blob: d16821e3d9ee0368ba215865a3b642fcc0197716 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import '../engine.dart' show buildMode, renderer, window;
import 'browser_detection.dart';
import 'configuration.dart';
import 'dom.dart';
import 'host_node.dart';
import 'keyboard_binding.dart';
import 'platform_dispatcher.dart';
import 'pointer_binding.dart';
import 'semantics.dart';
import 'text_editing/text_editing.dart';
import 'view_embedder/dimensions_provider/dimensions_provider.dart';
import 'view_embedder/embedding_strategy/embedding_strategy.dart';
/// Controls the placement and lifecycle of a Flutter view on the web page.
/// Manages several top-level elements that host Flutter-generated content,
/// including:
/// - [glassPaneElement], the root element of a Flutter view.
/// - [glassPaneShadow], the shadow root used to isolate Flutter-rendered
/// content from the surrounding page content, including from the platform
/// views.
/// - [sceneElement], the element that hosts Flutter layers and pictures, and
/// projects platform views.
/// - [sceneHostElement], the anchor that provides a stable location in the DOM
/// tree for the [sceneElement].
/// - [semanticsHostElement], hosts the ARIA-annotated semantics tree.
/// This class is currently a singleton, but it'll possibly need to morph to have
/// multiple instances in a multi-view scenario. (One ViewEmbedder per FlutterView).
class FlutterViewEmbedder {
/// Creates a FlutterViewEmbedder.
/// The incoming [hostElement] parameter specifies the root element in the DOM
/// into which Flutter will be rendered.
/// The hostElement is abstracted by an [EmbeddingStrategy] instance, which has
/// different behavior depending on the `hostElement` value:
/// - A `null` `hostElement` will cause Flutter to take over the whole page.
/// - A non-`null` `hostElement` will render flutter inside that element.
FlutterViewEmbedder({DomElement? hostElement})
: _embeddingStrategy =
EmbeddingStrategy.create(hostElement: hostElement) {
// Configure the EngineWindow so it knows how to measure itself.
// TODO(dit): Refactor ownership according to new design,
hostElement: hostElement,
/// Abstracts all the DOM manipulations required to embed a Flutter app in an user-supplied `hostElement`.
final EmbeddingStrategy _embeddingStrategy;
// The tag name for the root view of the flutter app (glass-pane)
static const String glassPaneTagName = 'flt-glass-pane';
/// The element that contains the [sceneElement].
/// This element is created and inserted in the HTML DOM once. It is never
/// removed or moved. However the [sceneElement] may be replaced inside it.
/// This element is inserted after the [semanticsHostElement] so that
/// platform views take precedence in DOM event handling.
DomElement? get sceneHostElement => _sceneHostElement;
DomElement? _sceneHostElement;
/// A child element of body outside the shadowroot that hosts
/// global resources such svg filters and clip paths when using webkit.
DomElement? _resourcesHost;
/// The element that contains the semantics tree.
/// This element is created and inserted in the HTML DOM once. It is never
/// removed or moved.
/// Render semantics inside the glasspane for proper focus and event
/// handling. If semantics is behind the glasspane, the phone will disable
/// focusing by touch, only by tabbing around the UI. If semantics is in
/// front of glasspane, then DOM event won't bubble up to the glasspane so
/// it can forward events to the framework.
/// This element is inserted before the [semanticsHostElement] so that
/// platform views take precedence in DOM event handling.
DomElement? get semanticsHostElement => _semanticsHostElement;
DomElement? _semanticsHostElement;
/// The last scene element rendered by the [render] method.
DomElement? get sceneElement => _sceneElement;
DomElement? _sceneElement;
/// Don't unnecessarily move DOM nodes around. If a DOM node is
/// already in the right place, skip DOM mutation. This is both faster and
/// more correct, because moving DOM nodes loses internal state, such as
/// text selection.
void addSceneToSceneHost(DomElement? sceneElement) {
if (sceneElement != _sceneElement) {
_sceneElement = sceneElement;
/// The element that captures input events, such as pointer events.
/// If semantics is enabled this element also contains the semantics DOM tree,
/// which captures semantics input events. The semantics DOM tree must be a
/// child of the glass pane element so that events bubble up to the glass pane
/// if they are not handled by semantics.
DomElement get glassPaneElement => _glassPaneElement;
late DomElement _glassPaneElement;
/// The [HostNode] of the [glassPaneElement], which contains the whole Flutter app.
HostNode get glassPaneShadow => _glassPaneShadow;
late HostNode _glassPaneShadow;
static const String defaultFontStyle = 'normal';
static const String defaultFontWeight = 'normal';
static const double defaultFontSize = 14;
static const String defaultFontFamily = 'sans-serif';
static const String defaultCssFont =
'$defaultFontStyle $defaultFontWeight ${defaultFontSize}px $defaultFontFamily';
void reset() {
// How was the current renderer selected?
const String rendererSelection = FlutterConfiguration.flutterWebAutoDetect
? 'auto-selected'
: 'requested explicitly';
// Initializes the embeddingStrategy so it can host a single-view Flutter app.
hostElementAttributes: <String, String>{
'flt-renderer': '${renderer.rendererTag} ($rendererSelection)',
'flt-build-mode': buildMode,
// TODO(mdebbar): Disable spellcheck until changes in the framework and
// engine are complete.
'spellcheck': 'false',
// Create and inject the [_glassPaneElement].
_glassPaneElement = domDocument.createElement(glassPaneTagName);
// This must be attached to the DOM now, so the engine can create a host
// node (ShadowDOM or a fallback) next.
// The embeddingStrategy will take care of cleaning up the glassPane on hot
// restart.
// Create a [HostNode] under the glass pane element, and attach everything
// there, instead of directly underneath the glass panel.
// TODO(dit): clean HostNode,
final HostNode glassPaneElementHostNode = HostNode.create(
_glassPaneShadow = glassPaneElementHostNode;
// Don't allow the scene to receive pointer events.
_sceneHostElement = domDocument.createElement('flt-scene-host') = 'none';
final DomElement semanticsHostElement =
..position = 'absolute'
..transformOrigin = '0 0 0';
_semanticsHostElement = semanticsHostElement;
final DomElement accessibilityPlaceholder = EngineSemanticsOwner
// The semantic host goes last because hit-test order-wise it must be
// first. If semantics goes under the scene host, platform views will
// obscure semantic elements.
// You may be wondering: wouldn't semantics obscure platform views and
// make then not accessible? At least with some careful planning, that
// should not be the case. The semantics tree makes all of its non-leaf
// elements transparent. This way, if a platform view appears among other
// interactive Flutter widgets, as long as those widgets do not intersect
// with the platform view, the platform view will be reachable.
// When debugging semantics, make the scene semi-transparent so that the
// semantics tree is more prominent.
if (configuration.debugShowSemanticsNodes) {
_sceneHostElement!.style.opacity = '0.3';
/// The framework specifies semantics in physical pixels, but CSS uses
/// logical pixels. To compensate, an inverse scale is injected at the root
/// level.
void updateSemanticsScreenProperties() {
.setProperty('transform', 'scale(${1 / window.devicePixelRatio})');
/// Called immediately after browser window metrics change.
/// When there is a text editing going on in mobile devices, do not change
/// the physicalSize, change the [window.viewInsets]. See:
/// Note: always check for rotations for a mobile device. Update the physical
/// size if the change is caused by a rotation.
void _metricsDidChange(ui.Size? newSize) {
// TODO(dit): Do not computePhysicalSize twice,
if (isMobile && !window.isRotation() && textEditing.isEditing) {
} else {
// When physical size changes this value has to be recalculated.
static const String orientationLockTypeAny = 'any';
static const String orientationLockTypeNatural = 'natural';
static const String orientationLockTypeLandscape = 'landscape';
static const String orientationLockTypePortrait = 'portrait';
static const String orientationLockTypePortraitPrimary = 'portrait-primary';
static const String orientationLockTypePortraitSecondary =
static const String orientationLockTypeLandscapePrimary = 'landscape-primary';
static const String orientationLockTypeLandscapeSecondary =
/// Sets preferred screen orientation.
/// Specifies the set of orientations the application interface can be
/// displayed in.
/// The [orientations] argument is a list of DeviceOrientation values.
/// The empty list uses Screen unlock api and causes the application to
/// defer to the operating system default.
/// See w3c screen api:
Future<bool> setPreferredOrientation(List<dynamic> orientations) {
final DomScreen? screen = domWindow.screen;
if (screen != null) {
final DomScreenOrientation? screenOrientation = screen.orientation;
if (screenOrientation != null) {
if (orientations.isEmpty) {
return Future<bool>.value(true);
} else {
final String? lockType =
_deviceOrientationToLockType(orientations.first as String?);
if (lockType != null) {
final Completer<bool> completer = Completer<bool>();
try {
screenOrientation.lock(lockType).then((dynamic _) {
}).catchError((dynamic error) {
// On Chrome desktop an error with 'not supported on this device
// error' is fired.
} catch (_) {
return Future<bool>.value(false);
return completer.future;
// API is not supported on this browser return false.
return Future<bool>.value(false);
// Converts device orientation to w3c OrientationLockType enum.
// See also:
static String? _deviceOrientationToLockType(String? deviceOrientation) {
switch (deviceOrientation) {
case 'DeviceOrientation.portraitUp':
return orientationLockTypePortraitPrimary;
case 'DeviceOrientation.portraitDown':
return orientationLockTypePortraitSecondary;
case 'DeviceOrientation.landscapeLeft':
return orientationLockTypeLandscapePrimary;
case 'DeviceOrientation.landscapeRight':
return orientationLockTypeLandscapeSecondary;
return null;
/// Add an element as a global resource to be referenced by CSS.
/// This call create a global resource host element on demand and either
/// place it as first element of body(webkit), or as a child of
/// glass pane element for other browsers to make sure url resolution
/// works correctly when content is inside a shadow root.
void addResource(DomElement element) {
final bool isWebKit = browserEngine == BrowserEngine.webkit;
if (_resourcesHost == null) {
final DomElement resourcesHost = domDocument
.createElement('flt-svg-filters') = 'hidden';
if (isWebKit) {
// The resourcesHost *must* be a sibling of the glassPaneElement.
nextTo: glassPaneElement);
} else {
.insertBefore(resourcesHost, glassPaneShadow.node.firstChild);
_resourcesHost = resourcesHost;
/// Removes a global resource element.
void removeResource(DomElement? element) {
if (element == null) {
assert(element.parentNode == _resourcesHost);
/// Disables the browser's context menu for this part of the DOM.
/// By default, when a Flutter web app starts, the context menu is enabled.
/// Can be re-enabled by calling [enableContextMenu].
void disableContextMenu() => _embeddingStrategy.disableContextMenu();
/// Enables the browser's context menu for this part of the DOM.
/// By default, when a Flutter web app starts, the context menu is already
/// enabled. Typically, this method would be used after calling
/// [disableContextMenu] to first disable it.
void enableContextMenu() => _embeddingStrategy.enableContextMenu();
/// The embedder singleton.
/// [ensureFlutterViewEmbedderInitialized] must be called prior to calling this
/// getter.
FlutterViewEmbedder get flutterViewEmbedder {
final FlutterViewEmbedder? embedder = _flutterViewEmbedder;
assert(() {
if (embedder == null) {
throw StateError(
'FlutterViewEmbedder not initialized. Call `ensureFlutterViewEmbedderInitialized()` '
'prior to calling the `flutterViewEmbedder` getter.');
return true;
return embedder!;
FlutterViewEmbedder? _flutterViewEmbedder;
/// Initializes the [FlutterViewEmbedder], if it's not already initialized.
FlutterViewEmbedder ensureFlutterViewEmbedderInitialized() =>
_flutterViewEmbedder ??=
FlutterViewEmbedder(hostElement: configuration.hostElement);