blob: 0e7aa1e994759db20e57d6d2899b567cd7182a2d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:ui' as ui;
import 'platform_location.dart';
export 'platform_location.dart';
/// Callback that receives the new state of the browser history entry.
typedef PopStateListener = void Function(Object? state);
/// Represents and reads route state from the browser's URL.
/// By default, the [HashUrlStrategy] subclass is used if the app doesn't
/// specify one.
abstract class UrlStrategy {
/// Abstract const constructor. This constructor enables subclasses to provide
/// const constructors so that they can be used in const expressions.
const UrlStrategy();
/// Adds a listener to the `popstate` event and returns a function that, when
/// invoked, removes the listener.
ui.VoidCallback addPopStateListener(PopStateListener fn) {
// No-op.
return () {};
/// Returns the active path in the browser.
String getPath() => '';
/// The state of the current browser history entry.
/// See:
Object? getState() => null;
/// Given a path that's internal to the app, create the external url that
/// will be used in the browser.
String prepareExternalUrl(String internalUrl) => '';
/// Push a new history entry.
/// See:
void pushState(Object? state, String title, String url) {
// No-op.
/// Replace the currently active history entry.
/// See:
void replaceState(Object? state, String title, String url) {
// No-op.
/// Moves forwards or backwards through the history stack.
/// A negative [count] value causes a backward move in the history stack. And
/// a positive [count] value causes a forward move.
/// Examples:
/// * `go(-2)` moves back 2 steps in history.
/// * `go(3)` moves forward 3 steps in history.
/// See:
Future<void> go(int count) async {
// No-op.
/// Returns the present [UrlStrategy] for handling the browser URL.
/// In case null is returned, the browser integration has been manually
/// disabled by [setUrlStrategy].
UrlStrategy? get urlStrategy => null;
/// Change the strategy to use for handling browser URL.
/// Setting this to null disables all integration with the browser history.
void setUrlStrategy(UrlStrategy? strategy) {
// No-op in non-web platforms.
/// Use the [PathUrlStrategy] to handle the browser URL.
void usePathUrlStrategy() {
// No-op in non-web platforms.
/// Uses the browser URL's [hash fragments](
/// to represent its state.
/// By default, this class is used as the URL strategy for the app. However,
/// this class is still useful for apps that want to extend it.
/// In order to use [HashUrlStrategy] for an app, it needs to be set like this:
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';
/// void main() {
/// // Somewhere before calling `runApp()` do:
/// setUrlStrategy(const HashUrlStrategy());
/// }
/// ```
class HashUrlStrategy extends UrlStrategy {
/// Creates an instance of [HashUrlStrategy].
/// The [PlatformLocation] parameter is useful for testing to mock out browser
/// integrations.
const HashUrlStrategy([PlatformLocation? _]);
/// Uses the browser URL's pathname to represent Flutter's route name.
/// In order to use [PathUrlStrategy] for an app, it needs to be set like this:
/// ```dart
/// import 'package:flutter_web_plugins/flutter_web_plugins.dart';
/// void main() {
/// // Somewhere before calling `runApp()` do:
/// setUrlStrategy(PathUrlStrategy());
/// }
/// ```
class PathUrlStrategy extends HashUrlStrategy {
/// Creates an instance of [PathUrlStrategy].
/// The [PlatformLocation] parameter is useful for testing to mock out browser
/// integrations.
const PathUrlStrategy([PlatformLocation? _, bool __ = false,]);