blob: 7d07c2aba4ab7d696b3e9f9e3f02f96a9a27448d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:scoped_model/scoped_model.dart';
import '../../data/gallery_options.dart';
import '../../gallery_localizations.dart';
import '../../layout/adaptive.dart';
import 'backdrop.dart';
import 'category_menu_page.dart';
import 'expanding_bottom_sheet.dart';
import 'home.dart';
import 'login.dart';
import 'model/app_state_model.dart';
import 'model/product.dart';
import 'page_status.dart';
import 'routes.dart' as routes;
import 'scrim.dart';
import 'supplemental/layout_cache.dart';
import 'theme.dart';
class ShrineApp extends StatefulWidget {
const ShrineApp({super.key});
static const String loginRoute = routes.loginRoute;
static const String homeRoute = routes.homeRoute;
State<ShrineApp> createState() => _ShrineAppState();
class _ShrineAppState extends State<ShrineApp>
with TickerProviderStateMixin, RestorationMixin {
// Controller to coordinate both the opening/closing of backdrop and sliding
// of expanding bottom sheet
late AnimationController _controller;
// Animation Controller for expanding/collapsing the cart menu.
late AnimationController _expandingController;
final _RestorableAppStateModel _model = _RestorableAppStateModel();
final RestorableDouble _expandingTabIndex = RestorableDouble(0);
final RestorableDouble _tabIndex = RestorableDouble(1);
final Map<String, List<List<int>>> _layouts = <String, List<List<int>>>{};
String get restorationId => 'shrine_app_state';
void restoreState(RestorationBucket? oldBucket, bool initialRestore) {
registerForRestoration(_model, 'app_state_model');
registerForRestoration(_tabIndex, 'tab_index');
_controller.value = _tabIndex.value;
_expandingController.value = _expandingTabIndex.value;
void initState() {
_controller = AnimationController(
vsync: this,
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 450),
value: 1,
// Save state restoration animation values only when the cart page
// fully opens or closes.
_controller.addStatusListener((AnimationStatus status) {
if (!status.isAnimating) {
_tabIndex.value = _controller.value;
_expandingController = AnimationController(
duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
vsync: this,
// Save state restoration animation values only when the menu page
// fully opens or closes.
_expandingController.addStatusListener((AnimationStatus status) {
if (!status.isAnimating) {
_expandingTabIndex.value = _expandingController.value;
void dispose() {
Widget mobileBackdrop() {
return Backdrop(
frontLayer: const ProductPage(),
backLayer: CategoryMenuPage(onCategoryTap: () => _controller.forward()),
frontTitle: const Text('SHRINE'),
backTitle: Text(GalleryLocalizations.of(context)!.shrineMenuCaption),
controller: _controller,
Widget desktopBackdrop() {
return const DesktopBackdrop(
frontLayer: ProductPage(),
backLayer: CategoryMenuPage(),
// Closes the bottom sheet if it is open.
Future<bool> _onWillPop() async {
if (_expandingController.isForwardOrCompleted) {
await _expandingController.reverse();
return false;
return true;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final Widget home = LayoutCache(
layouts: _layouts,
child: PageStatus(
menuController: _controller,
cartController: _expandingController,
child: LayoutBuilder(
builder: (BuildContext context, BoxConstraints constraints) => HomePage(
backdrop: isDisplayDesktop(context)
? desktopBackdrop()
: mobileBackdrop(),
scrim: Scrim(controller: _expandingController),
expandingBottomSheet: ExpandingBottomSheet(
hideController: _controller,
expandingController: _expandingController,
return ScopedModel<AppStateModel>(
model: _model.value,
// ignore: deprecated_member_use
child: WillPopScope(
onWillPop: _onWillPop,
child: MaterialApp(
// By default on desktop, scrollbars are applied by the
// ScrollBehavior. This overrides that. All vertical scrollables in
// the gallery need to be audited before enabling this feature,
// see
const MaterialScrollBehavior().copyWith(scrollbars: false),
restorationScopeId: 'shrineApp',
title: 'Shrine',
debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
initialRoute: ShrineApp.loginRoute,
routes: <String, WidgetBuilder>{
ShrineApp.loginRoute: (BuildContext context) => const LoginPage(),
ShrineApp.homeRoute: (BuildContext context) => home,
theme: shrineTheme.copyWith(
platform: GalleryOptions.of(context).platform,
// L10n settings.
localizationsDelegates: GalleryLocalizations.localizationsDelegates,
supportedLocales: GalleryLocalizations.supportedLocales,
locale: GalleryOptions.of(context).locale,
class _RestorableAppStateModel extends RestorableListenable<AppStateModel> {
AppStateModel createDefaultValue() => AppStateModel()..loadProducts();
AppStateModel fromPrimitives(Object? data) {
final AppStateModel appState = AppStateModel()..loadProducts();
final Map<String, dynamic> appData = Map<String, dynamic>.from(data! as Map<dynamic, dynamic>);
// Reset selected category.
final int categoryIndex = appData['category_index'] as int;
// Reset cart items.
final Map<dynamic, dynamic> cartItems = appData['cart_data'] as Map<dynamic, dynamic>;
cartItems.forEach((dynamic id, dynamic quantity) {
appState.addMultipleProductsToCart(id as int, quantity as int);
return appState;
Object toPrimitives() {
return <String, dynamic>{
'cart_data': value.productsInCart,
'category_index': categories.indexOf(value.selectedCategory),