blob: cd6e1e3faaa92c912d6c88925674fd9a4c191b23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:file/file.dart';
import 'package:file/local.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
// Represents the locations of all of the data for snippets.
class SnippetConfiguration {
const SnippetConfiguration({
required this.configDirectory,
required this.skeletonsDirectory,
this.filesystem = const LocalFileSystem(),
final FileSystem filesystem;
/// This is the configuration directory for the snippets system, containing
/// the skeletons and templates.
final Directory configDirectory;
/// The directory containing the HTML skeletons to be filled out with metadata
/// and returned to dartdoc for insertion in the output.
final Directory skeletonsDirectory;
/// Gets the skeleton file to use for the given [SampleType] and DartPad
/// preference.
File getHtmlSkeletonFile(String type) {
final String filename =
type == 'dartpad' ? 'dartpad-sample.html' : '$type.html';
return filesystem.file(path.join(skeletonsDirectory.path, filename));
/// A class to compute the configuration of the snippets input and output
/// locations based in the current location of the snippets main.dart.
class FlutterRepoSnippetConfiguration extends SnippetConfiguration {
FlutterRepoSnippetConfiguration({required this.flutterRoot, super.filesystem})
: super(
configDirectory: _underRoot(filesystem, flutterRoot,
const <String>['dev', 'snippets', 'config']),
skeletonsDirectory: _underRoot(filesystem, flutterRoot,
const <String>['dev', 'snippets', 'config', 'skeletons']),
final Directory flutterRoot;
static Directory _underRoot(
FileSystem fs, Directory flutterRoot, List<String> dirs) =>
path.joinAll(<String>[flutterRoot.absolute.path, ...dirs])));