensure there are no unclosed $...$, we check that the computed length
// above equals the actual length of the string. If it's off, that means
// that there are missing or extra $ characters.
Validate(total_len == line_text.size(), options, [&line] {
if (line.chunks.empty()) {
return std::string("wrong number of variable delimiters");
return absl::StrFormat("unclosed variable name: `%s`",
// Trim any empty, non-variable chunks.
while (!line.chunks.empty()) {
auto& last = line.chunks.back();
if (last.is_var || !last.text.empty()) {
// Discard any trailing newlines (i.e., lines which contain no chunks.)
if (format.is_raw_string) {
while (!format.lines.empty() && format.lines.back().chunks.empty()) {
#if 0 // Use this to aid debugging tokenization.
LOG(INFO) << "--- " << format.lines.size() << " lines";
for (size_t i = 0; i < format.lines.size(); ++i) {
const auto& line = format.lines[i];
auto log_line = absl::StrFormat("[\" \" x %d]", line.indent);
for (const auto& chunk : line.chunks) {
absl::StrAppendFormat(&log_line, " %s\"%s\"", chunk.is_var ? "$" : "",
LOG(INFO) << log_line;
LOG(INFO) << "---";
return format;
constexpr absl::string_view Printer::kProtocCodegenTrace;
Printer::Printer(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output) : Printer(output, Options{}) {}
Printer::Printer(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output, Options options)
: sink_(output), options_(options) {
if (!options_.enable_codegen_trace.has_value()) {
// Trace-by-default is threaded through via an env var, rather than a
// global, so that child processes can pick it up as well. The flag
// --enable_codegen_trace setenv()'s this in protoc's startup code.
static const bool kEnableCodegenTrace =
::getenv( != nullptr;
options_.enable_codegen_trace = kEnableCodegenTrace;
Printer::Printer(ZeroCopyOutputStream* output, char variable_delimiter,
AnnotationCollector* annotation_collector)
: Printer(output, Options{variable_delimiter, annotation_collector}) {}
absl::string_view Printer::LookupVar(absl::string_view var) {
auto result = LookupInFrameStack(var, absl::MakeSpan(var_lookups_));
ABSL_CHECK(result.has_value()) << "could not find " << var;
auto* view = result->AsString();
ABSL_CHECK(view != nullptr)
<< "could not find " << var << "; found callback instead";
return *view;
bool Printer::Validate(bool cond, Printer::PrintOptions opts,
absl::FunctionRef<std::string()> message) {
if (!cond) {
if (opts.checks_are_debug_only) {
ABSL_DLOG(FATAL) << message();
} else {
ABSL_LOG(FATAL) << message();
return cond;
bool Printer::Validate(bool cond, Printer::PrintOptions opts,
absl::string_view message) {
return Validate(cond, opts, [=] { return std::string(message); });
// This function is outlined to isolate the use of
// ABSL_CHECK into the .cc file.
void Printer::Outdent() {
PrintOptions opts;
opts.checks_are_debug_only = true;
if (!Validate(indent_ >= options_.spaces_per_indent, opts,
"Outdent() without matching Indent()")) {
indent_ -= options_.spaces_per_indent;
void Printer::Emit(absl::Span<const Sub> vars, absl::string_view format,
SourceLocation loc) {
PrintOptions opts;
opts.strip_raw_string_indentation = true;
opts.loc = loc;
auto defs = WithDefs(vars, /*allow_callbacks=*/true);
PrintImpl(format, {}, opts);
absl::optional<std::pair<size_t, size_t>> Printer::GetSubstitutionRange(
absl::string_view varname, PrintOptions opts) {
auto it = substitutions_.find(varname);
if (!Validate(it != substitutions_.end(), opts, [varname] {
return absl::StrCat("undefined variable in annotation: ", varname);
})) {
return absl::nullopt;
std::pair<size_t, size_t> range = it->second;
if (!Validate(range.first <= range.second, opts, [range, varname] {
return absl::StrFormat(
"variable used for annotation used multiple times: %s (%d..%d)",
varname, range.first, range.second);
})) {
return absl::nullopt;
return range;
void Printer::Annotate(absl::string_view begin_varname,
absl::string_view end_varname,
absl::string_view file_path,
const std::vector<int>& path,
absl::optional<AnnotationCollector::Semantic> semantic) {
if (options_.annotation_collector == nullptr) {
PrintOptions opts;
opts.checks_are_debug_only = true;
auto begin = GetSubstitutionRange(begin_varname, opts);
auto end = GetSubstitutionRange(end_varname, opts);
if (!begin.has_value() || !end.has_value()) {
if (begin->first > end->second) {
ABSL_DLOG(FATAL) << "annotation has negative length from " << begin_varname
<< " to " << end_varname;
begin->first, end->second, std::string(file_path), path, semantic);
void Printer::WriteRaw(const char* data, size_t size) {
if (failed_ || size == 0) {
if (at_start_of_line_ && data[0] != '\n') {
if (failed_) {
// Fix up empty variables (e.g., "{") that should be annotated as
// coming after the indent.
for (const std::string& var : line_start_variables_) {
auto& pair = substitutions_[var];
pair.first += indent_;
pair.second += indent_;
// If we're going to write any data, clear line_start_variables_, since
// we've either updated them in the block above or they no longer refer to
// the current line.
if (paren_depth_to_omit_.empty()) {
sink_.Append(data, size);
} else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
char c = data[i];
switch (c) {
case '(':
if (!paren_depth_to_omit_.empty() &&
paren_depth_to_omit_.back() == paren_depth_) {
sink_.Append(&c, 1);
case ')':
if (!paren_depth_to_omit_.empty() &&
paren_depth_to_omit_.back() == paren_depth_) {
sink_.Append(&c, 1);
sink_.Append(&c, 1);
failed_ |= sink_.failed();
void Printer::IndentIfAtStart() {
if (!at_start_of_line_) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < indent_; ++i) {
sink_.Write(" ");
at_start_of_line_ = false;
void Printer::PrintCodegenTrace(absl::optional<SourceLocation> loc) {
if (!options_.enable_codegen_trace.value_or(false) || !loc.has_value()) {
if (!at_start_of_line_) {
at_start_of_line_ = true;
PrintRaw(absl::StrFormat("%s @%s:%d\n", options_.comment_start,
loc->file_name(), loc->line()));
at_start_of_line_ = true;
bool Printer::ValidateIndexLookupInBounds(size_t index,
size_t current_arg_index,
size_t args_len, PrintOptions opts) {
if (!Validate(index < args_len, opts, [this, index] {
return absl::StrFormat("annotation %c{%d%c is out of bounds",
options_.variable_delimiter, index + 1,
})) {
return false;
if (!Validate(
index <= current_arg_index, opts, [this, index, current_arg_index] {
return absl::StrFormat(
"annotation arg must be in correct order as given; expected "
"%c{%d%c but got %c{%d%c",
options_.variable_delimiter, current_arg_index + 1,
options_.variable_delimiter, options_.variable_delimiter,
index + 1, options_.variable_delimiter);
})) {
return false;
return true;
void Printer::PrintImpl(absl::string_view format,
absl::Span<const std::string> args, PrintOptions opts) {
// Inside of this function, we set indentation as we print new lines from
// the format string. No matter how we exit this function, we should fix up
// the indent to what it was before we entered; a cleanup makes it easy to
// avoid this mistake.
size_t original_indent = indent_;
auto unindent =
absl::MakeCleanup([this, original_indent] { indent_ = original_indent; });
absl::string_view original = format;
if (opts.use_substitution_map) {
auto fmt = TokenizeFormat(format, opts);
size_t arg_index = 0;
bool skip_next_newline = false;
std::vector<AnnotationCollector::Annotation> annot_stack;
std::vector<std::pair<absl::string_view, size_t>> annot_records;
for (size_t line_idx = 0; line_idx < fmt.lines.size(); ++line_idx) {
const auto& line = fmt.lines[line_idx];
// We only print a newline for lines that follow the first; a loop iteration
// can also hint that we should not emit another newline through the
// `skip_next_newline` variable.
// We also assume that double newlines are undesirable, so we
// do not emit a newline if we are at the beginning of a line, *unless* the
// previous format line is actually empty. This behavior is specific to
// raw strings.
if (line_idx > 0) {
bool prev_was_empty = fmt.lines[line_idx - 1].chunks.empty();
bool should_skip_newline =
skip_next_newline ||
(fmt.is_raw_string && (at_start_of_line_ && !prev_was_empty));
if (!should_skip_newline) {
at_start_of_line_ = true;
skip_next_newline = false;
indent_ = original_indent + line.indent;
for (size_t chunk_idx = 0; chunk_idx < line.chunks.size(); ++chunk_idx) {
auto chunk = line.chunks[chunk_idx];
if (!chunk.is_var) {
if (chunk.text.empty()) {
// `$$` is an escape for just `$`.
WriteRaw(&options_.variable_delimiter, 1);
// If we get this far, we can conclude the chunk is a substitution
// variable; we rename the `chunk` variable to make this clear below.
absl::string_view var = chunk.text;
if (substitution_listener_ != nullptr) {
substitution_listener_(var, opts.loc.value_or(SourceLocation()));
if (opts.use_curly_brace_substitutions &&
absl::ConsumePrefix(&var, "{")) {
if (!Validate(var.size() == 1u, opts,
"expected single-digit variable")) {
if (!Validate(absl::ascii_isdigit(var[0]), opts,
"expected digit after {")) {
size_t idx = var[0] - '1';
if (!ValidateIndexLookupInBounds(idx, arg_index, args.size(), opts)) {
if (idx == arg_index) {
annot_stack.push_back({{sink_.bytes_written(), 0}, args[idx]});
if (opts.use_curly_brace_substitutions &&
absl::ConsumePrefix(&var, "}")) {
// The rest of var is actually ignored, and this is apparently
// public API now. Oops?
if (!Validate(!annot_stack.empty(), opts,
"unexpected end of annotation")) {
annot_stack.back().first.second = sink_.bytes_written();
if (options_.annotation_collector != nullptr) {
absl::string_view prefix, suffix;
if (opts.strip_spaces_around_vars) {
var = absl::StripLeadingAsciiWhitespace(var);
prefix = chunk.text.substr(0, chunk.text.size() - var.size());
var = absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(var);
suffix = chunk.text.substr(prefix.size() + var.size());
if (!Validate(!var.empty(), opts, "unexpected empty variable")) {
bool is_start = absl::ConsumePrefix(&var, "_start$");
bool is_end = absl::ConsumePrefix(&var, "_end$");
if (opts.use_annotation_frames && (is_start || is_end)) {
if (is_start) {
annot_records.push_back({var, sink_.bytes_written()});
// Skip all whitespace immediately after a _start.
if (chunk_idx < line.chunks.size()) {
absl::string_view text = line.chunks[chunk_idx].text;
while (absl::ConsumePrefix(&text, " ")) {
} else {
// If a line consisted *only* of an _end, this will likely result in
// a blank line if we do not zap the newline after it, so we do that
// here.
if (line.chunks.size() == 1) {
skip_next_newline = true;
auto record_var = annot_records.back();
if (!Validate(record_var.first == var, opts, [record_var, var] {
return absl::StrFormat(
"_start and _end variables must match, but got %s and %s, "
record_var.first, var);
})) {
absl::optional<AnnotationRecord> record =
LookupInFrameStack(var, absl::MakeSpan(annotation_lookups_));
if (!Validate(record.has_value(), opts, [var] {
return absl::StrCat("undefined annotation variable: \"",
absl::CHexEscape(var), "\"");
})) {
if (options_.annotation_collector != nullptr) {
record_var.second, sink_.bytes_written(), record->file_path,
record->path, record->semantic);
absl::optional<ValueView> sub;
absl::optional<AnnotationRecord> same_name_record;
if (opts.allow_digit_substitutions && absl::ascii_isdigit(var[0])) {
if (!Validate(var.size() == 1u, opts,
"expected single-digit variable")) {
size_t idx = var[0] - '1';
if (!ValidateIndexLookupInBounds(idx, arg_index, args.size(), opts)) {
if (idx == arg_index) {
sub = args[idx];
} else {
sub = LookupInFrameStack(var, absl::MakeSpan(var_lookups_));
if (opts.use_annotation_frames) {
same_name_record =
LookupInFrameStack(var, absl::MakeSpan(annotation_lookups_));
// By returning here in case of empty we also skip possible spaces inside
// the $...$, i.e. "void$ dllexpor$ f();" -> "void f();" in the empty
// case.
if (!Validate(sub.has_value(), opts, [var] {
return absl::StrCat("undefined variable: \"", absl::CHexEscape(var),
})) {
size_t range_start = sink_.bytes_written();
size_t range_end = sink_.bytes_written();
if (const absl::string_view* str = sub->AsString()) {
if (at_start_of_line_ && str->empty()) {
if (!str->empty()) {
// If `sub` is empty, we do not print the spaces around it.
range_end = sink_.bytes_written();
range_start = range_end - str->size();
} else {
const ValueView::Callback* fnc = sub->AsCallback();
ABSL_CHECK(fnc != nullptr);
prefix.empty() && suffix.empty(), opts,
"substitution that resolves to callback cannot contain whitespace");
range_start = sink_.bytes_written();
<< "recursive call encountered while evaluating \"" << var << "\"";
range_end = sink_.bytes_written();
if (range_start == range_end && sub->consume_parens_if_empty) {
paren_depth_to_omit_.push_back(paren_depth_ + 1);
// If we just evaluated a value which specifies end-of-line consume-after
// characters, and we're at the start of a line, that means we finished
// with a newline.
// We trim a single end-of-line `consume_after` character in this case.
// This helps callback formatting "work as expected" with respect to forms
// like
// class Foo {
// $methods$;
// };
// Without this post-processing, it would turn into
// class Foo {
// void Bar() {};
// };
// in many cases. Without the `;`, clang-format may format the template
// incorrectly.
auto next_idx = chunk_idx + 1;
if (!sub->consume_after.empty() && next_idx < line.chunks.size() &&
!line.chunks[next_idx].is_var) {
chunk_idx = next_idx;
absl::string_view text = line.chunks[chunk_idx].text;
for (char c : sub->consume_after) {
if (absl::ConsumePrefix(&text, absl::string_view(&c, 1))) {
if (same_name_record.has_value() &&
options_.annotation_collector != nullptr) {
range_start, range_end, same_name_record->file_path,
same_name_record->path, same_name_record->semantic);
if (opts.use_substitution_map) {
auto insertion =
substitutions_.emplace(var, std::make_pair(range_start, range_end));
if (!insertion.second) {
// This variable was used multiple times.
// Make its span have negative length so
// we can detect it if it gets used in an
// annotation.
insertion.first->second = {1, 0};
Validate(arg_index == args.size(), opts,
[original] { return absl::StrCat("unused args: ", original); });
Validate(annot_stack.empty(), opts, [this, original] {
return absl::StrFormat(
"annotation range was not closed; expected %c}%c: %s",
options_.variable_delimiter, options_.variable_delimiter, original);
// For multiline raw strings, we always make sure to end on a newline.
if (fmt.is_raw_string && !at_start_of_line_) {
at_start_of_line_ = true;
} // namespace io
} // namespace protobuf
} // namespace google