blob: fc432198487c9efd227fd1e89b6e9346ecf77b00 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:cocoon_service/protos.dart' show Commit, CommitStatus, Task;
import 'package:app_flutter/logic/brooks.dart';
import 'package:app_flutter/service/cocoon.dart';
import 'package:app_flutter/service/google_authentication.dart';
import 'package:app_flutter/state/build.dart';
import 'mocks.dart';
class FakeBuildState extends ChangeNotifier implements BuildState {
GoogleSignInService authService,
CocoonService cocoonService,
this.statuses = const <CommitStatus>[],
this.moreStatusesExist = true,
}) : authService = authService ?? MockGoogleSignInService(),
cocoonService = cocoonService ?? MockCocoonService();
final GoogleSignInService authService;
final CocoonService cocoonService;
Timer refreshTimer;
final ErrorSink errors = ErrorSink();
bool isTreeBuilding;
Duration get refreshRate => null;
Future<bool> rerunTask(Task task) async => rerunTaskResult;
final bool rerunTaskResult;
final List<CommitStatus> statuses;
final bool moreStatusesExist;
Future<bool> downloadLog(Task task, Commit commit) => null;
Future<void> fetchMoreCommitStatuses() => null;
List<String> get branches => <String>['master'];
String get currentBranch => 'master';
Future<void> updateCurrentBranch(String branch) => throw UnimplementedError();