blob: 9b942081edf14d92b04d1a15812eb68bcaaf4bf6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Tests that are excluded from batch Gradle updating and lockfile generation.
# Each exclusion must have an associated reason. Please avoid adding to this list unless necessary,
# as each exclusion must be updated by hand.
# flutter_gallery uses discontinued plugins with old AGP versions that block the app itself using
# a newer AGP version.
- dev/integration_tests/flutter_gallery/android
# gradle_deprecated_settings intentionally uses a Gradle file structure matching an old output of
# `flutter create`. It must be updated manually, by changing the desired versions in the Gradle
# files, and then running `rm buildscript-gradle.lockfile && ./gradlew :generateLockfiles` from
# its android subdirectory.
- dev/integration_tests/gradle_deprecated_settings/android