blob: 8e3dd431443a65ba5a5125d9175dcf956569751f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Autogenerated from Pigeon (v18.0.0), do not edit directly.
// See also:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@protocol FlutterBinaryMessenger;
@protocol FlutterMessageCodec;
@class FlutterError;
@class FlutterStandardTypedData;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FCPPlatformCameraLensDirection) {
/// Front facing camera (a user looking at the screen is seen by the camera).
FCPPlatformCameraLensDirectionFront = 0,
/// Back facing camera (a user looking at the screen is not seen by the camera).
FCPPlatformCameraLensDirectionBack = 1,
/// External camera which may not be mounted to the device.
FCPPlatformCameraLensDirectionExternal = 2,
/// Wrapper for FCPPlatformCameraLensDirection to allow for nullability.
@interface FCPPlatformCameraLensDirectionBox : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformCameraLensDirection value;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(FCPPlatformCameraLensDirection)value;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FCPPlatformDeviceOrientation) {
FCPPlatformDeviceOrientationPortraitUp = 0,
FCPPlatformDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft = 1,
FCPPlatformDeviceOrientationPortraitDown = 2,
FCPPlatformDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight = 3,
/// Wrapper for FCPPlatformDeviceOrientation to allow for nullability.
@interface FCPPlatformDeviceOrientationBox : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformDeviceOrientation value;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(FCPPlatformDeviceOrientation)value;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FCPPlatformExposureMode) {
FCPPlatformExposureModeAuto = 0,
FCPPlatformExposureModeLocked = 1,
/// Wrapper for FCPPlatformExposureMode to allow for nullability.
@interface FCPPlatformExposureModeBox : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformExposureMode value;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(FCPPlatformExposureMode)value;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FCPPlatformFlashMode) {
FCPPlatformFlashModeOff = 0,
FCPPlatformFlashModeAuto = 1,
FCPPlatformFlashModeAlways = 2,
FCPPlatformFlashModeTorch = 3,
/// Wrapper for FCPPlatformFlashMode to allow for nullability.
@interface FCPPlatformFlashModeBox : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformFlashMode value;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(FCPPlatformFlashMode)value;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FCPPlatformFocusMode) {
FCPPlatformFocusModeAuto = 0,
FCPPlatformFocusModeLocked = 1,
/// Wrapper for FCPPlatformFocusMode to allow for nullability.
@interface FCPPlatformFocusModeBox : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformFocusMode value;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(FCPPlatformFocusMode)value;
/// Pigeon version of ImageFileFormat.
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FCPPlatformImageFileFormat) {
FCPPlatformImageFileFormatJpeg = 0,
FCPPlatformImageFileFormatHeif = 1,
/// Wrapper for FCPPlatformImageFileFormat to allow for nullability.
@interface FCPPlatformImageFileFormatBox : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformImageFileFormat value;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(FCPPlatformImageFileFormat)value;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FCPPlatformImageFormatGroup) {
FCPPlatformImageFormatGroupBgra8888 = 0,
FCPPlatformImageFormatGroupYuv420 = 1,
/// Wrapper for FCPPlatformImageFormatGroup to allow for nullability.
@interface FCPPlatformImageFormatGroupBox : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformImageFormatGroup value;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(FCPPlatformImageFormatGroup)value;
typedef NS_ENUM(NSUInteger, FCPPlatformResolutionPreset) {
FCPPlatformResolutionPresetLow = 0,
FCPPlatformResolutionPresetMedium = 1,
FCPPlatformResolutionPresetHigh = 2,
FCPPlatformResolutionPresetVeryHigh = 3,
FCPPlatformResolutionPresetUltraHigh = 4,
FCPPlatformResolutionPresetMax = 5,
/// Wrapper for FCPPlatformResolutionPreset to allow for nullability.
@interface FCPPlatformResolutionPresetBox : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformResolutionPreset value;
- (instancetype)initWithValue:(FCPPlatformResolutionPreset)value;
@class FCPPlatformCameraDescription;
@class FCPPlatformCameraState;
@class FCPPlatformMediaSettings;
@class FCPPlatformPoint;
@class FCPPlatformSize;
@interface FCPPlatformCameraDescription : NSObject
/// `init` unavailable to enforce nonnull fields, see the `make` class method.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)makeWithName:(NSString *)name
/// The name of the camera device.
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
/// The direction the camera is facing.
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformCameraLensDirection lensDirection;
@interface FCPPlatformCameraState : NSObject
/// `init` unavailable to enforce nonnull fields, see the `make` class method.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)makeWithPreviewSize:(FCPPlatformSize *)previewSize
/// The size of the preview, in pixels.
@property(nonatomic, strong) FCPPlatformSize *previewSize;
/// The default exposure mode
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformExposureMode exposureMode;
/// The default focus mode
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformFocusMode focusMode;
/// Whether setting exposure points is supported.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL exposurePointSupported;
/// Whether setting focus points is supported.
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL focusPointSupported;
@interface FCPPlatformMediaSettings : NSObject
/// `init` unavailable to enforce nonnull fields, see the `make` class method.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)makeWithResolutionPreset:(FCPPlatformResolutionPreset)resolutionPreset
framesPerSecond:(nullable NSNumber *)framesPerSecond
videoBitrate:(nullable NSNumber *)videoBitrate
audioBitrate:(nullable NSNumber *)audioBitrate
@property(nonatomic, assign) FCPPlatformResolutionPreset resolutionPreset;
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *framesPerSecond;
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *videoBitrate;
@property(nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSNumber *audioBitrate;
@property(nonatomic, assign) BOOL enableAudio;
@interface FCPPlatformPoint : NSObject
/// `init` unavailable to enforce nonnull fields, see the `make` class method.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)makeWithX:(double)x y:(double)y;
@property(nonatomic, assign) double x;
@property(nonatomic, assign) double y;
@interface FCPPlatformSize : NSObject
/// `init` unavailable to enforce nonnull fields, see the `make` class method.
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)makeWithWidth:(double)width height:(double)height;
@property(nonatomic, assign) double width;
@property(nonatomic, assign) double height;
/// The codec used by FCPCameraApi.
NSObject<FlutterMessageCodec> *FCPCameraApiGetCodec(void);
@protocol FCPCameraApi
/// Returns the list of available cameras.
- (void)availableCamerasWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSArray<FCPPlatformCameraDescription *> *_Nullable,
FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Create a new camera with the given settings, and returns its ID.
- (void)createCameraWithName:(NSString *)cameraName
settings:(FCPPlatformMediaSettings *)settings
completion:(void (^)(NSNumber *_Nullable, FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Initializes the camera with the given ID.
- (void)initializeCamera:(NSInteger)cameraId
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Begins streaming frames from the camera.
- (void)startImageStreamWithCompletion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Stops streaming frames from the camera.
- (void)stopImageStreamWithCompletion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Called by the Dart side of the plugin when it has received the last image
/// frame sent.
/// This is used to throttle sending frames across the channel.
- (void)receivedImageStreamDataWithCompletion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Indicates that the given camera is no longer being used on the Dart side,
/// and any associated resources can be cleaned up.
- (void)disposeCamera:(NSInteger)cameraId completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Locks the camera capture to the current device orientation.
- (void)lockCaptureOrientation:(FCPPlatformDeviceOrientation)orientation
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Unlocks camera capture orientation, allowing it to automatically adapt to
/// device orientation.
- (void)unlockCaptureOrientationWithCompletion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Takes a picture with the current settings, and returns the path to the
/// resulting file.
- (void)takePictureWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSString *_Nullable,
FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Does any preprocessing necessary before beginning to record video.
- (void)prepareForVideoRecordingWithCompletion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Begins recording video, optionally enabling streaming to Dart at the same
/// time.
- (void)startVideoRecordingWithStreaming:(BOOL)enableStream
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Stops recording video, and results the path to the resulting file.
- (void)stopVideoRecordingWithCompletion:(void (^)(NSString *_Nullable,
FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Pauses video recording.
- (void)pauseVideoRecordingWithCompletion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Resumes a previously paused video recording.
- (void)resumeVideoRecordingWithCompletion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Switches the camera to the given flash mode.
- (void)setFlashMode:(FCPPlatformFlashMode)mode
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Switches the camera to the given exposure mode.
- (void)setExposureMode:(FCPPlatformExposureMode)mode
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Anchors auto-exposure to the given point in (0,1) coordinate space.
/// A null value resets to the default exposure point.
- (void)setExposurePoint:(nullable FCPPlatformPoint *)point
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Returns the minimum exposure offset supported by the camera.
- (void)getMinimumExposureOffset:(void (^)(NSNumber *_Nullable, FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Returns the maximum exposure offset supported by the camera.
- (void)getMaximumExposureOffset:(void (^)(NSNumber *_Nullable, FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Sets the exposure offset manually to the given value.
- (void)setExposureOffset:(double)offset completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Switches the camera to the given focus mode.
- (void)setFocusMode:(FCPPlatformFocusMode)mode
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Anchors auto-focus to the given point in (0,1) coordinate space.
/// A null value resets to the default focus point.
- (void)setFocusPoint:(nullable FCPPlatformPoint *)point
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Returns the minimum zoom level supported by the camera.
- (void)getMinimumZoomLevel:(void (^)(NSNumber *_Nullable, FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Returns the maximum zoom level supported by the camera.
- (void)getMaximumZoomLevel:(void (^)(NSNumber *_Nullable, FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Sets the zoom factor.
- (void)setZoomLevel:(double)zoom completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Pauses streaming of preview frames.
- (void)pausePreviewWithCompletion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Resumes a previously paused preview stream.
- (void)resumePreviewWithCompletion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Changes the camera used while recording video.
/// This should only be called while video recording is active.
- (void)updateDescriptionWhileRecordingCameraName:(NSString *)cameraName
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Sets the file format used for taking pictures.
- (void)setImageFileFormat:(FCPPlatformImageFileFormat)format
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
extern void SetUpFCPCameraApi(id<FlutterBinaryMessenger> binaryMessenger,
NSObject<FCPCameraApi> *_Nullable api);
extern void SetUpFCPCameraApiWithSuffix(id<FlutterBinaryMessenger> binaryMessenger,
NSObject<FCPCameraApi> *_Nullable api,
NSString *messageChannelSuffix);
/// The codec used by FCPCameraGlobalEventApi.
NSObject<FlutterMessageCodec> *FCPCameraGlobalEventApiGetCodec(void);
/// Handler for native callbacks that are not tied to a specific camera ID.
@interface FCPCameraGlobalEventApi : NSObject
- (instancetype)initWithBinaryMessenger:(id<FlutterBinaryMessenger>)binaryMessenger;
- (instancetype)initWithBinaryMessenger:(id<FlutterBinaryMessenger>)binaryMessenger
messageChannelSuffix:(nullable NSString *)messageChannelSuffix;
/// Called when the device's physical orientation changes.
- (void)deviceOrientationChangedOrientation:(FCPPlatformDeviceOrientation)orientation
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// The codec used by FCPCameraEventApi.
NSObject<FlutterMessageCodec> *FCPCameraEventApiGetCodec(void);
/// Handler for native callbacks that are tied to a specific camera ID.
/// This is intended to be initialized with the camera ID as a suffix.
@interface FCPCameraEventApi : NSObject
- (instancetype)initWithBinaryMessenger:(id<FlutterBinaryMessenger>)binaryMessenger;
- (instancetype)initWithBinaryMessenger:(id<FlutterBinaryMessenger>)binaryMessenger
messageChannelSuffix:(nullable NSString *)messageChannelSuffix;
/// Called when the camera is inialitized for use.
- (void)initializedWithState:(FCPPlatformCameraState *)initialState
completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;
/// Called when an error occurs in the camera.
/// This should be used for errors that occur outside of the context of
/// handling a specific HostApi call, such as during streaming.
- (void)reportError:(NSString *)message completion:(void (^)(FlutterError *_Nullable))completion;