blob: 001a9addacd6454d4fe9b983baba17e6122f3ca1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:vm_service/vm_service.dart' as vms;
import '../common/logging.dart';
const Duration _kConnectTimeout = Duration(seconds: 3);
final Logger _log = Logger('DartVm');
/// Signature of an asynchronous function for establishing a [vms.VmService]
/// connection to a [Uri].
typedef RpcPeerConnectionFunction = Future<vms.VmService> Function(
Uri uri, {
required Duration timeout,
/// [DartVm] uses this function to connect to the Dart VM on Fuchsia.
/// This function can be assigned to a different one in the event that a
/// custom connection function is needed.
RpcPeerConnectionFunction fuchsiaVmServiceConnectionFunction = _waitAndConnect;
/// Attempts to connect to a Dart VM service.
/// Gives up after `timeout` has elapsed.
Future<vms.VmService> _waitAndConnect(
Uri uri, {
Duration timeout = _kConnectTimeout,
}) async {
int attempts = 0;
late WebSocket socket;
while (true) {
try {
socket = await WebSocket.connect(uri.toString());
final StreamController<dynamic> controller = StreamController<dynamic>();
final Completer<void> streamClosedCompleter = Completer<void>();
(dynamic data) => controller.add(data),
onDone: () => streamClosedCompleter.complete(),
final vms.VmService service = vms.VmService(,
disposeHandler: () => socket.close(),
streamClosed: streamClosedCompleter.future
// This call is to ensure we are able to establish a connection instead of
// keeping on trucking and failing farther down the process.
await service.getVersion();
return service;
} catch (e) {
// We should not be catching all errors arbitrarily here, this might hide real errors.
// TODO(ianh): Determine which exceptions to catch here.
await socket.close();
if (attempts > 5) {
_log.warning('It is taking an unusually long time to connect to the VM...');
attempts += 1;
await Future<void>.delayed(timeout);
/// Restores the VM service connection function to the default implementation.
void restoreVmServiceConnectionFunction() {
fuchsiaVmServiceConnectionFunction = _waitAndConnect;
/// An error raised when a malformed RPC response is received from the Dart VM.
/// A more detailed description of the error is found within the [message]
/// field.
class RpcFormatError extends Error {
/// Basic constructor outlining the reason for the format error.
/// The reason for format error.
final String message;
String toString() {
return '$RpcFormatError: $message\n${super.stackTrace}';
/// Handles JSON RPC-2 communication with a Dart VM service.
/// Wraps existing RPC calls to the Dart VM service.
class DartVm {
DartVm._(this._vmService, this.uri);
final vms.VmService _vmService;
/// The URL through which this DartVM instance is connected.
final Uri uri;
/// Attempts to connect to the given [Uri].
/// Throws an error if unable to connect.
static Future<DartVm> connect(
Uri uri, {
Duration timeout = _kConnectTimeout,
}) async {
if (uri.scheme == 'http') {
uri = uri.replace(scheme: 'ws', path: '/ws');
final vms.VmService service = await fuchsiaVmServiceConnectionFunction(uri, timeout: timeout);
return DartVm._(service, uri);
/// Returns a [List] of [IsolateRef] objects whose name matches `pattern`.
/// This is not limited to Isolates running Flutter, but to any Isolate on the
/// VM. Therefore, the [pattern] argument should be written to exclude
/// matching unintended isolates.
Future<List<IsolateRef>> getMainIsolatesByPattern(Pattern pattern) async {
final vms.VM vmRef = await _vmService.getVM();
final List<IsolateRef> result = <IsolateRef>[];
for (final vms.IsolateRef isolateRef in vmRef.isolates!) {
if (pattern.matchAsPrefix(!) != null) {
_log.fine('Found Isolate matching "$pattern": "${}"');
result.add(IsolateRef._fromJson(isolateRef.json!, this));
return result;
/// Returns a list of [FlutterView] objects running across all Dart VM's.
/// If there is no associated isolate with the flutter view (used to determine
/// the flutter view's name), then the flutter view's ID will be added
/// instead. If none of these things can be found (isolate has no name or the
/// flutter view has no ID), then the result will not be added to the list.
Future<List<FlutterView>> getAllFlutterViews() async {
final List<FlutterView> views = <FlutterView>[];
final vms.Response rpcResponse = await _vmService.callMethod('_flutter.listViews');
for (final Map<String, dynamic> jsonView in (rpcResponse.json!['views'] as List<dynamic>).cast<Map<String, dynamic>>()) {
return views;
/// Tests that the connection to the [vms.VmService] is valid.
Future<void> ping() async {
final vms.Version version = await _vmService.getVersion();
_log.fine('DartVM($uri) version check result: $version');
/// Disconnects from the Dart VM Service.
/// After this function completes this object is no longer usable.
Future<void> stop() async {
await _vmService.dispose();
await _vmService.onDone;
/// Represents an instance of a Flutter view running on a Fuchsia device.
class FlutterView {
FlutterView._(this._name, this._id);
/// Attempts to construct a [FlutterView] from a json representation.
/// If there is no isolate and no ID for the view, throws an [RpcFormatError].
/// If there is an associated isolate, and there is no name for said isolate,
/// also throws an [RpcFormatError].
/// All other cases return a [FlutterView] instance. The name of the
/// view may be null, but the id will always be set.
factory FlutterView._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
final Map<String, dynamic>? isolate = json['isolate'] as Map<String, dynamic>?;
final String? id = json['id'] as String?;
String? name;
if (id == null) {
throw RpcFormatError(
'Unable to find view name for the following JSON structure "$json"');
if (isolate != null) {
name = isolate['name'] as String?;
if (name == null) {
throw RpcFormatError('Unable to find name for isolate "$isolate"');
return FlutterView._(name, id);
/// Determines the name of the isolate associated with this view. If there is
/// no associated isolate, this will be set to the view's ID.
final String? _name;
/// The ID of the Flutter view.
final String _id;
/// The ID of the [FlutterView].
String get id => _id;
/// Returns the name of the [FlutterView].
/// May be null if there is no associated isolate.
String? get name => _name;
/// This is a wrapper class for the `@Isolate` RPC object.
/// See:
/// This class contains information about the Isolate like its name and ID, as
/// well as a reference to the parent DartVM on which it is running.
class IsolateRef {
IsolateRef._(, this.number, this.dartVm);
factory IsolateRef._fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json, DartVm dartVm) {
final String? number = json['number'] as String?;
final String? name = json['name'] as String?;
final String? type = json['type'] as String?;
if (type == null) {
throw RpcFormatError('Unable to find type within JSON "$json"');
if (type != '@Isolate') {
throw RpcFormatError('Type "$type" does not match for IsolateRef');
if (number == null) {
throw RpcFormatError(
'Unable to find number for isolate ref within JSON "$json"');
if (name == null) {
throw RpcFormatError(
'Unable to find name for isolate ref within JSON "$json"');
return IsolateRef._(name, int.parse(number), dartVm);
/// The full name of this Isolate (not guaranteed to be unique).
final String name;
/// The unique number ID of this isolate.
final int number;
/// The parent [DartVm] on which this Isolate lives.
final DartVm dartVm;