blob: 2554611103d992d02edadcc90b1d2962b8ff42db [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'percentile_utils.dart';
import 'timeline.dart';
/// Event name for frame request pending timeline events.
const String kFrameRequestPendingEvent = 'Frame Request Pending';
/// Summarizes [TimelineEvents]s corresponding to [kFrameRequestPendingEvent] events.
/// `FrameRequestPendingLatency` is the time between `Animator::RequestFrame`
/// and `Animator::BeginFrame` for each frame built by the Flutter engine.
class FrameRequestPendingLatencySummarizer {
/// Creates a FrameRequestPendingLatencySummarizer given the timeline events.
/// Timeline events with names in [kFrameRequestPendingTimelineEventNames].
final List<TimelineEvent> frameRequestPendingEvents;
/// Computes the average `FrameRequestPendingLatency` over the period of the timeline.
double computeAverageFrameRequestPendingLatency() {
final List<double> frameRequestPendingLatencies =
if (frameRequestPendingLatencies.isEmpty) {
return 0;
final double total = frameRequestPendingLatencies.reduce((double a, double b) => a + b);
return total / frameRequestPendingLatencies.length;
/// Computes the [percentile]-th percentile `FrameRequestPendingLatency` over the
/// period of the timeline.
double computePercentileFrameRequestPendingLatency(double percentile) {
final List<double> frameRequestPendingLatencies =
if (frameRequestPendingLatencies.isEmpty) {
return 0;
return findPercentile(frameRequestPendingLatencies, percentile);
List<double> _computeFrameRequestPendingLatencies() {
final List<double> result = <double>[];
final Map<String, int> starts = <String, int>{};
for (int i = 0; i < frameRequestPendingEvents.length; i++) {
final TimelineEvent event = frameRequestPendingEvents[i];
if (event.phase == 'b') {
final String? id = event.json['id'] as String?;
if (id != null) {
starts[id] = event.timestampMicros!;
} else if (event.phase == 'e') {
final int? start = starts[event.json['id']];
if (start != null) {
result.add((event.timestampMicros! - start).toDouble());
return result;