blob: eb73a4b8ffb1b9f77ac3b4029f1da87b5bea6204 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:io' show ProcessResult, exitCode, stderr;
import 'package:args/args.dart';
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:platform/platform.dart';
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import 'package:snippets/snippets.dart';
const String _kElementOption = 'element';
const String _kFormatOutputOption = 'format-output';
const String _kHelpOption = 'help';
const String _kInputOption = 'input';
const String _kLibraryOption = 'library';
const String _kOutputDirectoryOption = 'output-directory';
const String _kOutputOption = 'output';
const String _kPackageOption = 'package';
const String _kSerialOption = 'serial';
const String _kTypeOption = 'type';
class GitStatusFailed implements Exception {
final ProcessResult gitResult;
String toString() {
return 'git status exited with a non-zero exit code: '
/// A singleton filesystem that can be set by tests to a memory filesystem.
FileSystem filesystem = const LocalFileSystem();
/// A singleton snippet generator that can be set by tests to a mock, so that
/// we can test the command line parsing.
SnippetGenerator snippetGenerator = SnippetGenerator();
/// A singleton platform that can be set by tests for use in testing command line
/// parsing.
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform();
/// A singleton process manager that can be set by tests for use in testing.
ProcessManager processManager = const LocalProcessManager();
/// Get the name of the channel these docs are from.
/// First check env variable LUCI_BRANCH, then refer to the currently
/// checked out git branch.
String getChannelName({
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
ProcessManager processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
}) {
final String? envReleaseChannel = platform.environment['LUCI_BRANCH']?.trim();
if (<String>['master', 'stable', 'main'].contains(envReleaseChannel)) {
// Backward compatibility: Still support running on "master", but pretend it is "main".
if (envReleaseChannel == 'master') {
return 'main';
return envReleaseChannel!;
final RegExp gitBranchRegexp = RegExp(r'^## (?<branch>.*)');
final ProcessResult gitResult = processManager.runSync(
<String>['git', 'status', '-b', '--porcelain'],
// Use the FLUTTER_ROOT, if defined.
workingDirectory: platform.environment['FLUTTER_ROOT']?.trim() ??
// Adding extra debugging output to help debug why git status inexplicably fails
// (random non-zero error code) about 2% of the time.
environment: <String, String>{'GIT_TRACE': '2', 'GIT_TRACE_SETUP': '2'});
if (gitResult.exitCode != 0) {
throw GitStatusFailed(gitResult);
final RegExpMatch? gitBranchMatch = gitBranchRegexp
.firstMatch((gitResult.stdout as String).trim().split('\n').first);
return gitBranchMatch == null
? '<unknown>'
: gitBranchMatch.namedGroup('branch')!.split('...').first;
const List<String> sampleTypes = <String>[
// This is a hack to workaround the fact that git status inexplicably fails
// (with random non-zero error code) about 2% of the time.
String getChannelNameWithRetries({
Platform platform = const LocalPlatform(),
ProcessManager processManager = const LocalProcessManager(),
}) {
int retryCount = 0;
while (retryCount < 2) {
try {
return getChannelName(platform: platform, processManager: processManager);
} on GitStatusFailed catch (e) {
retryCount += 1;
'git status failed, retrying ($retryCount)\nError report:\n$e');
return getChannelName(platform: platform, processManager: processManager);
/// Generates snippet dartdoc output for a given input, and creates any sample
/// applications needed by the snippet.
void main(List<String> argList) {
final Map<String, String> environment = platform.environment;
final ArgParser parser = ArgParser();
defaultsTo: 'dartpad',
allowed: sampleTypes,
allowedHelp: <String, String>{
'Produce a code sample application for using in Dartpad.',
'Produce a code sample application.',
'Produce a nicely formatted piece of sample code.',
help: 'The type of snippet to produce.',
help: 'The output name for the generated sample application. Overrides '
'the naming generated by the --$_kPackageOption/--$_kLibraryOption/--$_kElementOption '
'arguments. Metadata will be written alongside in a .json file. '
'The basename of this argument is used as the ID. If this is a '
'relative path, will be placed under the --$_kOutputDirectoryOption location.',
defaultsTo: '.',
help: 'The output path for the generated sample application.',
defaultsTo: environment['INPUT'],
help: 'The input file containing the sample code to inject.',
defaultsTo: environment['PACKAGE_NAME'],
help: 'The name of the package that this sample belongs to.',
defaultsTo: environment['LIBRARY_NAME'],
help: 'The name of the library that this sample belongs to.',
defaultsTo: environment['ELEMENT_NAME'],
help: 'The name of the element that this sample belongs to.',
defaultsTo: environment['INVOCATION_INDEX'],
help: 'A unique serial number for this snippet tool invocation.',
defaultsTo: true,
help: 'Applies the Dart formatter to the published/extracted sample code.',
negatable: false,
help: 'Prints help documentation for this command',
final ArgResults args = parser.parse(argList);
if (args[_kHelpOption]! as bool) {
exitCode = 0;
final String sampleType = args[_kTypeOption]! as String;
if (args[_kInputOption] == null) {
'The --$_kInputOption option must be specified, either on the command '
'line, or in the INPUT environment variable.');
final File input = filesystem.file(args['input']! as String);
if (!input.existsSync()) {
errorExit('The input file ${input.path} does not exist.');
final bool formatOutput = args[_kFormatOutputOption]! as bool;
final String packageName = args[_kPackageOption] as String? ?? '';
final String libraryName = args[_kLibraryOption] as String? ?? '';
final String elementName = args[_kElementOption] as String? ?? '';
final String serial = args[_kSerialOption] as String? ?? '';
late String id;
File? output;
final Directory outputDirectory =[_kOutputDirectoryOption]! as String).absolute;
if (args[_kOutputOption] != null) {
id = path.basenameWithoutExtension(args[_kOutputOption]! as String);
final File outputPath = filesystem.file(args[_kOutputOption]! as String);
if (outputPath.isAbsolute) {
output = outputPath;
} else {
output =
filesystem.file(path.join(outputDirectory.path, outputPath.path));
} else {
final List<String> idParts = <String>[];
if (packageName.isNotEmpty && packageName != 'flutter') {
idParts.add(packageName.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\W'), '_').toLowerCase());
if (libraryName.isNotEmpty) {
idParts.add(libraryName.replaceAll(RegExp(r'\W'), '_').toLowerCase());
if (elementName.isNotEmpty) {
if (serial.isNotEmpty) {
if (idParts.isEmpty) {
errorExit('Unable to determine ID. At least one of --$_kPackageOption, '
'--$_kLibraryOption, --$_kElementOption, -$_kSerialOption, or the environment variables '
id = idParts.join('.');
output = outputDirectory.childFile('$id.dart');
output.parent.createSync(recursive: true);
final int? sourceLine = environment['SOURCE_LINE'] != null
? int.tryParse(environment['SOURCE_LINE']!)
: null;
final String sourcePath = environment['SOURCE_PATH'] ?? 'unknown.dart';
final SnippetDartdocParser sampleParser = SnippetDartdocParser(filesystem);
final SourceElement element = sampleParser.parseFromDartdocToolFile(
startLine: sourceLine,
element: elementName,
sourceFile: filesystem.file(sourcePath),
type: sampleType,
final Map<String, Object?> metadata = <String, Object?>{
'channel': getChannelNameWithRetries(
platform: platform, processManager: processManager),
'serial': serial,
'id': id,
'package': packageName,
'library': libraryName,
'element': elementName,
for (final CodeSample sample in element.samples) {
output: output,
formatOutput: formatOutput,
exitCode = 0;