blob: 7b0c3c0652edc2eadfc0938135c72cd5a415674d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/protos.dart' show Agent, CommitStatus, Task;
import 'appengine_cocoon.dart';
import 'dev_cocoon.dart';
/// Service class for interacting with flutter/flutter build data.
/// This service exists as a common interface for getting build data from a data source.
abstract class CocoonService {
/// Creates a new [CocoonService] based on if the Flutter app is in production.
/// Production uses the Cocoon backend running on AppEngine.
/// Otherwise, it uses fake data populated from a fake service.
factory CocoonService() {
if (kReleaseMode) {
return AppEngineCocoonService();
return DevelopmentCocoonService(;
/// Gets build information on the most recent commits.
/// If [lastCommitStatus] is given, it will return the next page of
/// [List<CommitStatus>] after [lastCommitStatus], not including it.
Future<CocoonResponse<List<CommitStatus>>> fetchCommitStatuses({
CommitStatus lastCommitStatus,
String branch,
/// Gets the current build status of flutter/flutter.
Future<CocoonResponse<bool>> fetchTreeBuildStatus({
String branch,
/// Get the current Flutter infra agent statuses.
Future<CocoonResponse<List<Agent>>> fetchAgentStatuses();
/// Get the current list of version branches in flutter/flutter.
Future<CocoonResponse<List<String>>> fetchFlutterBranches();
/// Send rerun [Task] command to devicelab.
/// Will not rerun tasks that are outside of devicelab.
Future<bool> rerunTask(Task task, String idToken);
/// Writes the log for [Task] to local storage of the current device.
/// Returns true if successful, false if failed.
Future<bool> downloadLog(Task task, String idToken, String commitSha);
/// Creates [Agent] with the given information.
/// Returns an auth token used to authorize the agent.
Future<CocoonResponse<String>> createAgent(String agentId, List<String> capabilities, String idToken);
/// Generate a new access token for [agent].
Future<CocoonResponse<String>> authorizeAgent(Agent agent, String idToken);
/// Attempt to assign a new task to [agent].
/// If no task can be assigned, a null value is returned.
Future<void> reserveTask(Agent agent, String idToken);
/// Wrapper class for data this state serves.
/// Holds [data] and possible error information.
class CocoonResponse<T> {
const : error = null;
const CocoonResponse.error(this.error) : data = null;
/// The data that gets used from [CocoonService].
final T data;
/// Error information that can be used for debugging.
final String error;