solution "basic_viewer" | |
-- location ( "build" ) | |
configurations { "Debug", "Release" } | |
platforms {"native", "x64", "x32"} | |
project "basic_viewer" | |
kind "ConsoleApp" | |
language "C++" | |
cppdialect "C++11" | |
files { "main.cpp", "shaders.cpp", "window.cpp" } | |
includedirs { "./" } | |
includedirs { "../../" } | |
includedirs { "../common/glm" } | |
configuration { "linux" } | |
linkoptions { "`pkg-config --libs glfw3`" } | |
links { "GL", "GLU", "m", "GLEW", "X11", "Xrandr", "Xinerama", "Xi", "Xxf86vm", "Xcursor", "dl" } | |
configuration { "windows" } | |
-- Edit path to glew and GLFW3 fit to your environment. | |
includedirs { "../../../../local/glew-1.13.0/include/" } | |
includedirs { "../../../../local/glfw-3.2.bin.WIN32/include/" } | |
libdirs { "../../../../local/glew-1.13.0/lib/Release/Win32/" } | |
libdirs { "../../../../local/glfw-3.2.bin.WIN32/lib-vc2013/" } | |
links { "glfw3", "gdi32", "winmm", "user32", "glew32", "glu32","opengl32", "kernel32" } | |
defines { "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" } | |
configuration { "macosx" } | |
includedirs { "/usr/local/include" } | |
buildoptions { "-Wno-deprecated-declarations" } | |
libdirs { "/usr/local/lib" } | |
links { "glfw", "GLEW" } | |
linkoptions { "-framework OpenGL", "-framework Cocoa", "-framework IOKit", "-framework CoreVideo" } | |
configuration "Debug" | |
defines { "DEBUG" } | |
symbols "On" | |
warnings "Extra" | |
configuration "Release" | |
defines { "NDEBUG" } | |
optimize "On" | |
warnings "Extra" |