blob: 91ee855a93dab8cb83c93c92eac1aeecfe9203a9 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
syntax = "proto3";
option cc_enable_arenas = true;
import "google/protobuf/unittest.proto";
// We don't put this in a package within proto2 because we need to make sure
// that the generated code doesn't depend on being in the proto2 namespace.
// In map_test_util.h we do "using namespace unittest = protobuf_unittest".
package protobuf_unittest;
// Tests maps.
message TestMap {
map<int32, int32> map_int32_int32 = 1;
map<int64, int64> map_int64_int64 = 2;
map<uint32, uint32> map_uint32_uint32 = 3;
map<uint64, uint64> map_uint64_uint64 = 4;
map<sint32, sint32> map_sint32_sint32 = 5;
map<sint64, sint64> map_sint64_sint64 = 6;
map<fixed32, fixed32> map_fixed32_fixed32 = 7;
map<fixed64, fixed64> map_fixed64_fixed64 = 8;
map<sfixed32, sfixed32> map_sfixed32_sfixed32 = 9;
map<sfixed64, sfixed64> map_sfixed64_sfixed64 = 10;
map<int32, float> map_int32_float = 11;
map<int32, double> map_int32_double = 12;
map<bool, bool> map_bool_bool = 13;
map<string, string> map_string_string = 14;
map<int32, bytes> map_int32_bytes = 15;
map<int32, MapEnum> map_int32_enum = 16;
map<int32, ForeignMessage> map_int32_foreign_message = 17;
map<string, ForeignMessage> map_string_foreign_message = 18;
map<int32, TestAllTypes> map_int32_all_types = 19;
message TestMapWithMessages {
map<int32, TestAllTypes> map_int32_all_types = 1;
map<int64, TestAllTypes> map_int64_all_types = 2;
map<uint32, TestAllTypes> map_uint32_all_types = 3;
map<uint64, TestAllTypes> map_uint64_all_types = 4;
map<sint32, TestAllTypes> map_sint32_all_types = 5;
map<sint64, TestAllTypes> map_sint64_all_types = 6;
map<fixed32, TestAllTypes> map_fixed32_all_types = 7;
map<fixed64, TestAllTypes> map_fixed64_all_types = 8;
map<sfixed32, TestAllTypes> map_sfixed32_all_types = 9;
map<sfixed64, TestAllTypes> map_sfixed64_all_types = 10;
map<bool, TestAllTypes> map_bool_all_types = 11;
map<string, TestAllTypes> map_string_all_types = 12;
message TestMapSubmessage {
TestMap test_map = 1;
message TestMessageMap {
map<int32, TestAllTypes> map_int32_message = 1;
// Two map fields share the same entry default instance.
message TestSameTypeMap {
map<int32, int32> map1 = 1;
map<int32, int32> map2 = 2;
enum MapEnum {
// Test embedded message with required fields
message TestRequiredMessageMap {
map<int32, TestRequired> map_field = 1;
message TestArenaMap {
map<int32, int32> map_int32_int32 = 1;
map<int64, int64> map_int64_int64 = 2;
map<uint32, uint32> map_uint32_uint32 = 3;
map<uint64, uint64> map_uint64_uint64 = 4;
map<sint32, sint32> map_sint32_sint32 = 5;
map<sint64, sint64> map_sint64_sint64 = 6;
map<fixed32, fixed32> map_fixed32_fixed32 = 7;
map<fixed64, fixed64> map_fixed64_fixed64 = 8;
map<sfixed32, sfixed32> map_sfixed32_sfixed32 = 9;
map<sfixed64, sfixed64> map_sfixed64_sfixed64 = 10;
map<int32, float> map_int32_float = 11;
map<int32, double> map_int32_double = 12;
map<bool, bool> map_bool_bool = 13;
map<string, string> map_string_string = 14;
map<int32, bytes> map_int32_bytes = 15;
map<int32, MapEnum> map_int32_enum = 16;
map<int32, ForeignMessage> map_int32_foreign_message = 17;
// Previously, message containing enum called Type cannot be used as value of
// map field.
message MessageContainingEnumCalledType {
enum Type {
map<string, MessageContainingEnumCalledType> type = 1;
// Previously, message cannot contain map field called "entry".
message MessageContainingMapCalledEntry {
map<int32, int32> entry = 1;
message TestRecursiveMapMessage {
map<string, TestRecursiveMapMessage> a = 1;
message TestI32StrMap {
map<int32, string> m_32_str = 1;