blob: 61adc1da78c960c8cffaa089e971351d89498719 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#region Copyright notice and license
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
using System;
using Google.Protobuf.TestProtos;
using NUnit.Framework;
using UnitTest.Issues.TestProtos;
using Google.Protobuf.WellKnownTypes;
using Google.Protobuf.Reflection;
using static Google.Protobuf.JsonParserTest; // For WrapInQuotes
using System.IO;
using Google.Protobuf.Collections;
using ProtobufUnittest;
namespace Google.Protobuf
/// <summary>
/// Tests for the JSON formatter. Note that in these tests, double quotes are replaced with apostrophes
/// for the sake of readability (embedding \" everywhere is painful). See the AssertJson method for details.
/// </summary>
public class JsonFormatterTest
public void DefaultValues_WhenOmitted()
var formatter = JsonFormatter.Default;
AssertJson("{ }", formatter.Format(new ForeignMessage()));
AssertJson("{ }", formatter.Format(new TestAllTypes()));
AssertJson("{ }", formatter.Format(new TestMap()));
public void DefaultValues_WhenIncluded()
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatDefaultValues(true));
AssertJson("{ 'c': 0 }", formatter.Format(new ForeignMessage()));
public void EnumAllowAlias()
var message = new TestEnumAllowAlias
Value = TestEnumWithDupValue.Foo2,
var actualText = JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message);
var expectedText = "{ 'value': 'FOO1' }";
AssertJson(expectedText, actualText);
public void EnumAsInt()
var message = new TestAllTypes
SingleForeignEnum = ForeignEnum.ForeignBar,
RepeatedForeignEnum = { ForeignEnum.ForeignBaz, (ForeignEnum) 100, ForeignEnum.ForeignFoo }
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatEnumsAsIntegers(true));
var actualText = formatter.Format(message);
var expectedText = "{ " +
"'singleForeignEnum': 5, " +
"'repeatedForeignEnum': [ 6, 100, 4 ]" +
" }";
AssertJson(expectedText, actualText);
public void AllSingleFields()
var message = new TestAllTypes
SingleBool = true,
SingleBytes = ByteString.CopyFrom(1, 2, 3, 4),
SingleDouble = 23.5,
SingleFixed32 = 23,
SingleFixed64 = 1234567890123,
SingleFloat = 12.25f,
SingleForeignEnum = ForeignEnum.ForeignBar,
SingleForeignMessage = new ForeignMessage { C = 10 },
SingleImportEnum = ImportEnum.ImportBaz,
SingleImportMessage = new ImportMessage { D = 20 },
SingleInt32 = 100,
SingleInt64 = 3210987654321,
SingleNestedEnum = TestAllTypes.Types.NestedEnum.Foo,
SingleNestedMessage = new TestAllTypes.Types.NestedMessage { Bb = 35 },
SinglePublicImportMessage = new PublicImportMessage { E = 54 },
SingleSfixed32 = -123,
SingleSfixed64 = -12345678901234,
SingleSint32 = -456,
SingleSint64 = -12345678901235,
SingleString = "test\twith\ttabs",
SingleUint32 = uint.MaxValue,
SingleUint64 = ulong.MaxValue,
var actualText = JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message);
// Fields in numeric order
var expectedText = "{ " +
"'singleInt32': 100, " +
"'singleInt64': '3210987654321', " +
"'singleUint32': 4294967295, " +
"'singleUint64': '18446744073709551615', " +
"'singleSint32': -456, " +
"'singleSint64': '-12345678901235', " +
"'singleFixed32': 23, " +
"'singleFixed64': '1234567890123', " +
"'singleSfixed32': -123, " +
"'singleSfixed64': '-12345678901234', " +
"'singleFloat': 12.25, " +
"'singleDouble': 23.5, " +
"'singleBool': true, " +
"'singleString': 'test\\twith\\ttabs', " +
"'singleBytes': 'AQIDBA==', " +
"'singleNestedMessage': { 'bb': 35 }, " +
"'singleForeignMessage': { 'c': 10 }, " +
"'singleImportMessage': { 'd': 20 }, " +
"'singleNestedEnum': 'FOO', " +
"'singleForeignEnum': 'FOREIGN_BAR', " +
"'singleImportEnum': 'IMPORT_BAZ', " +
"'singlePublicImportMessage': { 'e': 54 }" +
" }";
AssertJson(expectedText, actualText);
public void WithFormatDefaultValues_DoesNotAffectMessageFields()
var message = new TestAllTypes();
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatDefaultValues(true));
var json = formatter.Format(message);
public void WithFormatDefaultValues_DoesNotAffectProto3OptionalFields()
var message = new TestProto3Optional { OptionalInt32 = 0 };
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatDefaultValues(true));
var json = formatter.Format(message);
// The non-optional proto3 fields are formatted, as is the optional-but-specified field.
AssertJson("{ 'optionalInt32': 0, 'singularInt32': 0, 'singularInt64': '0' }", json);
public void WithFormatDefaultValues_DoesNotAffectProto2Fields()
var message = new TestProtos.Proto2.ForeignMessage { C = 0 };
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatDefaultValues(true));
var json = formatter.Format(message);
// The specified field is formatted, but the non-specified field (d) is not.
AssertJson("{ 'c': 0 }", json);
public void WithFormatDefaultValues_DoesNotAffectOneofFields()
var message = new TestOneof();
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatDefaultValues(true));
var json = formatter.Format(message);
AssertJson("{ }", json);
public void RepeatedField()
AssertJson("{ 'repeatedInt32': [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }",
JsonFormatter.Default.Format(new TestAllTypes { RepeatedInt32 = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } }));
public void MapField_StringString()
AssertJson("{ 'mapStringString': { 'with spaces': 'bar', 'a': 'b' } }",
JsonFormatter.Default.Format(new TestMap { MapStringString = { { "with spaces", "bar" }, { "a", "b" } } }));
public void MapField_Int32Int32()
// The keys are quoted, but the values aren't.
AssertJson("{ 'mapInt32Int32': { '0': 1, '2': 3 } }",
JsonFormatter.Default.Format(new TestMap { MapInt32Int32 = { { 0, 1 }, { 2, 3 } } }));
public void MapField_BoolBool()
// The keys are quoted, but the values aren't.
AssertJson("{ 'mapBoolBool': { 'false': true, 'true': false } }",
JsonFormatter.Default.Format(new TestMap { MapBoolBool = { { false, true }, { true, false } } }));
public void NullValueOutsideStruct()
var message = new NullValueOutsideStruct { NullValue = NullValue.NullValue };
AssertJson("{ 'nullValue': null }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void NullValueNotInOneof()
var message = new NullValueNotInOneof();
AssertJson("{ }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void NullValueNotInOneof_FormatDefaults()
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatDefaultValues(true));
var message = new NullValueNotInOneof();
AssertJson("{ 'nullValue': null }", formatter.Format(message));
[TestCase(1.0, "1")]
[TestCase(double.NaN, "'NaN'")]
[TestCase(double.PositiveInfinity, "'Infinity'")]
[TestCase(double.NegativeInfinity, "'-Infinity'")]
public void DoubleRepresentations(double value, string expectedValueText)
var message = new TestAllTypes { SingleDouble = value };
string actualText = JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message);
string expectedText = "{ 'singleDouble': " + expectedValueText + " }";
AssertJson(expectedText, actualText);
public void UnknownEnumValueNumeric_SingleField()
var message = new TestAllTypes { SingleForeignEnum = (ForeignEnum) 100 };
AssertJson("{ 'singleForeignEnum': 100 }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void UnknownEnumValueNumeric_RepeatedField()
var message = new TestAllTypes { RepeatedForeignEnum = { ForeignEnum.ForeignBaz, (ForeignEnum) 100, ForeignEnum.ForeignFoo } };
AssertJson("{ 'repeatedForeignEnum': [ 'FOREIGN_BAZ', 100, 'FOREIGN_FOO' ] }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void UnknownEnumValueNumeric_MapField()
var message = new TestMap { MapInt32Enum = { { 1, MapEnum.Foo }, { 2, (MapEnum) 100 }, { 3, MapEnum.Bar } } };
AssertJson("{ 'mapInt32Enum': { '1': 'MAP_ENUM_FOO', '2': 100, '3': 'MAP_ENUM_BAR' } }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void UnknownEnumValue_RepeatedField_AllEntriesUnknown()
var message = new TestAllTypes { RepeatedForeignEnum = { (ForeignEnum) 200, (ForeignEnum) 100 } };
AssertJson("{ 'repeatedForeignEnum': [ 200, 100 ] }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
[TestCase("a\u17b4b", "a\\u17b4b")] // Explicit
[TestCase("a\u0601b", "a\\u0601b")] // Ranged
[TestCase("a\u0605b", "a\u0605b")] // Passthrough (note lack of double backslash...)
public void SimpleNonAscii(string text, string encoded)
var message = new TestAllTypes { SingleString = text };
AssertJson("{ 'singleString': '" + encoded + "' }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void SurrogatePairEscaping()
var message = new TestAllTypes { SingleString = "a\uD801\uDC01b" };
AssertJson("{ 'singleString': 'a\\ud801\\udc01b' }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void InvalidSurrogatePairsFail()
// Note: don't use TestCase for these, as the strings can't be reliably represented
// See
// Lone low surrogate
var message = new TestAllTypes { SingleString = "a\uDC01b" };
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
// Lone high surrogate
message = new TestAllTypes { SingleString = "a\uD801b" };
Assert.Throws<ArgumentException>(() => JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
[TestCase("foo_bar", "fooBar")]
[TestCase("bananaBanana", "bananaBanana")]
[TestCase("BANANABanana", "BANANABanana")]
[TestCase("simple", "simple")]
[TestCase("action_and_adventure", "actionAndAdventure")]
[TestCase("kFoo", "kFoo")]
[TestCase("HTTPServer", "HTTPServer")]
[TestCase("CLIENT", "CLIENT")]
public void ToJsonName(string original, string expected)
Assert.AreEqual(expected, JsonFormatter.ToJsonName(original));
[TestCase(null, "{ }")]
[TestCase("x", "{ 'fooString': 'x' }")]
[TestCase("", "{ 'fooString': '' }")]
public void Oneof(string fooStringValue, string expectedJson)
var message = new TestOneof();
if (fooStringValue != null)
message.FooString = fooStringValue;
// We should get the same result both with and without "format default values".
var formatter = JsonFormatter.Default;
AssertJson(expectedJson, formatter.Format(message));
formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatDefaultValues(true));
AssertJson(expectedJson, formatter.Format(message));
public void WrapperFormatting_Single()
// Just a few examples, handling both classes and value types, and
// default vs non-default values
var message = new TestWellKnownTypes
Int64Field = 10,
Int32Field = 0,
BytesField = ByteString.FromBase64("ABCD"),
StringField = ""
var expectedJson = "{ 'int64Field': '10', 'int32Field': 0, 'stringField': '', 'bytesField': 'ABCD' }";
AssertJson(expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void WrapperFormatting_Message()
Assert.AreEqual("\"\"", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(new StringValue()));
Assert.AreEqual("0", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(new Int32Value()));
public void WrapperFormatting_FormatDefaultValuesDoesNotFormatNull()
// The actual JSON here is very large because there are lots of fields. Just test a couple of them.
var message = new TestWellKnownTypes { Int32Field = 10 };
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatDefaultValues(true));
var actualJson = formatter.Format(message);
// This *used* to include "int64Field": null, but that was a bug.
// WithDefaultValues should not affect message fields, including wrapper types.
Assert.IsFalse(actualJson.Contains("\"int64Field\": null"));
Assert.IsTrue(actualJson.Contains("\"int32Field\": 10"));
public void OutputIsInNumericFieldOrder_NoDefaults()
var formatter = JsonFormatter.Default;
var message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { PlainString = "p1", PlainInt32 = 2 };
AssertJson("{ 'plainString': 'p1', 'plainInt32': 2 }", formatter.Format(message));
message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { O1Int32 = 5, O2String = "o2", PlainInt32 = 10, PlainString = "plain" };
AssertJson("{ 'plainString': 'plain', 'o2String': 'o2', 'plainInt32': 10, 'o1Int32': 5 }", formatter.Format(message));
message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { O1String = "", O2Int32 = 0, PlainInt32 = 10, PlainString = "plain" };
AssertJson("{ 'plainString': 'plain', 'o1String': '', 'plainInt32': 10, 'o2Int32': 0 }", formatter.Format(message));
public void OutputIsInNumericFieldOrder_WithDefaults()
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithFormatDefaultValues(true));
var message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering();
AssertJson("{ 'plainString': '', 'plainInt32': 0 }", formatter.Format(message));
message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { O1Int32 = 5, O2String = "o2", PlainInt32 = 10, PlainString = "plain" };
AssertJson("{ 'plainString': 'plain', 'o2String': 'o2', 'plainInt32': 10, 'o1Int32': 5 }", formatter.Format(message));
message = new TestJsonFieldOrdering { O1String = "", O2Int32 = 0, PlainInt32 = 10, PlainString = "plain" };
AssertJson("{ 'plainString': 'plain', 'o1String': '', 'plainInt32': 10, 'o2Int32': 0 }", formatter.Format(message));
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00Z", 0)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000001Z", 1)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000010Z", 10)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000100Z", 100)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000001Z", 1000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000010Z", 10000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.000100Z", 100000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.001Z", 1000000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.010Z", 10000000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.100Z", 100000000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.120Z", 120000000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.123Z", 123000000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.123400Z", 123400000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.123450Z", 123450000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.123456Z", 123456000)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.123456700Z", 123456700)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.123456780Z", 123456780)]
[TestCase("1970-01-01T00:00:00.123456789Z", 123456789)]
public void TimestampStandalone(string expected, int nanos)
Assert.AreEqual(WrapInQuotes(expected), new Timestamp { Nanos = nanos }.ToString());
public void TimestampStandalone_FromDateTime()
// One before and one after the Unix epoch, more easily represented via DateTime.
new DateTime(1673, 6, 19, 12, 34, 56, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToTimestamp().ToString());
new DateTime(2015, 7, 31, 10, 29, 34, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToTimestamp().ToString());
[TestCase(-1, -1)] // Would be valid as duration
[TestCase(1, Timestamp.MaxNanos + 1)]
[TestCase(Timestamp.UnixSecondsAtBclMaxValue + 1, 0)]
[TestCase(Timestamp.UnixSecondsAtBclMinValue - 1, 0)]
public void TimestampStandalone_NonNormalized(long seconds, int nanoseconds)
var timestamp = new Timestamp { Seconds = seconds, Nanos = nanoseconds };
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => JsonFormatter.Default.Format(timestamp));
public void TimestampField()
var message = new TestWellKnownTypes { TimestampField = new Timestamp() };
AssertJson("{ 'timestampField': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z' }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
[TestCase(0, 0, "0s")]
[TestCase(1, 0, "1s")]
[TestCase(-1, 0, "-1s")]
[TestCase(0, 1, "0.000000001s")]
[TestCase(0, 10, "0.000000010s")]
[TestCase(0, 100, "0.000000100s")]
[TestCase(0, 1000, "0.000001s")]
[TestCase(0, 10000, "0.000010s")]
[TestCase(0, 100000, "0.000100s")]
[TestCase(0, 1000000, "0.001s")]
[TestCase(0, 10000000, "0.010s")]
[TestCase(0, 100000000, "0.100s")]
[TestCase(0, 120000000, "0.120s")]
[TestCase(0, 123000000, "0.123s")]
[TestCase(0, 123400000, "0.123400s")]
[TestCase(0, 123450000, "0.123450s")]
[TestCase(0, 123456000, "0.123456s")]
[TestCase(0, 123456700, "0.123456700s")]
[TestCase(0, 123456780, "0.123456780s")]
[TestCase(0, 123456789, "0.123456789s")]
[TestCase(0, -100000000, "-0.100s")]
[TestCase(1, 100000000, "1.100s")]
[TestCase(-1, -100000000, "-1.100s")]
public void DurationStandalone(long seconds, int nanoseconds, string expected)
var json = JsonFormatter.Default.Format(new Duration { Seconds = seconds, Nanos = nanoseconds });
Assert.AreEqual(WrapInQuotes(expected), json);
[TestCase(1, 2123456789)]
[TestCase(1, -100000000)]
public void DurationStandalone_NonNormalized(long seconds, int nanoseconds)
var duration = new Duration { Seconds = seconds, Nanos = nanoseconds };
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => JsonFormatter.Default.Format(duration));
public void DurationField()
var message = new TestWellKnownTypes { DurationField = new Duration() };
AssertJson("{ 'durationField': '0s' }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void StructSample()
var message = new Struct
Fields =
{ "a", Value.ForNull() },
{ "b", Value.ForBool(false) },
{ "c", Value.ForNumber(10.5) },
{ "d", Value.ForString("text") },
{ "e", Value.ForList(Value.ForString("t1"), Value.ForNumber(5)) },
{ "f", Value.ForStruct(new Struct { Fields = { { "nested", Value.ForString("value") } } }) }
AssertJson("{ 'a': null, 'b': false, 'c': 10.5, 'd': 'text', 'e': [ 't1', 5 ], 'f': { 'nested': 'value' } }", message.ToString());
public void FieldMaskInvalid(string input)
var mask = new FieldMask { Paths = { input } };
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => JsonFormatter.Default.Format(mask));
public void FieldMaskStandalone()
var fieldMask = new FieldMask { Paths = { "", "single", "with_underscore", "", "nested..double_dot" } };
Assert.AreEqual("\",single,withUnderscore,,nested..doubleDot\"", fieldMask.ToString());
// Invalid, but we shouldn't create broken JSON...
fieldMask = new FieldMask { Paths = { "x\\y" } };
Assert.AreEqual(@"""x\\y""", fieldMask.ToString());
public void FieldMaskField()
var message = new TestWellKnownTypes { FieldMaskField = new FieldMask { Paths = { "user.display_name", "photo" } } };
AssertJson("{ 'fieldMaskField': 'user.displayName,photo' }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
// SourceContext is an example of a well-known type with no special JSON handling
public void SourceContextStandalone()
var message = new SourceContext { FileName = "foo.proto" };
AssertJson("{ 'fileName': 'foo.proto' }", JsonFormatter.Default.Format(message));
public void AnyWellKnownType()
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithTypeRegistry(TypeRegistry.FromMessages(Timestamp.Descriptor)));
var timestamp = new DateTime(1673, 6, 19, 12, 34, 56, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToTimestamp();
var any = Any.Pack(timestamp);
AssertJson("{ '@type': '', 'value': '1673-06-19T12:34:56Z' }", formatter.Format(any));
public void AnyMessageType()
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithTypeRegistry(TypeRegistry.FromMessages(TestAllTypes.Descriptor)));
var message = new TestAllTypes { SingleInt32 = 10, SingleNestedMessage = new TestAllTypes.Types.NestedMessage { Bb = 20 } };
var any = Any.Pack(message);
AssertJson("{ '@type': '', 'singleInt32': 10, 'singleNestedMessage': { 'bb': 20 } }", formatter.Format(any));
public void AnyMessageType_CustomPrefix()
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithTypeRegistry(TypeRegistry.FromMessages(TestAllTypes.Descriptor)));
var message = new TestAllTypes { SingleInt32 = 10 };
var any = Any.Pack(message, "");
AssertJson("{ '@type': '', 'singleInt32': 10 }", formatter.Format(any));
public void AnyNested()
var registry = TypeRegistry.FromMessages(TestWellKnownTypes.Descriptor, TestAllTypes.Descriptor);
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithTypeRegistry(registry));
// Nest an Any as the value of an Any.
var doubleNestedMessage = new TestAllTypes { SingleInt32 = 20 };
var nestedMessage = Any.Pack(doubleNestedMessage);
var message = new TestWellKnownTypes { AnyField = Any.Pack(nestedMessage) };
AssertJson("{ 'anyField': { '@type': '', 'value': { '@type': '', 'singleInt32': 20 } } }",
public void AnyUnknownType()
// The default type registry doesn't have any types in it.
var message = new TestAllTypes();
var any = Any.Pack(message);
Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => JsonFormatter.Default.Format(any));
[TestCase(typeof(BoolValue), true, "true")]
[TestCase(typeof(Int32Value), 32, "32")]
[TestCase(typeof(Int64Value), 32L, "\"32\"")]
[TestCase(typeof(UInt32Value), 32U, "32")]
[TestCase(typeof(UInt64Value), 32UL, "\"32\"")]
[TestCase(typeof(StringValue), "foo", "\"foo\"")]
[TestCase(typeof(FloatValue), 1.5f, "1.5")]
[TestCase(typeof(DoubleValue), 1.5d, "1.5")]
public void Wrappers_Standalone(System.Type wrapperType, object value, string expectedJson)
IMessage populated = (IMessage)Activator.CreateInstance(wrapperType);
populated.Descriptor.Fields[WrappersReflection.WrapperValueFieldNumber].Accessor.SetValue(populated, value);
Assert.AreEqual(expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Default.Format(populated));
// See See
public void JsonNamePriority()
// This tests both the formatter and the parser, but the issue was when parsing.
var original = new Issue11987Message { A = 10, B = 20, C = 30 };
var json = JsonFormatter.Default.Format(original);
AssertJson("{ 'b': 10, 'a': 20, 'd': 30 }", json);
var parsed = Issue11987Message.Parser.ParseJson(json);
Assert.AreEqual(original, parsed);
// Sanity tests for WriteValue. Not particularly comprehensive, as it's all covered above already,
// as FormatMessage uses WriteValue.
[TestCase(null, "null")]
[TestCase(1, "1")]
[TestCase(1L, "'1'")]
[TestCase(0.5f, "0.5")]
[TestCase(0.5d, "0.5")]
[TestCase("text", "'text'")]
[TestCase("x\ny", @"'x\ny'")]
[TestCase(ForeignEnum.ForeignBar, "'FOREIGN_BAR'")]
public void WriteValue_Constant(object value, string expectedJson)
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson);
public void WriteValue_Timestamp()
var value = new DateTime(1673, 6, 19, 12, 34, 56, DateTimeKind.Utc).ToTimestamp();
AssertWriteValue(value, "'1673-06-19T12:34:56Z'");
public void WriteValue_Message()
var value = new TestAllTypes { SingleInt32 = 100, SingleInt64 = 3210987654321L };
AssertWriteValue(value, "{ 'singleInt32': 100, 'singleInt64': '3210987654321' }");
public void WriteValue_Message_PreserveNames()
var value = new TestAllTypes { SingleInt32 = 100, SingleInt64 = 3210987654321L };
AssertWriteValue(value, "{ 'single_int32': 100, 'single_int64': '3210987654321' }", JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithPreserveProtoFieldNames(true));
public void WriteValue_List()
var value = new RepeatedField<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
AssertWriteValue(value, "[ 1, 2, 3 ]");
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_EmptyMessage()
var value = new TestEmptyMessage();
AssertWriteValue(value, "{}", JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_NestedTestAllTypes()
var value = new NestedTestAllTypes
Payload = new TestAllTypes
SingleBool = true,
SingleInt32 = 100,
SingleString = "multiple fields",
RepeatedString = { "string1", "string2" },
Child = new NestedTestAllTypes
Payload = new TestAllTypes
SingleString = "single field",
RepeatedChild =
new NestedTestAllTypes { Payload = new TestAllTypes { SingleString = "child 1", RepeatedString = { "string" } } },
new NestedTestAllTypes { Payload = new TestAllTypes { SingleString = "child 2" } },
const string expectedJson = @"
'child': {
'payload': {
'singleString': 'single field'
'payload': {
'singleInt32': 100,
'singleBool': true,
'singleString': 'multiple fields',
'repeatedString': [
'repeatedChild': [
'payload': {
'singleString': 'child 1',
'repeatedString': [
'payload': {
'singleString': 'child 2'
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_WellKnownTypes()
var value = new TestWellKnownTypes
StructField = new Struct
Fields =
{ "string", Value.ForString("foo") },
{ "numbers", Value.ForList(Value.ForNumber(1), Value.ForNumber(2), Value.ForNumber(3)) },
{ "emptyList", Value.ForList() },
{ "emptyStruct", Value.ForStruct(new Struct()) },
const string expectedJson = @"
'structField': {
'string': 'foo',
'numbers': [
'emptyList': [],
'emptyStruct': {}
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_StructSingleField()
var value = new Struct { Fields = { { "structField1", Value.ForString("structFieldValue1") } } };
const string expectedJson = @"
'structField1': 'structFieldValue1'
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_StructMultipleFields()
var value = new Struct
Fields =
{ "structField1", Value.ForString("structFieldValue1") },
{ "structField2", Value.ForString("structFieldValue2") },
{ "structField3", Value.ForString("structFieldValue3") },
const string expectedJson = @"
'structField1': 'structFieldValue1',
'structField2': 'structFieldValue2',
'structField3': 'structFieldValue3'
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
public void FormatWithIndentation_EmbeddedMessage()
var value = new TestAllTypes { SingleInt32 = 100, SingleInt64 = 3210987654321L };
var formatter = new JsonFormatter(JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
var valueJson = formatter.Format(value, indentationLevel: 1);
var actualJson = $@"
""data"": {valueJson}
const string expectedJson = @"
'data': {
'singleInt32': 100,
'singleInt64': '3210987654321'
AssertJson(expectedJson, actualJson.Trim());
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_Map()
var value = new TestMap
MapStringString =
{ "key1", "value1" },
{ "key2", "value2" },
const string expectedJson = @"
'mapStringString': {
'key1': 'value1',
'key2': 'value2'
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_MapWithNested()
var value = new TestMap
MapInt32ForeignMessage =
{ 1, new ForeignMessage { C = 1 } },
{ 2, new ForeignMessage { C = 2 } },
const string expectedJson = @"
'mapInt32ForeignMessage': {
'1': {
'c': 1
'2': {
'c': 2
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_MapWithEmptyNested()
var value = new TestMap
MapInt32ForeignMessage =
{ 1, new ForeignMessage() },
{ 2, new ForeignMessage() },
const string expectedJson = @"
'mapInt32ForeignMessage': {
'1': {},
'2': {}
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_List()
var value = new RepeatedField<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
AssertWriteValue(value, "[\n 1,\n 2,\n 3\n]", JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation());
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_Any()
var registry = TypeRegistry.FromMessages(ForeignMessage.Descriptor);
var formatter = JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation().WithTypeRegistry(registry);
var nestedMessage = new ForeignMessage { C = 1 };
var value = Any.Pack(nestedMessage);
const string expectedJson = @"
'@type': '',
'c': 1
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson, formatter);
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_NestedAny()
var registry = TypeRegistry.FromMessages(ForeignMessage.Descriptor);
var formatter = JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation().WithTypeRegistry(registry);
var nestedMessage = new ForeignMessage { C = 1 };
var value = new TestWellKnownTypes { AnyField = Any.Pack(nestedMessage) };
const string expectedJson = @"
'anyField': {
'@type': '',
'c': 1
AssertWriteValue(value, expectedJson, formatter);
public void WriteValueWithIndentation_CustomIndentation()
var value = new RepeatedField<int> { 1, 2, 3 };
AssertWriteValue(value, "[\n\t1,\n\t2,\n\t3\n]", JsonFormatter.Settings.Default.WithIndentation("\t"));
public void Proto2_DefaultValuesWritten()
var value = new ProtobufTestMessages.Proto2.TestAllTypesProto2() { FieldName13 = 0 };
AssertWriteValue(value, "{ 'FieldName13': 0 }");
private static void AssertWriteValue(object value, string expectedJson, JsonFormatter.Settings settings = null)
var writer = new StringWriter { NewLine = "\n" };
new JsonFormatter(settings ?? JsonFormatter.Settings.Default).WriteValue(writer, value);
string actual = writer.ToString();
AssertJson(expectedJson, actual);
/// <summary>
/// Checks that the actual JSON is the same as the expected JSON - but after replacing
/// all apostrophes in the expected JSON with double quotes, trimming leading whitespace and normalizing new lines.
/// This basically makes the tests easier to read.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Line endings are normalized because indented JSON strings are generated with system-specific line endings,
/// while line endings in the test cases are hard-coded, but may be converted during source checkout, depending
/// on git settings, causing unpredictability in the test results otherwise.</remarks>
private static void AssertJson(string expectedJsonWithApostrophes, string actualJson)
var expectedJson = expectedJsonWithApostrophes.Replace("'", "\"").Replace("\r\n", "\n").TrimStart();
Assert.AreEqual(expectedJson, actualJson.Replace("\r\n", "\n"));