blob: f99e03f2a4dffb4d824402d2a7e07586e0906a06 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:pigeon/pigeon.dart';
dartOut: 'lib/src/messages.g.dart',
objcHeaderOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.h',
objcSourceOut: 'ios/Classes/messages.g.m',
objcOptions: ObjcOptions(prefix: 'FCP'),
copyrightHeader: 'pigeons/copyright.txt',
// Pigeon version of CameraLensDirection.
enum PlatformCameraLensDirection {
/// Front facing camera (a user looking at the screen is seen by the camera).
/// Back facing camera (a user looking at the screen is not seen by the camera).
/// External camera which may not be mounted to the device.
// Pigeon version of DeviceOrientation.
enum PlatformDeviceOrientation {
// Pigeon version of ExposureMode.
enum PlatformExposureMode {
// Pigeon version of FlashMode.
enum PlatformFlashMode {
// Pigeon version of FocusMode.
enum PlatformFocusMode {
/// Pigeon version of ImageFileFormat.
enum PlatformImageFileFormat {
// Pigeon version of the subset of ImageFormatGroup supported on iOS.
enum PlatformImageFormatGroup {
// Pigeon version of ResolutionPreset.
enum PlatformResolutionPreset {
// Pigeon version of CameraDescription.
class PlatformCameraDescription {
required this.lensDirection,
/// The name of the camera device.
final String name;
/// The direction the camera is facing.
final PlatformCameraLensDirection lensDirection;
// Pigeon version of the data needed for a CameraInitializedEvent.
class PlatformCameraState {
required this.previewSize,
required this.exposureMode,
required this.focusMode,
required this.exposurePointSupported,
required this.focusPointSupported,
/// The size of the preview, in pixels.
final PlatformSize previewSize;
/// The default exposure mode
final PlatformExposureMode exposureMode;
/// The default focus mode
final PlatformFocusMode focusMode;
/// Whether setting exposure points is supported.
final bool exposurePointSupported;
/// Whether setting focus points is supported.
final bool focusPointSupported;
// Pigeon version of to MediaSettings.
class PlatformMediaSettings {
required this.resolutionPreset,
required this.framesPerSecond,
required this.videoBitrate,
required this.audioBitrate,
required this.enableAudio,
final PlatformResolutionPreset resolutionPreset;
final int? framesPerSecond;
final int? videoBitrate;
final int? audioBitrate;
final bool enableAudio;
// Pigeon equivalent of CGPoint.
class PlatformPoint {
PlatformPoint({required this.x, required this.y});
final double x;
final double y;
// Pigeon equivalent of CGSize.
class PlatformSize {
PlatformSize({required this.width, required this.height});
final double width;
final double height;
abstract class CameraApi {
/// Returns the list of available cameras.
// TODO(stuartmorgan): Make the generic type non-nullable once supported.
// The consuming code treats it as non-nullable.
List<PlatformCameraDescription?> getAvailableCameras();
/// Create a new camera with the given settings, and returns its ID.
int create(String cameraName, PlatformMediaSettings settings);
/// Initializes the camera with the given ID.
void initialize(int cameraId, PlatformImageFormatGroup imageFormat);
/// Begins streaming frames from the camera.
void startImageStream();
/// Stops streaming frames from the camera.
void stopImageStream();
/// Called by the Dart side of the plugin when it has received the last image
/// frame sent.
/// This is used to throttle sending frames across the channel.
void receivedImageStreamData();
/// Indicates that the given camera is no longer being used on the Dart side,
/// and any associated resources can be cleaned up.
void dispose(int cameraId);
/// Locks the camera capture to the current device orientation.
void lockCaptureOrientation(PlatformDeviceOrientation orientation);
/// Unlocks camera capture orientation, allowing it to automatically adapt to
/// device orientation.
void unlockCaptureOrientation();
/// Takes a picture with the current settings, and returns the path to the
/// resulting file.
String takePicture();
/// Does any preprocessing necessary before beginning to record video.
void prepareForVideoRecording();
/// Begins recording video, optionally enabling streaming to Dart at the same
/// time.
void startVideoRecording(bool enableStream);
/// Stops recording video, and results the path to the resulting file.
String stopVideoRecording();
/// Pauses video recording.
void pauseVideoRecording();
/// Resumes a previously paused video recording.
void resumeVideoRecording();
/// Switches the camera to the given flash mode.
void setFlashMode(PlatformFlashMode mode);
/// Switches the camera to the given exposure mode.
void setExposureMode(PlatformExposureMode mode);
/// Anchors auto-exposure to the given point in (0,1) coordinate space.
/// A null value resets to the default exposure point.
void setExposurePoint(PlatformPoint? point);
/// Returns the minimum exposure offset supported by the camera.
double getMinExposureOffset();
/// Returns the maximum exposure offset supported by the camera.
double getMaxExposureOffset();
/// Sets the exposure offset manually to the given value.
void setExposureOffset(double offset);
/// Switches the camera to the given focus mode.
void setFocusMode(PlatformFocusMode mode);
/// Anchors auto-focus to the given point in (0,1) coordinate space.
/// A null value resets to the default focus point.
void setFocusPoint(PlatformPoint? point);
/// Returns the minimum zoom level supported by the camera.
double getMinZoomLevel();
/// Returns the maximum zoom level supported by the camera.
double getMaxZoomLevel();
/// Sets the zoom factor.
void setZoomLevel(double zoom);
/// Pauses streaming of preview frames.
void pausePreview();
/// Resumes a previously paused preview stream.
void resumePreview();
/// Changes the camera used while recording video.
/// This should only be called while video recording is active.
void updateDescriptionWhileRecording(String cameraName);
/// Sets the file format used for taking pictures.
void setImageFileFormat(PlatformImageFileFormat format);
/// Handler for native callbacks that are not tied to a specific camera ID.
abstract class CameraGlobalEventApi {
/// Called when the device's physical orientation changes.
void deviceOrientationChanged(PlatformDeviceOrientation orientation);
/// Handler for native callbacks that are tied to a specific camera ID.
/// This is intended to be initialized with the camera ID as a suffix.
abstract class CameraEventApi {
/// Called when the camera is inialitized for use.
void initialized(PlatformCameraState initialState);
/// Called when an error occurs in the camera.
/// This should be used for errors that occur outside of the context of
/// handling a specific HostApi call, such as during streaming.
void error(String message);