blob: 0de0580a1b2297b4a482bba118f4ec4e79b88492 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:package_config/package_config.dart';
String generateDDCBootstrapScript({
required String entrypoint,
required String ddcModuleLoaderUrl,
required String mapperUrl,
required bool generateLoadingIndicator,
String appRootDirectory = '/',
}) {
return '''
${generateLoadingIndicator ? _generateLoadingIndicator() : ""}
// TODO(markzipan): This is safe if Flutter app roots are always equal to the
// host root '/'. Validate if this is true.
var _currentDirectory = "$appRootDirectory";
window.\$dartCreateScript = (function() {
// Find the nonce value. (Note, this is only computed once.)
var scripts = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName("script"));
var nonce;
script => (nonce = script.nonce || script.getAttribute("nonce")));
// If present, return a closure that automatically appends the nonce.
if (nonce) {
return function() {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.nonce = nonce;
return script;
} else {
return function() {
return document.createElement("script");
// Loads a module [relativeUrl] relative to [root].
// If not specified, [root] defaults to the directory serving the main app.
var forceLoadModule = function (relativeUrl, root) {
var actualRoot = root ?? _currentDirectory;
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var script = self.\$dartCreateScript();
let policy = {
createScriptURL: function(src) {return src;}
if (self.trustedTypes && self.trustedTypes.createPolicy) {
policy = self.trustedTypes.createPolicy('dartDdcModuleUrl', policy);
script.onload = resolve;
script.onerror = reject;
script.src = policy.createScriptURL(actualRoot + relativeUrl);
// A map containing the URLs for the bootstrap scripts in debug.
let _scriptUrls = {
"mapper": "$mapperUrl",
"moduleLoader": "$ddcModuleLoaderUrl"
(function() {
let appName = "$entrypoint";
// A uuid that identifies a subapp.
// Stubbed out since subapps aren't supported in Flutter.
let uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
{type: "DDC_STATE_CHANGE", state: "initial_load", targetUuid: uuid}, "*");
// Load pre-requisite DDC scripts.
// We intentionally use invalid names to avoid namespace clashes.
let prerequisiteScripts = [
"src": "$ddcModuleLoaderUrl",
"id": "ddc_module_loader \x00"
"src": "$mapperUrl",
"id": "dart_stack_trace_mapper \x00"
// Load ddc_module_loader.js to access DDC's module loader API.
let prerequisiteLoads = [];
for (let i = 0; i < prerequisiteScripts.length; i++) {
Promise.all(prerequisiteLoads).then((_) => afterPrerequisiteLogic());
// Save the current script so we can access it in a closure.
var _currentScript = document.currentScript;
var afterPrerequisiteLogic = function() {
let scripts = [
"src": "dart_sdk.js",
"id": "dart_sdk"
"src": "main_module.bootstrap.js",
"id": "data-main"
let loadConfig = new window.\$dartLoader.LoadConfiguration();
loadConfig.bootstrapScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1];
loadConfig.loadScriptFn = function(loader) {
loader.addScriptsToQueue(scripts, null);
loadConfig.ddcEventForLoadStart = /* LOAD_ALL_MODULES_START */ 1;
loadConfig.ddcEventForLoadedOk = /* LOAD_ALL_MODULES_END_OK */ 2;
loadConfig.ddcEventForLoadedError = /* LOAD_ALL_MODULES_END_ERROR */ 3;
let loader = new window.\$dartLoader.DDCLoader(loadConfig);
// Record prerequisite scripts' fully resolved URLs.
prerequisiteScripts.forEach(script => loader.registerScript(script));
// Note: these variables should only be used in non-multi-app scenarios since
// they can be arbitrarily overridden based on multi-app load order.
window.\$dartLoader.loadConfig = loadConfig;
window.\$dartLoader.loader = loader;
/// The JavaScript bootstrap script to support in-browser hot restart.
/// The [requireUrl] loads our cached RequireJS script file. The [mapperUrl]
/// loads the special Dart stack trace mapper. The [entrypoint] is the
/// actual main.dart file.
/// This file is served when the browser requests "main.dart.js" in debug mode,
/// and is responsible for bootstrapping the RequireJS modules and attaching
/// the hot reload hooks.
/// If `generateLoadingIndicator` is true, embeds a loading indicator onto the
/// web page that's visible while the Flutter app is loading.
String generateBootstrapScript({
required String requireUrl,
required String mapperUrl,
required bool generateLoadingIndicator,
}) {
return '''
"use strict";
${generateLoadingIndicator ? _generateLoadingIndicator() : ''}
// A map containing the URLs for the bootstrap scripts in debug.
let _scriptUrls = {
"mapper": "$mapperUrl",
"requireJs": "$requireUrl"
// Create a TrustedTypes policy so we can attach Scripts...
let _ttPolicy;
if (window.trustedTypes) {
_ttPolicy = trustedTypes.createPolicy("flutter-tools-bootstrap", {
createScriptURL: (url) => {
let scriptUrl = _scriptUrls[url];
if (!scriptUrl) {
console.error("Unknown Flutter Web bootstrap resource!", url);
return scriptUrl;
// Creates a TrustedScriptURL for a given `scriptName`.
// See `_scriptUrls` and `_ttPolicy` above.
function getTTScriptUrl(scriptName) {
let defaultUrl = _scriptUrls[scriptName];
return _ttPolicy ? _ttPolicy.createScriptURL(scriptName) : defaultUrl;
// Attach source mapping.
var mapperEl = document.createElement("script");
mapperEl.defer = true;
mapperEl.async = false;
mapperEl.src = getTTScriptUrl("mapper");
// Attach require JS.
var requireEl = document.createElement("script");
requireEl.defer = true;
requireEl.async = false;
requireEl.src = getTTScriptUrl("requireJs");
// This attribute tells require JS what to load as main (defined below).
requireEl.setAttribute("data-main", "main_module.bootstrap");
/// Creates a visual animated loading indicator and puts it on the page to
/// provide feedback to the developer that the app is being loaded. Otherwise,
/// the developer would be staring at a blank page wondering if the app will
/// come up or not.
/// This indicator should only be used when DWDS is enabled, e.g. with the
/// `-d chrome` option. Debug builds without DWDS, e.g. `flutter run -d web-server`
/// or `flutter build web --debug` should not use this indicator.
String _generateLoadingIndicator() {
return '''
var styles = `
.flutter-loader {
width: 100%;
height: 8px;
background-color: #13B9FD;
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
.indeterminate {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
.indeterminate:before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
background-color: #0175C2;
animation: indeterminate_first 2.0s infinite ease-out;
.indeterminate:after {
content: '';
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
background-color: #02569B;
animation: indeterminate_second 2.0s infinite ease-in;
@keyframes indeterminate_first {
0% {
left: -100%;
width: 100%;
100% {
left: 100%;
width: 10%;
@keyframes indeterminate_second {
0% {
left: -150%;
width: 100%;
100% {
left: 100%;
width: 10%;
var styleSheet = document.createElement("style")
styleSheet.type = "text/css";
styleSheet.innerText = styles;
var loader = document.createElement('div');
loader.className = "flutter-loader";
var indeterminate = document.createElement('div');
indeterminate.className = "indeterminate";
document.addEventListener('dart-app-ready', function (e) {
String generateDDCMainModule({
required String entrypoint,
required bool nullAssertions,
required bool nativeNullAssertions,
String? exportedMain,
}) {
final String entrypointMainName = exportedMain ?? entrypoint.split('.')[0];
// The typo below in "EXTENTION" is load-bearing, package:build depends on it.
return '''
(function() {
// Flutter Web uses a generated main entrypoint, which shares app and module names.
let appName = "$entrypoint";
let moduleName = "$entrypoint";
// Use a dummy UUID since multi-apps are not supported on Flutter Web.
let uuid = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000";
let child = {};
child.main = function() {
let dart = self.dart_library.import('dart_sdk', appName).dart;
self.dart_library.start(appName, uuid, moduleName, "$entrypointMainName");
/// Generate a synthetic main module which captures the application's main
/// method.
/// If a [bootstrapModule] name is not provided, defaults to 'main_module.bootstrap'.
/// RE: Object.keys usage in app.main:
/// This attaches the main entrypoint and hot reload functionality to the window.
/// The app module will have a single property which contains the actual application
/// code. The property name is based off of the entrypoint that is generated, for example
/// the file `foo/bar/baz.dart` will generate a property named approximately
/// `foo__bar__baz`. Rather than attempt to guess, we assume the first property of
/// this object is the module.
String generateMainModule({
required String entrypoint,
required bool nullAssertions,
required bool nativeNullAssertions,
String bootstrapModule = 'main_module.bootstrap',
}) {
// The typo below in "EXTENTION" is load-bearing, package:build depends on it.
return '''
// Disable require module timeout
waitSeconds: 0
// Create the main module loaded below.
define("$bootstrapModule", ["$entrypoint", "dart_sdk"], function(app, dart_sdk) {
// See the generateMainModule doc comment.
var child = {};
child.main = app[Object.keys(app)[0]].main;
window.\$dartLoader = {};
window.\$dartLoader.rootDirectories = [];
if (window.\$requireLoader) {
window.\$requireLoader.getModuleLibraries = dart_sdk.dart.getModuleLibraries;
if (window.\$dartStackTraceUtility && !window.\$dartStackTraceUtility.ready) {
window.\$dartStackTraceUtility.ready = true;
let dart = dart_sdk.dart;
window.\$dartStackTraceUtility.setSourceMapProvider(function(url) {
var baseUrl = window.location.protocol + '//' +;
url = url.replace(baseUrl + '/', '');
if (url == 'dart_sdk.js') {
return dart.getSourceMap('dart_sdk');
url = url.replace(".lib.js", "");
return dart.getSourceMap(url);
// Prevent DDC's requireJS to interfere with modern bundling.
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// Preserve a copy just in case...
define._amd = define.amd;
delete define.amd;
typedef WebTestInfo = ({
String entryPoint,
Uri goldensUri,
String? configFile,
/// Generates the bootstrap logic required for running a group of unit test
/// files in the browser.
/// This creates one "switchboard" main function that imports all the main
/// functions of the unit test files that need to be run. The javascript code
/// that starts the test sets a `window.testSelector` that specifies which main
/// function to invoke. This allows us to compile all the unit test files as a
/// single web application and invoke that with a different selector for each
/// test.
String generateTestEntrypoint({
required List<WebTestInfo> testInfos,
required LanguageVersion languageVersion,
}) {
final List<String> importMainStatements = <String>[];
final List<String> importTestConfigStatements = <String>[];
final List<String> webTestPairs = <String>[];
for (int index = 0; index < testInfos.length; index++) {
final WebTestInfo testInfo = testInfos[index];
final String entryPointPath = testInfo.entryPoint;
importMainStatements.add("import 'org-dartlang-app:///${Uri.file(entryPointPath)}' as test_$index show main;");
final String? testConfigPath = testInfo.configFile;
String? testConfigFunction = 'null';
if (testConfigPath != null) {
"import 'org-dartlang-app:///${Uri.file(testConfigPath)}' as test_config_$index show testExecutable;"
testConfigFunction = 'test_config_$index.testExecutable';
'$entryPointPath': (
entryPoint: test_$index.main,
entryPointRunner: $testConfigFunction,
goldensUri: Uri.parse('${testInfo.goldensUri}'),
return '''
// @dart = ${languageVersion.major}.${languageVersion.minor}
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
Map<String, WebTest> webTestMap = <String, WebTest>{
Future<void> main() {
final WebTest? webTest = webTestMap[testSelector];
if (webTest == null) {
throw Exception('Web test for \${testSelector} not found');
return runWebTest(webTest);
/// Generate the unit test bootstrap file.
String generateTestBootstrapFileContents(
String mainUri, String requireUrl, String mapperUrl) {
return '''
(function() {
if (typeof document != 'undefined') {
var el = document.createElement("script");
el.defer = true;
el.async = false;
el.src = '$mapperUrl';
el = document.createElement("script");
el.defer = true;
el.async = false;
el.src = '$requireUrl';
el.setAttribute("data-main", '$mainUri');
} else {
importScripts('$mapperUrl', '$requireUrl');
baseUrl: baseUrl,
window = self;
String generateDefaultFlutterBootstrapScript() {
return '''
serviceWorkerSettings: {
serviceWorkerVersion: {{flutter_service_worker_version}}