blob: 169e464848c3546c8e42d4ade07180a9e855a763 [file] [log] [blame]
// NanoRT, single header only modern ray tracing kernel.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2015 - 2016 Light Transport Entertainment, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#ifndef NANORT_H_
#define NANORT_H_
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace nanort {
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#if __has_warning("-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant")
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant"
// Parallelized BVH build is not yet fully tested,
// thus turn off if you face a problem when building BVH.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Small vector class useful for multi-threaded environment.
// stack_container.h
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This allocator can be used with STL containers to provide a stack buffer
// from which to allocate memory and overflows onto the heap. This stack buffer
// would be allocated on the stack and allows us to avoid heap operations in
// some situations.
// STL likes to make copies of allocators, so the allocator itself can't hold
// the data. Instead, we make the creator responsible for creating a
// StackAllocator::Source which contains the data. Copying the allocator
// merely copies the pointer to this shared source, so all allocators created
// based on our allocator will share the same stack buffer.
// This stack buffer implementation is very simple. The first allocation that
// fits in the stack buffer will use the stack buffer. Any subsequent
// allocations will not use the stack buffer, even if there is unused room.
// This makes it appropriate for array-like containers, but the caller should
// be sure to reserve() in the container up to the stack buffer size. Otherwise
// the container will allocate a small array which will "use up" the stack
// buffer.
template <typename T, size_t stack_capacity>
class StackAllocator : public std::allocator<T> {
typedef typename std::allocator<T>::pointer pointer;
typedef typename std::allocator<T>::size_type size_type;
// Backing store for the allocator. The container owner is responsible for
// maintaining this for as long as any containers using this allocator are
// live.
struct Source {
Source() : used_stack_buffer_(false) {}
// Casts the buffer in its right type.
T *stack_buffer() { return reinterpret_cast<T *>(stack_buffer_); }
const T *stack_buffer() const {
return reinterpret_cast<const T *>(stack_buffer_);
// IMPORTANT: Take care to ensure that stack_buffer_ is aligned
// since it is used to mimic an array of T.
// Be careful while declaring any unaligned types (like bool)
// before stack_buffer_.
// The buffer itself. It is not of type T because we don't want the
// constructors and destructors to be automatically called. Define a POD
// buffer of the right size instead.
char stack_buffer_[sizeof(T[stack_capacity])];
// Set when the stack buffer is used for an allocation. We do not track
// how much of the buffer is used, only that somebody is using it.
bool used_stack_buffer_;
// Used by containers when they want to refer to an allocator of type U.
template <typename U>
struct rebind {
typedef StackAllocator<U, stack_capacity> other;
// For the straight up copy c-tor, we can share storage.
StackAllocator(const StackAllocator<T, stack_capacity> &rhs)
: source_(rhs.source_) {}
// ISO C++ requires the following constructor to be defined,
// and std::vector in VC++2008SP1 Release fails with an error
// in the class _Container_base_aux_alloc_real (from <xutility>)
// if the constructor does not exist.
// For this constructor, we cannot share storage; there's
// no guarantee that the Source buffer of Ts is large enough
// for Us.
// TODO(Google): If we were fancy pants, perhaps we could share storage
// iff sizeof(T) == sizeof(U).
template <typename U, size_t other_capacity>
StackAllocator(const StackAllocator<U, other_capacity> &other)
: source_(NULL) {
explicit StackAllocator(Source *source) : source_(source) {}
// Actually do the allocation. Use the stack buffer if nobody has used it yet
// and the size requested fits. Otherwise, fall through to the standard
// allocator.
pointer allocate(size_type n, void *hint = 0) {
if (source_ != NULL && !source_->used_stack_buffer_ &&
n <= stack_capacity) {
source_->used_stack_buffer_ = true;
return source_->stack_buffer();
} else {
return std::allocator<T>::allocate(n, hint);
// Free: when trying to free the stack buffer, just mark it as free. For
// non-stack-buffer pointers, just fall though to the standard allocator.
void deallocate(pointer p, size_type n) {
if (source_ != NULL && p == source_->stack_buffer())
source_->used_stack_buffer_ = false;
std::allocator<T>::deallocate(p, n);
Source *source_;
// A wrapper around STL containers that maintains a stack-sized buffer that the
// initial capacity of the vector is based on. Growing the container beyond the
// stack capacity will transparently overflow onto the heap. The container must
// support reserve().
// WATCH OUT: the ContainerType MUST use the proper StackAllocator for this
// type. This object is really intended to be used only internally. You'll want
// to use the wrappers below for different types.
template <typename TContainerType, int stack_capacity>
class StackContainer {
typedef TContainerType ContainerType;
typedef typename ContainerType::value_type ContainedType;
typedef StackAllocator<ContainedType, stack_capacity> Allocator;
// Allocator must be constructed before the container!
StackContainer() : allocator_(&stack_data_), container_(allocator_) {
// Make the container use the stack allocation by reserving our buffer size
// before doing anything else.
// Getters for the actual container.
// Danger: any copies of this made using the copy constructor must have
// shorter lifetimes than the source. The copy will share the same allocator
// and therefore the same stack buffer as the original. Use std::copy to
// copy into a "real" container for longer-lived objects.
ContainerType &container() { return container_; }
const ContainerType &container() const { return container_; }
// Support operator-> to get to the container. This allows nicer syntax like:
// StackContainer<...> foo;
// std::sort(foo->begin(), foo->end());
ContainerType *operator->() { return &container_; }
const ContainerType *operator->() const { return &container_; }
#ifdef UNIT_TEST
// Retrieves the stack source so that that unit tests can verify that the
// buffer is being used properly.
const typename Allocator::Source &stack_data() const { return stack_data_; }
typename Allocator::Source stack_data_;
unsigned char pad_[7];
Allocator allocator_;
ContainerType container_;
StackContainer(const StackContainer &);
void operator=(const StackContainer &);
// StackVector
// Example:
// StackVector<int, 16> foo;
// foo->push_back(22); // we have overloaded operator->
// foo[0] = 10; // as well as operator[]
template <typename T, size_t stack_capacity>
class StackVector
: public StackContainer<std::vector<T, StackAllocator<T, stack_capacity> >,
stack_capacity> {
: StackContainer<std::vector<T, StackAllocator<T, stack_capacity> >,
stack_capacity>() {}
// We need to put this in STL containers sometimes, which requires a copy
// constructor. We can't call the regular copy constructor because that will
// take the stack buffer from the original. Here, we create an empty object
// and make a stack buffer of its own.
StackVector(const StackVector<T, stack_capacity> &other)
: StackContainer<std::vector<T, StackAllocator<T, stack_capacity> >,
stack_capacity>() {
this->container().assign(other->begin(), other->end());
StackVector<T, stack_capacity> &operator=(
const StackVector<T, stack_capacity> &other) {
this->container().assign(other->begin(), other->end());
return *this;
// Vectors are commonly indexed, which isn't very convenient even with
// operator-> (using "->at()" does exception stuff we don't want).
T &operator[](size_t i) { return this->container().operator[](i); }
const T &operator[](size_t i) const {
return this->container().operator[](i);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T = float>
class real3 {
real3() {}
real3(T x) {
v[0] = x;
v[1] = x;
v[2] = x;
real3(T xx, T yy, T zz) {
v[0] = xx;
v[1] = yy;
v[2] = zz;
explicit real3(const T *p) {
v[0] = p[0];
v[1] = p[1];
v[2] = p[2];
inline T x() const { return v[0]; }
inline T y() const { return v[1]; }
inline T z() const { return v[2]; }
real3 operator*(T f) const { return real3(x() * f, y() * f, z() * f); }
real3 operator-(const real3 &f2) const {
return real3(x() - f2.x(), y() - f2.y(), z() - f2.z());
real3 operator*(const real3 &f2) const {
return real3(x() * f2.x(), y() * f2.y(), z() * f2.z());
real3 operator+(const real3 &f2) const {
return real3(x() + f2.x(), y() + f2.y(), z() + f2.z());
real3 &operator+=(const real3 &f2) {
v[0] += f2.x();
v[1] += f2.y();
v[2] += f2.z();
return (*this);
real3 operator/(const real3 &f2) const {
return real3(x() / f2.x(), y() / f2.y(), z() / f2.z());
real3 operator-() const { return real3(-x(), -y(), -z()); }
T operator[](int i) const { return v[i]; }
T &operator[](int i) { return v[i]; }
T v[3];
// T pad; // for alignment(when T = float)
template <typename T>
inline real3<T> operator*(T f, const real3<T> &v) {
return real3<T>(v.x() * f, v.y() * f, v.z() * f);
template <typename T>
inline real3<T> vneg(const real3<T> &rhs) {
return real3<T>(-rhs.x(), -rhs.y(), -rhs.z());
template <typename T>
inline T vlength(const real3<T> &rhs) {
return std::sqrt(rhs.x() * rhs.x() + rhs.y() * rhs.y() + rhs.z() * rhs.z());
template <typename T>
inline real3<T> vnormalize(const real3<T> &rhs) {
real3<T> v = rhs;
T len = vlength(rhs);
if (std::fabs(len) > static_cast<T>(1.0e-6)) {
T inv_len = static_cast<T>(1.0) / len;
v.v[0] *= inv_len;
v.v[1] *= inv_len;
v.v[2] *= inv_len;
return v;
template <typename T>
inline real3<T> vcross(real3<T> a, real3<T> b) {
real3<T> c;
c[0] = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1];
c[1] = a[2] * b[0] - a[0] * b[2];
c[2] = a[0] * b[1] - a[1] * b[0];
return c;
template <typename T>
inline T vdot(real3<T> a, real3<T> b) {
return a[0] * b[0] + a[1] * b[1] + a[2] * b[2];
template <typename real>
inline const real *get_vertex_addr(const real *p, const size_t idx,
const size_t stride_bytes) {
return reinterpret_cast<const real *>(
reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char *>(p) + idx * stride_bytes);
template <typename T = float>
class Ray {
Ray() : min_t(static_cast<T>(0.0)), max_t(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()) {
org[0] = static_cast<T>(0.0);
org[1] = static_cast<T>(0.0);
org[2] = static_cast<T>(0.0);
dir[0] = static_cast<T>(0.0);
dir[1] = static_cast<T>(0.0);
dir[2] = static_cast<T>(-1.0);
T org[3]; // must set
T dir[3]; // must set
T min_t; // minimum ray hit distance.
T max_t; // maximum ray hit distance.
T inv_dir[3]; // filled internally
int dir_sign[3]; // filled internally
template <typename T = float>
class BVHNode {
BVHNode() {}
BVHNode(const BVHNode &rhs) {
bmin[0] = rhs.bmin[0];
bmin[1] = rhs.bmin[1];
bmin[2] = rhs.bmin[2];
flag = rhs.flag;
bmax[0] = rhs.bmax[0];
bmax[1] = rhs.bmax[1];
bmax[2] = rhs.bmax[2];
axis = rhs.axis;
data[0] =[0];
data[1] =[1];
BVHNode &operator=(const BVHNode &rhs) {
bmin[0] = rhs.bmin[0];
bmin[1] = rhs.bmin[1];
bmin[2] = rhs.bmin[2];
flag = rhs.flag;
bmax[0] = rhs.bmax[0];
bmax[1] = rhs.bmax[1];
bmax[2] = rhs.bmax[2];
axis = rhs.axis;
data[0] =[0];
data[1] =[1];
return (*this);
~BVHNode() {}
T bmin[3];
T bmax[3];
int flag; // 1 = leaf node, 0 = branch node
int axis;
// leaf
// data[0] = npoints
// data[1] = index
// branch
// data[0] = child[0]
// data[1] = child[1]
unsigned int data[2];
template <class H>
class IntersectComparator {
bool operator()(const H &a, const H &b) const { return a.t < b.t; }
/// BVH build option.
template <typename T = float>
struct BVHBuildOptions {
T cost_t_aabb;
unsigned int min_leaf_primitives;
unsigned int max_tree_depth;
unsigned int bin_size;
unsigned int shallow_depth;
unsigned int min_primitives_for_parallel_build;
// Cache bounding box computation.
// Requires more memory, but BVHbuild can be faster.
bool cache_bbox;
unsigned char pad[3];
// Set default value: Taabb = 0.2
: cost_t_aabb(0.2f),
min_primitives_for_parallel_build(1024 * 128),
cache_bbox(false) {}
/// BVH build statistics.
class BVHBuildStatistics {
unsigned int max_tree_depth;
unsigned int num_leaf_nodes;
unsigned int num_branch_nodes;
float build_secs;
// Set default value: Taabb = 0.2
: max_tree_depth(0),
build_secs(0.0f) {}
/// BVH trace option.
class BVHTraceOptions {
// Hit only for face IDs in indexRange.
// This feature is good to mimic something like glDrawArrays()
unsigned int prim_ids_range[2];
bool cull_back_face;
unsigned char pad[3]; ///< Padding(not used)
BVHTraceOptions() {
prim_ids_range[0] = 0;
prim_ids_range[1] = 0x7FFFFFFF; // Up to 2G face IDs.
cull_back_face = false;
template <typename T>
class BBox {
real3<T> bmin;
real3<T> bmax;
BBox() {
bmin[0] = bmin[1] = bmin[2] = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
bmax[0] = bmax[1] = bmax[2] = -std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
template <typename T>
class NodeHit {
: t_min(std::numeric_limits<T>::max()),
node_id(static_cast<unsigned int>(-1)) {}
NodeHit(const NodeHit<T> &rhs) {
t_min = rhs.t_min;
t_max = rhs.t_max;
node_id = rhs.node_id;
NodeHit &operator=(const NodeHit<T> &rhs) {
t_min = rhs.t_min;
t_max = rhs.t_max;
node_id = rhs.node_id;
return (*this);
~NodeHit() {}
T t_min;
T t_max;
unsigned int node_id;
template <typename T>
class NodeHitComparator {
inline bool operator()(const NodeHit<T> &a, const NodeHit<T> &b) {
return a.t_min < b.t_min;
template <typename T>
class BVHAccel {
BVHAccel() : pad0_(0) { (void)pad0_; }
~BVHAccel() {}
/// Build BVH for input primitives.
template <class P, class Pred>
bool Build(const unsigned int num_primitives, const P &p, const Pred &pred,
const BVHBuildOptions<T> &options = BVHBuildOptions<T>());
/// Get statistics of built BVH tree. Valid after Build()
BVHBuildStatistics GetStatistics() const { return stats_; }
/// Dump built BVH to the file.
bool Dump(const char *filename);
/// Load BVH binary
bool Load(const char *filename);
void Debug();
/// Traverse into BVH along ray and find closest hit point & primitive if
/// found
template <class I, class H>
bool Traverse(const Ray<T> &ray, const I &intersector, H *isect,
const BVHTraceOptions &options = BVHTraceOptions()) const;
#if 0
/// Multi-hit ray traversal
/// Returns `max_intersections` frontmost intersections
template<class I, class H, class Comp>
bool MultiHitTraverse(const Ray<T> &ray,
int max_intersections,
const I &intersector,
StackVector<H, 128> *isects,
const BVHTraceOptions &options = BVHTraceOptions()) const;
/// List up nodes which intersects along the ray.
/// This function is useful for two-level BVH traversal.
template <class I>
bool ListNodeIntersections(const Ray<T> &ray, int max_intersections,
const I &intersector,
StackVector<NodeHit<T>, 128> *hits) const;
const std::vector<BVHNode<T> > &GetNodes() const { return nodes_; }
const std::vector<unsigned int> &GetIndices() const { return indices_; }
/// Returns bounding box of built BVH.
void BoundingBox(T bmin[3], T bmax[3]) const {
if (nodes_.empty()) {
bmin[0] = bmin[1] = bmin[2] = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
bmax[0] = bmax[1] = bmax[2] = -std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
} else {
bmin[0] = nodes_[0].bmin[0];
bmin[1] = nodes_[0].bmin[1];
bmin[2] = nodes_[0].bmin[2];
bmax[0] = nodes_[0].bmax[0];
bmax[1] = nodes_[0].bmax[1];
bmax[2] = nodes_[0].bmax[2];
bool IsValid() const { return nodes_.size() > 0; }
typedef struct {
unsigned int left_idx;
unsigned int right_idx;
unsigned int offset;
} ShallowNodeInfo;
// Used only during BVH construction
std::vector<ShallowNodeInfo> shallow_node_infos_;
/// Builds shallow BVH tree recursively.
template <class P, class Pred>
unsigned int BuildShallowTree(std::vector<BVHNode<T> > *out_nodes,
unsigned int left_idx, unsigned int right_idx,
unsigned int depth,
unsigned int max_shallow_depth, const P &p,
const Pred &pred);
/// Builds BVH tree recursively.
template <class P, class Pred>
unsigned int BuildTree(BVHBuildStatistics *out_stat,
std::vector<BVHNode<T> > *out_nodes,
unsigned int left_idx, unsigned int right_idx,
unsigned int depth, const P &p, const Pred &pred);
template <class I>
bool TestLeafNode(const BVHNode<T> &node, const Ray<T> &ray,
const I &intersector) const;
template <class I>
bool TestLeafNodeIntersections(
const BVHNode<T> &node, const Ray<T> &ray, const int max_intersections,
const I &intersector,
std::priority_queue<NodeHit<T>, std::vector<NodeHit<T> >,
NodeHitComparator<T> > *isect_pq) const;
#if 0
template<class I, class H, class Comp>
bool MultiHitTestLeafNode(std::priority_queue<H, std::vector<H>, Comp> *isect_pq,
int max_intersections,
const BVHNode<T> &node, const Ray<T> &ray,
const I &intersector) const;
std::vector<BVHNode<T> > nodes_;
std::vector<unsigned int> indices_; // max 4G triangles.
std::vector<BBox<T> > bboxes_;
BVHBuildOptions<T> options_;
BVHBuildStatistics stats_;
unsigned int pad0_;
// Predefined SAH predicator for triangle.
template <typename T = float>
class TriangleSAHPred {
const T *vertices, const unsigned int *faces,
size_t vertex_stride_bytes) // e.g. 12 for sizeof(float) * XYZ
: axis_(0),
vertex_stride_bytes_(vertex_stride_bytes) {}
void Set(int axis, T pos) const {
axis_ = axis;
pos_ = pos;
bool operator()(unsigned int i) const {
int axis = axis_;
T pos = pos_;
unsigned int i0 = faces_[3 * i + 0];
unsigned int i1 = faces_[3 * i + 1];
unsigned int i2 = faces_[3 * i + 2];
real3<T> p0(get_vertex_addr<T>(vertices_, i0, vertex_stride_bytes_));
real3<T> p1(get_vertex_addr<T>(vertices_, i1, vertex_stride_bytes_));
real3<T> p2(get_vertex_addr<T>(vertices_, i2, vertex_stride_bytes_));
T center = p0[axis] + p1[axis] + p2[axis];
return (center < pos * static_cast<T>(3.0));
mutable int axis_;
mutable T pos_;
const T *vertices_;
const unsigned int *faces_;
const size_t vertex_stride_bytes_;
// Predefined Triangle mesh geometry.
template <typename T = float>
class TriangleMesh {
const T *vertices, const unsigned int *faces,
const size_t vertex_stride_bytes) // e.g. 12 for sizeof(float) * XYZ
: vertices_(vertices),
vertex_stride_bytes_(vertex_stride_bytes) {}
/// Compute bounding box for `prim_index`th triangle.
/// This function is called for each primitive in BVH build.
void BoundingBox(real3<T> *bmin, real3<T> *bmax,
unsigned int prim_index) const {
(*bmin)[0] = get_vertex_addr(vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + 0],
(*bmin)[1] = get_vertex_addr(vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + 0],
(*bmin)[2] = get_vertex_addr(vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + 0],
(*bmax)[0] = get_vertex_addr(vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + 0],
(*bmax)[1] = get_vertex_addr(vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + 0],
(*bmax)[2] = get_vertex_addr(vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + 0],
for (unsigned int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
if ((*bmin)[static_cast<int>(k)] >
get_vertex_addr<T>(vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + i],
vertex_stride_bytes_)[k]) {
(*bmin)[static_cast<int>(k)] = get_vertex_addr<T>(
vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + i], vertex_stride_bytes_)[k];
if ((*bmax)[static_cast<int>(k)] <
get_vertex_addr<T>(vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + i],
vertex_stride_bytes_)[k]) {
(*bmax)[static_cast<int>(k)] = get_vertex_addr<T>(
vertices_, faces_[3 * prim_index + i], vertex_stride_bytes_)[k];
const T *vertices_;
const unsigned int *faces_;
const size_t vertex_stride_bytes_;
template <typename T = float>
class TriangleIntersection {
T u;
T v;
// Required member variables.
T t;
unsigned int prim_id;
template <typename T = float, class H = TriangleIntersection<T> >
class TriangleIntersector {
TriangleIntersector(const T *vertices, const unsigned int *faces,
const size_t vertex_stride_bytes) // e.g.
// vertex_stride_bytes
// = 12 = sizeof(float)
// * 3
: vertices_(vertices),
vertex_stride_bytes_(vertex_stride_bytes) {}
// For Watertight Ray/Triangle Intersection.
typedef struct {
T Sx;
T Sy;
T Sz;
int kx;
int ky;
int kz;
} RayCoeff;
/// Do ray interesection stuff for `prim_index` th primitive and return hit
/// distance `t`,
/// varycentric coordinate `u` and `v`.
/// Returns true if there's intersection.
bool Intersect(T *t_inout, const unsigned int prim_index) const {
if ((prim_index < trace_options_.prim_ids_range[0]) ||
(prim_index >= trace_options_.prim_ids_range[1])) {
return false;
const unsigned int f0 = faces_[3 * prim_index + 0];
const unsigned int f1 = faces_[3 * prim_index + 1];
const unsigned int f2 = faces_[3 * prim_index + 2];
const real3<T> p0(get_vertex_addr(vertices_, f0 + 0, vertex_stride_bytes_));
const real3<T> p1(get_vertex_addr(vertices_, f1 + 0, vertex_stride_bytes_));
const real3<T> p2(get_vertex_addr(vertices_, f2 + 0, vertex_stride_bytes_));
const real3<T> A = p0 - ray_org_;
const real3<T> B = p1 - ray_org_;
const real3<T> C = p2 - ray_org_;
const T Ax = A[ray_coeff_.kx] - ray_coeff_.Sx * A[];
const T Ay = A[] - ray_coeff_.Sy * A[];
const T Bx = B[ray_coeff_.kx] - ray_coeff_.Sx * B[];
const T By = B[] - ray_coeff_.Sy * B[];
const T Cx = C[ray_coeff_.kx] - ray_coeff_.Sx * C[];
const T Cy = C[] - ray_coeff_.Sy * C[];
T U = Cx * By - Cy * Bx;
T V = Ax * Cy - Ay * Cx;
T W = Bx * Ay - By * Ax;
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wfloat-equal"
// Fall back to test against edges using double precision.
if (U == static_cast<T>(0.0) || V == static_cast<T>(0.0) || W == static_cast<T>(0.0)) {
double CxBy = static_cast<double>(Cx) * static_cast<double>(By);
double CyBx = static_cast<double>(Cy) * static_cast<double>(Bx);
U = static_cast<T>(CxBy - CyBx);
double AxCy = static_cast<double>(Ax) * static_cast<double>(Cy);
double AyCx = static_cast<double>(Ay) * static_cast<double>(Cx);
V = static_cast<T>(AxCy - AyCx);
double BxAy = static_cast<double>(Bx) * static_cast<double>(Ay);
double ByAx = static_cast<double>(By) * static_cast<double>(Ax);
W = static_cast<T>(BxAy - ByAx);
if (trace_options_.cull_back_face) {
if (U < static_cast<T>(0.0) || V < static_cast<T>(0.0) || W < static_cast<T>(0.0)) return false;
} else {
if ((U < static_cast<T>(0.0) || V < static_cast<T>(0.0) || W < static_cast<T>(0.0)) && (U > static_cast<T>(0.0) || V > static_cast<T>(0.0) || W > static_cast<T>(0.0))) {
return false;
T det = U + V + W;
if (det == static_cast<T>(0.0)) return false;
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
const T Az = ray_coeff_.Sz * A[];
const T Bz = ray_coeff_.Sz * B[];
const T Cz = ray_coeff_.Sz * C[];
const T D = U * Az + V * Bz + W * Cz;
const T rcpDet = static_cast<T>(1.0) / det;
T tt = D * rcpDet;
if (tt > (*t_inout)) {
return false;
if (tt < t_min_) {
return false;
(*t_inout) = tt;
// Use Thomas-Mueller style barycentric coord.
// U + V + W = 1.0 and interp(p) = U * p0 + V * p1 + W * p2
// We want interp(p) = (1 - u - v) * p0 + u * v1 + v * p2;
// => u = V, v = W.
u_ = V * rcpDet;
v_ = W * rcpDet;
return true;
/// Returns the nearest hit distance.
T GetT() const { return t_; }
/// Update is called when initializing intesection and nearest hit is found.
void Update(T t, unsigned int prim_idx) const {
t_ = t;
prim_id_ = prim_idx;
/// Prepare BVH traversal(e.g. compute inverse ray direction)
/// This function is called only once in BVH traversal.
void PrepareTraversal(const Ray<T> &ray,
const BVHTraceOptions &trace_options) const {
ray_org_[0] =[0];
ray_org_[1] =[1];
ray_org_[2] =[2];
// Calculate dimension where the ray direction is maximal. = 0;
T absDir = std::fabs(ray.dir[0]);
if (absDir < std::fabs(ray.dir[1])) { = 1;
absDir = std::fabs(ray.dir[1]);
if (absDir < std::fabs(ray.dir[2])) { = 2;
absDir = std::fabs(ray.dir[2]);
ray_coeff_.kx = + 1;
if (ray_coeff_.kx == 3) ray_coeff_.kx = 0; = ray_coeff_.kx + 1;
if ( == 3) = 0;
// Swap kx and ky dimention to preserve widing direction of triangles.
if (ray.dir[] < 0.0f) std::swap(ray_coeff_.kx,;
// Claculate shear constants.
ray_coeff_.Sx = ray.dir[ray_coeff_.kx] / ray.dir[];
ray_coeff_.Sy = ray.dir[] / ray.dir[];
ray_coeff_.Sz = 1.0f / ray.dir[];
trace_options_ = trace_options;
t_min_ = ray.min_t;
u_ = 0.0f;
v_ = 0.0f;
/// Post BVH traversal stuff.
/// Fill `isect` if there is a hit.
void PostTraversal(const Ray<T> &ray, bool hit, H *isect) const {
if (hit && isect) {
(*isect).t = t_;
(*isect).u = u_;
(*isect).v = v_;
(*isect).prim_id = prim_id_;
const T *vertices_;
const unsigned int *faces_;
const size_t vertex_stride_bytes_;
mutable real3<T> ray_org_;
mutable RayCoeff ray_coeff_;
mutable BVHTraceOptions trace_options_;
mutable T t_min_;
mutable T t_;
mutable T u_;
mutable T v_;
mutable unsigned int prim_id_;
int _pad_;
// Robust BVH Ray Traversal :
// NaN-safe min and max function.
template <class T>
const T &safemin(const T &a, const T &b) {
return (a < b) ? a : b;
template <class T>
const T &safemax(const T &a, const T &b) {
return (a > b) ? a : b;
// SAH functions
struct BinBuffer {
explicit BinBuffer(unsigned int size) {
bin_size = size;
bin.resize(2 * 3 * size);
void clear() { memset(&bin[0], 0, sizeof(size_t) * 2 * 3 * bin_size); }
std::vector<size_t> bin; // (min, max) * xyz * binsize
unsigned int bin_size;
unsigned int pad0;
template <typename T>
inline T CalculateSurfaceArea(const real3<T> &min, const real3<T> &max) {
real3<T> box = max - min;
return static_cast<T>(2.0) *
(box[0] * box[1] + box[1] * box[2] + box[2] * box[0]);
template <typename T>
inline void GetBoundingBoxOfTriangle(real3<T> *bmin, real3<T> *bmax,
const T *vertices,
const unsigned int *faces,
unsigned int index) {
unsigned int f0 = faces[3 * index + 0];
unsigned int f1 = faces[3 * index + 1];
unsigned int f2 = faces[3 * index + 2];
real3<T> p[3];
p[0] = real3<T>(&vertices[3 * f0]);
p[1] = real3<T>(&vertices[3 * f1]);
p[2] = real3<T>(&vertices[3 * f2]);
(*bmin) = p[0];
(*bmax) = p[0];
for (int i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
(*bmin)[0] = std::min((*bmin)[0], p[i][0]);
(*bmin)[1] = std::min((*bmin)[1], p[i][1]);
(*bmin)[2] = std::min((*bmin)[2], p[i][2]);
(*bmax)[0] = std::max((*bmax)[0], p[i][0]);
(*bmax)[1] = std::max((*bmax)[1], p[i][1]);
(*bmax)[2] = std::max((*bmax)[2], p[i][2]);
template <typename T, class P>
inline void ContributeBinBuffer(BinBuffer *bins, // [out]
const real3<T> &scene_min,
const real3<T> &scene_max,
unsigned int *indices, unsigned int left_idx,
unsigned int right_idx, const P &p) {
T bin_size = static_cast<T>(bins->bin_size);
// Calculate extent
real3<T> scene_size, scene_inv_size;
scene_size = scene_max - scene_min;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
assert(scene_size[i] >= static_cast<T>(0.0));
if (scene_size[i] > static_cast<T>(0.0)) {
scene_inv_size[i] = bin_size / scene_size[i];
} else {
scene_inv_size[i] = static_cast<T>(0.0);
// Clear bin data
std::fill(bins->bin.begin(), bins->bin.end(), 0);
// memset(&bins->bin[0], 0, sizeof(2 * 3 * bins->bin_size));
size_t idx_bmin[3];
size_t idx_bmax[3];
for (size_t i = left_idx; i < right_idx; i++) {
// Quantize the position into [0, BIN_SIZE)
// q[i] = (int)(p[i] - scene_bmin) / scene_size
real3<T> bmin;
real3<T> bmax;
p.BoundingBox(&bmin, &bmax, indices[i]);
// GetBoundingBoxOfTriangle(&bmin, &bmax, vertices, faces, indices[i]);
real3<T> quantized_bmin = (bmin - scene_min) * scene_inv_size;
real3<T> quantized_bmax = (bmax - scene_min) * scene_inv_size;
// idx is now in [0, BIN_SIZE)
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
int q0 = static_cast<int>(quantized_bmin[j]);
if (q0 < 0) q0 = 0;
int q1 = static_cast<int>(quantized_bmax[j]);
if (q1 < 0) q1 = 0;
idx_bmin[j] = static_cast<unsigned int>(q0);
idx_bmax[j] = static_cast<unsigned int>(q1);
if (idx_bmin[j] >= bin_size)
idx_bmin[j] = static_cast<unsigned int>(bin_size) - 1;
if (idx_bmax[j] >= bin_size)
idx_bmax[j] = static_cast<unsigned int>(bin_size) - 1;
assert(idx_bmin[j] < bin_size);
assert(idx_bmax[j] < bin_size);
// Increment bin counter
bins->bin[0 * (bins->bin_size * 3) +
static_cast<size_t>(j) * bins->bin_size + idx_bmin[j]] += 1;
bins->bin[1 * (bins->bin_size * 3) +
static_cast<size_t>(j) * bins->bin_size + idx_bmax[j]] += 1;
template <typename T>
inline T SAH(size_t ns1, T leftArea, size_t ns2, T rightArea, T invS, T Taabb,
T Ttri) {
T sah;
sah = static_cast<T>(2.0) * Taabb +
(leftArea * invS) * static_cast<T>(ns1) * Ttri +
(rightArea * invS) * static_cast<T>(ns2) * Ttri;
return sah;
template <typename T>
inline bool FindCutFromBinBuffer(T *cut_pos, // [out] xyz
int *minCostAxis, // [out]
const BinBuffer *bins, const real3<T> &bmin,
const real3<T> &bmax, size_t num_primitives,
T costTaabb) { // should be in [0.0, 1.0]
const T kEPS = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon(); // * epsScale;
size_t left, right;
real3<T> bsize, bstep;
real3<T> bminLeft, bmaxLeft;
real3<T> bminRight, bmaxRight;
T saLeft, saRight, saTotal;
T pos;
T minCost[3];
T costTtri = static_cast<T>(1.0) - costTaabb;
(*minCostAxis) = 0;
bsize = bmax - bmin;
bstep = bsize * (static_cast<T>(1.0) / bins->bin_size);
saTotal = CalculateSurfaceArea(bmin, bmax);
T invSaTotal = static_cast<T>(0.0);
if (saTotal > kEPS) {
invSaTotal = static_cast<T>(1.0) / saTotal;
for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
// Compute SAH cost for the right side of each cell of the bbox.
// Exclude both extreme side of the bbox.
// i: 0 1 2 3
// +----+----+----+----+----+
// | | | | | |
// +----+----+----+----+----+
T minCostPos = bmin[j] + static_cast<T>(1.0) * bstep[j];
minCost[j] = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
left = 0;
right = num_primitives;
bminLeft = bminRight = bmin;
bmaxLeft = bmaxRight = bmax;
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(bins->bin_size) - 1; ++i) {
left += bins->bin[0 * (3 * bins->bin_size) +
static_cast<size_t>(j) * bins->bin_size +
right -= bins->bin[1 * (3 * bins->bin_size) +
static_cast<size_t>(j) * bins->bin_size +
assert(left <= num_primitives);
assert(right <= num_primitives);
// Split pos bmin + (i + 1) * (bsize / BIN_SIZE)
// +1 for i since we want a position on right side of the cell.
pos = bmin[j] + (i + static_cast<T>(1.0)) * bstep[j];
bmaxLeft[j] = pos;
bminRight[j] = pos;
saLeft = CalculateSurfaceArea(bminLeft, bmaxLeft);
saRight = CalculateSurfaceArea(bminRight, bmaxRight);
T cost =
SAH(left, saLeft, right, saRight, invSaTotal, costTaabb, costTtri);
if (cost < minCost[j]) {
// Update the min cost
minCost[j] = cost;
minCostPos = pos;
// minCostAxis = j;
cut_pos[j] = minCostPos;
// cut_axis = minCostAxis;
// cut_pos = minCostPos;
// Find min cost axis
T cost = minCost[0];
(*minCostAxis) = 0;
if (cost > minCost[1]) {
(*minCostAxis) = 1;
cost = minCost[1];
if (cost > minCost[2]) {
(*minCostAxis) = 2;
cost = minCost[2];
return true;
#ifdef _OPENMP
template <typename T, class P>
void ComputeBoundingBoxOMP(real3<T> *bmin, real3<T> *bmax,
const unsigned int *indices, unsigned int left_index,
unsigned int right_index, const P &p) {
{ p.BoundingBox(bmin, bmax, indices[left_index]); }
T local_bmin[3] = {(*bmin)[0], (*bmin)[1], (*bmin)[2]};
T local_bmax[3] = {(*bmax)[0], (*bmax)[1], (*bmax)[2]};
unsigned int n = right_index - left_index;
#pragma omp parallel firstprivate(local_bmin, local_bmax) if (n > (1024 * 128))
#pragma omp for
for (int i = left_index; i < right_index; i++) { // for each faces
unsigned int idx = indices[i];
real3<T> bbox_min, bbox_max;
p.BoundingBox(&bbox_min, &bbox_max, idx);
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { // xyz
if ((*bmin)[k] > bbox_min[k]) (*bmin)[k] = bbox_min[k];
if ((*bmax)[k] < bbox_max[k]) (*bmax)[k] = bbox_max[k];
#pragma omp critical
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
if (local_bmin[k] < (*bmin)[k]) {
if (local_bmin[k] < (*bmin)[k]) (*bmin)[k] = local_bmin[k];
if (local_bmax[k] > (*bmax)[k]) {
if (local_bmax[k] > (*bmax)[k]) (*bmax)[k] = local_bmax[k];
template <typename T, class P>
inline void ComputeBoundingBox(real3<T> *bmin, real3<T> *bmax,
const unsigned int *indices,
unsigned int left_index,
unsigned int right_index, const P &p) {
unsigned int idx = indices[left_index];
p.BoundingBox(bmin, bmax, idx);
for (unsigned int i = left_index + 1; i < right_index;
i++) { // for each primitives
unsigned int idx = indices[i];
real3<T> bbox_min, bbox_max;
p.BoundingBox(&bbox_min, &bbox_max, idx);
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { // xyz
if ((*bmin)[k] > bbox_min[k]) (*bmin)[k] = bbox_min[k];
if ((*bmax)[k] < bbox_max[k]) (*bmax)[k] = bbox_max[k];
template <typename T>
inline void GetBoundingBox(real3<T> *bmin, real3<T> *bmax,
const std::vector<BBox<T> > &bboxes,
unsigned int *indices, unsigned int left_index,
unsigned int right_index) {
unsigned int i = left_index;
unsigned int idx = indices[i];
(*bmin)[0] = bboxes[idx].bmin[0];
(*bmin)[1] = bboxes[idx].bmin[1];
(*bmin)[2] = bboxes[idx].bmin[2];
(*bmax)[0] = bboxes[idx].bmax[0];
(*bmax)[1] = bboxes[idx].bmax[1];
(*bmax)[2] = bboxes[idx].bmax[2];
T local_bmin[3] = {(*bmin)[0], (*bmin)[1], (*bmin)[2]};
T local_bmax[3] = {(*bmax)[0], (*bmax)[1], (*bmax)[2]};
for (unsigned int i = left_index; i < right_index; i++) { // for each faces
unsigned int idx = indices[i];
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { // xyz
T minval = bboxes[idx].bmin[k];
T maxval = bboxes[idx].bmax[k];
if (local_bmin[k] > minval) local_bmin[k] = minval;
if (local_bmax[k] < maxval) local_bmax[k] = maxval;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
(*bmin)[k] = local_bmin[k];
(*bmax)[k] = local_bmax[k];
// --
template <typename T>
template <class P, class Pred>
unsigned int BVHAccel<T>::BuildShallowTree(std::vector<BVHNode<T> > *out_nodes,
unsigned int left_idx,
unsigned int right_idx,
unsigned int depth,
unsigned int max_shallow_depth,
const P &p, const Pred &pred) {
assert(left_idx <= right_idx);
unsigned int offset = static_cast<unsigned int>(out_nodes->size());
if (stats_.max_tree_depth < depth) {
stats_.max_tree_depth = depth;
real3<T> bmin, bmax;
ComputeBoundingBox(&bmin, &bmax, &, left_idx, right_idx, p);
unsigned int n = right_idx - left_idx;
if ((n <= options_.min_leaf_primitives) ||
(depth >= options_.max_tree_depth)) {
// Create leaf node.
BVHNode<T> leaf;
leaf.bmin[0] = bmin[0];
leaf.bmin[1] = bmin[1];
leaf.bmin[2] = bmin[2];
leaf.bmax[0] = bmax[0];
leaf.bmax[1] = bmax[1];
leaf.bmax[2] = bmax[2];
assert(left_idx < std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());
leaf.flag = 1; // leaf[0] = n;[1] = left_idx;
out_nodes->push_back(leaf); // atomic update
return offset;
// Create branch node.
if (depth >= max_shallow_depth) {
// Delay to build tree
ShallowNodeInfo info;
info.left_idx = left_idx;
info.right_idx = right_idx;
info.offset = offset;
// Add dummy node.
BVHNode<T> node;
node.axis = -1;
node.flag = -1;
return offset;
} else {
// Compute SAH and find best split axis and position
int min_cut_axis = 0;
T cut_pos[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
BinBuffer bins(options_.bin_size);
ContributeBinBuffer(&bins, bmin, bmax, &, left_idx, right_idx,
FindCutFromBinBuffer(cut_pos, &min_cut_axis, &bins, bmin, bmax, n,
// Try all 3 axis until good cut position avaiable.
unsigned int mid_idx = left_idx;
int cut_axis = min_cut_axis;
for (int axis_try = 0; axis_try < 3; axis_try++) {
unsigned int *begin = &indices_[left_idx];
unsigned int *end =
&indices_[right_idx - 1] + 1; // mimics end() iterator.
unsigned int *mid = 0;
// try min_cut_axis first.
cut_axis = (min_cut_axis + axis_try) % 3;
// @fixme { We want some thing like: std::partition(begin, end,
// pred(cut_axis, cut_pos[cut_axis])); }
pred.Set(cut_axis, cut_pos[cut_axis]);
// Split at (cut_axis, cut_pos)
// indices_ will be modified.
mid = std::partition(begin, end, pred);
mid_idx = left_idx + static_cast<unsigned int>((mid - begin));
if ((mid_idx == left_idx) || (mid_idx == right_idx)) {
// Can't split well.
// Switch to object median(which may create unoptimized tree, but
// stable)
mid_idx = left_idx + (n >> 1);
// Try another axis if there's axis to try.
} else {
// Found good cut. exit loop.
BVHNode<T> node;
node.axis = cut_axis;
node.flag = 0; // 0 = branch
unsigned int left_child_index = 0;
unsigned int right_child_index = 0;
left_child_index = BuildShallowTree(out_nodes, left_idx, mid_idx, depth + 1,
max_shallow_depth, p, pred);
right_child_index = BuildShallowTree(out_nodes, mid_idx, right_idx,
depth + 1, max_shallow_depth, p, pred);
(*out_nodes)[offset].data[0] = left_child_index;
(*out_nodes)[offset].data[1] = right_child_index;
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmin[0] = bmin[0];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmin[1] = bmin[1];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmin[2] = bmin[2];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmax[0] = bmax[0];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmax[1] = bmax[1];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmax[2] = bmax[2];
return offset;
template <typename T>
template <class P, class Pred>
unsigned int BVHAccel<T>::BuildTree(BVHBuildStatistics *out_stat,
std::vector<BVHNode<T> > *out_nodes,
unsigned int left_idx,
unsigned int right_idx, unsigned int depth,
const P &p, const Pred &pred) {
assert(left_idx <= right_idx);
unsigned int offset = static_cast<unsigned int>(out_nodes->size());
if (out_stat->max_tree_depth < depth) {
out_stat->max_tree_depth = depth;
real3<T> bmin, bmax;
if (!bboxes_.empty()) {
GetBoundingBox(&bmin, &bmax, bboxes_, &, left_idx, right_idx);
} else {
ComputeBoundingBox(&bmin, &bmax, &, left_idx, right_idx, p);
unsigned int n = right_idx - left_idx;
if ((n <= options_.min_leaf_primitives) ||
(depth >= options_.max_tree_depth)) {
// Create leaf node.
BVHNode<T> leaf;
leaf.bmin[0] = bmin[0];
leaf.bmin[1] = bmin[1];
leaf.bmin[2] = bmin[2];
leaf.bmax[0] = bmax[0];
leaf.bmax[1] = bmax[1];
leaf.bmax[2] = bmax[2];
assert(left_idx < std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max());
leaf.flag = 1; // leaf[0] = n;[1] = left_idx;
out_nodes->push_back(leaf); // atomic update
return offset;
// Create branch node.
// Compute SAH and find best split axis and position
int min_cut_axis = 0;
T cut_pos[3] = {0.0, 0.0, 0.0};
BinBuffer bins(options_.bin_size);
ContributeBinBuffer(&bins, bmin, bmax, &, left_idx, right_idx,
FindCutFromBinBuffer(cut_pos, &min_cut_axis, &bins, bmin, bmax, n,
// Try all 3 axis until good cut position avaiable.
unsigned int mid_idx = left_idx;
int cut_axis = min_cut_axis;
for (int axis_try = 0; axis_try < 3; axis_try++) {
unsigned int *begin = &indices_[left_idx];
unsigned int *end = &indices_[right_idx - 1] + 1; // mimics end() iterator.
unsigned int *mid = 0;
// try min_cut_axis first.
cut_axis = (min_cut_axis + axis_try) % 3;
pred.Set(cut_axis, cut_pos[cut_axis]);
// Split at (cut_axis, cut_pos)
// indices_ will be modified.
mid = std::partition(begin, end, pred);
mid_idx = left_idx + static_cast<unsigned int>((mid - begin));
if ((mid_idx == left_idx) || (mid_idx == right_idx)) {
// Can't split well.
// Switch to object median(which may create unoptimized tree, but
// stable)
mid_idx = left_idx + (n >> 1);
// Try another axis to find better cut.
} else {
// Found good cut. exit loop.
BVHNode<T> node;
node.axis = cut_axis;
node.flag = 0; // 0 = branch
unsigned int left_child_index = 0;
unsigned int right_child_index = 0;
left_child_index =
BuildTree(out_stat, out_nodes, left_idx, mid_idx, depth + 1, p, pred);
right_child_index =
BuildTree(out_stat, out_nodes, mid_idx, right_idx, depth + 1, p, pred);
(*out_nodes)[offset].data[0] = left_child_index;
(*out_nodes)[offset].data[1] = right_child_index;
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmin[0] = bmin[0];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmin[1] = bmin[1];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmin[2] = bmin[2];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmax[0] = bmax[0];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmax[1] = bmax[1];
(*out_nodes)[offset].bmax[2] = bmax[2];
return offset;
template <typename T>
template <class P, class Pred>
bool BVHAccel<T>::Build(unsigned int num_primitives, const P &p,
const Pred &pred, const BVHBuildOptions<T> &options) {
options_ = options;
stats_ = BVHBuildStatistics();
assert(options_.bin_size > 1);
if (num_primitives == 0) {
return false;
unsigned int n = num_primitives;
// 1. Create triangle indices(this will be permutated in BuildTree)
#ifdef _OPENMP
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(n); i++) {
indices_[static_cast<size_t>(i)] = static_cast<unsigned int>(i);
// 2. Compute bounding box(optional).
real3<T> bmin, bmax;
if (options.cache_bbox) {
bmin[0] = bmin[1] = bmin[2] = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
bmax[0] = bmax[1] = bmax[2] = -std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) { // for each primitived
unsigned int idx = indices_[i];
BBox<T> bbox;
p.BoundingBox(&(bbox.bmin), &(bbox.bmax), static_cast<unsigned int>(i));
bboxes_[idx] = bbox;
for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { // xyz
if (bmin[k] > bbox.bmin[k]) {
bmin[k] = bbox.bmin[k];
if (bmax[k] < bbox.bmax[k]) {
bmax[k] = bbox.bmax[k];
} else {
#ifdef _OPENMP
ComputeBoundingBoxOMP(&bmin, &bmax, &, 0, n, p);
ComputeBoundingBox(&bmin, &bmax, &, 0, n, p);
// 3. Build tree
#ifdef _OPENMP
// Do parallel build for enoughly large dataset.
if (n > options.min_primitives_for_parallel_build) {
BuildShallowTree(&nodes_, 0, n, /* root depth */ 0, options.shallow_depth,
p, pred); // [0, n)
assert(shallow_node_infos_.size() > 0);
// Build deeper tree in parallel
std::vector<std::vector<BVHNode<T> > > local_nodes(
std::vector<BVHBuildStatistics> local_stats(shallow_node_infos_.size());
#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(shallow_node_infos_.size()); i++) {
unsigned int left_idx = shallow_node_infos_[i].left_idx;
unsigned int right_idx = shallow_node_infos_[i].right_idx;
BuildTree(&(local_stats[i]), &(local_nodes[i]), left_idx, right_idx,
options.shallow_depth, p, pred);
// Join local nodes
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(local_nodes.size()); i++) {
size_t offset = nodes_.size();
// Add offset to child index(for branch node).
for (size_t j = 0; j < local_nodes[i].size(); j++) {
if (local_nodes[i][j].flag == 0) { // branch
local_nodes[i][j].data[0] += offset - 1;
local_nodes[i][j].data[1] += offset - 1;
// replace
nodes_[shallow_node_infos_[i].offset] = local_nodes[i][0];
// Skip root element of the local node.
nodes_.insert(nodes_.end(), local_nodes[i].begin() + 1,
// Join statistics
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(local_nodes.size()); i++) {
stats_.max_tree_depth =
std::max(stats_.max_tree_depth, local_stats[i].max_tree_depth);
stats_.num_leaf_nodes += local_stats[i].num_leaf_nodes;
stats_.num_branch_nodes += local_stats[i].num_branch_nodes;
} else {
BuildTree(&stats_, &nodes_, 0, n,
/* root depth */ 0, p, pred); // [0, n)
BuildTree(&stats_, &nodes_, 0, n,
/* root depth */ 0, p, pred); // [0, n)
#else // !_OPENMP
BuildTree(&stats_, &nodes_, 0, n,
/* root depth */ 0, p, pred); // [0, n)
return true;
template <typename T>
void BVHAccel<T>::Debug() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < indices_.size(); i++) {
printf("index[%d] = %d\n", int(i), int(indices_[i]));
for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes_.size(); i++) {
printf("node[%d] : bmin %f, %f, %f, bmax %f, %f, %f\n", int(i),
nodes_[i].bmin[0], nodes_[i].bmin[1], nodes_[i].bmin[1],
nodes_[i].bmax[0], nodes_[i].bmax[1], nodes_[i].bmax[1]);
template <typename T>
bool BVHAccel<T>::Dump(const char *filename) {
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "wb");
if (!fp) {
// fprintf(stderr, "[BVHAccel] Cannot write a file: %s\n", filename);
return false;
size_t numNodes = nodes_.size();
assert(nodes_.size() > 0);
size_t numIndices = indices_.size();
size_t r = 0;
r = fwrite(&numNodes, sizeof(size_t), 1, fp);
assert(r == 1);
r = fwrite(&, sizeof(BVHNode<T>), numNodes, fp);
assert(r == numNodes);
r = fwrite(&numIndices, sizeof(size_t), 1, fp);
assert(r == 1);
r = fwrite(&, sizeof(unsigned int), numIndices, fp);
assert(r == numIndices);
return true;
template <typename T>
bool BVHAccel<T>::Load(const char *filename) {
FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (!fp) {
// fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open file: %s\n", filename);
return false;
size_t numNodes;
size_t numIndices;
size_t r = 0;
r = fread(&numNodes, sizeof(size_t), 1, fp);
assert(r == 1);
assert(numNodes > 0);
r = fread(&, sizeof(BVHNode<T>), numNodes, fp);
assert(r == numNodes);
r = fread(&numIndices, sizeof(size_t), 1, fp);
assert(r == 1);
r = fread(&, sizeof(unsigned int), numIndices, fp);
assert(r == numIndices);
return true;
template <typename T>
inline bool IntersectRayAABB(T *tminOut, // [out]
T *tmaxOut, // [out]
T min_t, T max_t, const T bmin[3], const T bmax[3],
real3<T> ray_org, real3<T> ray_inv_dir,
int ray_dir_sign[3]) {
T tmin, tmax;
const T min_x = ray_dir_sign[0] ? bmax[0] : bmin[0];
const T min_y = ray_dir_sign[1] ? bmax[1] : bmin[1];
const T min_z = ray_dir_sign[2] ? bmax[2] : bmin[2];
const T max_x = ray_dir_sign[0] ? bmin[0] : bmax[0];
const T max_y = ray_dir_sign[1] ? bmin[1] : bmax[1];
const T max_z = ray_dir_sign[2] ? bmin[2] : bmax[2];
// X
const T tmin_x = (min_x - ray_org[0]) * ray_inv_dir[0];
// MaxMult robust BVH traversal(up to 4 ulp).
// 1.0000000000000004 for double precision.
const T tmax_x = (max_x - ray_org[0]) * ray_inv_dir[0] * 1.00000024f;
// Y
const T tmin_y = (min_y - ray_org[1]) * ray_inv_dir[1];
const T tmax_y = (max_y - ray_org[1]) * ray_inv_dir[1] * 1.00000024f;
// Z
const T tmin_z = (min_z - ray_org[2]) * ray_inv_dir[2];
const T tmax_z = (max_z - ray_org[2]) * ray_inv_dir[2] * 1.00000024f;
tmin = safemax(tmin_z, safemax(tmin_y, safemax(tmin_x, min_t)));
tmax = safemin(tmax_z, safemin(tmax_y, safemin(tmax_x, max_t)));
if (tmin <= tmax) {
(*tminOut) = tmin;
(*tmaxOut) = tmax;
return true;
return false; // no hit
template <typename T>
template <class I>
inline bool BVHAccel<T>::TestLeafNode(const BVHNode<T> &node, const Ray<T> &ray,
const I &intersector) const {
bool hit = false;
unsigned int num_primitives =[0];
unsigned int offset =[1];
T t = intersector.GetT(); // current hit distance
real3<T> ray_org;
ray_org[0] =[0];
ray_org[1] =[1];
ray_org[2] =[2];
real3<T> ray_dir;
ray_dir[0] = ray.dir[0];
ray_dir[1] = ray.dir[1];
ray_dir[2] = ray.dir[2];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_primitives; i++) {
unsigned int prim_idx = indices_[i + offset];
T local_t = t;
if (intersector.Intersect(&local_t, prim_idx)) {
// Update isect state
t = local_t;
intersector.Update(t, prim_idx);
hit = true;
return hit;
#if 0 // TODO(LTE): Implement
template <typename T> template<class I, class H, class Comp>
bool BVHAccel<T>::MultiHitTestLeafNode(
std::priority_queue<H, std::vector<H>, Comp> *isect_pq,
int max_intersections,
const BVHNode<T> &node,
const Ray<T> &ray,
const I &intersector) const {
bool hit = false;
unsigned int num_primitives =[0];
unsigned int offset =[1];
T t = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
if (isect_pq->size() >= static_cast<size_t>(max_intersections)) {
t = isect_pq->top().t; // current furthest hit distance
real3<T> ray_org;
ray_org[0] =[0];
ray_org[1] =[1];
ray_org[2] =[2];
real3<T> ray_dir;
ray_dir[0] = ray.dir[0];
ray_dir[1] = ray.dir[1];
ray_dir[2] = ray.dir[2];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_primitives; i++) {
unsigned int prim_idx = indices_[i + offset];
T local_t = t, u = 0.0f, v = 0.0f;
if (intersector.Intersect(&local_t, &u, &v, prim_idx)) {
// Update isect state
if ((local_t > ray.min_t)) {
if (isect_pq->size() < static_cast<size_t>(max_intersections)) {
H isect;
t = local_t;
isect.t = t;
isect.u = u;
isect.v = v;
isect.prim_id = prim_idx;
// Update t to furthest distance.
t = ray.max_t;
hit = true;
} else {
if (local_t < isect_pq->top().t) {
// delete furthest intersection and add new intersection.
H hit;
hit.t = local_t;
hit.u = u;
hit.v = v;
hit.prim_id = prim_idx;
// Update furthest hit distance
t = isect_pq->top().t;
hit = true;
return hit;
template <typename T>
template <class I, class H>
bool BVHAccel<T>::Traverse(const Ray<T> &ray, const I &intersector, H *isect,
const BVHTraceOptions &options) const {
const int kMaxStackDepth = 512;
T hit_t = ray.max_t;
int node_stack_index = 0;
unsigned int node_stack[512];
node_stack[0] = 0;
// Init isect info as no hit
intersector.Update(hit_t, static_cast<unsigned int>(-1));
intersector.PrepareTraversal(ray, options);
int dir_sign[3];
dir_sign[0] = ray.dir[0] < 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
dir_sign[1] = ray.dir[1] < 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
dir_sign[2] = ray.dir[2] < 0.0f ? 1 : 0;
// @fixme { Check edge case; i.e., 1/0 }
real3<T> ray_inv_dir;
ray_inv_dir[0] = 1.0f / (ray.dir[0] + 1.0e-12f);
ray_inv_dir[1] = 1.0f / (ray.dir[1] + 1.0e-12f);
ray_inv_dir[2] = 1.0f / (ray.dir[2] + 1.0e-12f);
real3<T> ray_org;
ray_org[0] =[0];
ray_org[1] =[1];
ray_org[2] =[2];
T min_t = std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
T max_t = -std::numeric_limits<T>::max();
while (node_stack_index >= 0) {
unsigned int index = node_stack[node_stack_index];
const BVHNode<T> &node = nodes_[index];
bool hit = IntersectRayAABB(&min_t, &max_t, ray.min_t, hit_t, node.bmin,
node.bmax, ray_org, ray_inv_dir, dir_sign);
if (node.flag == 0) { // branch node
if (hit) {
int order_near = dir_sign[node.axis];
int order_far = 1 - order_near;
// Traverse near first.
node_stack[++node_stack_index] =[order_far];
node_stack[++node_stack_index] =[order_near];
} else { // leaf node
if (hit) {
if (TestLeafNode(node, ray, intersector)) {
hit_t = intersector.GetT();
assert(node_stack_index < kMaxStackDepth);
bool hit = (intersector.GetT() < ray.max_t);
intersector.PostTraversal(ray, hit, isect);
return hit;
template <typename T>
template <class I>
inline bool BVHAccel<T>::TestLeafNodeIntersections(
const BVHNode<T> &node, const Ray<T> &ray, const int max_intersections,
const I &intersector,
std::priority_queue<NodeHit<T>, std::vector<NodeHit<T> >,
NodeHitComparator<T> > *isect_pq) const {
bool hit = false;
unsigned int num_primitives =[0];
unsigned int offset =[1];
real3<T> ray_org;
ray_org[0] =[0];
ray_org[1] =[1];
ray_org[2] =[2];
real3<T> ray_dir;
ray_dir[0] = ray.dir[0];
ray_dir[1] = ray.dir[1];
ray_dir[2] = ray.dir[2];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_primitives; i++) {
unsigned int prim_idx = indices_[i + offset];
T min_t, max_t;
if (intersector.Intersect(&min_t, &max_t, prim_idx)) {
// Always add to isect lists.
NodeHit<T> isect;
isect.t_min = min_t;
isect.t_max = max_t;
isect.node_id = prim_idx;
if (isect_pq->size() < static_cast<size_t>(max_intersections)) {
} else {
if (min_t < isect_pq->top().t_min) {
// delete the furthest intersection and add a new intersection.
return hit;
template <typename T>
template <class I>
bool BVHAccel<T>::ListNodeIntersections(
const Ray<T> &ray, int max_intersections, const I &intersector,
StackVector<NodeHit<T>, 128> *hits) const {
const int kMaxStackDepth = 512;
T hit_t = ray.max_t;
int node_stack_index = 0;
unsigned int node_stack[512];
node_stack[0] = 0;
// Stores furthest intersection at top
std::priority_queue<NodeHit<T>, std::vector<NodeHit<T> >,
NodeHitComparator<T> >
int dir_sign[3];
dir_sign[0] =
ray.dir[0] < static_cast<T>(0.0) ? 1 : 0;
dir_sign[1] =
ray.dir[1] < static_cast<T>(0.0) ? 1 : 0;
dir_sign[2] =
ray.dir[2] < static_cast<T>(0.0) ? 1 : 0;
// @fixme { Check edge case; i.e., 1/0 }
real3<T> ray_inv_dir;
ray_inv_dir[0] = static_cast<T>(1.0) / ray.dir[0];
ray_inv_dir[1] = static_cast<T>(1.0) / ray.dir[1];
ray_inv_dir[2] = static_cast<T>(1.0) / ray.dir[2];
real3<T> ray_org;
ray_org[0] =[0];
ray_org[1] =[1];
ray_org[2] =[2];
T min_t, max_t;
while (node_stack_index >= 0) {
unsigned int index = node_stack[node_stack_index];
const BVHNode<T> &node = nodes_[static_cast<size_t>(index)];
bool hit = IntersectRayAABB(&min_t, &max_t, ray.min_t, hit_t, node.bmin,
node.bmax, ray_org, ray_inv_dir, dir_sign);
if (node.flag == 0) { // branch node
if (hit) {
int order_near = dir_sign[node.axis];
int order_far = 1 - order_near;
// Traverse near first.
node_stack[++node_stack_index] =[order_far];
node_stack[++node_stack_index] =[order_near];
} else { // leaf node
if (hit) {
TestLeafNodeIntersections(node, ray, max_intersections, intersector,
assert(node_stack_index < kMaxStackDepth);
if (!isect_pq.empty()) {
// Store intesection in reverse order(make it frontmost order)
size_t n = isect_pq.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const NodeHit<T> &isect =;
(*hits)[n - i - 1] = isect;
return true;
return false;
#if 0 // TODO(LTE): Implement
template <typename T> template<class I, class H, class Comp>
bool BVHAccel<T>::MultiHitTraverse(const Ray<T> &ray,
int max_intersections,
const I &intersector,
StackVector<H, 128> *hits,
const BVHTraceOptions& options) const {
const int kMaxStackDepth = 512;
T hit_t = ray.max_t;
int node_stack_index = 0;
unsigned int node_stack[512];
node_stack[0] = 0;
// Stores furthest intersection at top
std::priority_queue<H, std::vector<H>, Comp> isect_pq;
// Init isect info as no hit
intersector.Update(hit_t, static_cast<unsigned int>(-1));
intersector.PrepareTraversal(ray, options);
int dir_sign[3];
dir_sign[0] = ray.dir[0] < static_cast<T>(0.0) ? static_cast<T>(1) : static_cast<T>(0);
dir_sign[1] = ray.dir[1] < static_cast<T>(0.0) ? static_cast<T>(1) : static_cast<T>(0);
dir_sign[2] = ray.dir[2] < static_cast<T>(0.0) ? static_cast<T>(1) : static_cast<T>(0);
// @fixme { Check edge case; i.e., 1/0 }
real3<T> ray_inv_dir;
ray_inv_dir[0] = static_cast<T>(1.0) / ray.dir[0];
ray_inv_dir[1] = static_cast<T>(1.0) / ray.dir[1];
ray_inv_dir[2] = static_cast<T>(1.0) / ray.dir[2];
real3<T> ray_org;
ray_org[0] =[0];
ray_org[1] =[1];
ray_org[2] =[2];
T min_t, max_t;
while (node_stack_index >= 0) {
unsigned int index = node_stack[node_stack_index];
const BVHNode<T> &node = nodes_[static_cast<size_t>(index)];
bool hit = IntersectRayAABB(&min_t, &max_t, ray.min_t, hit_t, node.bmin,
node.bmax, ray_org, ray_inv_dir, dir_sign);
if (node.flag == 0) { // branch node
if (hit) {
int order_near = dir_sign[node.axis];
int order_far = 1 - order_near;
// Traverse near first.
node_stack[++node_stack_index] =[order_far];
node_stack[++node_stack_index] =[order_near];
} else { // leaf node
if (hit) {
if (MultiHitTestLeafNode(&isect_pq, max_intersections, node, ray, intersector)) {
// Only update `hit_t` when queue is full.
if (isect_pq.size() >= static_cast<size_t>(max_intersections)) {
hit_t =;
assert(node_stack_index < kMaxStackDepth);
if (!isect_pq.empty()) {
// Store intesection in reverse order(make it frontmost order)
size_t n = isect_pq.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const H &isect =;
(*hits)[n - i - 1] = isect;
return true;
return false;
#ifdef __clang__
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
} // namespace nanort
#endif // NANORT_H_