blob: 212d45942fd71accb7426d27a0d290adb9e52271 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:ui/ui.dart' as ui;
import 'browser_detection.dart';
import 'dom.dart';
import 'safe_browser_api.dart';
import 'util.dart';
Object? get _jsImageDecodeFunction => getJsProperty<Object?>(
getJsProperty<Object>(domWindow, 'Image'),
final bool _supportsDecode = _jsImageDecodeFunction != null;
typedef WebOnlyImageCodecChunkCallback = void Function(
int cumulativeBytesLoaded, int expectedTotalBytes);
class HtmlCodec implements ui.Codec {
HtmlCodec(this.src, {this.chunkCallback});
final String src;
final WebOnlyImageCodecChunkCallback? chunkCallback;
int get frameCount => 1;
int get repetitionCount => 0;
Future<ui.FrameInfo> getNextFrame() async {
final Completer<ui.FrameInfo> completer = Completer<ui.FrameInfo>();
// Currently there is no way to watch decode progress, so
// we add 0/100 , 100/100 progress callbacks to enable loading progress
// builders to create UI.
chunkCallback?.call(0, 100);
if (_supportsDecode) {
final DomHTMLImageElement imgElement = createDomHTMLImageElement();
imgElement.src = src;
setJsProperty<String>(imgElement, 'decoding', 'async');
// Ignoring the returned future on purpose because we're communicating
// through the `completer`.
// ignore: unawaited_futures
imgElement.decode().then((dynamic _) {
chunkCallback?.call(100, 100);
int naturalWidth = imgElement.naturalWidth.toInt();
int naturalHeight = imgElement.naturalHeight.toInt();
// Workaround for
if (naturalWidth == 0 && naturalHeight == 0 && browserEngine == BrowserEngine.firefox) {
const int kDefaultImageSizeFallback = 300;
naturalWidth = kDefaultImageSizeFallback;
naturalHeight = kDefaultImageSizeFallback;
final HtmlImage image = HtmlImage(
}).catchError((dynamic e) {
// This code path is hit on Chrome 80.0.3987.16 when too many
// images are on the page (~1000).
// Fallback here is to load using onLoad instead.
} else {
return completer.future;
void _decodeUsingOnLoad(Completer<ui.FrameInfo> completer) {
final DomHTMLImageElement imgElement = createDomHTMLImageElement();
// If the browser doesn't support asynchronous decoding of an image,
// then use the `onload` event to decide when it's ready to paint to the
// DOM. Unfortunately, this will cause the image to be decoded synchronously
// on the main thread, and may cause dropped framed.
late DomEventListener errorListener;
DomEventListener? loadListener;
errorListener = createDomEventListener((DomEvent event) {
if (loadListener != null) {
imgElement.removeEventListener('load', loadListener);
imgElement.removeEventListener('error', errorListener);
imgElement.addEventListener('error', errorListener);
loadListener = createDomEventListener((DomEvent event) {
if (chunkCallback != null) {
chunkCallback!(100, 100);
imgElement.removeEventListener('load', loadListener);
imgElement.removeEventListener('error', errorListener);
final HtmlImage image = HtmlImage(
imgElement.addEventListener('load', loadListener);
imgElement.src = src;
void dispose() {}
class HtmlBlobCodec extends HtmlCodec {
HtmlBlobCodec(this.blob) : super(domWindow.URL.createObjectURL(blob));
final DomBlob blob;
void dispose() {
class SingleFrameInfo implements ui.FrameInfo {
Duration get duration =>;
final ui.Image image;
class HtmlImage implements ui.Image {
HtmlImage(this.imgElement, this.width, this.height) {
final DomHTMLImageElement imgElement;
bool _didClone = false;
bool _disposed = false;
void dispose() {
// Do nothing. The codec that owns this image should take care of
// releasing the object url.
if (assertionsEnabled) {
_disposed = true;
bool get debugDisposed {
if (assertionsEnabled) {
return _disposed;
return throw StateError('Image.debugDisposed is only available when asserts are enabled.');
ui.Image clone() => this;
bool isCloneOf(ui.Image other) => other == this;
List<StackTrace>? debugGetOpenHandleStackTraces() => null;
final int width;
final int height;
Future<ByteData?> toByteData({ui.ImageByteFormat format = ui.ImageByteFormat.rawRgba}) {
switch (format) {
// TODO(ColdPaleLight):
// The format rawRgba always returns straight rather than premul currently.
case ui.ImageByteFormat.rawRgba:
case ui.ImageByteFormat.rawStraightRgba:
final DomCanvasElement canvas = createDomCanvasElement()
..width = width.toDouble()
..height = height.toDouble();
final DomCanvasRenderingContext2D ctx = canvas.context2D;
ctx.drawImage(imgElement, 0, 0);
final DomImageData imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, width, height);
return Future<ByteData?>.value(;
if (imgElement.src?.startsWith('data:') ?? false) {
final UriData data = UriData.fromUri(Uri.parse(imgElement.src!));
return Future<ByteData?>.value(data.contentAsBytes().buffer.asByteData());
} else {
return Future<ByteData?>.value();
ui.ColorSpace get colorSpace => ui.ColorSpace.sRGB;
DomHTMLImageElement cloneImageElement() {
if (!_didClone) {
_didClone = true; = 'absolute';
return imgElement.cloneNode(true) as DomHTMLImageElement;
String toString() => '[$width\u00D7$height]';