blob: a96d7db8eb689a97d69b687cf955e749bca15c62 [file] [log] [blame]
import '../../bin/utils/adb_logcat_filtering.dart';
/// Simulates the output of `adb logcat`, i.e. for testing.
/// ## Example
/// ```dart
/// final FakeAdbLogcat logcat = FakeAdbLogcat();
/// final FakeAdbProcess process = logcat.withProcess();
///'ActivityManager', 'Force stopping dev.flutter.scenarios appid=10226 user=0: start instr');
/// // ...
/// final List<String> logLines = logcat.drain();
/// // ...
/// ```
final class FakeAdbLogcat {
final List<String> _lines = <String>[];
final Map<int, FakeAdbProcess> _processById = <int, FakeAdbProcess>{};
/// The current date and time.
DateTime _now =;
/// Returns the date and time for the next log line.
/// Time is progressed by 1 second each time this method is called.
DateTime _progressTime({Duration by = const Duration(seconds: 1)}) {
_now = _now.add(by);
return _now;
/// `02-22 13:54:39.839`
static String _formatTime(DateTime time) {
return '${time.month.toString().padLeft(2, '0')}-'
'${, '0')} '
'${time.hour.toString().padLeft(2, '0')}:'
'${time.minute.toString().padLeft(2, '0')}:'
'${time.second.toString().padLeft(2, '0')}.'
'${time.millisecond.toString().padLeft(3, '0')}';
void _write({
required int processId,
required int threadId,
required String severity,
required String tag,
required String message,
}) {
final DateTime time = _progressTime();
final String line = '${_formatTime(time)} $processId $threadId $severity $tag: $message';
assert(AdbLogLine.tryParse(line) != null, 'Invalid log line: $line');
/// Drains the stored log lines and returns them.
List<String> drain() {
final List<String> result = List<String>.from(_lines);
return result;
/// Creates a new process writing to this logcat.
/// Optionally specify a [processId] to use for the process, otherwise a
/// simple default is used (sequential numbers starting from 1000).
FakeAdbProcess process({int? processId}) {
processId ??= 1000 + _processById.length;
return _processById.putIfAbsent(
() => _createProcess(processId: processId!),
FakeAdbProcess _createProcess({required int processId}) {
return FakeAdbProcess._(this, processId: processId);
/// A stateful fixture that represents a fake process writing to `adb logcat`.
/// See [FakeAdbLogcat.process] for how to create this fixture.
final class FakeAdbProcess {
const FakeAdbProcess._(
this._logcat, {
required this.processId,
final FakeAdbLogcat _logcat;
/// The process ID of this process.
final int processId;
/// Writes a debug log message.
void debug(String tag, String message, {int threadId = 1}) {
processId: processId,
threadId: threadId,
severity: 'D',
tag: tag,
message: message,
/// Writes an info log message.
void info(String tag, String message, {int threadId = 1}) {
processId: processId,
threadId: threadId,
severity: 'I',
tag: tag,
message: message,
/// Writes a warning log message.
void warning(String tag, String message, {int threadId = 1}) {
processId: processId,
threadId: threadId,
severity: 'W',
tag: tag,
message: message,
/// Writes an error log message.
void error(String tag, String message, {int threadId = 1}) {
processId: processId,
threadId: threadId,
severity: 'E',
tag: tag,
message: message,
/// Writes a fatal log message.
void fatal(String tag, String message, {int threadId = 1}) {
processId: processId,
threadId: threadId,
severity: 'F',
tag: tag,
message: message,