Update README.
1 file changed
tree: 9222d9c9123b9d9017db233b9321c8a6d54707cd
  1. examples/
  2. images/
  3. tools/
  4. .clang-format
  5. .travis.yml
  6. appveyor.yml
  7. box.gltf
  8. Makefile
  9. picojson.h
  10. premake4.lua
  11. README.md
  12. stb_image.h
  13. test.cc
  14. test_runner.py
  15. tiny_gltf_loader.h
  16. vcsetup.bat

Tiny glTF loader, header only C++ glTF parsing library.

TinyGLTFLoader is a header only C++ glTF https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF parsing library

Build Status

Build status


  • Portable C++. C++-98 with STL dependency only.
  • Moderate parsing time and memory consumption.
  • glTF specification v1.0.0
  • Buffers
    • [x] Parse BASE64 encoded embedded buffer fata(DataURI).
    • [x] Load .bin file.
  • Image(Using stb_image)
    • [x] Parse BASE64 encoded embedded image fata(DataURI).
    • [x] Load external image file.
    • [x] PNG(8bit only)
    • [x] JPEG(8bit only)
    • [x] BMP
    • [x] GIF


Currently, TinyGLTFLoader only loads nodes and geometry(mesh/buffer) data.


  • glview : Simple glTF geometry viewer.


  • [ ] Support multiple scenes in .gltf
  • [ ] Parse animation, program, sampler, shader, technique, texture
  • [ ] Compression/decompression(Open3DGC, etc)
  • [ ] Support extensions and extras property
  • [ ] HDR image
  • [ ] Binary glTF.


TinyGLTFLoader is licensed under 2-clause BSD.

TinyGLTFLoader uses the following third party libraries.

  • picojson.h : Copyright 2009-2010 Cybozu Labs, Inc. Copyright 2011-2014 Kazuho Oku
  • base64 : Copyright (C) 2004-2008 RenĂ© Nyffenegger
  • stb_image.h : v2.08 - public domain image loader - http://nothings.org/stb_image.h

Build and example

Copy stb_image.h, picojson.h and tiny_gltf_loader.h to your project.

// Define these only in *one* .cc file.
#include "tiny_gltf_loader.h"

using namespace tinygltf;

Scene scene; 
TinyGLTFLoader loader;
std::string err;
bool ret = loader.LoadFromFile(scene, err, argv[1]);
if (!err.empty()) {
  printf("Err: %s\n", err.c_str());

if (!ret) {
  printf("Failed to parse glTF\n");
  return -1;

Running tests.


Python 2.6 or 2.7 required. Git clone https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF to your local dir.

Run test

After building loader_test, edit test_runner.py, then,

$ python test_runner.py