blob: 2ad9d642b61bae00f43e4f72fbf9795ac8193577 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:flutter/services.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
void main() {
test('ProcessTextService.queryTextActions emits correct method call', () async {
final List<MethodCall> log = <MethodCall>[];
TestDefaultBinaryMessengerBinding.instance.defaultBinaryMessenger.setMockMethodCallHandler(SystemChannels.processText, (MethodCall methodCall) async {
return null;
final ProcessTextService processTextService = DefaultProcessTextService();
await processTextService.queryTextActions();
expect(log, hasLength(1));
expect(log.single, isMethodCall('ProcessText.queryTextActions', arguments: null));
test('ProcessTextService.processTextAction emits correct method call', () async {
final List<MethodCall> log = <MethodCall>[];
TestDefaultBinaryMessengerBinding.instance.defaultBinaryMessenger.setMockMethodCallHandler(SystemChannels.processText, (MethodCall methodCall) async {
return null;
final ProcessTextService processTextService = DefaultProcessTextService();
const String fakeActionId = 'fakeActivity.fakeAction';
const String textToProcess = 'Flutter';
await processTextService.processTextAction(fakeActionId, textToProcess, false);
expect(log, hasLength(1));
expect(log.single, isMethodCall('ProcessText.processTextAction', arguments: <Object>[fakeActionId, textToProcess, false]));
test('ProcessTextService handles engine answers over the channel', () async {
const String action1Id = 'fakeActivity.fakeAction1';
const String action2Id = 'fakeActivity.fakeAction2';
// Fake channel that simulates responses returned from the engine.
final MethodChannel fakeChannel = FakeProcessTextChannel((MethodCall call) async {
if (call.method == 'ProcessText.queryTextActions') {
return <String, String>{
action1Id: 'Action1',
action2Id: 'Action2',
if (call.method == 'ProcessText.processTextAction') {
final List<dynamic> args = call.arguments as List<dynamic>;
final String actionId = args[0] as String;
final String testToProcess = args[1] as String;
if (actionId == action1Id) {
// Simulates an action that returns a transformed text.
return '$testToProcess!!!';
// Simulates an action that failed or does not transform text.
return null;
final DefaultProcessTextService processTextService = DefaultProcessTextService();
final List<ProcessTextAction> actions = await processTextService.queryTextActions();
expect(actions, hasLength(2));
const String textToProcess = 'Flutter';
String? processedText;
processedText = await processTextService.processTextAction(action1Id, textToProcess, false);
expect(processedText, 'Flutter!!!');
processedText = await processTextService.processTextAction(action2Id, textToProcess, false);
expect(processedText, null);
class FakeProcessTextChannel implements MethodChannel {
Future<dynamic> Function(MethodCall) outgoing;
Future<void> Function(MethodCall)? incoming;
List<MethodCall> outgoingCalls = <MethodCall>[];
BinaryMessenger get binaryMessenger => throw UnimplementedError();
MethodCodec get codec => const StandardMethodCodec();
Future<List<T>> invokeListMethod<T>(String method, [dynamic arguments]) => throw UnimplementedError();
Future<Map<K, V>> invokeMapMethod<K, V>(String method, [dynamic arguments]) => throw UnimplementedError();
Future<T> invokeMethod<T>(String method, [dynamic arguments]) async {
final MethodCall call = MethodCall(method, arguments);
return await outgoing(call) as T;
String get name => 'flutter/processtext';
void setMethodCallHandler(Future<void> Function(MethodCall call)? handler) => incoming = handler;